Use NAS Benchmarks as Datasets

In this tutorial, we show how to use NAS Benchmarks as datasets. For research purposes we sometimes desire to query the benchmarks for architecture accuracies, rather than train them one by one from scratch. NNI has provided query tools so that users can easily get the retrieve the data in NAS benchmarks.


This tutorial assumes that you have already prepared your NAS benchmarks under cache directory (by default, ~/.cache/nni/nasbenchmark). If you haven't, please follow the data preparation guide in NAS Benchmark.

As a result, the directory should look like:

import os


['nasbench101-209f5694.db', 'nasbench201-b2b60732.db', 'nds-5745c235.db']
import pprint

from nni.nas.benchmarks.nasbench101 import query_nb101_trial_stats
from nni.nas.benchmarks.nasbench201 import query_nb201_trial_stats
from nni.nas.benchmarks.nds import query_nds_trial_stats


Use the following architecture as an example:

arch = {
    'op1': 'conv3x3-bn-relu',
    'op2': 'maxpool3x3',
    'op3': 'conv3x3-bn-relu',
    'op4': 'conv3x3-bn-relu',
    'op5': 'conv1x1-bn-relu',
    'input1': [0],
    'input2': [1],
    'input3': [2],
    'input4': [0],
    'input5': [0, 3, 4],
    'input6': [2, 5]
for t in query_nb101_trial_stats(arch, 108, include_intermediates=True):


[2022-02-28 13:48:51] INFO (nni.nas.benchmarks.utils/MainThread) "/home/yugzhan/.cache/nni/nasbenchmark/nasbench101-209f5694.db" already exists. Checking hash.
{'config': {'arch': {'input1': [0],
                     'input2': [1],
                     'input3': [2],
                     'input4': [0],
                     'input5': [0, 3, 4],
                     'input6': [2, 5],
                     'op1': 'conv3x3-bn-relu',
                     'op2': 'maxpool3x3',
                     'op3': 'conv3x3-bn-relu',
                     'op4': 'conv3x3-bn-relu',
                     'op5': 'conv1x1-bn-relu'},
            'hash': '00005c142e6f48ac74fdcf73e3439874',
            'id': 4,
            'num_epochs': 108,
            'num_vertices': 7},
 'id': 10,
 'intermediates': [{'current_epoch': 54,
                    'id': 19,
                    'test_acc': 77.40384340286255,
                    'train_acc': 82.82251358032227,
                    'training_time': 883.4580078125,
                    'valid_acc': 77.76442170143127},
                   {'current_epoch': 108,
                    'id': 20,
                    'test_acc': 92.11738705635071,
                    'train_acc': 100.0,
                    'training_time': 1769.1279296875,
                    'valid_acc': 92.41786599159241}],
 'parameters': 8.55553,
 'test_acc': 92.11738705635071,
 'train_acc': 100.0,
 'training_time': 106147.67578125,
 'valid_acc': 92.41786599159241}
{'config': {'arch': {'input1': [0],
                     'input2': [1],
                     'input3': [2],
                     'input4': [0],
                     'input5': [0, 3, 4],
                     'input6': [2, 5],
                     'op1': 'conv3x3-bn-relu',
                     'op2': 'maxpool3x3',
                     'op3': 'conv3x3-bn-relu',
                     'op4': 'conv3x3-bn-relu',
                     'op5': 'conv1x1-bn-relu'},
            'hash': '00005c142e6f48ac74fdcf73e3439874',
            'id': 4,
            'num_epochs': 108,
            'num_vertices': 7},
 'id': 11,
 'intermediates': [{'current_epoch': 54,
                    'id': 21,
                    'test_acc': 82.04126358032227,
                    'train_acc': 87.96073794364929,
                    'training_time': 883.6810302734375,
                    'valid_acc': 82.91265964508057},
                   {'current_epoch': 108,
                    'id': 22,
                    'test_acc': 91.90705418586731,
                    'train_acc': 100.0,
                    'training_time': 1768.2509765625,
                    'valid_acc': 92.45793223381042}],
 'parameters': 8.55553,
 'test_acc': 91.90705418586731,
 'train_acc': 100.0,
 'training_time': 106095.05859375,
 'valid_acc': 92.45793223381042}
{'config': {'arch': {'input1': [0],
                     'input2': [1],
                     'input3': [2],
                     'input4': [0],
                     'input5': [0, 3, 4],
                     'input6': [2, 5],
                     'op1': 'conv3x3-bn-relu',
                     'op2': 'maxpool3x3',
                     'op3': 'conv3x3-bn-relu',
                     'op4': 'conv3x3-bn-relu',
                     'op5': 'conv1x1-bn-relu'},
            'hash': '00005c142e6f48ac74fdcf73e3439874',
            'id': 4,
            'num_epochs': 108,
            'num_vertices': 7},
 'id': 12,
 'intermediates': [{'current_epoch': 54,
                    'id': 23,
                    'test_acc': 80.58894276618958,
                    'train_acc': 86.34815812110901,
                    'training_time': 883.4569702148438,
                    'valid_acc': 81.1598539352417},
                   {'current_epoch': 108,
                    'id': 24,
                    'test_acc': 92.15745329856873,
                    'train_acc': 100.0,
                    'training_time': 1768.9759521484375,
                    'valid_acc': 93.04887652397156}],
 'parameters': 8.55553,
 'test_acc': 92.15745329856873,
 'train_acc': 100.0,
 'training_time': 106138.55712890625,
 'valid_acc': 93.04887652397156}

An architecture of NAS-Bench-101 could be trained more than once. Each element of the returned generator is a dict which contains one of the training results of this trial config (architecture + hyper-parameters) including train/valid/test accuracy, training time, number of epochs, etc. The results of NAS-Bench-201 and NDS follow similar formats.


Use the following architecture as an example:

arch = {
    '0_1': 'avg_pool_3x3',
    '0_2': 'conv_1x1',
    '1_2': 'skip_connect',
    '0_3': 'conv_1x1',
    '1_3': 'skip_connect',
    '2_3': 'skip_connect'
for t in query_nb201_trial_stats(arch, 200, 'cifar100'):


[2022-02-28 13:49:09] INFO (nni.nas.benchmarks.utils/MainThread) "/home/yugzhan/.cache/nni/nasbenchmark/nasbench201-b2b60732.db" already exists. Checking hash.
{'config': {'arch': {'0_1': 'avg_pool_3x3',
                     '0_2': 'conv_1x1',
                     '0_3': 'conv_1x1',
                     '1_2': 'skip_connect',
                     '1_3': 'skip_connect',
                     '2_3': 'skip_connect'},
            'dataset': 'cifar100',
            'id': 7,
            'num_cells': 5,
            'num_channels': 16,
            'num_epochs': 200},
 'flops': 15.65322,
 'id': 3,
 'latency': 0.013182918230692545,
 'ori_test_acc': 53.11,
 'ori_test_evaluation_time': 1.0195916947864352,
 'ori_test_loss': 1.7307863704681397,
 'parameters': 0.135156,
 'seed': 999,
 'test_acc': 53.07999995727539,
 'test_evaluation_time': 0.5097958473932176,
 'test_loss': 1.731276072692871,
 'train_acc': 57.82,
 'train_loss': 1.5116578379058838,
 'training_time': 2888.4371995925903,
 'valid_acc': 53.14000000610351,
 'valid_evaluation_time': 0.5097958473932176,
 'valid_loss': 1.7302966793060304}
{'config': {'arch': {'0_1': 'avg_pool_3x3',
                     '0_2': 'conv_1x1',
                     '0_3': 'conv_1x1',
                     '1_2': 'skip_connect',
                     '1_3': 'skip_connect',
                     '2_3': 'skip_connect'},
            'dataset': 'cifar100',
            'id': 7,
            'num_cells': 5,
            'num_channels': 16,
            'num_epochs': 200},
 'flops': 15.65322,
 'id': 7,
 'latency': 0.013182918230692545,
 'ori_test_acc': 51.93,
 'ori_test_evaluation_time': 1.0195916947864352,
 'ori_test_loss': 1.7572312774658203,
 'parameters': 0.135156,
 'seed': 777,
 'test_acc': 51.979999938964845,
 'test_evaluation_time': 0.5097958473932176,
 'test_loss': 1.7429540189743042,
 'train_acc': 57.578,
 'train_loss': 1.5114233912658692,
 'training_time': 2888.4371995925903,
 'valid_acc': 51.88,
 'valid_evaluation_time': 0.5097958473932176,
 'valid_loss': 1.7715086591720581}
{'config': {'arch': {'0_1': 'avg_pool_3x3',
                     '0_2': 'conv_1x1',
                     '0_3': 'conv_1x1',
                     '1_2': 'skip_connect',
                     '1_3': 'skip_connect',
                     '2_3': 'skip_connect'},
            'dataset': 'cifar100',
            'id': 7,
            'num_cells': 5,
            'num_channels': 16,
            'num_epochs': 200},
 'flops': 15.65322,
 'id': 11,
 'latency': 0.013182918230692545,
 'ori_test_acc': 53.38,
 'ori_test_evaluation_time': 1.0195916947864352,
 'ori_test_loss': 1.7281623031616211,
 'parameters': 0.135156,
 'seed': 888,
 'test_acc': 53.67999998779297,
 'test_evaluation_time': 0.5097958473932176,
 'test_loss': 1.7327697801589965,
 'train_acc': 57.792,
 'train_loss': 1.5091403088760376,
 'training_time': 2888.4371995925903,
 'valid_acc': 53.08000000610352,
 'valid_evaluation_time': 0.5097958473932176,
 'valid_loss': 1.7235548280715942}

Intermediate results are also available.

for t in query_nb201_trial_stats(arch, None, 'imagenet16-120', include_intermediates=True):
    print('Intermediates:', len(t['intermediates']))


{'id': 4, 'arch': {'0_1': 'avg_pool_3x3', '0_2': 'conv_1x1', '0_3': 'conv_1x1', '1_2': 'skip_connect', '1_3': 'skip_connect', '2_3': 'skip_connect'}, 'num_epochs': 12, 'num_channels': 16, 'num_cells': 5, 'dataset': 'imagenet16-120'}
Intermediates: 12
{'id': 8, 'arch': {'0_1': 'avg_pool_3x3', '0_2': 'conv_1x1', '0_3': 'conv_1x1', '1_2': 'skip_connect', '1_3': 'skip_connect', '2_3': 'skip_connect'}, 'num_epochs': 200, 'num_channels': 16, 'num_cells': 5, 'dataset': 'imagenet16-120'}
Intermediates: 200
{'id': 8, 'arch': {'0_1': 'avg_pool_3x3', '0_2': 'conv_1x1', '0_3': 'conv_1x1', '1_2': 'skip_connect', '1_3': 'skip_connect', '2_3': 'skip_connect'}, 'num_epochs': 200, 'num_channels': 16, 'num_cells': 5, 'dataset': 'imagenet16-120'}
Intermediates: 200
{'id': 8, 'arch': {'0_1': 'avg_pool_3x3', '0_2': 'conv_1x1', '0_3': 'conv_1x1', '1_2': 'skip_connect', '1_3': 'skip_connect', '2_3': 'skip_connect'}, 'num_epochs': 200, 'num_channels': 16, 'num_cells': 5, 'dataset': 'imagenet16-120'}
Intermediates: 200


Use the following architecture as an example:


Here, bot_muls, ds, num_gs, ss and ws stand for "bottleneck multipliers", "depths", "number of groups", "strides" and "widths" respectively.

model_spec = {
    'bot_muls': [0.0, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25],
    'ds': [1, 16, 1, 4],
    'num_gs': [1, 2, 1, 2],
    'ss': [1, 1, 2, 2],
    'ws': [16, 64, 128, 16]

Use none as a wildcard.

for t in query_nds_trial_stats('residual_bottleneck', None, None, model_spec, None, 'cifar10'):


[2022-02-28 13:49:36] INFO (nni.nas.benchmarks.utils/MainThread) "/home/yugzhan/.cache/nni/nasbenchmark/nds-5745c235.db" already exists. Checking hash.
{'best_test_acc': 90.48,
 'best_train_acc': 96.356,
 'best_train_loss': 0.116,
 'config': {'base_lr': 0.1,
            'cell_spec': {},
            'dataset': 'cifar10',
            'generator': 'random',
            'id': 45505,
            'model_family': 'residual_bottleneck',
            'model_spec': {'bot_muls': [0.0, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25],
                           'ds': [1, 16, 1, 4],
                           'num_gs': [1, 2, 1, 2],
                           'ss': [1, 1, 2, 2],
                           'ws': [16, 64, 128, 16]},
            'num_epochs': 100,
            'proposer': 'resnext-a',
            'weight_decay': 0.0005},
 'final_test_acc': 90.39,
 'final_train_acc': 96.298,
 'final_train_loss': 0.116,
 'flops': 69.890986,
 'id': 45505,
 'iter_time': 0.065,
 'parameters': 0.083002,
 'seed': 1}
model_spec = {
    'bot_muls': [0.0, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25],
    'ds': [1, 16, 1, 4],
    'num_gs': [1, 2, 1, 2],
    'ss': [1, 1, 2, 2],
    'ws': [16, 64, 128, 16]
for t in query_nds_trial_stats('residual_bottleneck', None, None, model_spec, None, 'cifar10', include_intermediates=True):


[{'current_epoch': 1,
  'id': 4494501,
  'test_acc': 41.76,
  'train_acc': 30.421000000000006,
  'train_loss': 1.793},
 {'current_epoch': 2,
  'id': 4494502,
  'test_acc': 54.66,
  'train_acc': 47.24,
  'train_loss': 1.415},
 {'current_epoch': 3,
  'id': 4494503,
  'test_acc': 59.97,
  'train_acc': 56.983,
  'train_loss': 1.179},
 {'current_epoch': 4,
  'id': 4494504,
  'test_acc': 62.91,
  'train_acc': 61.955,
  'train_loss': 1.048},
 {'current_epoch': 5,
  'id': 4494505,
  'test_acc': 66.16,
  'train_acc': 64.493,
  'train_loss': 0.983},
 {'current_epoch': 6,
  'id': 4494506,
  'test_acc': 66.5,
  'train_acc': 66.274,
  'train_loss': 0.937},
 {'current_epoch': 7,
  'id': 4494507,
  'test_acc': 67.55,
  'train_acc': 67.426,
  'train_loss': 0.907},
 {'current_epoch': 8,
  'id': 4494508,
  'test_acc': 69.45,
  'train_acc': 68.45400000000001,
  'train_loss': 0.878},
 {'current_epoch': 9,
  'id': 4494509,
  'test_acc': 70.14,
  'train_acc': 69.295,
  'train_loss': 0.857},
 {'current_epoch': 10,
  'id': 4494510,
  'test_acc': 69.47,
  'train_acc': 70.304,
  'train_loss': 0.832}]
model_spec = {'ds': [1, 12, 12, 12], 'ss': [1, 1, 2, 2], 'ws': [16, 24, 24, 40]}
for t in query_nds_trial_stats('residual_basic', 'resnet', 'random', model_spec, {}, 'cifar10'):


{'best_test_acc': 93.58,
 'best_train_acc': 99.772,
 'best_train_loss': 0.011,
 'config': {'base_lr': 0.1,
            'cell_spec': {},
            'dataset': 'cifar10',
            'generator': 'random',
            'id': 108998,
            'model_family': 'residual_basic',
            'model_spec': {'ds': [1, 12, 12, 12],
                           'ss': [1, 1, 2, 2],
                           'ws': [16, 24, 24, 40]},
            'num_epochs': 100,
            'proposer': 'resnet',
            'weight_decay': 0.0005},
 'final_test_acc': 93.49,
 'final_train_acc': 99.772,
 'final_train_loss': 0.011,
 'flops': 184.519578,
 'id': 108998,
 'iter_time': 0.059,
 'parameters': 0.594138,
 'seed': 1}

Get the first one.

pprint.pprint(next(query_nds_trial_stats('vanilla', None, None, None, None, None)))


{'best_test_acc': 84.5,
 'best_train_acc': 89.66499999999999,
 'best_train_loss': 0.302,
 'config': {'base_lr': 0.1,
            'cell_spec': {},
            'dataset': 'cifar10',
            'generator': 'random',
            'id': 139492,
            'model_family': 'vanilla',
            'model_spec': {'ds': [1, 12, 12, 12],
                           'ss': [1, 1, 2, 2],
                           'ws': [16, 24, 32, 40]},
            'num_epochs': 100,
            'proposer': 'vanilla',
            'weight_decay': 0.0005},
 'final_test_acc': 84.35,
 'final_train_acc': 89.633,
 'final_train_loss': 0.303,
 'flops': 208.36393,
 'id': 154692,
 'iter_time': 0.058,
 'parameters': 0.68977,
 'seed': 1}

Count number.

model_spec = {'num_nodes_normal': 5, 'num_nodes_reduce': 5, 'depth': 12, 'width': 32, 'aux': False, 'drop_prob': 0.0}
cell_spec = {
    'normal_0_op_x': 'avg_pool_3x3',
    'normal_0_input_x': 0,
    'normal_0_op_y': 'conv_7x1_1x7',
    'normal_0_input_y': 1,
    'normal_1_op_x': 'sep_conv_3x3',
    'normal_1_input_x': 2,
    'normal_1_op_y': 'sep_conv_5x5',
    'normal_1_input_y': 0,
    'normal_2_op_x': 'dil_sep_conv_3x3',
    'normal_2_input_x': 2,
    'normal_2_op_y': 'dil_sep_conv_3x3',
    'normal_2_input_y': 2,
    'normal_3_op_x': 'skip_connect',
    'normal_3_input_x': 4,
    'normal_3_op_y': 'dil_sep_conv_3x3',
    'normal_3_input_y': 4,
    'normal_4_op_x': 'conv_7x1_1x7',
    'normal_4_input_x': 2,
    'normal_4_op_y': 'sep_conv_3x3',
    'normal_4_input_y': 4,
    'normal_concat': [3, 5, 6],
    'reduce_0_op_x': 'avg_pool_3x3',
    'reduce_0_input_x': 0,
    'reduce_0_op_y': 'dil_sep_conv_3x3',
    'reduce_0_input_y': 1,
    'reduce_1_op_x': 'sep_conv_3x3',
    'reduce_1_input_x': 0,
    'reduce_1_op_y': 'sep_conv_3x3',
    'reduce_1_input_y': 0,
    'reduce_2_op_x': 'skip_connect',
    'reduce_2_input_x': 2,
    'reduce_2_op_y': 'sep_conv_7x7',
    'reduce_2_input_y': 0,
    'reduce_3_op_x': 'conv_7x1_1x7',
    'reduce_3_input_x': 4,
    'reduce_3_op_y': 'skip_connect',
    'reduce_3_input_y': 4,
    'reduce_4_op_x': 'conv_7x1_1x7',
    'reduce_4_input_x': 0,
    'reduce_4_op_y': 'conv_7x1_1x7',
    'reduce_4_input_y': 5,
    'reduce_concat': [3, 6]

for t in query_nds_trial_stats('nas_cell', None, None, model_spec, cell_spec, 'cifar10'):
    assert t['config']['model_spec'] == model_spec
    assert t['config']['cell_spec'] == cell_spec


{'best_test_acc': 93.37,
 'best_train_acc': 99.91,
 'best_train_loss': 0.006,
 'config': {'base_lr': 0.1,
            'cell_spec': {'normal_0_input_x': 0,
                          'normal_0_input_y': 1,
                          'normal_0_op_x': 'avg_pool_3x3',
                          'normal_0_op_y': 'conv_7x1_1x7',
                          'normal_1_input_x': 2,
                          'normal_1_input_y': 0,
                          'normal_1_op_x': 'sep_conv_3x3',
                          'normal_1_op_y': 'sep_conv_5x5',
                          'normal_2_input_x': 2,
                          'normal_2_input_y': 2,
                          'normal_2_op_x': 'dil_sep_conv_3x3',
                          'normal_2_op_y': 'dil_sep_conv_3x3',
                          'normal_3_input_x': 4,
                          'normal_3_input_y': 4,
                          'normal_3_op_x': 'skip_connect',
                          'normal_3_op_y': 'dil_sep_conv_3x3',
                          'normal_4_input_x': 2,
                          'normal_4_input_y': 4,
                          'normal_4_op_x': 'conv_7x1_1x7',
                          'normal_4_op_y': 'sep_conv_3x3',
                          'normal_concat': [3, 5, 6],
                          'reduce_0_input_x': 0,
                          'reduce_0_input_y': 1,
                          'reduce_0_op_x': 'avg_pool_3x3',
                          'reduce_0_op_y': 'dil_sep_conv_3x3',
                          'reduce_1_input_x': 0,
                          'reduce_1_input_y': 0,
                          'reduce_1_op_x': 'sep_conv_3x3',
                          'reduce_1_op_y': 'sep_conv_3x3',
                          'reduce_2_input_x': 2,
                          'reduce_2_input_y': 0,
                          'reduce_2_op_x': 'skip_connect',
                          'reduce_2_op_y': 'sep_conv_7x7',
                          'reduce_3_input_x': 4,
                          'reduce_3_input_y': 4,
                          'reduce_3_op_x': 'conv_7x1_1x7',
                          'reduce_3_op_y': 'skip_connect',
                          'reduce_4_input_x': 0,
                          'reduce_4_input_y': 5,
                          'reduce_4_op_x': 'conv_7x1_1x7',
                          'reduce_4_op_y': 'conv_7x1_1x7',
                          'reduce_concat': [3, 6]},
            'dataset': 'cifar10',
            'generator': 'random',
            'id': 1,
            'model_family': 'nas_cell',
            'model_spec': {'aux': False,
                           'depth': 12,
                           'drop_prob': 0.0,
                           'num_nodes_normal': 5,
                           'num_nodes_reduce': 5,
                           'width': 32},
            'num_epochs': 100,
            'proposer': 'amoeba',
            'weight_decay': 0.0005},
 'final_test_acc': 93.27,
 'final_train_acc': 99.91,
 'final_train_loss': 0.006,
 'flops': 664.400586,
 'id': 1,
 'iter_time': 0.281,
 'parameters': 4.190314,
 'seed': 1}

Count number.

print('NDS (amoeba) count:', len(list(query_nds_trial_stats(None, 'amoeba', None, None, None, None, None))))


NDS (amoeba) count: 5107

Total running time of the script: ( 1 minutes 2.214 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery