Source code for nni.retiarii.oneshot.pytorch.supermodule.proxyless

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

"""Implementation of ProxylessNAS: a hyrbid approach between differentiable and sampling.
The support remains limited. Known limitations include:

- No support for multiple arguments in forward.
- No support for mixed-operation (value choice).
- The code contains duplicates. Needs refactor.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import cast

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

from .differentiable import DifferentiableMixedLayer, DifferentiableMixedInput

__all__ = ['ProxylessMixedLayer', 'ProxylessMixedInput']

class _ArchGradientFunction(torch.autograd.Function):
    def forward(ctx, x, binary_gates, run_func, backward_func):
        ctx.run_func = run_func
        ctx.backward_func = backward_func

        detached_x = x.detach()
        detached_x.requires_grad = x.requires_grad
        with torch.enable_grad():
            output = run_func(detached_x)
        ctx.save_for_backward(detached_x, output)

    def backward(ctx, grad_output):
        detached_x, output = ctx.saved_tensors

        grad_x = torch.autograd.grad(output, detached_x, grad_output, only_inputs=True)
        # compute gradients w.r.t. binary_gates
        binary_grads = ctx.backward_func(,,

        return grad_x[0], binary_grads, None, None

[docs]class ProxylessMixedLayer(DifferentiableMixedLayer): """Proxyless version of differentiable mixed layer. It resamples a single-path every time, rather than go through the softmax. """ _arch_parameter_names = ['_arch_alpha', '_binary_gates'] def __init__(self, paths: list[tuple[str, nn.Module]], alpha: torch.Tensor, softmax: nn.Module, label: str): super().__init__(paths, alpha, softmax, label) self._binary_gates = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(len(paths)) * 1E-3) # like sampling-based methods, it has a ``_sampled``. self._sampled: str | None = None self._sample_idx: int | None = None def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): def run_function(ops, active_id, **kwargs): def forward(_x): return ops[active_id](_x, **kwargs) return forward def backward_function(ops, active_id, binary_gates, **kwargs): def backward(_x, _output, grad_output): binary_grads = torch.zeros_like( with torch.no_grad(): for k in range(len(ops)): if k != active_id: out_k = ops[k](, **kwargs) else: out_k = grad_k = torch.sum(out_k * grad_output) binary_grads[k] = grad_k return binary_grads return backward assert len(args) == 1, 'ProxylessMixedLayer only supports exactly one input argument.' x = args[0] assert self._sampled is not None, 'Need to call resample() before running fprop.' list_ops = [getattr(self, op) for op in self.op_names] return _ArchGradientFunction.apply( x, self._binary_gates, run_function(list_ops, self._sample_idx, **kwargs), backward_function(list_ops, self._sample_idx, self._binary_gates, **kwargs) )
[docs] def resample(self, memo): """Sample one path based on alpha if label is not found in memo.""" if self.label in memo: self._sampled = memo[self.label] self._sample_idx = self.op_names.index(self._sampled) else: probs = self._softmax(self._arch_alpha) self._sample_idx = int(torch.multinomial(probs, 1)[0].item()) self._sampled = self.op_names[self._sample_idx] # set binary gates with torch.no_grad(): self._binary_gates.zero_() self._binary_gates.grad = torch.zeros_like([self._sample_idx] = 1.0 return {self.label: self._sampled}
[docs] def export(self, memo): """Chose the argmax if label isn't found in memo.""" if self.label in memo: return {} # nothing new to export return {self.label: self.op_names[int(torch.argmax(self._arch_alpha).item())]}
def finalize_grad(self): binary_grads = self._binary_gates.grad assert binary_grads is not None with torch.no_grad(): if self._arch_alpha.grad is None: self._arch_alpha.grad = torch.zeros_like( probs = self._softmax(self._arch_alpha) for i in range(len(self._arch_alpha)): for j in range(len(self._arch_alpha)): self._arch_alpha.grad[i] += binary_grads[j] * probs[j] * (int(i == j) - probs[i])
[docs]class ProxylessMixedInput(DifferentiableMixedInput): """Proxyless version of differentiable input choice. See :class:`ProxylessLayerChoice` for implementation details. """ _arch_parameter_names = ['_arch_alpha', '_binary_gates'] def __init__(self, n_candidates: int, n_chosen: int | None, alpha: torch.Tensor, softmax: nn.Module, label: str): super().__init__(n_candidates, n_chosen, alpha, softmax, label) self._binary_gates = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(n_candidates) * 1E-3) self._sampled: int | None = None def forward(self, inputs): def run_function(active_sample): return lambda x: x[active_sample] def backward_function(binary_gates): def backward(_x, _output, grad_output): binary_grads = torch.zeros_like( with torch.no_grad(): for k in range(self.n_candidates): out_k = _x[k].data grad_k = torch.sum(out_k * grad_output) binary_grads[k] = grad_k return binary_grads return backward inputs = torch.stack(inputs, 0) assert self._sampled is not None, 'Need to call resample() before running fprop.' return _ArchGradientFunction.apply( inputs, self._binary_gates, run_function(self._sampled), backward_function(self._binary_gates) )
[docs] def resample(self, memo): """Sample one path based on alpha if label is not found in memo.""" if self.label in memo: self._sampled = memo[self.label] else: probs = self._softmax(self._arch_alpha) sample = torch.multinomial(probs, 1)[0].item() self._sampled = int(sample) # set binary gates with torch.no_grad(): self._binary_gates.zero_() self._binary_gates.grad = torch.zeros_like([cast(int, self._sampled)] = 1.0 return {self.label: self._sampled}
[docs] def export(self, memo): """Chose the argmax if label isn't found in memo.""" if self.label in memo: return {} # nothing new to export return {self.label: torch.argmax(self._arch_alpha).item()}
def finalize_grad(self): binary_grads = self._binary_gates.grad assert binary_grads is not None with torch.no_grad(): if self._arch_alpha.grad is None: self._arch_alpha.grad = torch.zeros_like( probs = self._softmax(self._arch_alpha) for i in range(self.n_candidates): for j in range(self.n_candidates): self._arch_alpha.grad[i] += binary_grads[j] * probs[j] * (int(i == j) - probs[i])