nni.mutable.symbol 源代码

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

Infrastructure for symbolic execution.

Symbolic execution is a technique for executing programs on symbolic inputs.
It supports arithmetic operations and comparisons on abstract symbols,
and can be used to represent symbolic expressions for potential evaluation and optimization.

The symbolic execution is implemented by overriding the operators of the :class:`Symbol` class.
The operators are implemented in a way that they can be chained together to form a :class:`SymbolicExpression`.
The symbolic execution is lazy,
which means that the expression will not be evaluated until the final value is substituted.

>>> from nni.mutable.symbol import Symbol
>>> x, y = Symbol('x'), Symbol('y')
>>> expr = x * x + y * 2
>>> print(expr)
(x * x) + (y * 2)
>>> list(expr.leaf_symbols())
[Symbol('x'), Symbol('x'), Symbol('y')]
>>> expr.evaluate({'x': 2, 'y': 3})

from __future__ import annotations

__all__ = ['Symbol', 'SymbolicExpression']

import itertools
import math
import operator
from typing import Any, Iterable, Type, NoReturn, Callable, Iterator, overload

# the code in ValueChoice can be generated with this codegen
# this is not done online because I want to have type-hint supports
# $ python -c "from nni.mutable.symbol import _symbol_expr_codegen; _symbol_expr_codegen(_internal=True)"
def _symbol_expr_codegen(*, _internal: bool = False):
    if not _internal:
        raise RuntimeError("This method is set to be internal. Please don't use it directly.")
    MAPPING = {
        # unary
        'neg': '-', 'pos': '+', 'invert': '~',
        # binary
        'add': '+', 'sub': '-', 'mul': '*', 'matmul': '@',
        'truediv': '/', 'floordiv': '//', 'mod': '%',
        'lshift': '<<', 'rshift': '>>',
        'and': '&', 'xor': '^', 'or': '|',
        # no reverse
        'lt': '<', 'le': '<=',
        'ne': '!=', 'ge': '>=', 'gt': '>',
        # NOTE
        # Currently we don't support operators like __contains__ (b in a),
        # Might support them in future when we actually need them.

    binary_template = """    def __{op}__(self, other: Any) -> Any:
        return self.expr_cls(operator.{opt}, '{{}} {sym} {{}}', [self, other])"""

    binary_r_template = """    def __r{op}__(self, other: Any) -> Any:
        return self.expr_cls(operator.{opt}, '{{}} {sym} {{}}', [other, self])"""

    unary_template = """    def __{op}__(self) -> Any:
        return self.expr_cls(operator.{op}, '{sym}{{}}', [self])"""

    for op, sym in MAPPING.items():
        if op in ['neg', 'pos', 'invert']:
            print(unary_template.format(op=op, sym=sym) + '\n')
            opt = op + '_' if op in ['and', 'or'] else op
            print(binary_template.format(op=op, opt=opt, sym=sym) + '\n')
            if op not in ['lt', 'le', 'eq', 'ne', 'ge', 'gt']:
                print(binary_r_template.format(op=op, opt=opt, sym=sym) + '\n')

def symbolic_staticmethod(orig_func: Callable) -> staticmethod:
    if orig_func.__doc__ is not None:
        orig_func.__doc__ += """
        This function performs lazy evaluation.
        Only the expression will be recorded when the function is called.
        The real evaluation happens when the inner value choice has determined its final decision.
        If no value choice is contained in the parameter list, the evaluation will be intermediate."""
    return staticmethod(orig_func)

def first_symbolic_object(*objects: Any) -> SymbolicExpression | None:
    Return the first symbolic object in the given list.
    for obj in objects:
        if isinstance(obj, SymbolicExpression):
            return obj
    return None

[文档] class SymbolicExpression: """Implementation of symbolic execution. Each instance of :class:`SymbolicExpression` is a node on the expression tree, with a function and a list of children (i.e., function arguments). The expression is designed to be compatible with native Python expressions. That means, the static methods (as well as operators) can be also applied on plain Python values. """ @property def expr_cls(self) -> Type[SymbolicExpression]: """The created expression will be using this class.""" return SymbolicExpression def __init__(self, function: Callable, repr_template: str, arguments: list[Any]): self.function = function self.repr_template = repr_template self.arguments = arguments if not any(isinstance(arg, SymbolicExpression) for arg in self.arguments): raise ValueError('To construct a symbolic expression, at least one of arguments must be a symbolic expression itself.')
[文档] def leaf_symbols(self) -> Iterable[Symbol]: """ Return a generator of all leaf symbols. Useful for when you want to inspect when the symbols come from. No deduplication even if the symbols has duplicates. """ for arg in self.arguments: if isinstance(arg, SymbolicExpression): yield from arg.leaf_symbols()
@overload def evaluate(self, values: Iterable[Any]) -> Any: """ Evaluate the expression when symbols are replaced with concrete values. Parameters ---------- values Should be of the same length and the same order as ``leaf_symbols()``. Warnings -------- No validation here. Even if one symbol has different values at different places, the evaluation would still succeed. """ ... @overload def evaluate(self, values: dict[str, Any]) -> Any: """ Evaluate the expression when symbols are replaced with concrete values. Parameters ---------- values Should be of the same length and the same order as ``leaf_symbols()``. """ ... def evaluate(self, values: Iterable[Any] | dict[str, Any]) -> Any: if isinstance(values, list): # Backward compatibility values = iter(values) # "values" iterates in the recursion eval_args = [] for arg in self.arguments: if isinstance(arg, SymbolicExpression): # recursive evaluation eval_args.append(arg.evaluate(values)) # the recursion will stop when it hits a leaf node (value choice) # the implementation is in `ValueChoice` else: # constant value eval_args.append(arg) return self.function(*eval_args) def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.symbolic_repr() def __str__(self) -> str: return self.symbolic_repr(neat=True) def symbolic_repr(self, neat: bool = False) -> str: reprs = [] for arg in self.arguments: if isinstance(arg, SymbolicExpression) and not isinstance(arg, Symbol): reprs.append('(' + arg.symbolic_repr(neat) + ')') # add parenthesis for operator priority elif neat: reprs.append(str(arg)) else: reprs.append(repr(arg)) return self.repr_template.format(*reprs) # Python special methods list: # https://docs.python.org/3/reference/datamodel.html#special-method-names # Special operators that can be useful in place of built-in conditional operators.
[文档] @symbolic_staticmethod def to_int(obj: Any) -> SymbolicExpression | int: """Convert the current value to an integer.""" if isinstance(obj, SymbolicExpression): return obj.expr_cls(int, 'int({})', [obj]) return int(obj)
[文档] @symbolic_staticmethod def to_float(obj: Any) -> SymbolicExpression | float: """Convert the current value to a float.""" if isinstance(obj, SymbolicExpression): return obj.expr_cls(float, 'float({})', [obj]) return float(obj)
[文档] @symbolic_staticmethod def condition(pred: Any, true: Any, false: Any) -> SymbolicExpression | Any: """ Return ``true`` if the predicate ``pred`` is true else ``false``. Examples -------- >>> SymbolicExpression.condition(Symbol('x') > Symbol('y'), 2, 1) """ symbol_obj = first_symbolic_object(pred, true, false) if symbol_obj is not None: return symbol_obj.expr_cls(lambda t, c, f: t if c else f, '{} if {} else {}', [true, pred, false]) return true if pred else false
[文档] @symbolic_staticmethod def case(pred_expr_pairs: list[tuple[Any, Any]]) -> SymbolicExpression | Any: # type: ignore """Return the first expression with predicate that is true. For example:: if (x < y) return 17; else if (x > z) return 23; else (y > z) return 31; Equivalent to:: SymbolicExpression.case([(x < y, 17), (x > z, 23), (y > z, 31)]) """ def _case_fn(*pred_expr_pairs): assert len(pred_expr_pairs) % 2 == 0 for pred, expr in zip(pred_expr_pairs[::2], pred_expr_pairs[1::2]): if pred: return expr raise RuntimeError('No matching case') chained_pairs = list(itertools.chain(*pred_expr_pairs)) symbol_obj = first_symbolic_object(*chained_pairs) if symbol_obj is not None: return symbol_obj.expr_cls( _case_fn, 'case([' + ', '.join(['({}, {})'] * len(pred_expr_pairs)) + '])', chained_pairs ) return _case_fn(*chained_pairs)
[文档] @symbolic_staticmethod def switch_case(branch: Any, expressions: dict[Any, Any]) -> SymbolicExpression | Any: """Select the expression that matches the branch. C-style switch: .. code-block:: cpp switch (branch) { // c-style switch case 0: return 17; case 1: return 31; } Equivalent to:: SymbolicExpression.switch_case(branch, {0: 17, 1: 31}) """ def _switch_fn(branch, *expressions): # TODO: support lazy evaluation. assert len(expressions) % 2 == 0 keys = expressions[::2] values = expressions[1::2] for key, value in zip(keys, values): if key == branch: return value raise RuntimeError(f'No matching case for {branch}') expanded_expression = list(itertools.chain(*expressions.items())) symbol_obj = first_symbolic_object(branch, *expanded_expression) if symbol_obj is not None: return symbol_obj.expr_cls( _switch_fn, 'switch_case({}, {{' + ', '.join(['{}: {}'] * len(expressions)) + '}})', [branch, *expanded_expression] ) return expressions[branch]
[文档] @symbolic_staticmethod def max(arg0: Iterable[Any] | Any, *args: Any) -> Any: """ Returns the maximum value from a list of symbols. The usage should be similar to Python's built-in symbols, where the parameters could be an iterable, or at least two arguments. """ if not args: if not isinstance(arg0, Iterable): raise TypeError('Expect more than one items to compare max') return SymbolicExpression.max(*list(arg0)) lst = list(arg0) if isinstance(arg0, Iterable) else [arg0] + list(args) symbol_obj = first_symbolic_object(*lst) if symbol_obj is not None: return symbol_obj.expr_cls(max, 'max({})', lst) return max(lst)
[文档] @symbolic_staticmethod def min(arg0: Iterable[Any] | Any, *args: Any) -> Any: """ Returns the minimum value from a list of symbols. The usage should be similar to Python's built-in symbols, where the parameters could be an iterable, or at least two arguments. """ if not args: if not isinstance(arg0, Iterable): raise TypeError('Expect more than one items to compare min') return SymbolicExpression.min(*list(arg0)) lst = list(arg0) if isinstance(arg0, Iterable) else [arg0] + list(args) symbol_obj = first_symbolic_object(*lst) if symbol_obj is not None: return symbol_obj.expr_cls(min, 'min({})', lst) return min(lst)
# Add this back if some tests complain in future. # def __hash__(self): # # this is required because we have implemented ``__eq__`` # return id(self) # NOTE: # Write operations are not supported. Reasons follow: # - Semantics are not clear. It can be applied to "all" the inner candidates, or only the chosen one. # - Implementation effort is too huge. # As a result, inplace operators like +=, *=, magic methods like `__getattr__` are not included in this list. def __getitem__(self, key: Any) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(lambda x, y: x[y], '{}[{}]', [self, key]) # region implement int, float, round, trunc, floor, ceil # because I believe sometimes we need them to calculate #channels # `__int__` and `__float__` are not supported because `__int__` is required to return int. def __round__(self, ndigits: Any | int | None = None) -> Any: if ndigits is not None: return self.expr_cls(round, 'round({}, {})', [self, ndigits]) return self.expr_cls(round, 'round({})', [self]) def __trunc__(self) -> NoReturn: raise RuntimeError("Try to use `SymbolicExpression.to_int()` instead of `math.trunc()` on symbols.") def __floor__(self) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(math.floor, 'math.floor({})', [self]) def __ceil__(self) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(math.ceil, 'math.ceil({})', [self]) def __index__(self) -> NoReturn: # https://docs.python.org/3/reference/datamodel.html#object.__index__ raise RuntimeError("`__index__` is not allowed on SymbolicExpression, which means you can't " "use int(), float(), complex(), range() on a SymbolicExpression. " "To cast the type of SymbolicExpression, please try `SymbolicExpression.to_int()` " "or `SymbolicExpression.to_float()`.") def __bool__(self) -> NoReturn: raise RuntimeError('Cannot use bool() on SymbolicExpression. That means, using SymbolicExpression in a if-clause is illegal. ' 'Please try methods like `SymbolicExpression.max(a, b)` to see whether that meets your needs.') def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> Any: # FIXME: This override causes trouble for many cases which only cares about the values of the expression. # Might need to rethink about this before first release. if self is other: # Bypass some unnecessary expressions. return True return self.expr_cls(operator.eq, '{} == {}', [self, other]) # endregion # region the following code is generated with codegen (see above) # Annotated with "region" because I want to collapse them in vscode def __neg__(self) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(operator.neg, '-{}', [self]) def __pos__(self) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(operator.pos, '+{}', [self]) def __invert__(self) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(operator.invert, '~{}', [self]) def __add__(self, other: Any) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(operator.add, '{} + {}', [self, other]) def __radd__(self, other: Any) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(operator.add, '{} + {}', [other, self]) def __sub__(self, other: Any) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(operator.sub, '{} - {}', [self, other]) def __rsub__(self, other: Any) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(operator.sub, '{} - {}', [other, self]) def __mul__(self, other: Any) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(operator.mul, '{} * {}', [self, other]) def __rmul__(self, other: Any) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(operator.mul, '{} * {}', [other, self]) def __matmul__(self, other: Any) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(operator.matmul, '{} @ {}', [self, other]) def __rmatmul__(self, other: Any) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(operator.matmul, '{} @ {}', [other, self]) def __truediv__(self, other: Any) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(operator.truediv, '{} / {}', [self, other]) def __rtruediv__(self, other: Any) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(operator.truediv, '{} / {}', [other, self]) def __floordiv__(self, other: Any) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(operator.floordiv, '{} // {}', [self, other]) def __rfloordiv__(self, other: Any) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(operator.floordiv, '{} // {}', [other, self]) def __mod__(self, other: Any) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(operator.mod, '{} % {}', [self, other]) def __rmod__(self, other: Any) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(operator.mod, '{} % {}', [other, self]) def __lshift__(self, other: Any) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(operator.lshift, '{} << {}', [self, other]) def __rlshift__(self, other: Any) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(operator.lshift, '{} << {}', [other, self]) def __rshift__(self, other: Any) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(operator.rshift, '{} >> {}', [self, other]) def __rrshift__(self, other: Any) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(operator.rshift, '{} >> {}', [other, self]) def __and__(self, other: Any) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(operator.and_, '{} & {}', [self, other]) def __rand__(self, other: Any) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(operator.and_, '{} & {}', [other, self]) def __xor__(self, other: Any) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(operator.xor, '{} ^ {}', [self, other]) def __rxor__(self, other: Any) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(operator.xor, '{} ^ {}', [other, self]) def __or__(self, other: Any) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(operator.or_, '{} | {}', [self, other]) def __ror__(self, other: Any) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(operator.or_, '{} | {}', [other, self]) def __lt__(self, other: Any) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(operator.lt, '{} < {}', [self, other]) def __le__(self, other: Any) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(operator.le, '{} <= {}', [self, other]) def __ne__(self, other: Any) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(operator.ne, '{} != {}', [self, other]) def __ge__(self, other: Any) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(operator.ge, '{} >= {}', [self, other]) def __gt__(self, other: Any) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(operator.gt, '{} > {}', [self, other]) # endregion # __pow__, __divmod__, __abs__ are special ones. # Not easy to cover those cases with codegen. def __pow__(self, other: Any, modulo: Any | None = None) -> Any: if modulo is not None: return self.expr_cls(pow, 'pow({}, {}, {})', [self, other, modulo]) return self.expr_cls(lambda a, b: a ** b, '{} ** {}', [self, other]) def __rpow__(self, other: Any, modulo: Any | None = None) -> Any: if modulo is not None: return self.expr_cls(pow, 'pow({}, {}, {})', [other, self, modulo]) return self.expr_cls(lambda a, b: a ** b, '{} ** {}', [other, self]) def __divmod__(self, other: Any) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(divmod, 'divmod({}, {})', [self, other]) def __rdivmod__(self, other: Any) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(divmod, 'divmod({}, {})', [other, self]) def __abs__(self) -> Any: return self.expr_cls(abs, 'abs({})', [self])
[文档] class Symbol(SymbolicExpression): """ The leaf node of a symbolic expression. Each :class:`Symbol` represents one variable in the expression. Variable with the same ``label`` share the same value. Operations on symbols (e.g., ``a + b``) will result in a new :class:`SymbolicExpression`. Parameters ---------- label Each symbol is bound with a label, i.e., the variable name. """ def __init__(self, label: str) -> None: self.label = label def leaf_symbols(self) -> Iterable[Symbol]: # yield self because self is the only symbol here yield self def evaluate(self, values: Iterator[Any] | dict[str, Any]) -> Any: if isinstance(values, dict): if self.label is None: raise ValueError('Cannot evaluate symbol without label when values is a dict.') if self.label not in values: raise KeyError(f'{self.label} is not in {values}') value = values[self.label] else: if isinstance(values, list): # Backward compatibility values = iter(values) try: value = next(values) except StopIteration: raise ValueError(f'Value list {values} is exhausted when trying to get a chosen value of {self}.') return value def __str__(self): return str(self.label) def __repr__(self): return f'Symbol({repr(self.label)})'