Source code for nni.algorithms.compression.v2.pytorch.pruning.basic_pruner

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

from copy import deepcopy
import logging
from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Callable, Optional

from schema import And, Or, Optional as SchemaOptional
import torch
from torch import Tensor
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.nn import Module
from torch.optim import Optimizer

from nni.algorithms.compression.v2.pytorch.base.pruner import Pruner
from nni.algorithms.compression.v2.pytorch.utils import CompressorSchema, config_list_canonical

from .tools import (

from .tools import (

from .tools import (

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ['LevelPruner', 'L1NormPruner', 'L2NormPruner', 'FPGMPruner', 'SlimPruner', 'ActivationPruner',
           'ActivationAPoZRankPruner', 'ActivationMeanRankPruner', 'TaylorFOWeightPruner', 'ADMMPruner']

    Or('sparsity', 'sparsity_per_layer'): And(float, lambda n: 0 <= n < 1),
    SchemaOptional('op_types'): [str],
    SchemaOptional('op_names'): [str],
    SchemaOptional('op_partial_names'): [str]

    'total_sparsity': And(float, lambda n: 0 <= n < 1),
    SchemaOptional('max_sparsity_per_layer'): And(float, lambda n: 0 < n <= 1),
    SchemaOptional('op_types'): [str],
    SchemaOptional('op_names'): [str],
    SchemaOptional('op_partial_names'): [str]

    'exclude': bool,
    SchemaOptional('op_types'): [str],
    SchemaOptional('op_names'): [str],
    SchemaOptional('op_partial_names'): [str]

    'total_sparsity': And(float, lambda n: 0 <= n < 1),
    SchemaOptional('max_sparsity_per_layer'): {str: float},
    SchemaOptional('op_types'): [str],
    SchemaOptional('op_names'): [str]

class BasicPruner(Pruner):
    def __init__(self, model: Module, config_list: List[Dict]):
        self.data_collector: DataCollector = None
        self.metrics_calculator: MetricsCalculator = None
        self.sparsity_allocator: SparsityAllocator = None

        super().__init__(model, config_list)

    def validate_config(self, model: Module, config_list: List[Dict]):
        self._validate_config_before_canonical(model, config_list)
        self.config_list = config_list_canonical(model, config_list)

    def _validate_config_before_canonical(self, model: Module, config_list: List[Dict]):

    def reset(self, model: Optional[Module], config_list: Optional[List[Dict]]):
        super().reset(model=model, config_list=config_list)

    def reset_tools(self):
        This function is used to reset `self.data_collector`, `self.metrics_calculator` and `self.sparsity_allocator`.
        The subclass needs to implement this function to complete the pruning process.
        See `compress()` to understand how NNI use these three part to generate mask for the bound model.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def compress(self) -> Tuple[Module, Dict]:
        Used to generate the mask. Pruning process is divided in three stages.
        `self.data_collector` collect the data used to calculate the specify metric.
        `self.metrics_calculator` calculate the metric and `self.sparsity_allocator` generate the mask depend on the metric.

        Tuple[Module, Dict]
            Return the wrapped model and mask.
        data = self.data_collector.collect()
        _logger.debug('Collected Data:\n%s', data)
        metrics = self.metrics_calculator.calculate_metrics(data)
        _logger.debug('Metrics Calculate:\n%s', metrics)
        masks = self.sparsity_allocator.generate_sparsity(metrics)
        _logger.debug('Masks:\n%s', masks)
        return self.bound_model, masks

[docs]class LevelPruner(BasicPruner): """ Parameters ---------- model : torch.nn.Module Model to be pruned config_list : List[Dict] Supported keys: - sparsity : This is to specify the sparsity for each layer in this config to be compressed. - sparsity_per_layer : Equals to sparsity. - op_types : Operation types to prune. - op_names : Operation names to prune. - exclude : Set True then the layers setting by op_types and op_names will be excluded from pruning. """ def __init__(self, model: Module, config_list: List[Dict]): super().__init__(model, config_list) def _validate_config_before_canonical(self, model: Module, config_list: List[Dict]): schema_list = [deepcopy(NORMAL_SCHEMA), deepcopy(EXCLUDE_SCHEMA), deepcopy(INTERNAL_SCHEMA)] schema = CompressorSchema(schema_list, model, _logger) schema.validate(config_list) def reset_tools(self): if self.data_collector is None: self.data_collector = WeightDataCollector(self) else: self.data_collector.reset() if self.metrics_calculator is None: self.metrics_calculator = NormMetricsCalculator() if self.sparsity_allocator is None: self.sparsity_allocator = NormalSparsityAllocator(self)
class NormPruner(BasicPruner): """ Parameters ---------- model : torch.nn.Module Model to be pruned config_list : List[Dict] Supported keys: - sparsity : This is to specify the sparsity for each layer in this config to be compressed. - sparsity_per_layer : Equals to sparsity. - op_types : Conv2d and Linear are supported in NormPruner. - op_names : Operation names to prune. - exclude : Set True then the layers setting by op_types and op_names will be excluded from pruning. p : int The order of norm. mode : str 'normal' or 'dependency_aware'. If prune the model in a dependency-aware way, this pruner will prune the model according to the norm of weights and the channel-dependency or group-dependency of the model. In this way, the pruner will force the conv layers that have dependencies to prune the same channels, so the speedup module can better harvest the speed benefit from the pruned model. Note that, if set 'dependency_aware' , the dummy_input cannot be None, because the pruner needs a dummy input to trace the dependency between the conv layers. dummy_input : Optional[torch.Tensor] The dummy input to analyze the topology constraints. Note that, the dummy_input should on the same device with the model. """ def __init__(self, model: Module, config_list: List[Dict], p: int, mode: str = 'normal', dummy_input: Optional[Tensor] = None): self.p = p self.mode = mode self.dummy_input = dummy_input super().__init__(model, config_list) def _validate_config_before_canonical(self, model: Module, config_list: List[Dict]): schema_list = [deepcopy(NORMAL_SCHEMA), deepcopy(EXCLUDE_SCHEMA), deepcopy(INTERNAL_SCHEMA)] for sub_shcema in schema_list: sub_shcema[SchemaOptional('op_types')] = ['Conv2d', 'Linear'] schema = CompressorSchema(schema_list, model, _logger) schema.validate(config_list) def reset_tools(self): if self.data_collector is None: self.data_collector = WeightDataCollector(self) else: self.data_collector.reset() if self.metrics_calculator is None: self.metrics_calculator = NormMetricsCalculator(p=self.p, dim=0) if self.sparsity_allocator is None: if self.mode == 'normal': self.sparsity_allocator = NormalSparsityAllocator(self, dim=0) elif self.mode == 'dependency_aware': self.sparsity_allocator = Conv2dDependencyAwareAllocator(self, 0, self.dummy_input) else: raise NotImplementedError('Only support mode `normal` and `dependency_aware`')
[docs]class L1NormPruner(NormPruner): """ Parameters ---------- model : torch.nn.Module Model to be pruned config_list : List[Dict] Supported keys: - sparsity : This is to specify the sparsity for each layer in this config to be compressed. - sparsity_per_layer : Equals to sparsity. - op_types : Conv2d and Linear are supported in L1NormPruner. - op_names : Operation names to prune. - exclude : Set True then the layers setting by op_types and op_names will be excluded from pruning. mode : str 'normal' or 'dependency_aware'. If prune the model in a dependency-aware way, this pruner will prune the model according to the l1-norm of weights and the channel-dependency or group-dependency of the model. In this way, the pruner will force the conv layers that have dependencies to prune the same channels, so the speedup module can better harvest the speed benefit from the pruned model. Note that, if set 'dependency_aware' , the dummy_input cannot be None, because the pruner needs a dummy input to trace the dependency between the conv layers. dummy_input : Optional[torch.Tensor] The dummy input to analyze the topology constraints. Note that, the dummy_input should on the same device with the model. """ def __init__(self, model: Module, config_list: List[Dict], mode: str = 'normal', dummy_input: Optional[Tensor] = None): super().__init__(model, config_list, 1, mode, dummy_input)
[docs]class L2NormPruner(NormPruner): """ Parameters ---------- model : torch.nn.Module Model to be pruned config_list : List[Dict] Supported keys: - sparsity : This is to specify the sparsity for each layer in this config to be compressed. - sparsity_per_layer : Equals to sparsity. - op_types : Conv2d and Linear are supported in L1NormPruner. - op_names : Operation names to prune. - exclude : Set True then the layers setting by op_types and op_names will be excluded from pruning. mode : str 'normal' or 'dependency_aware'. If prune the model in a dependency-aware way, this pruner will prune the model according to the l2-norm of weights and the channel-dependency or group-dependency of the model. In this way, the pruner will force the conv layers that have dependencies to prune the same channels, so the speedup module can better harvest the speed benefit from the pruned model. Note that, if set 'dependency_aware' , the dummy_input cannot be None, because the pruner needs a dummy input to trace the dependency between the conv layers. dummy_input : Optional[torch.Tensor] The dummy input to analyze the topology constraints. Note that, the dummy_input should on the same device with the model. """ def __init__(self, model: Module, config_list: List[Dict], mode: str = 'normal', dummy_input: Optional[Tensor] = None): super().__init__(model, config_list, 2, mode, dummy_input)
[docs]class FPGMPruner(BasicPruner): """ Parameters ---------- model : torch.nn.Module Model to be pruned config_list : List[Dict] Supported keys: - sparsity : This is to specify the sparsity for each layer in this config to be compressed. - sparsity_per_layer : Equals to sparsity. - op_types : Conv2d and Linear are supported in FPGMPruner. - op_names : Operation names to prune. - exclude : Set True then the layers setting by op_types and op_names will be excluded from pruning. mode : str 'normal' or 'dependency_aware'. If prune the model in a dependency-aware way, this pruner will prune the model according to the FPGM of weights and the channel-dependency or group-dependency of the model. In this way, the pruner will force the conv layers that have dependencies to prune the same channels, so the speedup module can better harvest the speed benefit from the pruned model. Note that, if set 'dependency_aware' , the dummy_input cannot be None, because the pruner needs a dummy input to trace the dependency between the conv layers. dummy_input : Optional[torch.Tensor] The dummy input to analyze the topology constraints. Note that, the dummy_input should on the same device with the model. """ def __init__(self, model: Module, config_list: List[Dict], mode: str = 'normal', dummy_input: Optional[Tensor] = None): self.mode = mode self.dummy_input = dummy_input super().__init__(model, config_list) def _validate_config_before_canonical(self, model: Module, config_list: List[Dict]): schema_list = [deepcopy(NORMAL_SCHEMA), deepcopy(EXCLUDE_SCHEMA), deepcopy(INTERNAL_SCHEMA)] for sub_shcema in schema_list: sub_shcema[SchemaOptional('op_types')] = ['Conv2d', 'Linear'] schema = CompressorSchema(schema_list, model, _logger) schema.validate(config_list) def reset_tools(self): if self.data_collector is None: self.data_collector = WeightDataCollector(self) else: self.data_collector.reset() if self.metrics_calculator is None: self.metrics_calculator = DistMetricsCalculator(p=2, dim=0) if self.sparsity_allocator is None: if self.mode == 'normal': self.sparsity_allocator = NormalSparsityAllocator(self, dim=0) elif self.mode == 'dependency_aware': self.sparsity_allocator = Conv2dDependencyAwareAllocator(self, 0, self.dummy_input) else: raise NotImplementedError('Only support mode `normal` and `dependency_aware`')
[docs]class SlimPruner(BasicPruner): """ Parameters ---------- model : torch.nn.Module Model to be pruned config_list : List[Dict] Supported keys: - sparsity : This is to specify the sparsity for each layer in this config to be compressed. - sparsity_per_layer : Equals to sparsity. - total_sparsity : This is to specify the total sparsity for all layers in this config, each layer may have different sparsity. - max_sparsity_per_layer : Always used with total_sparsity. Limit the max sparsity of each layer. - op_types : Only BatchNorm2d is supported in SlimPruner. - op_names : Operation names to prune. - exclude : Set True then the layers setting by op_types and op_names will be excluded from pruning. trainer : Callable[[Module, Optimizer, Callable], None] A callable function used to train model or just inference. Take model, optimizer, criterion as input. The model will be trained or inferenced `training_epochs` epochs. Example:: def trainer(model: Module, optimizer: Optimizer, criterion: Callable[[Tensor, Tensor], Tensor]): training = model.train(mode=True) device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") for batch_idx, (data, target) in enumerate(train_loader): data, target =, optimizer.zero_grad() output = model(data) loss = criterion(output, target) loss.backward() # If you don't want to update the model, you can skip `optimizer.step()`, and set train mode False. optimizer.step() model.train(mode=training) optimizer : torch.optim.Optimizer The optimizer instance used in trainer. Note that this optimizer might be patched during collect data, so do not use this optimizer in other places. criterion : Callable[[Tensor, Tensor], Tensor] The criterion function used in trainer. Take model output and target value as input, and return the loss. training_epochs : int The epoch number for training model to sparsify the BN weight. mode : str 'normal' or 'global'. If prune the model in a global way, all layer weights with same config will be considered uniformly. That means a single layer may not reach or exceed the sparsity setting in config, but the total pruned weights meet the sparsity setting. """ def __init__(self, model: Module, config_list: List[Dict], trainer: Callable[[Module, Optimizer, Callable], None], optimizer: Optimizer, criterion: Callable[[Tensor, Tensor], Tensor], training_epochs: int, scale: float = 0.0001, mode='global'): self.mode = mode self.trainer = trainer self.optimizer = optimizer self.criterion = criterion self.training_epochs = training_epochs self._scale = scale super().__init__(model, config_list) def _validate_config_before_canonical(self, model: Module, config_list: List[Dict]): schema_list = [deepcopy(EXCLUDE_SCHEMA), deepcopy(INTERNAL_SCHEMA)] if self.mode == 'global': schema_list.append(deepcopy(GLOBAL_SCHEMA)) else: schema_list.append(deepcopy(NORMAL_SCHEMA)) for sub_shcema in schema_list: sub_shcema[SchemaOptional('op_types')] = ['BatchNorm2d'] schema = CompressorSchema(schema_list, model, _logger) schema.validate(config_list) def criterion_patch(self, criterion: Callable[[Tensor, Tensor], Tensor]) -> Callable[[Tensor, Tensor], Tensor]: def patched_criterion(input_tensor: Tensor, target: Tensor): sum_l1 = 0 for _, wrapper in self.get_modules_wrapper().items(): sum_l1 += torch.norm(, p=1) return criterion(input_tensor, target) + self._scale * sum_l1 return patched_criterion def reset_tools(self): if self.data_collector is None: self.data_collector = WeightTrainerBasedDataCollector(self, self.trainer, self.optimizer, self.criterion, self.training_epochs, criterion_patch=self.criterion_patch) else: self.data_collector.reset() if self.metrics_calculator is None: self.metrics_calculator = NormMetricsCalculator() if self.sparsity_allocator is None: if self.mode == 'normal': self.sparsity_allocator = NormalSparsityAllocator(self) elif self.mode == 'global': self.sparsity_allocator = GlobalSparsityAllocator(self) else: raise NotImplementedError('Only support mode `normal` and `global`')
class ActivationPruner(BasicPruner): """ Parameters ---------- model : torch.nn.Module Model to be pruned config_list : List[Dict] Supported keys: - sparsity : This is to specify the sparsity for each layer in this config to be compressed. - sparsity_per_layer : Equals to sparsity. - op_types : Conv2d and Linear are supported in ActivationPruner. - op_names : Operation names to prune. - exclude : Set True then the layers setting by op_types and op_names will be excluded from pruning. trainer : Callable[[Module, Optimizer, Callable], None] A callable function used to train model or just inference. Take model, optimizer, criterion as input. The model will be trained or inferenced `training_epochs` epochs. Example:: def trainer(model: Module, optimizer: Optimizer, criterion: Callable[[Tensor, Tensor], Tensor]): training = model.train(mode=True) device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") for batch_idx, (data, target) in enumerate(train_loader): data, target =, optimizer.zero_grad() output = model(data) loss = criterion(output, target) loss.backward() # If you don't want to update the model, you can skip `optimizer.step()`, and set train mode False. optimizer.step() model.train(mode=training) optimizer : torch.optim.Optimizer The optimizer instance used in trainer. Note that this optimizer might be patched during collect data, so do not use this optimizer in other places. criterion : Callable[[Tensor, Tensor], Tensor] The criterion function used in trainer. Take model output and target value as input, and return the loss. training_batches The batch number used to collect activations. mode : str 'normal' or 'dependency_aware'. If prune the model in a dependency-aware way, this pruner will prune the model according to the activation-based metrics and the channel-dependency or group-dependency of the model. In this way, the pruner will force the conv layers that have dependencies to prune the same channels, so the speedup module can better harvest the speed benefit from the pruned model. Note that, if set 'dependency_aware' , the dummy_input cannot be None, because the pruner needs a dummy input to trace the dependency between the conv layers. dummy_input : Optional[torch.Tensor] The dummy input to analyze the topology constraints. Note that, the dummy_input should on the same device with the model. """ def __init__(self, model: Module, config_list: List[Dict], trainer: Callable[[Module, Optimizer, Callable], None], optimizer: Optimizer, criterion: Callable[[Tensor, Tensor], Tensor], training_batches: int, activation: str = 'relu', mode: str = 'normal', dummy_input: Optional[Tensor] = None): self.mode = mode self.dummy_input = dummy_input self.trainer = trainer self.optimizer = optimizer self.criterion = criterion self.training_batches = training_batches self._activation = self._choose_activation(activation) super().__init__(model, config_list) def _validate_config_before_canonical(self, model: Module, config_list: List[Dict]): schema_list = [deepcopy(NORMAL_SCHEMA), deepcopy(EXCLUDE_SCHEMA), deepcopy(INTERNAL_SCHEMA)] for sub_shcema in schema_list: sub_shcema[SchemaOptional('op_types')] = ['Conv2d', 'Linear'] schema = CompressorSchema(schema_list, model, _logger) schema.validate(config_list) def _choose_activation(self, activation: str = 'relu') -> Callable: if activation == 'relu': return nn.functional.relu elif activation == 'relu6': return nn.functional.relu6 else: raise 'Unsupported activatoin {}'.format(activation) def _collector(self, buffer: List) -> Callable[[Module, Tensor, Tensor], None]: def collect_activation(_module: Module, _input: Tensor, output: Tensor): if len(buffer) < self.training_batches: buffer.append(self._activation(output.detach())) return collect_activation def reset_tools(self): collector_info = HookCollectorInfo([layer_info for layer_info, _ in self._detect_modules_to_compress()], 'forward', self._collector) if self.data_collector is None: self.data_collector = SingleHookTrainerBasedDataCollector(self, self.trainer, self.optimizer, self.criterion, 1, collector_infos=[collector_info]) else: self.data_collector.reset() if self.metrics_calculator is None: self.metrics_calculator = self._get_metrics_calculator() if self.sparsity_allocator is None: if self.mode == 'normal': self.sparsity_allocator = NormalSparsityAllocator(self, dim=0) elif self.mode == 'dependency_aware': self.sparsity_allocator = Conv2dDependencyAwareAllocator(self, 0, self.dummy_input) else: raise NotImplementedError('Only support mode `normal` and `dependency_aware`') def _get_metrics_calculator(self) -> MetricsCalculator: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class ActivationAPoZRankPruner(ActivationPruner): def _get_metrics_calculator(self) -> MetricsCalculator: return APoZRankMetricsCalculator(dim=1)
[docs]class ActivationMeanRankPruner(ActivationPruner): def _get_metrics_calculator(self) -> MetricsCalculator: return MeanRankMetricsCalculator(dim=1)
[docs]class TaylorFOWeightPruner(BasicPruner): """ Parameters ---------- model : torch.nn.Module Model to be pruned config_list : List[Dict] Supported keys: - sparsity : This is to specify the sparsity for each layer in this config to be compressed. - sparsity_per_layer : Equals to sparsity. - total_sparsity : This is to specify the total sparsity for all layers in this config, each layer may have different sparsity. - max_sparsity_per_layer : Always used with total_sparsity. Limit the max sparsity of each layer. - op_types : Conv2d and Linear are supported in TaylorFOWeightPruner. - op_names : Operation names to prune. - exclude : Set True then the layers setting by op_types and op_names will be excluded from pruning. trainer : Callable[[Module, Optimizer, Callable] A callable function used to train model or just inference. Take model, optimizer, criterion as input. The model will be trained or inferenced `training_epochs` epochs. Example:: def trainer(model: Module, optimizer: Optimizer, criterion: Callable[[Tensor, Tensor], Tensor]): training = model.train(mode=True) device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") for batch_idx, (data, target) in enumerate(train_loader): data, target =, optimizer.zero_grad() output = model(data) loss = criterion(output, target) loss.backward() # If you don't want to update the model, you can skip `optimizer.step()`, and set train mode False. optimizer.step() model.train(mode=training) optimizer : torch.optim.Optimizer The optimizer instance used in trainer. Note that this optimizer might be patched during collect data, so do not use this optimizer in other places. criterion : Callable[[Tensor, Tensor], Tensor] The criterion function used in trainer. Take model output and target value as input, and return the loss. training_batches : int The batch number used to collect activations. mode : str 'normal', 'dependency_aware' or 'global'. If prune the model in a dependency-aware way, this pruner will prune the model according to the taylorFO and the channel-dependency or group-dependency of the model. In this way, the pruner will force the conv layers that have dependencies to prune the same channels, so the speedup module can better harvest the speed benefit from the pruned model. Note that, if set 'dependency_aware' , the dummy_input cannot be None, because the pruner needs a dummy input to trace the dependency between the conv layers. If prune the model in a global way, all layer weights with same config will be considered uniformly. That means a single layer may not reach or exceed the sparsity setting in config, but the total pruned weights meet the sparsity setting. dummy_input : Optional[torch.Tensor] The dummy input to analyze the topology constraints. Note that, the dummy_input should on the same device with the model. """ def __init__(self, model: Module, config_list: List[Dict], trainer: Callable[[Module, Optimizer, Callable], None], optimizer: Optimizer, criterion: Callable[[Tensor, Tensor], Tensor], training_batches: int, mode: str = 'normal', dummy_input: Optional[Tensor] = None): self.mode = mode self.dummy_input = dummy_input self.trainer = trainer self.optimizer = optimizer self.criterion = criterion self.training_batches = training_batches super().__init__(model, config_list) def _validate_config_before_canonical(self, model: Module, config_list: List[Dict]): schema_list = [deepcopy(EXCLUDE_SCHEMA), deepcopy(INTERNAL_SCHEMA)] if self.mode == 'global': schema_list.append(deepcopy(GLOBAL_SCHEMA)) else: schema_list.append(deepcopy(NORMAL_SCHEMA)) for sub_shcema in schema_list: sub_shcema[SchemaOptional('op_types')] = ['Conv2d', 'Linear'] schema = CompressorSchema(schema_list, model, _logger) schema.validate(config_list) def _collector(self, buffer: List, weight_tensor: Tensor) -> Callable[[Tensor], None]: def collect_taylor(grad: Tensor): if len(buffer) < self.training_batches: buffer.append(self._calculate_taylor_expansion(weight_tensor, grad)) return collect_taylor def _calculate_taylor_expansion(self, weight_tensor: Tensor, grad: Tensor) -> Tensor: return (weight_tensor.detach() * grad.detach()).data.pow(2) def reset_tools(self): hook_targets = { layer_info.module.weight for layer_info, _ in self._detect_modules_to_compress()} collector_info = HookCollectorInfo(hook_targets, 'tensor', self._collector) if self.data_collector is None: self.data_collector = SingleHookTrainerBasedDataCollector(self, self.trainer, self.optimizer, self.criterion, 1, collector_infos=[collector_info]) else: self.data_collector.reset() if self.metrics_calculator is None: self.metrics_calculator = MultiDataNormMetricsCalculator(p=1, dim=0) if self.sparsity_allocator is None: if self.mode == 'normal': self.sparsity_allocator = NormalSparsityAllocator(self, dim=0) elif self.mode == 'global': self.sparsity_allocator = GlobalSparsityAllocator(self, dim=0) elif self.mode == 'dependency_aware': self.sparsity_allocator = Conv2dDependencyAwareAllocator(self, 0, self.dummy_input) else: raise NotImplementedError('Only support mode `normal`, `global` and `dependency_aware`')
[docs]class ADMMPruner(BasicPruner): """ ADMM (Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers) Pruner is a kind of mathematical optimization technique. The metric used in this pruner is the absolute value of the weight. In each iteration, the weight with small magnitudes will be set to zero. Only in the final iteration, the mask will be generated and apply to model wrapper. The original paper refer to: Parameters ---------- model : torch.nn.Module Model to be pruned. config_list : List[Dict] Supported keys: - sparsity : This is to specify the sparsity for each layer in this config to be compressed. - sparsity_per_layer : Equals to sparsity. - rho : Penalty parameters in ADMM algorithm. - op_types : Operation types to prune. - op_names : Operation names to prune. - exclude : Set True then the layers setting by op_types and op_names will be excluded from pruning. trainer : Callable[[Module, Optimizer, Callable] A callable function used to train model or just inference. Take model, optimizer, criterion as input. The model will be trained or inferenced `training_epochs` epochs. Example:: def trainer(model: Module, optimizer: Optimizer, criterion: Callable[[Tensor, Tensor], Tensor]): training = model.train(mode=True) device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") for batch_idx, (data, target) in enumerate(train_loader): data, target =, optimizer.zero_grad() output = model(data) loss = criterion(output, target) loss.backward() # If you don't want to update the model, you can skip `optimizer.step()`, and set train mode False. optimizer.step() model.train(mode=training) optimizer : torch.optim.Optimizer The optimizer instance used in trainer. Note that this optimizer might be patched during collect data, so do not use this optimizer in other places. criterion : Callable[[Tensor, Tensor], Tensor] The criterion function used in trainer. Take model output and target value as input, and return the loss. iterations : int The total iteration number in admm pruning algorithm. training_epochs : int The epoch number for training model in each iteration. """ def __init__(self, model: Module, config_list: List[Dict], trainer: Callable[[Module, Optimizer, Callable], None], optimizer: Optimizer, criterion: Callable[[Tensor, Tensor], Tensor], iterations: int, training_epochs: int): self.trainer = trainer self.optimizer = optimizer self.criterion = criterion self.iterations = iterations self.training_epochs = training_epochs super().__init__(model, config_list) self.Z = {name: for name, wrapper in self.get_modules_wrapper().items()} self.U = {name: torch.zeros_like(z).to(z.device) for name, z in self.Z.items()} def _validate_config_before_canonical(self, model: Module, config_list: List[Dict]): schema_list = [deepcopy(NORMAL_SCHEMA), deepcopy(INTERNAL_SCHEMA)] for schema in schema_list: schema.update({SchemaOptional('rho'): And(float, lambda n: n > 0)}) schema_list.append(deepcopy(EXCLUDE_SCHEMA)) schema = CompressorSchema(schema_list, model, _logger) schema.validate(config_list) def criterion_patch(self, origin_criterion: Callable[[Tensor, Tensor], Tensor]): def patched_criterion(output: Tensor, target: Tensor): penalty = torch.tensor(0.0).to(output.device) for name, wrapper in self.get_modules_wrapper().items(): rho = wrapper.config.get('rho', 1e-4) penalty += (rho / 2) * torch.sqrt(torch.norm(wrapper.module.weight - self.Z[name] + self.U[name])) return origin_criterion(output, target) + penalty return patched_criterion def reset_tools(self): if self.data_collector is None: self.data_collector = WeightTrainerBasedDataCollector(self, self.trainer, self.optimizer, self.criterion, self.training_epochs, criterion_patch=self.criterion_patch) else: self.data_collector.reset() if self.metrics_calculator is None: self.metrics_calculator = NormMetricsCalculator() if self.sparsity_allocator is None: self.sparsity_allocator = NormalSparsityAllocator(self) def compress(self) -> Tuple[Module, Dict]: """ Returns ------- Tuple[Module, Dict] Return the wrapped model and mask. """ for i in range(self.iterations):'======= ADMM Iteration %d Start =======', i) data = self.data_collector.collect() for name, weight in data.items(): self.Z[name] = weight + self.U[name] metrics = self.metrics_calculator.calculate_metrics(self.Z) masks = self.sparsity_allocator.generate_sparsity(metrics) for name, mask in masks.items(): self.Z[name] = self.Z[name].mul(mask['weight']) self.U[name] = self.U[name] + data[name] - self.Z[name] metrics = self.metrics_calculator.calculate_metrics(data) masks = self.sparsity_allocator.generate_sparsity(metrics) self.load_masks(masks) return self.bound_model, masks