Source code for nni.compression.pytorch.quantization_speedup.integrated_tensorrt

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

import time
import logging
import tensorrt as trt
import numpy as np
import torch

from . import frontend_to_onnx as fonnx
from . import calibrator as calibrator
from . import trt_pycuda as common
from .backend import BaseModelSpeedup

TRT8 = 8
TRT7 = 7
TRT_LOGGER = trt.Logger()
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class CalibrateType:
    LEGACY = trt.CalibrationAlgoType.LEGACY_CALIBRATION
    ENTROPY = trt.CalibrationAlgoType.ENTROPY_CALIBRATION
    ENTROPY2 = trt.CalibrationAlgoType.ENTROPY_CALIBRATION_2
    MINMAX = trt.CalibrationAlgoType.MINMAX_CALIBRATION

Precision_Dict = {
    8: trt.int8,
    16: trt.float16,
    32: trt.float32

def valid_config(config=None):
    This function validates the bits setting configuration
    if config is None:
    support_bits = [8, 16, 32]
    for name in config.keys():
        if 'weight_bits' in config[name]:
            w_bits = config[name]['weight_bits']
            assert w_bits in support_bits, "weight bits should be 8, 16, 32"
        if 'output_bits' in config[name]:
            a_bits = config[name]['output_bits']
            assert a_bits in support_bits, "output bits should be 8, 16, 32"

def handle_gemm(network, layer_idx, config):
    This function handles special gemm operation due to layer numbers of gemm changed during pytorch->onnx model convertion.

    network : tensorrt.INetworkDefinition
        Represents a TensorRT Network from which the Builder can build an Engine
    layer_idx : int
        layer index of gemm
    config : dict
        Config recording bits number and name of layers
    layer = network.get_layer(layer_idx)
    pre_layer = network.get_layer(layer_idx-1)
    next_layer = network.get_layer(layer_idx+1)
    # if weight bits exists, set three layers' precision,
    # input tensor range and the first two layers' output type
    if 'weight_bits' in config[]:
        assert 'tracked_min_input' in config[]
        assert 'tracked_max_input' in config[]
        w_bits = config[]['weight_bits']
        tracked_min_input = config[]['tracked_min_input']
        tracked_max_input = config[]['tracked_max_input']
        # set three layers the same precision
        layer.precision = Precision_Dict[w_bits]
        pre_layer.precision = Precision_Dict[w_bits]
        next_layer.precision = Precision_Dict[w_bits]
        # set the first two layers' output type
        pre_layer.set_output_type(0, Precision_Dict[w_bits])
        layer.set_output_type(0, Precision_Dict[w_bits])
        pre_in_tensor = pre_layer.get_input(0)
        in_tensor = layer.get_input(0)
        next_in_tensor = next_layer.get_input(0)
        # set three layers' input tensor range
        pre_in_tensor.dynamic_range = (tracked_min_input, tracked_max_input)
        in_tensor.dynamic_range = (tracked_min_input, tracked_max_input)
        next_in_tensor.dynamic_range = (tracked_min_input, tracked_max_input)

    # if output bits exists, set the last layer's output type output tensor range
    if 'output_bits' in config[]:
        assert 'tracked_min_output' in config[]
        assert 'tracked_max_output' in config[]
        a_bits = config[]['output_bits']
        tracked_min_output = config[]['tracked_min_output']
        tracked_max_output = config[]['tracked_max_output']
        # set the last layer's output type
        next_layer.set_output_type(0, Precision_Dict[a_bits])
        next_out_tensor = next_layer.get_output(0)
        # set the last layer's output tensor range
        next_out_tensor.dynamic_range = (tracked_min_output, tracked_max_output)

def build_engine(model_file, config=None, extra_layer_bits=32, strict_datatype=False, calib=None):
    This function builds an engine from an onnx model with calibration process.

    model_file : str
        The path of onnx model
    config : dict
        Config recording bits number and name of layers
    extra_layer_bits : int
        Other layers which are not in config will be quantized to corresponding bits number
    strict_datatype : bool
        Whether constrain layer bits to the number given in config or not. If true, all the layer
        will be set to given bits strictly. Otherwise, these layers will be set automatically by
    calib : numpy array
        The data using to calibrate quantization model

        An ICudaEngine for executing inference on a built network
    with trt.Builder(TRT_LOGGER) as builder, builder.create_network(common.EXPLICIT_BATCH) as network, \
        trt.OnnxParser(network, TRT_LOGGER) as parser, builder.create_builder_config() as trt_config:
        # Attention that, builder should be set to 1 because of the implementation of allocate_buffer
        trt_version = int(trt.__version__[0])
        assert trt_version == TRT8 or trt_version == TRT7, "Version of TensorRT is too old, please \
            update TensorRT to version >= 7.0"
        if trt_version == TRT7:
            logger.warning("TensorRT7 is deprecated and may be removed in the following release.")

        builder.max_batch_size = 1
        if trt_version == TRT8:
            trt_config.max_workspace_size = common.GiB(4)
            builder.max_workspace_size = common.GiB(4)

        if extra_layer_bits == 32 and config is None:
        elif extra_layer_bits == 16 and config is None:
            if trt_version == TRT8:
                builder.fp16_mode = True
        elif extra_layer_bits == 8 and config is None:
            # entire model in 8bit mode
            if trt_version == TRT8:
                builder.int8_mode = True
            if trt_version == TRT8:
                if strict_datatype:
                builder.int8_mode = True
                builder.fp16_mode = True
                builder.strict_type_constraints = strict_datatype


        # Parse onnx model
        with open(model_file, 'rb') as model:
            if not parser.parse(
                logger.error('ERROR: Fail to parse the ONNX file.')
                for error in range(parser.num_errors):
                return None

        if calib is not None:
            if trt_version == TRT8:
                trt_config.int8_calibrator = calib
                builder.int8_calibrator = calib
            # This design may not be correct if output more than one
            for i in range(network.num_layers):
                if config is None:
                layer = network.get_layer(i)
                if in config:
                    w_bits = config[]['weight_bits']
                    a_bits = config[]['output_bits']
                    layer.precision = Precision_Dict[w_bits]
                    layer.set_output_type(0, Precision_Dict[a_bits])
            # This implementation may be incorrect when output number > 1
            for i in range(network.num_layers):
                if config is None:
                    # no low bits layer need to be set, keep original model
                layer = network.get_layer(i)
                if not in config:
                # layer numbers of gemm changed during pytorch->onnx model convertion, need special handle
                if[0:4] == "Gemm":
                    handle_gemm(network, i, config)

                # If weight_bits exists in config, set layer precision and layer's input tensor dynamic range.
                if 'weight_bits' in config[]:
                    assert 'tracked_min_input' in config[]
                    assert 'tracked_max_input' in config[]
                    w_bits = config[]['weight_bits']
                    tracked_min_input = config[]['tracked_min_input']
                    tracked_max_input = config[]['tracked_max_input']
                    layer.precision = Precision_Dict[w_bits]
                    in_tensor = layer.get_input(0)
                    in_tensor.dynamic_range = (tracked_min_input, tracked_max_input)

                # If output exists in config, set layer output type and layer's output tensor dynamic range.
                if 'output_bits' in config[]:
                    assert 'tracked_min_output' in config[]
                    assert 'tracked_max_output' in config[]
                    a_bits = config[]['output_bits']
                    tracked_min_output = config[]['tracked_min_output']
                    tracked_max_output = config[]['tracked_max_output']
                    layer.set_output_type(0, Precision_Dict[a_bits])
                    out_tensor = layer.get_output(0)
                    out_tensor.dynamic_range = (tracked_min_output, tracked_max_output)

        # Build engine and do int8 calibration.
        if trt_version == TRT8:
            engine = builder.build_engine(network, trt_config)
            engine = builder.build_cuda_engine(network)
        return engine

[docs]class ModelSpeedupTensorRT(BaseModelSpeedup): def __init__(self, model, input_shape, config=None, onnx_path="default_model.onnx", extra_layer_bits=32, strict_datatype=True, calibrate_type=CalibrateType.ENTROPY2, calib_data_loader=None, calibration_cache = "calibration.cache", batchsize=1, input_names=["actual_input_1"], output_names=["output1"]): """ Parameters ---------- model : pytorch model The model to speed up by quantization. input_shape : tuple The input shape of model, shall pass it to torch.onnx.export. config : dict Config recording bits number and name of layers. onnx_path : str The path user want to store onnx model which is converted from pytorch model. extra_layer_bits : int Other layers which are not in config will be quantized to corresponding bits number. strict_datatype : bool Whether constrain layer bits to the number given in config or not. If true, all the layer will be set to given bits strictly. Otherwise, these layers will be set automatically by tensorrt. calibrate_type : tensorrt.tensorrt.CalibrationAlgoType The algorithm of calibrating. Please refer to tensorrt/api/python_api/infer/Int8/Calibrator.html for detail calibrate_data : numpy array The data using to calibrate quantization model calibration_cache : str The path user want to store calibrate cache file batchsize : int The batch size of calibration and inference input_names : list Input name of onnx model providing for torch.onnx.export to generate onnx model output_name : list Output name of onnx model providing for torch.onnx.export to generate onnx model """ super().__init__(model, config) self.model = model self.onnx_path = onnx_path self.input_shape = input_shape self.config = config self.extra_layer_bits = extra_layer_bits self.strict_datatype = strict_datatype self.calibrate_type = calibrate_type self.calib_data_loader = calib_data_loader self.calibration_cache = calibration_cache self.batchsize = batchsize self.input_names = input_names self.output_names = output_names self.context = None self.onnx_config = {}
[docs] def compress(self): """ Get onnx config and build tensorrt engine. """ assert self.model is not None assert self.onnx_path is not None assert self.input_shape is not None # Convert pytorch model to onnx model and save onnx model in onnx_path _, self.onnx_config = fonnx.torch_to_onnx(self.model, self.config, input_shape=self.input_shape, model_path=self.onnx_path, input_names=self.input_names, output_names=self.output_names) if self.calib_data_loader is not None: assert self.calibrate_type is not None context = self._tensorrt_build_withcalib(self.onnx_path) else: context = self._tensorrt_build_withoutcalib(self.onnx_path) self.context = context
def _tensorrt_build_withcalib(self, onnx_path): """ Convert pytorch tensor to numpy darray Parameters ---------- onnx_path : str The path of onnx model Returns ------- tensorrt.IExecutionContext Context for executing inference using an ICudaEngine """ calib_data = None if type(self.calib_data_loader) == calib_data_set = [] for data, _ in self.calib_data_loader: calib_data_set.append(data) calib_data = np.concatenate(calib_data_set) elif type(self.calib_data_loader) == torch.Tensor: # trt need numpy as calibration data, only cpu data can convert to numpy directly if self.calib_data_loader.device != torch.device("cpu"): self.calib_data_loader ="cpu") calib_data = self.calib_data_loader.numpy() else: raise ValueError("Not support calibration datatype") calib = calibrator.Calibrator(calib_data, self.calibration_cache, self.batchsize, self.calibrate_type) # build inference engine with calibration engine = build_engine(onnx_path, self.onnx_config, self.extra_layer_bits, self.strict_datatype, calib) return engine.create_execution_context() def _tensorrt_build_withoutcalib(self, onnx_path): """ Build inference engine without calibration Parameters ---------- onnx_path : str The path of onnx model Returns ------- tensorrt.IExecutionContext Context for executing inference using an ICudaEngine """ engine = build_engine(onnx_path, self.onnx_config, self.extra_layer_bits, self.strict_datatype) return engine.create_execution_context()
[docs] def inference(self, test_data): """ Do inference by tensorrt builded engine. Parameters ---------- test_data : pytorch tensor Model input tensor """ # convert pytorch tensor to numpy darray if test_data.device != torch.device("cpu"): test_data ="cpu") test_data = test_data.numpy() # Numpy dtype should be float32 assert test_data.dtype == np.float32 elapsed_time = 0 inputs, outputs, bindings, stream = common.allocate_buffers(self.context.engine) result = [] for start_idx in range(0, test_data.shape[0], self.batchsize): # If the number of images in the test set is not divisible by the batch size, the last batch will be smaller. # This logic is used for handling that case. end_idx = min(start_idx + self.batchsize, test_data.shape[0]) effective_batch_size = end_idx - start_idx # Do inference for every batch. inputs[0].host = test_data[start_idx:start_idx + effective_batch_size] t1 = time.time() [output] = common.do_inference_v2(self.context, bindings=bindings, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, stream=stream) elapsed_time += time.time() - t1 shape = output.shape[0] output = output[0:int(shape * effective_batch_size / self.batchsize)].reshape(effective_batch_size, -1) result.append(output.copy()) # Use argmax to get predictions and then check accuracy # convert numpy darray to pytorch tensor result = torch.Tensor(np.concatenate(result)) return result, elapsed_time
[docs] def export_quantized_model(self, path): """ Export TensorRT quantized model engine which only can be loaded by TensorRT deserialize API. Parameters ---------- path : str The path of export model """ assert path is not None with open(path, "wb") as f: f.write(self.context.engine.serialize())"TensorRT engine has been saved to %s", path)
[docs] def load_quantized_model(self, path): """ Load TensorRT quantized model engine from specific path. Parameters ---------- path : str The path of export model """ assert path is not None with open(path, "rb") as f, trt.Runtime(TRT_LOGGER) as runtime: engine = runtime.deserialize_cuda_engine( self.context = engine.create_execution_context()"Load TensorRT engine from %s successfully.", path)