Source code for nni.algorithms.hpo.gridsearch_tuner

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

Grid search tuner.

For categorical parameters this tuner fully explore all combinations.
For numerical parameters it samples them at progressively decreased intervals.

__all__ = ['GridSearchTuner']

import logging
import math

import numpy as np
from scipy.special import erfinv  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module

import nni
from nni.common.hpo_utils import ParameterSpec, deformat_parameters, format_search_space
from nni.tuner import Tuner

_logger = logging.getLogger('nni.tuner.gridsearch')

# Grid search is a simple algorithm if only categorical parameters are considered.
# But to support continuous space, things get tricky.
# To support continuous space, we divide search process into "epochs".
# The first epoch only explores middle point of uniform and normal parameters.
# When first epoch is fully explored, the algorithm starts second epoch,
# where it divides non-categorical spaces by adding quartile points into the grid.
# Then in third epoch it adds [1/8, 3/8, 5/8, 7/8], and so on.
# We divide normal distributed spaces using inverse function of CDF.
# For example the 1/4 point of a normal distribution is defined as X where `normal_cdf(X) = 1/4`.
# Here is an example:
#   search space:
#     x: choices(5, 7)
#     y: normal(0, 1)
#     z: quniform(2, 3, 1)
#   grid of first epoch:
#     x: [5, 7]
#     y: [1/2]
#     z: [1/2]  (results in [2], because round(2.5) == 2)
#   generated parameters:
#     (5,0,2) (7,0,2)
#   grid of second epoch:
#     x: [5, 7]
#     y: [1/2, 1/4, 3/4]  (results in [0, -0.67, 0.67])
#     z: [1/2, 3/4]  (results in [2, 3], 1/4 is eliminated due to duplication)
#   generated parameters:
#     (5,0,3)    (5,-0.67,2) (5,-0.67,3)    (5,0.67,2) (5,0.67,3)
#     (7,0,3)    (7,-0.67,2) (7,-0.67,3)    (7,0.67,2) (7,0.67,3)

[docs]class GridSearchTuner(Tuner): """ Grid search tuner divides search space into evenly spaced grid, and performs brute-force traverse. Recommended when the search space is small, or if you want to find strictly optimal hyperparameters. **Implementation** The original grid search approach performs an exhaustive search through a space consists of ``choice`` and ``randint``. NNI's implementation extends grid search to support all search spaces types. When the search space contains continuous parameters like ``normal`` and ``loguniform``, grid search tuner works in following steps: 1. Divide the search space into a grid. 2. Perform an exhaustive searth through the grid. 3. Subdivide the grid into a finer-grained new grid. 4. Goto step 2, until experiment end. As a deterministic algorithm, grid search has no argument. Examples -------- .. code-block:: = 'GridSearch' """ def __init__(self, optimize_mode=None): = None # the grid to search in this epoch # when the space is fully explored, grid is set to None self.grid = None # list[int | float] # a paremter set is internally expressed as a vector # for each dimension i, self.vector[i] is the parameter's index in self.grid[i] # in second epoch of above example, vector [1, 2, 0] means parameters {x: 7, y: 0.67, z: 2} self.vector = None # list[int] # this tells which parameters are derived from previous epoch # in second epoch of above example, epoch_bar is [2, 1, 1] self.epoch_bar = None # list[int] # this stores which intervals are possibly divisible (low < high after log and q) # in first epoch of above example, divisions are: # {1: [(0,1/2), (1/2,1)], 2: [(1/2,1)]} # in second epoch: # {1: [(0,1/4), (1/4,1/2), (1/2,3/4), (3/4,1)], 2: [(1/2,3/4)]} # and in third epoch: # {1: [(0,1/8), ..., (7/8,1)], 2: []} self.divisions = {} # dict[int, list[tuple[float, float]]] # dumped JSON string of all tried parameters self.history = set() if optimize_mode is not None:'Ignored optimize_mode "{optimize_mode}"') def update_search_space(self, space): = format_search_space(space) if not # the tuner will crash in this case, report it explicitly raise ValueError('Search space is empty') self._init_grid() def generate_parameters(self, *args, **kwargs): while True: params = self._suggest() if params is None: raise nni.NoMoreTrialError('Search space fully explored') params = deformat_parameters(params, params_str = nni.dump(params, sort_keys=True) if params_str not in self.history: self.history.add(params_str) return params def receive_trial_result(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def import_data(self, data): # TODO # use tuple to dedup in case of order/precision issue causes matching failed # and remove `epoch_bar` to use uniform dedup mechanism for trial in data: params_str = nni.dump(trial['parameter'], sort_keys=True) self.history.add(params_str) def _suggest(self): # returns next parameter set, or None if the space is already fully explored while True: if self.grid is None: # search space fully explored return None self._next_vector() if self.vector is None: # epoch end, update grid and retry self._next_grid() continue old = all((self.vector[i] < self.epoch_bar[i]) for i in range(len( if old: # already explored in past epochs continue # this vector is valid, stop _logger.debug(f'vector: {self.vector}') return self._current_parameters() def _next_vector(self): # iterate to next vector of this epoch, set vector to None if epoch end if self.vector is None: # first vector in this epoch self.vector = [0] * len( return # deal with nested choice, don't touch nested spaces that are not chosen by current vector activated_dims = [] params = self._current_parameters() for i, spec in enumerate( if spec.is_activated_in(params): activated_dims.append(i) for i in reversed(activated_dims): if self.vector[i] + 1 < len(self.grid[i]): self.vector[i] += 1 return else: self.vector[i] = 0 self.vector = None # the loop ends without returning, no more vector in this epoch def _next_grid(self): # update grid information (grid, epoch_bar, divisions) for next epoch updated = False for i, spec in enumerate( self.epoch_bar[i] = len(self.grid[i]) if not spec.categorical: # further divide intervals new_vals = [] # values to append to grid new_divs = [] # sub-intervals for l, r in self.divisions[i]: mid = (l + r) / 2 diff_l = _less(l, mid, spec) diff_r = _less(mid, r, spec) # if l != 0 and r != 1, then they are already in the grid, else they are not # the special case is needed because for normal distribution 0 and 1 will generate infinity if (diff_l or l == 0.0) and (diff_r or r == 1.0): # we can skip these for non-q, but it will complicate the code new_vals.append(mid) updated = True if diff_l: new_divs.append((l, mid)) updated = (updated or l == 0.0) if diff_r: new_divs.append((mid, r)) updated = (updated or r == 1.0) self.grid[i] += new_vals self.divisions[i] = new_divs if not updated: # fully explored'Search space has been fully explored') self.grid = None else: size = _grid_size_info(self.grid)'Grid subdivided, new size: {size}') def _init_grid(self): self.epoch_bar = [0 for _ in] self.grid = [None for _ in] for i, spec in enumerate( if spec.categorical: self.grid[i] = list(range(spec.size)) else: self.grid[i] = [0.5] self.divisions[i] = [] if _less(0, 0.5, spec): self.divisions[i].append((0, 0.5)) if _less(0.5, 1, spec): self.divisions[i].append((0.5, 1)) size = _grid_size_info(self.grid)'Grid initialized, size: {size}') def _current_parameters(self): # convert self.vector to "formatted" parameters params = {} for i, spec in enumerate( if spec.is_activated_in(params): x = self.grid[i][self.vector[i]] if spec.categorical: params[spec.key] = x else: params[spec.key] = _cdf_inverse(x, spec) return params
def _less(x, y, spec): #if spec.q is None: # TODO: comment out because of edge case UT uniform(99.9, 99.9) # return x < y real_x = _deformat_single_parameter(_cdf_inverse(x, spec), spec) real_y = _deformat_single_parameter(_cdf_inverse(y, spec), spec) return real_x < real_y def _cdf_inverse(x, spec): # inverse function of spec's cumulative distribution function if spec.normal_distributed: return + spec.sigma * math.sqrt(2) * erfinv(2 * x - 1) else: return spec.low + (spec.high - spec.low) * x def _deformat_single_parameter(x, spec): if math.isinf(x): return x spec_dict = spec._asdict() spec_dict['key'] = (,) spec = ParameterSpec(**spec_dict) params = deformat_parameters({spec.key: x}, {spec.key: spec}) return params[] def _grid_size_info(grid): if len(grid) == 1: return str(len(grid[0])) sizes = [len(candidates) for candidates in grid] mul = '×'.join(str(s) for s in sizes) total = return f'({mul}) = {total}'