

class nni.compression.TorchEvaluator(training_func, optimizers, training_step, lr_schedulers=None, dummy_input=None, evaluating_func=None)[source]

TorchEvaluator is the Evaluator for native PyTorch users. Please refer to the Compression Evaluator for the evaluator initialization example.

  • training_func (_TRAINING_FUNC) –

    The training function is used to train the model, note that this a entire optimization training loop. Training function has three required parameters, model, optimizers and training_step, and three optional parameters, lr_schedulers, max_steps, max_epochs.

    Let’s explain these six parameters NNI passed in, but in most cases, users don’t need to care about these. Users only need to treat these six parameters as the original parameters during the training process.

    • The model is a wrapped model from the original model, it has a similar structure to the model to be pruned, so it can share training function with the original model.

    • optimizers are re-initialized from the optimizers passed to the evaluator and the wrapped model’s parameters.

    • training_step also based on the training_step passed to the evaluator, it might be modified by the compressor during model compression.

    • If users use lr_schedulers in the training_func, NNI will re-initialize the lr_schedulers with the re-initialized optimizers.

    • max_steps is the NNI training duration limitation. It is for pruner (or quantizer) to control the number of training steps. The user implemented training_func should respect max_steps by stopping the training loop after max_steps is reached. Pruner may pass None to max_steps when it only controls max_epochs.

    • max_epochs is similar to the max_steps, the only different is that it controls the number of training epochs. The user implemented training_func should respect max_epochs by stopping the training loop after max_epochs is reached. Pruner may pass None to max_epochs when it only controls max_steps.

    Note that when the pruner passes None to both max_steps and max_epochs, it treats training_func as a function of model fine-tuning. Users should assign proper values to max_steps and max_epochs.

    def training_func(model: torch.nn.Module, optimizers: torch.optim.Optimizer,
                      training_step: Callable[[Any, Any], torch.Tensor],
                      lr_schedulers: _LRScheduler | None = None, max_steps: int | None = None,
                      max_epochs: int | None = None, *args, **kwargs):
        total_epochs = max_epochs if max_epochs else 20
        total_steps = max_steps if max_steps else 1000000
        current_steps = 0
        for epoch in range(total_epochs):
            if current_steps >= total_steps:

    Note that optimizers and lr_schedulers passed to the training_func have the same type as the optimizers and lr_schedulers passed to evaluator, a single torch.optim.Optimzier/ torch.optim._LRScheduler instance or a list of them.

  • optimziers

    A single traced optimizer instance or a list of traced optimizers by nni.trace.

    NNI may modify the torch.optim.Optimizer member function step and/or optimize compressed models, so NNI needs to have the ability to re-initialize the optimizer. nni.trace can record the initialization parameters of a function/class, which can then be used by NNI to re-initialize the optimizer for a new but structurally similar model.

    E.g. traced_optimizer = nni.trace(torch.nn.Adam)(model.parameters()).

  • training_step (_TRAINING_STEP) –

    A callable function, the first argument of inputs should be batch, and the outputs should contain loss. Three kinds of outputs are supported: single loss, tuple with the first element is loss, a dict contains a key loss.

    def training_step(batch, model, ...):
        inputs, labels = batch
        output = model(inputs)
        loss = loss_func(output, labels)
        return loss

  • lr_schedulers (SCHEDULER | List[SCHEDULER] | None) –

    Optional. A single traced lr_scheduler instance or a list of traced lr_schedulers by nni.trace. For the same reason with optimizers, NNI needs the traced lr_scheduler to re-initialize it.

    E.g. traced_lr_scheduler = nni.trace(ExponentialLR)(optimizer, 0.1).

  • dummy_input (Any | None) – Optional. The dummy_input is used to trace the graph, it’s same with example_inputs in torch.jit.trace.

  • evaluating_func (_EVALUATING_FUNC | None) – Optional. A function that input is model and return the evaluation metric. This is the function used to evaluate the compressed model performance. The input is a model and the output is a float metric or a dict (dict should contains key default with a float value). NNI will take the float number as the model score, and assume the higher score means the better performance. If you want to provide additional information, please put it into a dict and NNI will take the value of key default as evaluation metric.


It is also worth to note that not all the arguments of TorchEvaluator must be provided. Some pruners (or quantizers) only require evaluating_func as they do not train the model, some pruners (or quantizers) only require training_func. Please refer to each pruner’s (or quantizer’s) doc to check the required arguments. But, it is fine to provide more arguments than the pruner’s (or quantizer’s) need.


class nni.compression.LightningEvaluator(trainer, data_module, dummy_input=None)[source]

LightningEvaluator is the Evaluator based on PyTorchLightning. It is very friendly to the users who are familiar to PyTorchLightning or already have training/validation/testing code written in PyTorchLightning. The only need is to use nni.trace to trace the Trainer & LightningDataModule.

Additionally, please make sure the Optimizer class and LR_Scheduler class used in LightningModule.configure_optimizers() are also be traced by nni.trace.

Please refer to the Compression Evaluator for the evaluator initialization example.

  • trainer (pl.Trainer) – Pytorch-Lightning Trainer. It should be traced by nni, e.g., trainer = nni.trace(pl.Trainer)(...).

  • data_module (pl.LightningDataModule) – Pytorch-Lightning LightningDataModule. It should be traced by nni, e.g., data_module = nni.trace(pl.LightningDataModule)(...).

  • dummy_input (Any | None) – The dummy_input is used to trace the graph. If dummy_input is not given, will use the data in data_module.train_dataloader().


If the the test metric is needed by nni, please make sure log metric with key default in LightningModule.test_step().


class nni.compression.TransformersEvaluator(trainer, dummy_input=None)[source]

TransformersEvaluator is for the users who using Huggingface transformers.trainer.Trainer.

Here is an example for using transformers.trainer.Trainer to initialize an evaluator:

from transformers.trainer import Trainer

# wrap Trainer class with nni.trace
trainer = nni.trace(Trainer)(model=model)
evaluator = TransformersEvaluator(trainer)

# if you want to using customized optimizer & lr_scheduler, please also wrap Optimzier & _LRScheduler class
optimizer = nni.trace(Adam)(...)
lr_scheduler = nni.trace(LambdaLR)(...)
trainer = nni.trace(Trainer)(model=model, ..., optimizers=(optimizer, lr_scheduler))
evaluator = TransformersEvaluator(trainer)
  • trainer (HFTrainer) – nni.trace(transformers.trainer.Trainer) instance. The trainer will be re-initialized inside evaluator, so wrap with nni.trace is required for getting the initialization arguments.

  • dummy_input (Any | None) –

    Optional. The dummy_input is used to trace the graph, it’s same with example_inputs in torch.jit.trace.


class nni.compression.DeepspeedTorchEvaluator(training_func, training_step, deepspeed, optimizer=None, lr_scheduler=None, resume_from_checkpoint_args=None, dummy_input=None, evaluating_func=None)[source]

The DeepseedTorchEvaluator is an evaluator designed specifically for native PyTorch users who are utilizing DeepSpeed.

  • training_func (_TRAINING_FUNC) –

    The training function is used to train the model, note that this a entire optimization training loop. Training function has three required parameters, model, optimizers and training_step, and three optional parameters, lr_schedulers, max_steps, max_epochs.

    Let’s explain these six parameters NNI passed in, but in most cases, users don’t need to care about these. Users only need to treat these six parameters as the original parameters during the training process.

    • The model is a wrapped model from the original model, it has a similar structure to the model to be pruned, so it can share training function with the original model.

    • optimizers are re-initialized from the optimizers passed to the evaluator and the wrapped model’s parameters.

    • training_step also based on the training_step passed to the evaluator, it might be modified by the compressor during model compression.

    • If users use lr_schedulers in the training_func, NNI will re-initialize the lr_schedulers with the re-initialized optimizers.

    • max_steps is the NNI training duration limitation. It is for pruner (or quantizer) to control the number of training steps. The user implemented training_func should respect max_steps by stopping the training loop after max_steps is reached. Pruner may pass None to max_steps when it only controls max_epochs.

    • max_epochs is similar to the max_steps, the only different is that it controls the number of training epochs. The user implemented training_func should respect max_epochs by stopping the training loop after max_epochs is reached. Pruner may pass None to max_epochs when it only controls max_steps.

    Note that when the pruner passes None to both max_steps and max_epochs, it treats training_func as a function of model fine-tuning. Users should assign proper values to max_steps and max_epochs.

    def training_func(model: DeepSpeedEngine, optimizers: torch.optim.Optimizer,
                      training_step: Callable[[Any, Any], torch.Tensor],
                      lr_schedulers: _LRScheduler | None = None, max_steps: int | None = None,
                      max_epochs: int | None = None, *args, **kwargs):
        total_epochs = max_epochs if max_epochs else 20
        total_steps = max_steps if max_steps else 1000000
        current_steps = 0
        for epoch in range(total_epochs):
            if current_steps >= total_steps:

    Note that optimizers and lr_schedulers passed to the training_func have the same type as the optimizers and lr_schedulers passed to evaluator, a single torch.optim.Optimzier/ torch.optim._LRScheduler instance or a list of them.

  • training_step (_TRAINING_STEP) –

    A callable function, the first argument of inputs should be batch, and the outputs should contain loss. Three kinds of outputs are supported: single loss, tuple with the first element is loss, a dict contains a key loss.

    def training_step(batch, model, ...):
        inputs, labels = batch
        output = model(inputs)
        loss = loss_func(output, labels)
        return loss

  • deepspeed (str | Dict) – Str | dict. The deepspeed configuration which Contains the parameters needed in DeepSpeed, such as train_batch_size, among others.

  • optimzier – Optional. A single traced optimizer instance or a function that takes the model parameters as input and returns an optimizer instance. NNI may modify the torch.optim.Optimizer member function step and/or optimize compressed models, so NNI needs to have the ability to re-initialize the optimizer. nni.trace can record the initialization parameters of a function/class, which can then be used by NNI to re-initialize the optimizer for a new but structurally similar model. E.g. traced_optimizer = nni.trace(torch.nn.Adam)(model.parameters()).

  • lr_schedulers – Optional. A single traced lr_scheduler instance or a function that takes the model parameters and the optimizer as input and returns an lr_scheduler instance. For the same reason with optimizers, NNI needs the traced lr_scheduler to re-initialize it. E.g. traced_lr_scheduler = nni.trace(ExponentialLR)(optimizer, 0.1).

  • resume_from_checkpoint_args (Dict | None) –

    Dict | None. Used in the deepspeed_init process to load models saved during training with DeepSpeed. Let’s explain these seven elements in the resume_from_checkpoint_args.

    • load_dir: The directory to load the checkpoint from.

    • tag : Checkpoint tag used as a unique identifier for checkpoint, if not provided will attempt to load tag in ‘latest’ file

    • load_module_strict: Optional. Boolean to strictly enforce that the keys in state_dict of module and checkpoint match.

    • load_optimizer_states: Optional. Boolean to load the training optimizer states from Checkpoint.

    • load_lr_scheduler_states: Optional. Boolean to add the learning rate scheduler states from Checkpoint.

    • load_module_only: Optional. Boolean to load only the model weights from the checkpoint.

    • custom_load_fn: Optional. Custom model load function.

  • dummy_input (Any | None) –

    Optional. The dummy_input is used to trace the graph, it’s same with example_inputs in torch.jit.trace.

  • evaluating_func (_EVALUATING_FUNC | None) – Optional. A function that input is model and return the evaluation metric. This is the function used to evaluate the compressed model performance. The input is a model and the output is a float metric or a dict (dict should contains key default with a float value). NNI will take the float number as the model score, and assume the higher score means the better performance. If you want to provide additional information, please put it into a dict and NNI will take the value of key default as evaluation metric.


It is also worth to note that not all the arguments of DeepspeedTorchEvaluator must be provided. Some pruners (or quantizers) only require evaluating_func as they do not train the model, some pruners (or quantizers) only require training_func. Please refer to each pruner’s (or quantizer’s) doc to check the required arguments. But, it is fine to provide more arguments than the pruner’s (or quantizer’s) need.