nni.compression.utils.evaluator 源代码

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

from __future__ import annotations

from collections.abc import Sequence, MutableMapping
from copy import deepcopy
import logging
import types
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union, Any, Callable, Optional

import torch
from torch import Tensor
from torch.nn import Module
from torch.optim import Optimizer
from torch.utils.hooks import RemovableHandle

    import pytorch_lightning as pl
except ImportError:

    import deepspeed
except ImportError:

    from transformers.trainer import Trainer as HFTrainer
    from transformers import TrainerCallback, TrainerControl, TrainerState
    from transformers import TrainingArguments
except ImportError:

    class PatchCallback:
        def on_train_begin(self, *args, **kwargs):
            raise RuntimeError("Don't use the fake PatchCallback, please install transformers")

    class PatchCallback(TrainerCallback):  # type: ignore
        def on_train_begin(self, args: TrainingArguments, state: TrainerState, control: TrainerControl, **kwargs):

import nni
from nni.common import is_traceable
from nni.common.types import SCHEDULER
from .constructor_helper import OptimizerConstructHelper, LRSchedulerConstructHelper
from .check_ddp import check_ddp_model, reset_ddp_model
from .deepspeed_config import HfDeepSpeedConfig as DeepSpeedConfig

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Hook:
    The base class used to generate, register and remove torch hook.

        The hook target, a torch.Tensor or a torch.nn.Module.
        The name of the target, use periods to separate, e.g., 'model.layers.0.conv1.weight'.
        A factory fucntion, input is an empty list, output is a hook function.
        The empty list is used to store some useful information in hook.

    def __init__(self, target: Module | Tensor, target_name: str, hook_factory: Callable[[List], Callable]):
        self.target = target
        self.target_name = target_name
        self.hook_factory = hook_factory
        self.buffer: List = []
        self.handle: RemovableHandle | None = None

    def _register(self, hook_func: Callable) -> RemovableHandle:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def register(self):
        if self.handle is not None:
            _logger.warning('%s for %s already has been registered.', self.__class__.__name__, self.target_name)
        self.handle = self._register(self.hook_factory(self.buffer))

    def remove(self):
        if self.handle is None:
            _logger.warning('%s for %s has not been registered yet.', self.__class__.__name__, self.target_name)
        self.handle = None
        self.buffer = []

class TensorHook(Hook):
    Here is an example for hook_factory, in this example, the gradient on this tensor will be saved in the buffer::

        def hook_factory(buffer):
            def hook(grad):
            return hook

    def __init__(self, target: Tensor, target_name: str, hook_factory: Callable[[List], Callable[[Tensor], Tensor | None]]):
        assert isinstance(target, Tensor)
        super().__init__(target, target_name, hook_factory)
        self.target: Tensor

    def _register(self, hook_func: Callable[[Tensor], Tensor | None]) -> RemovableHandle:
        return self.target.register_hook(hook_func)

class ModuleHook(Hook):
    def __init__(self, target: Module, target_name: str, hook_factory: Callable[[List], Callable[[Module, Any, Any], Any]]):
        assert isinstance(target, Module)
        super().__init__(target, target_name, hook_factory)
        self.target: Module

class ForwardHook(ModuleHook):
    Here is an example for hook_factory, in this example, the output of this module will be saved in the buffer::

        def hook_factory(buffer):
            def hook(module, input, output):
            return hook

    def _register(self, hook_func: Callable[[Module, Tuple[Any], Any], None]):
        return self.target.register_forward_hook(hook_func)

class BackwardHook(ModuleHook):
    Here is an example for hook_factory, in this example, the gradient of this module input will be saved in the buffer::

        def hook_factory(buffer):
            def hook(module, grad_input, grad_output):
            return hook

    def _register(self, hook_func: Callable[[Module, Tuple[Tensor] | Tensor, Tuple[Tensor] | Tensor], Any]):
        return self.target.register_backward_hook(hook_func)

class Evaluator:
    Evaluator is a package for the training & evaluation process. In model compression,
    NNI have the need to intervene in the training process to collect intermediate information,
    and even modify part of the training loop. Evaluator provides a series of member functions that are convenient to modify these,
    and the pruner (or quantizer) can easily intervene in training by calling these functions.

    Users are not recommended to use any member functions of this class.

    # A flag to indicate whether the evaluator is initialized complete.
    _initialization_complete: bool
    _hook: List[Hook]

    def _init_optimizer_helpers(self, pure_model: Module | pl.LightningModule):
        This is an internal API, ``pure_model`` means the model is the original model passed in by the user,
        it should not be the modified model (wrapped, hooked, or patched by NNI).
        That is, the optimizers & lr_schedulers obtained by ``Evaluator`` match the ``pure_model``.

        This function is used to record the status of the optimizers & lr_schedulers,
        and ensure NNI can reinitialize the optimizers & lr_schedulers with a similar but modified model.

        This is a part of Evaluator initialization, please make sure this function has been called before using other evaluator functions.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def bind_model(self, model: Module | pl.LightningModule, param_names_map: Dict[str, str] | None = None):
        Bind the model suitable for this ``Evaluator`` to use the evaluator's abilities of model modification,
        model training, and model evaluation.

            The model bind to this ``Evaluator``, usually a wrapped model.
            ``param_names_map`` maps the names of the parameters in the pure_model to the names of the parameters in the bound model.
            The format of param_names_map is {pure_model_param_name: bound_model_param_name}.
            It is for initializing the optimizers for the bound model.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def unbind_model(self):
        Unbind the model bound by ``bind_model``. Then ``Evaluator`` can be reused by binding a new model by `bind_model`.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _optimizer_add_param_group(self, model: Union[torch.nn.Module, pl.LightningModule],
                                   module_name_param_dict: Dict[str, List[Tensor]], optimizers: Optimizer | List[Optimizer]):
        # used in the bind_model process
        def find_param_group(param_groups: List[Dict], module_name: str):
            for i, param_group in enumerate(param_groups):
                params = param_group["params"]
                if isinstance(params, Tensor):
                    params = [params]
                elif isinstance(params, set):
                    raise TypeError('optimizer parameters need to be organized in ordered collections, but '
                                    'the ordering of tensors in sets will change between runs. Please use a list instead.')
                    params = list(params)
                name_lis = [param2name_dict[id(p)] for p in params if id(p) in param2name_dict]

                for name in name_lis:
                    # match module_name
                    prefix_name = name.strip().split(".")[:-1]
                    prefix_name = ".".join(prefix_name[:-1]) if prefix_name[-1] == '_nni_wrapper' else ".".join(prefix_name)
                    if module_name == prefix_name:
                        return i

            return -1

        def add_param(param_lis: List[Tensor], target_param_group_idx: int, optimizer: Optimizer):
            assert target_param_group_idx < len(optimizer.param_groups)
            target_param_group = optimizer.param_groups[target_param_group_idx]
            for param in param_lis:
                # copyed from torch.optim to check the validation of param
                if not isinstance(param, torch.Tensor):
                    raise TypeError("optimizer can only optimize Tensors, "
                                    "but one of the params is " + torch.typename(param))
                if not optimizer.defaults.get('differentiable', None) \
                    and not (param.is_leaf or param.retains_grad):  # type: ignore
                    raise ValueError("can't optimize a non-leaf Tensor")

        assert isinstance(model, Module)
        param2name_dict = {id(p): name for name, p in model.named_parameters()}
        assert optimizers is not None, "Please provide optimizers for adding param_groups in optimizers"
        optimizers = optimizers if isinstance(optimizers, (list, tuple)) else [optimizers]

        for module_name, param_lis in module_name_param_dict.items():
            is_find_param_group = False
            for optimizer in optimizers:
                param_groups = optimizer.param_groups
                target_param_group_idx = find_param_group(param_groups, module_name)
                if target_param_group_idx >= 0:
                    is_find_param_group = True
                    add_param(param_lis, target_param_group_idx, optimizer)
            if not is_find_param_group:
                add_param(param_lis, 0, optimizers[0])

    def patch_optim_param_group(self, module_name_param_dict: Dict[str, List[Tensor]] | None = None):
        Adding param_groups for optimizers
        raise NotImplementedError

    def patch_loss(self, patch: Callable[[Tensor, Any], Tensor]):
        The patch may add additional loss or replace the original loss. Here is an example::

            def loss_patch(original_loss, batch, *args, **kwargs):
                params_norm = 0
                for param in model.parameters():
                    params_norm += torch.norm(param)
                return original_loss + params_norm
        Something like ``loss = loss_patch(training_step(batch, *args, **kwargs), batch)`` will happen during each time loss computation.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def revert_loss(self):
        Revert the loss to the original one.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def patch_optimizer_step(self, before_step_tasks: List[Callable], after_step_tasks: List[Callable]):
        Run tasks in `before_step_tasks` before `optimizer.step()` each time.
        Run tasks in `after_step_tasks` after `optimizer.step()` each time.

        If the model has multiple optimizers, this function only patches tasks to the first optimizer right now.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def revert_optimizer_step(self):
        Revert the optimizer step to the original one.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def register_hooks(self, hooks: List[Hook]):
        The input is a list of ``TensorHook``, ``ForwardHook``, ``BackwardHook``,
        please view how to use ``TensorHook``, ``ForwardHook``, ``BackwardHook``.
        This function will call ``Hook.register()`` of hook in ``hooks``, and record the hook in ``self._hooks``.
        if not hasattr(self, '_hooks'):
            self._hooks: List[Hook] = []
        for hook in hooks:

    def get_all_hooks(self) -> List[Hook]:
        Get all registered ``Hook``.
        return getattr(self, '_hooks', [])

    def remove_all_hooks(self):
        Call ``Hook.remove()`` of all ``Hook`` instances in ``self._hooks``, then clear ``self._hooks``.
        if hasattr(self, '_hooks'):
            for hook in self._hooks:

    def train(self, max_steps: int | None = None, max_epochs: int | None = None):
        Train the bound model with default optimization loop defined by user and only change the training duration.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def finetune(self):
        Finetune the bound model with default optimization loop defined by user.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def evaluate(self) -> float | None | Tuple[float, Any] | Tuple[None, Any]:
        NNI assume the evaluation function user passed in should return a float number or a dict as metric.
        If the evaluation function returned a dict, take the value with dict key ``default``
        as the first element of ``evaluate`` returned value,
        and put the dict as the second element of the returned value.
        For any other type of the metric returned by evaluation function, ``evaluate`` will directly returned
        (it should be a float, but NNI does not prevent other types from being returned,
        this will handle by the object calling ``evaluate``).
        # Note that the first item of the returned value will be used as the default metric used by NNI.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_dummy_input(self) -> Any:
        The returned value is a dummy input for the model, always used by ``torch.jit.trace``.
        raise NotImplementedError

[文档] class LightningEvaluator(Evaluator): """ LightningEvaluator is the Evaluator based on PyTorchLightning. It is very friendly to the users who are familiar to PyTorchLightning or already have training/validation/testing code written in PyTorchLightning. The only need is to use ``nni.trace`` to trace the Trainer & LightningDataModule. Additionally, please make sure the ``Optimizer`` class and ``LR_Scheduler`` class used in ``LightningModule.configure_optimizers()`` are also be traced by ``nni.trace``. Please refer to the :doc:`/compression/evaluator` for the evaluator initialization example. Parameters ---------- trainer Pytorch-Lightning Trainer. It should be traced by nni, e.g., ``trainer = nni.trace(pl.Trainer)(...)``. data_module Pytorch-Lightning LightningDataModule. It should be traced by nni, e.g., ``data_module = nni.trace(pl.LightningDataModule)(...)``. dummy_input The dummy_input is used to trace the graph. If dummy_input is not given, will use the data in data_module.train_dataloader(). Notes ----- If the the test metric is needed by nni, please make sure log metric with key ``default`` in ``LightningModule.test_step()``. """ def __init__(self, trainer: pl.Trainer, data_module: pl.LightningDataModule, dummy_input: Any | None = None): assert LIGHTNING_INSTALLED, 'pytorch_lightning is not installed.' err_msg_p = 'Only support traced {}, please use nni.trace({}) to initialize the trainer.' err_msg = err_msg_p.format('pytorch_lightning.Trainer', 'pytorch_lightning.Trainer') assert isinstance(trainer, pl.Trainer) and is_traceable(trainer), err_msg err_msg = err_msg_p.format('pytorch_lightning.LightningDataModule', 'pytorch_lightning.LightningDataModule') assert isinstance(data_module, pl.LightningDataModule) and is_traceable(data_module), err_msg self.trainer = trainer self.data_module = data_module self._dummy_input = dummy_input self.model: pl.LightningModule | None = None self._ori_model_attr = {} self._param_names_map: Dict[str, str] | None = None self._initialization_complete = False def _init_optimizer_helpers(self, pure_model: pl.LightningModule): assert self._initialization_complete is False, 'Evaluator initialization is already complete.' self._optimizer_helpers = [] self._lr_scheduler_helpers = [] # record i-th lr_scheduler scheduling j-th optimizer lr self._lrs_opt_map = {} # record `LightningModule.configure_optimizers` 6-th option returned dict information self._opt_returned_dicts = [] # The return value of `configure_optimizers` may one of the following six options: optimizers_lr_schedulers: Any = pure_model.configure_optimizers() # 1. None - Fit will run without any optimizer. if optimizers_lr_schedulers is None: err_msg = 'NNI does not support `LightningModule.configure_optimizers` returned None, ' + \ 'if you have a reason why you must, please file an issue at https://github.com/microsoft/nni/issues' raise ValueError(err_msg) # 2. Single optimizer. # 3. Dictionary, with an "optimizer" key, and (optionally) a "lr_scheduler" key whose # value is a single LR scheduler or lr_scheduler_config. elif isinstance(optimizers_lr_schedulers, (Optimizer, dict)): optimizers_lr_schedulers = [optimizers_lr_schedulers] err_msg = f'Got an wrong returned value type of `LightningModule.configure_optimizers`: {type(optimizers_lr_schedulers).__name__}' assert isinstance(optimizers_lr_schedulers, (list, tuple)), err_msg # 4. Two lists - the first list has multiple optimizers, # and the second has multiple LR schedulers (or multiple lr_scheduler_config). if isinstance(optimizers_lr_schedulers[0], (list, tuple)): optimizers, lr_schedulers = optimizers_lr_schedulers self._optimizer_helpers = [OptimizerConstructHelper.from_trace(pure_model, optimizer) for optimizer in optimizers] self._lr_scheduler_helpers = [LRSchedulerConstructHelper.from_trace(lr_scheduler) for lr_scheduler in lr_schedulers] optimizer_ids_map = {id(optimizer): i for i, optimizer in enumerate(optimizers)} self._lrs_opt_map = {i: optimizer_ids_map[id(lr_scheduler.optimizer)] for i, lr_scheduler in enumerate(lr_schedulers)} # 5. List or Tuple of optimizers. elif isinstance(optimizers_lr_schedulers[0], Optimizer): self._optimizer_helpers = [OptimizerConstructHelper.from_trace(pure_model, optimizer) for optimizer in optimizers_lr_schedulers] # 6. Tuple of dictionaries as described above, with an optional "frequency" key. elif isinstance(optimizers_lr_schedulers[0], dict): optimizer_ids_map = {} lr_scheduler_opt_ids_map = {} optimizer_count = 0 scheduler_count = 0 for opt_dict in optimizers_lr_schedulers: opt_dict: Dict self._optimizer_helpers.append(OptimizerConstructHelper.from_trace(pure_model, opt_dict['optimizer'])) optimizer_ids_map[id(opt_dict['optimizer'])] = optimizer_count opt_dict['optimizer'] = optimizer_count optimizer_count += 1 lr_scheduler = opt_dict.get('lr_scheduler', {}).get('scheduler', None) if lr_scheduler is not None: self._lr_scheduler_helpers.append(LRSchedulerConstructHelper.from_trace(lr_scheduler)) lr_scheduler_opt_ids_map[scheduler_count] = id(lr_scheduler.optimizer) opt_dict['lr_scheduler']['scheduler'] = scheduler_count scheduler_count += 1 self._opt_returned_dicts.append(opt_dict) self._lrs_opt_map = {scheduler_count: optimizer_ids_map[opt_id] for scheduler_count, opt_id in lr_scheduler_opt_ids_map.items()} else: err_msg = 'Got an wrong returned value type of `LightningModule.configure_optimizers`: ' err_msg += f'list or tuple of {type(optimizers_lr_schedulers[0]).__name__}' raise TypeError(err_msg) self._initialization_complete = True def bind_model(self, model: pl.LightningModule, param_names_map: Dict[str, str] | None = None): err_msg = 'Evaluator initialization is not complete, please call `_init_optimizer_helpers` before bind model.' assert self._initialization_complete is True, err_msg assert isinstance(model, pl.LightningModule) if self.model is not None: _logger.warning('Already bound a model, will unbind it before bind a new model.') self.unbind_model() self.model = model self._ori_model_attr.update({ 'training_step': model.training_step, 'configure_optimizers': model.configure_optimizers, 'configure_callbacks': model.configure_callbacks }) self._param_names_map = param_names_map self._patch_configure_optimizers() def unbind_model(self): if self.model: self.revert_loss() self.revert_optimizer_step() self.remove_all_hooks() self._revert_configure_optimizers() self._param_names_map = None self._ori_model_attr.clear() self.model = None else: _logger.warning('Did not bind any model, no need to unbind model.') def patch_optim_param_group(self, module_name_param_dict: Dict[str, List[Tensor]]): assert isinstance(self.model, pl.LightningModule) assert module_name_param_dict is not None old_configure_optimizers = self.model.configure_optimizers if self._opt_returned_dicts: def new_configure_optimizers(_): # type: ignore optimizers_lr_schedulers: Any = old_configure_optimizers() # type: ignore optimizers = [opt_lrs_dict['optimizer'] for opt_lrs_dict in optimizers_lr_schedulers] # add param group self._optimizer_add_param_group(self.model, module_name_param_dict, optimizers) # type: ignore return optimizers_lr_schedulers elif self._lr_scheduler_helpers: def new_configure_optimizers(_): # type: ignore optimizers_lr_schedulers: Any = old_configure_optimizers() # type: ignore optimizers, lr_schedulers = optimizers_lr_schedulers # add param_group self._optimizer_add_param_group(self.model, module_name_param_dict, optimizers) # type: ignore return optimizers, lr_schedulers else: def new_configure_optimizers(_): optimizers_lr_schedulers: Any = old_configure_optimizers() # type: ignore # add param_group self._optimizer_add_param_group(self.model, module_name_param_dict, optimizers_lr_schedulers) # type: ignore return optimizers_lr_schedulers self.model.configure_optimizers = types.MethodType(new_configure_optimizers, self.model) def _patch_configure_optimizers(self): assert isinstance(self.model, pl.LightningModule) if self._opt_returned_dicts: def new_configure_optimizers(_): # type: ignore optimizers = [opt_helper.call(self.model, self._param_names_map) for opt_helper in self._optimizer_helpers] # type: ignore lr_schedulers = [lrs_helper.call(optimizers[self._lrs_opt_map[i]]) for i, lrs_helper in enumerate(self._lr_scheduler_helpers)] opt_lrs_dicts = deepcopy(self._opt_returned_dicts) for opt_lrs_dict in opt_lrs_dicts: opt_lrs_dict['optimizer'] = optimizers[opt_lrs_dict['optimizer']] if 'lr_scheduler' in opt_lrs_dict: opt_lrs_dict['lr_scheduler']['scheduler'] = lr_schedulers[opt_lrs_dict['lr_scheduler']['scheduler']] return opt_lrs_dicts elif self._lr_scheduler_helpers: def new_configure_optimizers(_): # type: ignore optimizers = [opt_helper.call(self.model, self._param_names_map) for opt_helper in self._optimizer_helpers] # type: ignore lr_schedulers = [lrs_helper.call(optimizers[self._lrs_opt_map[i]]) for i, lrs_helper in enumerate(self._lr_scheduler_helpers)] return optimizers, lr_schedulers else: def new_configure_optimizers(_): optimizers = [opt_helper.call(self.model, self._param_names_map) for opt_helper in self._optimizer_helpers] # type: ignore return optimizers self.model.configure_optimizers = types.MethodType(new_configure_optimizers, self.model) def _revert_configure_optimizers(self): assert isinstance(self.model, pl.LightningModule) self.model.configure_optimizers = self._ori_model_attr['configure_optimizers'] def patch_loss(self, patch: Callable[[Tensor, Any], Tensor]): assert isinstance(self.model, pl.LightningModule) old_training_step = self.model.training_step def patched_training_step(_, *args, **kwargs): output = old_training_step(*args, **kwargs) batch = args[0] if len(args) > 0 else kwargs['batch'] if isinstance(output, Tensor): output = patch(output, batch) else: output['loss'] = patch(output['loss'], batch) return output self.model.training_step = types.MethodType(patched_training_step, self.model) def revert_loss(self): assert isinstance(self.model, pl.LightningModule) self.model.training_step = self._ori_model_attr['training_step'] def patch_optimizer_step(self, before_step_tasks: List[Callable], after_step_tasks: List[Callable]): assert isinstance(self.model, pl.LightningModule) old_configure_optimizers = self.model.configure_optimizers def patched_step_factory(old_step): def patched_step(_, *args, **kwargs): for task in before_step_tasks: task() # call origin optimizer step method output = old_step(*args, **kwargs) for task in after_step_tasks: task() return output return patched_step if self._opt_returned_dicts: def new_configure_optimizers(_): # type: ignore opt_lrs_dicts = old_configure_optimizers() optimizer = [opt_lrs_dict['optimizer'] for opt_lrs_dict in opt_lrs_dicts][0] optimizer.step = types.MethodType(patched_step_factory(optimizer.step), optimizer) return opt_lrs_dicts elif self._lr_scheduler_helpers: def new_configure_optimizers(_): # type: ignore optimizers, lr_schedulers = old_configure_optimizers() optimizer = optimizers[0] optimizer.step = types.MethodType(patched_step_factory(optimizer.step), optimizer) return optimizers, lr_schedulers else: def new_configure_optimizers(_): optimizers = old_configure_optimizers() optimizer = optimizers[0] optimizer.step = types.MethodType(patched_step_factory(optimizer.step), optimizer) return optimizers self.model.configure_optimizers = types.MethodType(new_configure_optimizers, self.model) def revert_optimizer_step(self): assert isinstance(self.model, pl.LightningModule) self.model.configure_callbacks = self._ori_model_attr['configure_callbacks'] def train(self, max_steps: int | None = None, max_epochs: int | None = None): assert isinstance(self.model, pl.LightningModule) # reset trainer trainer: pl.Trainer = self.trainer.trace_copy().get() # type: ignore # NOTE: lightning may dry run some steps at first for sanity check in Trainer.fit() by default, # If we want to record some information in the forward hook, we may get some additional information, # so using Trainer.num_sanity_val_steps = 0 disable sanity check. trainer.num_sanity_val_steps = 0 if max_steps: trainer.fit_loop.max_steps = max_steps # type: ignore if max_epochs: trainer.fit_loop.max_epochs = max_epochs trainer.fit(self.model, self.data_module) # del trainer reference, we don't want to dump trainer when we dump the entire model. self.model.trainer = None def finetune(self): self.train() def evaluate(self) -> Tuple[float | None, List[Dict[str, float]]]: """ NNI will use metric with key ``default`` for evaluating model, please make sure you have this key in your ``Trainer.test()`` returned metric dicts. If ``Trainer.test()`` returned list contains multiple dicts with key ``default``, NNI will take their average as the final metric. E.g., if ``Trainer.test()`` returned ``[{'default': 0.8, 'loss': 2.3}, {'default': 0.6, 'loss': 2.4}]``, NNI will take the final metric ``(0.8 + 0.6) / 2 = 0.7``. """ assert isinstance(self.model, pl.LightningModule) # reset trainer trainer: pl.Trainer = self.trainer.trace_copy().get() # type: ignore original_results = trainer.test(self.model, self.data_module) # del trainer reference, we don't want to dump trainer when we dump the entire model. self.model.trainer = None nni_metrics_list = [metrics['default'] for metrics in original_results if 'default' in metrics] if nni_metrics_list: nni_metric = sum(nni_metrics_list) / len(nni_metrics_list) else: nni_metric = None return nni_metric, original_results def get_dummy_input(self) -> Any: if self._dummy_input is not None: return self._dummy_input try: return next(iter(self.data_module.train_dataloader())) except Exception as e: _logger.error('Get default dummy input failed, please manually set dummy_input.') raise e
_OPTIMIZERS = Union[Optimizer, List[Optimizer]] _TRAINING_STEP = Callable[..., Union[Tensor, Tuple[Tensor], Dict[str, Tensor]]] _SCHEDULERS = Union[None, SCHEDULER, List[SCHEDULER]] _EVALUATING_FUNC = Callable[[Module], Union[float, Dict]] _TRAINING_FUNC = Callable[[Module, _OPTIMIZERS, _TRAINING_STEP, Optional[_SCHEDULERS], Optional[int], Optional[int]], None]
[文档] class TorchEvaluator(Evaluator): """ TorchEvaluator is the Evaluator for native PyTorch users. Please refer to the :doc:`/compression/evaluator` for the evaluator initialization example. Parameters ---------- training_func The training function is used to train the model, note that this a entire optimization training loop. Training function has three required parameters, ``model``, ``optimizers`` and ``training_step``, and three optional parameters, ``lr_schedulers``, ``max_steps``, ``max_epochs``. Let's explain these six parameters NNI passed in, but in most cases, users don't need to care about these. Users only need to treat these six parameters as the original parameters during the training process. * The ``model`` is a wrapped model from the original model, it has a similar structure to the model to be pruned, so it can share training function with the original model. * ``optimizers`` are re-initialized from the ``optimizers`` passed to the evaluator and the wrapped model's parameters. * ``training_step`` also based on the ``training_step`` passed to the evaluator, it might be modified by the compressor during model compression. * If users use ``lr_schedulers`` in the ``training_func``, NNI will re-initialize the ``lr_schedulers`` with the re-initialized optimizers. * ``max_steps`` is the NNI training duration limitation. It is for pruner (or quantizer) to control the number of training steps. The user implemented ``training_func`` should respect ``max_steps`` by stopping the training loop after ``max_steps`` is reached. Pruner may pass ``None`` to ``max_steps`` when it only controls ``max_epochs``. * ``max_epochs`` is similar to the ``max_steps``, the only different is that it controls the number of training epochs. The user implemented ``training_func`` should respect ``max_epochs`` by stopping the training loop after ``max_epochs`` is reached. Pruner may pass ``None`` to ``max_epochs`` when it only controls ``max_steps``. Note that when the pruner passes ``None`` to both ``max_steps`` and ``max_epochs``, it treats ``training_func`` as a function of model fine-tuning. Users should assign proper values to ``max_steps`` and ``max_epochs``. .. code-block:: python def training_func(model: torch.nn.Module, optimizers: torch.optim.Optimizer, training_step: Callable[[Any, Any], torch.Tensor], lr_schedulers: _LRScheduler | None = None, max_steps: int | None = None, max_epochs: int | None = None, *args, **kwargs): ... total_epochs = max_epochs if max_epochs else 20 total_steps = max_steps if max_steps else 1000000 current_steps = 0 ... for epoch in range(total_epochs): ... if current_steps >= total_steps: return Note that ``optimizers`` and ``lr_schedulers`` passed to the ``training_func`` have the same type as the ``optimizers`` and ``lr_schedulers`` passed to evaluator, a single ``torch.optim.Optimzier``/ ``torch.optim._LRScheduler`` instance or a list of them. optimziers A single traced optimizer instance or a list of traced optimizers by ``nni.trace``. NNI may modify the ``torch.optim.Optimizer`` member function ``step`` and/or optimize compressed models, so NNI needs to have the ability to re-initialize the optimizer. ``nni.trace`` can record the initialization parameters of a function/class, which can then be used by NNI to re-initialize the optimizer for a new but structurally similar model. E.g. ``traced_optimizer = nni.trace(torch.nn.Adam)(model.parameters())``. training_step A callable function, the first argument of inputs should be ``batch``, and the outputs should contain loss. Three kinds of outputs are supported: single loss, tuple with the first element is loss, a dict contains a key ``loss``. .. code-block:: python def training_step(batch, model, ...): inputs, labels = batch output = model(inputs) ... loss = loss_func(output, labels) return loss lr_schedulers Optional. A single traced lr_scheduler instance or a list of traced lr_schedulers by ``nni.trace``. For the same reason with ``optimizers``, NNI needs the traced lr_scheduler to re-initialize it. E.g. ``traced_lr_scheduler = nni.trace(ExponentialLR)(optimizer, 0.1)``. dummy_input Optional. The dummy_input is used to trace the graph, it's same with ``example_inputs`` in `torch.jit.trace <https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/generated/torch.jit.trace.html?highlight=torch%20jit%20trace#torch.jit.trace>`_. evaluating_func Optional. A function that input is model and return the evaluation metric. This is the function used to evaluate the compressed model performance. The input is a model and the output is a ``float`` metric or a ``dict`` (``dict`` should contains key ``default`` with a ``float`` value). NNI will take the float number as the model score, and assume the higher score means the better performance. If you want to provide additional information, please put it into a dict and NNI will take the value of key ``default`` as evaluation metric. Notes ----- It is also worth to note that not all the arguments of ``TorchEvaluator`` must be provided. Some pruners (or quantizers) only require ``evaluating_func`` as they do not train the model, some pruners (or quantizers) only require ``training_func``. Please refer to each pruner's (or quantizer's) doc to check the required arguments. But, it is fine to provide more arguments than the pruner's (or quantizer's) need. """ def __init__(self, training_func: _TRAINING_FUNC, optimizers: Optimizer | List[Optimizer], training_step: _TRAINING_STEP, lr_schedulers: SCHEDULER | List[SCHEDULER] | None = None, dummy_input: Any | None = None, # type: ignore evaluating_func: _EVALUATING_FUNC | None = None): self.training_func = training_func self._ori_training_step = training_step self._training_step = self._ori_training_step self.dummy_input = dummy_input self.evaluating_func = evaluating_func self._train_with_single_optimizer = isinstance(optimizers, Optimizer) self._train_with_single_scheduler = isinstance(lr_schedulers, SCHEDULER) self.model: Module | None = None self._optimizers: List[Optimizer] | None = None self._lr_schedulers: List[SCHEDULER] | None = None # type: ignore self._first_optimizer_step: Callable | None = None self._param_names_map: Dict[str, str] | None = None # will del self._tmp_optimizers and self._tmp_lr_schedulers in `_init_optimizer_helpers` self._tmp_optimizers = optimizers if isinstance(optimizers, (list, tuple)) else [optimizers] assert all(isinstance(optimizer, Optimizer) and is_traceable(optimizer) for optimizer in self._tmp_optimizers) self._tmp_lr_schedulers = lr_schedulers if isinstance(lr_schedulers, (list, tuple)) else [lr_schedulers] if lr_schedulers else [] assert all(isinstance(lr_scheduler, SCHEDULER) and is_traceable(lr_scheduler) for lr_scheduler in self._tmp_lr_schedulers) self._initialization_complete = False def _init_optimizer_helpers(self, pure_model: Module): assert self._initialization_complete is False, 'Evaluator initialization is already complete.' self._optimizer_helpers = [OptimizerConstructHelper.from_trace(pure_model, optimizer) for optimizer in self._tmp_optimizers] self._lr_scheduler_helpers = [LRSchedulerConstructHelper.from_trace(lr_scheduler) for lr_scheduler in self._tmp_lr_schedulers] optimizer_ids_map = {id(optimizer): i for i, optimizer in enumerate(self._tmp_optimizers)} # record i-th lr_scheduler scheduling j-th optimizer lr self._lrs_opt_map = {i: optimizer_ids_map[id(lr_scheduler.optimizer)] # type: ignore for i, lr_scheduler in enumerate(self._tmp_lr_schedulers)} # type: ignore delattr(self, '_tmp_optimizers') delattr(self, '_tmp_lr_schedulers') self._initialization_complete = True def _rewrap_if_ddp_model(self, model): errmsg = "model is None, no need to rewrap model to DistributedDatapallel model" assert model is not None, errmsg is_ddp_model, ddp_params = check_ddp_model(model) return reset_ddp_model(model, ddp_params) if is_ddp_model else model def bind_model(self, model: Module, param_names_map: Dict[str, str] | None = None): err_msg = 'Evaluator initialization is not complete, please call `_init_optimizer_helpers` before bind model.' assert self._initialization_complete is True, err_msg assert isinstance(model, Module) if self.model is not None: _logger.warning('Already bound a model, will unbind it before bind a new model.') self.unbind_model() self.model = self._rewrap_if_ddp_model(model) self._param_names_map = param_names_map # initialize optimizers & lr_schedulers for the bound model here self._optimizers = [helper.call(model, param_names_map) for helper in self._optimizer_helpers] self._lr_schedulers = [lrs_helper.call(self._optimizers[self._lrs_opt_map[i]]) \ for i, lrs_helper in enumerate(self._lr_scheduler_helpers)] self._first_optimizer_step = self._optimizers[0].step def patch_optim_param_group(self, module_name_param_dict: Dict[str, List[Tensor]]): assert isinstance(self.model, Module) assert module_name_param_dict is not None self._optimizer_add_param_group(self.model, module_name_param_dict, self._optimizers) # type: ignore def unbind_model(self): if self.model: self.revert_loss() self.revert_optimizer_step() self.remove_all_hooks() self._first_optimizer_step = None self._lr_schedulers = None self._optimizers = None self._param_names_map = None self.model = None else: _logger.warning('Did not bind any model, no need to unbind model.') def patch_loss(self, patch: Callable[[Tensor, Any], Tensor]): old_training_step = self._training_step def patched_training_step(*args, **kwargs): out = old_training_step(*args, **kwargs) # we assume in training_step, ``batch`` is the first argument batch = args[0] if len(args) > 0 else kwargs['batch'] if isinstance(out, Tensor): out = patch(out, batch) elif isinstance(out, Sequence) and not isinstance(out, str): assert isinstance(out[0], Tensor) new_loss = patch(out[0], batch) out = (new_loss,) + tuple(out[1:]) elif isinstance(out, MutableMapping): assert 'loss' in out and isinstance(out['loss'], Tensor) out['loss'] = patch(out['loss'], batch) return out self._training_step: _TRAINING_STEP = patched_training_step def revert_loss(self): self._training_step = self._ori_training_step def patch_optimizer_step(self, before_step_tasks: List[Callable], after_step_tasks: List[Callable]): assert self._optimizers is not None old_step = self._optimizers[0].step def patched_step(_, *args, **kwargs): for task in before_step_tasks: task() # call origin optimizer step method output = old_step(*args, **kwargs) for task in after_step_tasks: task() return output self._optimizers[0].step = types.MethodType(patched_step, self._optimizers[0]) def revert_optimizer_step(self): assert self._optimizers is not None if self._first_optimizer_step: self._optimizers[0].step = self._first_optimizer_step def train(self, max_steps: int | None = None, max_epochs: int | None = None): assert self.model is not None assert self._optimizers is not None assert self._training_step is not None optimizers = self._optimizers[0] if self._train_with_single_optimizer else self._optimizers lr_schedulers = None if not self._lr_schedulers else self._lr_schedulers[0] \ if self._train_with_single_scheduler else self._lr_schedulers self.training_func(self.model, optimizers, self._training_step, lr_schedulers, max_steps, max_epochs) def finetune(self): self.train() def evaluate(self) -> float | None | Tuple[float, Dict[str, Any]] | Tuple[None, Dict[str, Any]]: assert self.model is not None if self.evaluating_func is None: warn_msg = f'Did not pass evaluation_func to {self.__class__.__name__}, will return None for calling evaluate()' _logger.warning(warn_msg) return None metric = self.evaluating_func(self.model) if isinstance(metric, dict): nni_used_metric = metric.get('default', None) if nni_used_metric is None: warn_msg = f'Evaluation function returns a dict metric without key `default`,' + \ 'will return None as the model evaluation metric value.' _logger.warning(warn_msg) return nni_used_metric, metric else: return metric def get_dummy_input(self) -> Any: return self.dummy_input
[文档] class TransformersEvaluator(Evaluator): """ TransformersEvaluator is for the users who using Huggingface ``transformers.trainer.Trainer``. Here is an example for using ``transformers.trainer.Trainer`` to initialize an evaluator: .. code-block:: python from transformers.trainer import Trainer # wrap Trainer class with nni.trace trainer = nni.trace(Trainer)(model=model) evaluator = TransformersEvaluator(trainer) # if you want to using customized optimizer & lr_scheduler, please also wrap Optimzier & _LRScheduler class optimizer = nni.trace(Adam)(...) lr_scheduler = nni.trace(LambdaLR)(...) trainer = nni.trace(Trainer)(model=model, ..., optimizers=(optimizer, lr_scheduler)) evaluator = TransformersEvaluator(trainer) Parameters ---------- trainer ``nni.trace(transformers.trainer.Trainer)`` instance. The trainer will be re-initialized inside evaluator, so wrap with ``nni.trace`` is required for getting the initialization arguments. dummy_input Optional. The dummy_input is used to trace the graph, it's same with ``example_inputs`` in `torch.jit.trace <https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/generated/torch.jit.trace.html?highlight=torch%20jit%20trace#torch.jit.trace>`_. """ def __init__(self, trainer: HFTrainer, dummy_input: Any | None = None) -> None: assert TRANSFORMERS_INSTALLED, 'transformers is not installed.' assert is_traceable(trainer), f'Only support traced Trainer, please use nni.trace(Trainer) to initialize the trainer.' self.traced_trainer = trainer self.dummy_input = dummy_input self.model: Module | None = None self._ori_trainer_attr: Dict[str, Any] = { 'get_optimizer_cls_and_kwargs': HFTrainer.get_optimizer_cls_and_kwargs } self._initialization_complete = False def _init_optimizer_helpers(self, pure_model: Module | pl.LightningModule): assert self._initialization_complete is False, 'Evaluator initialization is already complete.' if self.traced_trainer.optimizer is not None and is_traceable(self.traced_trainer.optimizer): self._optimizer_helper = OptimizerConstructHelper.from_trace(pure_model, self.traced_trainer.optimizer) else: warn_msg = 'trainer.optimzer is not wrapped by nni.trace, or trainer.optimzer is None, ' + \ 'will using huggingface default optimizer.' _logger.warning(warn_msg) self.traced_trainer.optimizer = None def patched_get_optimizer_cls_and_kwargs(args) -> Tuple[Any, Any]: optimizer_cls, optimizer_kwargs = self._ori_trainer_attr['get_optimizer_cls_and_kwargs'](args) return nni.trace(optimizer_cls), optimizer_kwargs HFTrainer.get_optimizer_cls_and_kwargs = patched_get_optimizer_cls_and_kwargs self._optimizer_helper = OptimizerConstructHelper.from_trace(pure_model, self.traced_trainer.create_optimizer()) HFTrainer.get_optimizer_cls_and_kwargs = self._ori_trainer_attr['get_optimizer_cls_and_kwargs'] self.traced_trainer.optimizer = None if self.traced_trainer.lr_scheduler is not None and is_traceable(self.traced_trainer.lr_scheduler): self._lr_scheduler_helper = LRSchedulerConstructHelper.from_trace(self.traced_trainer.lr_scheduler) else: warn_msg = 'trainer.lr_scheduler is not wrapped by nni.trace, or trainer.lr_scheduler is None, ' + \ 'will using huggingface default lr_scheduler.' _logger.warning(warn_msg) self.traced_trainer.lr_scheduler = None self._lr_scheduler_helper = None self._initialization_complete = True def bind_model(self, model: Module | pl.LightningModule, param_names_map: Dict[str, str] | None = None): err_msg = 'Evaluator initialization is not complete, please call `_init_optimizer_helpers` before bind model.' assert self._initialization_complete is True, err_msg assert isinstance(model, Module) if self.model is not None: _logger.warning('Already bound a model, will unbind it before bind a new model.') self.unbind_model() self.model = model # re-initialized Trainer args = list(self.traced_trainer.trace_args) # type: ignore kwargs = dict() kwargs.update(self.traced_trainer.trace_kwargs) # type: ignore if len(args) != 0: assert isinstance(args[0], Module) or args[0] is None args[0] = self.model else: kwargs['model'] = self.model self.trainer: HFTrainer = self.traced_trainer.trace_symbol(*args, **kwargs) # type: ignore self._ori_trainer_attr['compute_loss'] = self.trainer.compute_loss self._param_names_map = param_names_map self.trainer.optimizer = self._optimizer_helper.call(self.model, self._param_names_map) self._ori_trainer_attr['optimizer.step'] = self.trainer.optimizer.step def patch_optim_param_group(self, module_name_param_dict: Dict[str, List[Tensor]]): if self.trainer.args.deepspeed: return assert isinstance(self.model, Module) assert module_name_param_dict is not None self._optimizer_add_param_group(self.model, module_name_param_dict, self.trainer.optimizer) def unbind_model(self): if self.model: self.revert_loss() self.revert_optimizer_step() self.remove_all_hooks() self._ori_trainer_attr.pop('optimizer.step', None) self.trainer.optimizer = None self._param_names_map = None self._ori_trainer_attr.pop('compute_loss', None) self.trainer.remove_callback(PatchCallback) self.trainer = None # type: ignore self.model = None else: _logger.warning('Did not bind any model, no need to unbind model.') def patch_loss(self, patch: Callable[[Tensor, Any], Tensor]): old_compute_loss = self.trainer.compute_loss def patched_compute_loss(_, model: Any, inputs: Any, return_outputs: bool = False): result = old_compute_loss(model, inputs, return_outputs) if return_outputs: return patch(result[0], inputs), result[1] else: return patch(result, inputs) self.trainer.compute_loss = types.MethodType(patched_compute_loss, self.trainer) def revert_loss(self): self.trainer.compute_loss = self._ori_trainer_attr['compute_loss'] def patch_optimizer_step(self, before_step_tasks: List[Callable], after_step_tasks: List[Callable]): def custom_on_train_begin(_, args: TrainingArguments, state: TrainerState, control: TrainerControl, **kwargs): optimizer = self.trainer.deepspeed if hasattr(self.trainer, "deepspeed") else self.trainer.callback_handler.optimizer assert optimizer is not None old_step = optimizer.step def patched_step(_, *args, **kwargs): for task in before_step_tasks: task() # call origin optimizer step method output = old_step(*args, **kwargs) for task in after_step_tasks: task() return output optimizer.step = types.MethodType(patched_step, optimizer) PatchCallback.on_train_begin = types.MethodType(custom_on_train_begin, PatchCallback) # Add Callback into the callback_handler self.trainer.add_callback(PatchCallback) def revert_optimizer_step(self): assert self.trainer.optimizer is not None self.trainer.optimizer.step = self._ori_trainer_attr['optimizer.step'] def train(self, max_steps: int | None = None, max_epochs: int | None = None): assert self.model is not None assert isinstance(self.trainer.optimizer, Optimizer) ori_steps, ori_epochs = self.trainer.args.max_steps, self.trainer.args.num_train_epochs if max_epochs is not None: self.trainer.args.num_train_epochs = max_epochs if max_steps is not None: self.trainer.args.max_steps = max_steps self.trainer.lr_scheduler = self._lr_scheduler_helper.call(self.trainer.optimizer) if self._lr_scheduler_helper else None self.trainer.train() self.trainer.lr_scheduler = None self.trainer.args.max_steps, self.trainer.args.num_train_epochs = ori_steps, ori_epochs def finetune(self): self.train() def evaluate(self) -> Tuple[float | None, Dict[str, Any]]: metric = self.trainer.evaluate() nni_used_metric = metric.get('default', None) if nni_used_metric is None: warn_msg = f'Evaluation function returns a dict metric without key `default`,' + \ 'will return None as the model evaluation metric value.' _logger.warning(warn_msg) return nni_used_metric, metric def get_dummy_input(self) -> Any: return self.dummy_input
[文档] class DeepspeedTorchEvaluator(Evaluator): """ The DeepseedTorchEvaluator is an evaluator designed specifically for native PyTorch users who are utilizing DeepSpeed. Parameters ---------- training_func The training function is used to train the model, note that this a entire optimization training loop. Training function has three required parameters, ``model``, ``optimizers`` and ``training_step``, and three optional parameters, ``lr_schedulers``, ``max_steps``, ``max_epochs``. Let's explain these six parameters NNI passed in, but in most cases, users don't need to care about these. Users only need to treat these six parameters as the original parameters during the training process. * The ``model`` is a wrapped model from the original model, it has a similar structure to the model to be pruned, so it can share training function with the original model. * ``optimizers`` are re-initialized from the ``optimizers`` passed to the evaluator and the wrapped model's parameters. * ``training_step`` also based on the ``training_step`` passed to the evaluator, it might be modified by the compressor during model compression. * If users use ``lr_schedulers`` in the ``training_func``, NNI will re-initialize the ``lr_schedulers`` with the re-initialized optimizers. * ``max_steps`` is the NNI training duration limitation. It is for pruner (or quantizer) to control the number of training steps. The user implemented ``training_func`` should respect ``max_steps`` by stopping the training loop after ``max_steps`` is reached. Pruner may pass ``None`` to ``max_steps`` when it only controls ``max_epochs``. * ``max_epochs`` is similar to the ``max_steps``, the only different is that it controls the number of training epochs. The user implemented ``training_func`` should respect ``max_epochs`` by stopping the training loop after ``max_epochs`` is reached. Pruner may pass ``None`` to ``max_epochs`` when it only controls ``max_steps``. Note that when the pruner passes ``None`` to both ``max_steps`` and ``max_epochs``, it treats ``training_func`` as a function of model fine-tuning. Users should assign proper values to ``max_steps`` and ``max_epochs``. .. code-block:: python def training_func(model: DeepSpeedEngine, optimizers: torch.optim.Optimizer, training_step: Callable[[Any, Any], torch.Tensor], lr_schedulers: _LRScheduler | None = None, max_steps: int | None = None, max_epochs: int | None = None, *args, **kwargs): ... total_epochs = max_epochs if max_epochs else 20 total_steps = max_steps if max_steps else 1000000 current_steps = 0 ... for epoch in range(total_epochs): ... model.backward(loss) model.step() if current_steps >= total_steps: return Note that ``optimizers`` and ``lr_schedulers`` passed to the ``training_func`` have the same type as the ``optimizers`` and ``lr_schedulers`` passed to evaluator, a single ``torch.optim.Optimzier``/ ``torch.optim._LRScheduler`` instance or a list of them. training_step A callable function, the first argument of inputs should be ``batch``, and the outputs should contain loss. Three kinds of outputs are supported: single loss, tuple with the first element is loss, a dict contains a key ``loss``. .. code-block:: python def training_step(batch, model, ...): inputs, labels = batch output = model(inputs) ... loss = loss_func(output, labels) return loss deepspeed Str | dict. The deepspeed configuration which Contains the parameters needed in DeepSpeed, such as train_batch_size, among others. optimzier Optional. A single traced optimizer instance or a function that takes the model parameters as input and returns an optimizer instance. NNI may modify the ``torch.optim.Optimizer`` member function ``step`` and/or optimize compressed models, so NNI needs to have the ability to re-initialize the optimizer. ``nni.trace`` can record the initialization parameters of a function/class, which can then be used by NNI to re-initialize the optimizer for a new but structurally similar model. E.g. ``traced_optimizer = nni.trace(torch.nn.Adam)(model.parameters())``. lr_schedulers Optional. A single traced lr_scheduler instance or a function that takes the model parameters and the optimizer as input and returns an lr_scheduler instance. For the same reason with ``optimizers``, NNI needs the traced lr_scheduler to re-initialize it. E.g. ``traced_lr_scheduler = nni.trace(ExponentialLR)(optimizer, 0.1)``. resume_from_checkpoint_args Dict | None. Used in the deepspeed_init process to load models saved during training with DeepSpeed. Let's explain these seven elements in the resume_from_checkpoint_args. * ``load_dir``: The directory to load the checkpoint from. * ``tag`` : Checkpoint tag used as a unique identifier for checkpoint, if not provided will attempt to load tag in 'latest' file * ``load_module_strict``: Optional. Boolean to strictly enforce that the keys in state_dict of module and checkpoint match. * ``load_optimizer_states``: Optional. Boolean to load the training optimizer states from Checkpoint. * ``load_lr_scheduler_states``: Optional. Boolean to add the learning rate scheduler states from Checkpoint. * ``load_module_only``: Optional. Boolean to load only the model weights from the checkpoint. * ``custom_load_fn``: Optional. Custom model load function. dummy_input Optional. The dummy_input is used to trace the graph, it's same with ``example_inputs`` in `torch.jit.trace <https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/generated/torch.jit.trace.html?highlight=torch%20jit%20trace#torch.jit.trace>`_. evaluating_func Optional. A function that input is model and return the evaluation metric. This is the function used to evaluate the compressed model performance. The input is a model and the output is a ``float`` metric or a ``dict`` (``dict`` should contains key ``default`` with a ``float`` value). NNI will take the float number as the model score, and assume the higher score means the better performance. If you want to provide additional information, please put it into a dict and NNI will take the value of key ``default`` as evaluation metric. Notes ----- It is also worth to note that not all the arguments of ``DeepspeedTorchEvaluator`` must be provided. Some pruners (or quantizers) only require ``evaluating_func`` as they do not train the model, some pruners (or quantizers) only require ``training_func``. Please refer to each pruner's (or quantizer's) doc to check the required arguments. But, it is fine to provide more arguments than the pruner's (or quantizer's) need. """ def __init__(self, training_func: _TRAINING_FUNC, training_step: _TRAINING_STEP, deepspeed: str | Dict, optimizer: Optimizer | Callable[[List[Tensor]], Optimizer] | None = None, lr_scheduler: SCHEDULER | Callable[[Optimizer], SCHEDULER] | None = None, resume_from_checkpoint_args: Dict | None = None, dummy_input: Any | None = None, evaluating_func: _EVALUATING_FUNC | None = None): assert DEEPSPEED_INSTALLED, "deepspeed is not installed" self.training_func = training_func self._ori_training_step = training_step self._training_step = self._ori_training_step self.dummy_input = dummy_input self.evaluating_func = evaluating_func self.resume_from_checkpoint_args = resume_from_checkpoint_args self._ori_optimizer_step = None self.model: Module | None = None self.optimizer: Optimizer | Callable[[List[Tensor]], Optimizer] | None = None self.lr_scheduler: SCHEDULER | Callable[[Optimizer], SCHEDULER] | None = None self._ori_optimizer_step: Callable | None = None self._param_names_map: Dict[str, str] | None = None self.deepspeed_engine = None # will del self._tmp_optimizer and self._tmp_lr_scheduler in `_init_optimizer_helpers` self._tmp_optimizer: Optimizer | Callable[[List[Tensor]], Optimizer] | None = optimizer self._tmp_lr_scheduler: SCHEDULER | Callable[[Optimizer], SCHEDULER] | None = lr_scheduler self._initialization_complete = False self.deepspeed_config: DeepSpeedConfig | None = self.process_deepspeed(deepspeed) def process_deepspeed(self, config_file_or_dict: str | Dict) -> DeepSpeedConfig: if config_file_or_dict is None: raise ValueError('deepspeed_config should not be None') assert isinstance(config_file_or_dict, (Dict, str)), \ f"Only two types: Dict and str are supported for config_file_or_dict, but got {type(config_file_or_dict)}" return DeepSpeedConfig(config_file_or_dict) def check_optim_sched(self) -> None: assert self._tmp_optimizer is None or isinstance(self._tmp_optimizer, Optimizer) or callable(self._tmp_optimizer) assert self._tmp_lr_scheduler is None or isinstance(self._tmp_lr_scheduler, SCHEDULER) or callable(self._tmp_lr_scheduler) # check the validation of optimizer if isinstance(self._tmp_optimizer, Optimizer): assert is_traceable(self._tmp_optimizer) # check the validation of scheduler if isinstance(self._tmp_lr_scheduler, SCHEDULER): assert is_traceable(self._tmp_lr_scheduler) # there are 9 cases: # case 1: opt = None, sche = None, depends on the optimizer configuration in deepspeed_config # case 2: opt = Callback, sche = None, ok # case 3: opt = Optim, sche = None, ok # case 4: opt = None, sche = Callback, depends on the optimizer configuration in deepspeed_config # case 5: opt = Callback, sche = Callback, ok # case 6: opt = Optim, sche = Callback, ok # case 7: opt = None, sche = Scheduler, X # case 8: opt = Callback, sche = Scheduler, X # case 9: opt = Optim, sche = Scheduler, ok assert hasattr(self, "deepspeed_config") and self.deepspeed_config is not None if self._tmp_optimizer is not None and self.deepspeed_config.get_value('optimizer') is not None: raise ValueError("Please provide the optimizer during the evaluator's initialization or in the" + "deepspeed_config, but don\'t provide both at the same time.") # case 1: optimizer is None and config is None if self._tmp_optimizer is None and self.deepspeed_config.get_value('optimizer') is None: raise ValueError("Optimizer and optimizer configuration in deepspeed config" + "can\'t be None at the same time, please provide one") # case 2: optimizer is Callable or None, but scheduler is _SCHEUDLER if not isinstance(self._tmp_optimizer, Optimizer) and isinstance(self._tmp_lr_scheduler, SCHEDULER): raise ValueError("Don't support for non-instance optimizer and instance scheduler pair") def _init_optimizer_helpers(self, pure_model: Module): assert self._initialization_complete is False, 'Evaluator initialization is already complete.' # check the validation of optimizer and scheduler self.check_optim_sched() if isinstance(self._tmp_optimizer, Optimizer): self._optimizer_helper = OptimizerConstructHelper.from_trace(pure_model, self._tmp_optimizer) else: self.optimizer = self._tmp_optimizer if isinstance(self._tmp_lr_scheduler, SCHEDULER): self._lr_scheduler_helper = LRSchedulerConstructHelper.from_trace(self._tmp_lr_scheduler) else: self.lr_scheduler = self._tmp_lr_scheduler delattr(self, '_tmp_optimizer') delattr(self, '_tmp_lr_scheduler') self._initialization_complete = True def _rewrap_if_ddp_model(self, model): errmsg = "model is None, no need to rewrap model to DistributedDatapallel model" assert model is not None, errmsg is_ddp_model, _ = check_ddp_model(model) if is_ddp_model: raise RuntimeError("DeepSpeed will provide DDP logic so that your model should not be wrapped with DistributedParallel") return model def bind_model(self, model: Module, param_names_map: Dict[str, str] | None = None): err_msg = 'Evaluator initialization is not complete, please call `_init_optimizer_helpers` before bind model.' assert self._initialization_complete is True, err_msg assert isinstance(model, Module) if self.model is not None: _logger.warning('Already bound a model, will unbind it before bind a new model.') self.unbind_model() is_ddp_model, _ = check_ddp_model(model) assert not is_ddp_model, \ "DeepSpeed will automatically initialize the distributed environment during its initialize" self.model = model self._param_names_map = param_names_map # initialize optimizers & lr_schedulers for the bound model here if hasattr(self, '_optimizer_helper'): self.optimizer = self._optimizer_helper.call(model, param_names_map) if hasattr(self, '_lr_scheduler_helper'): self.lr_scheduler = self._lr_scheduler_helper.call(self.optimizer) # type: ignore def deepspeed_init(self, inference=False): assert self.model is not None assert self.deepspeed_config is not None # whether to check the validation of params deepspeed_config: DeepSpeedConfig = deepcopy(self.deepspeed_config) config: Dict = deepspeed_config.config # type: ignore if inference: # only Z3 makes sense for the inference if not deepspeed_config.is_zero3(): raise ValueError("ZeRO inference only makes sense with ZeRO Stage 3 - please adjust your config") # in case the training config is re-used for inference deepspeed_config.del_config_sub_tree("optimizer") deepspeed_config.del_config_sub_tree("lr_scheduler") optimizer, lr_scheduler = None, None model_parameters = None else: model_parameters = list(filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, self.model.parameters())) optimizer, lr_scheduler = self.optimizer, self.lr_scheduler # deepspeed init kwargs = { "model": self.model, "model_parameters": model_parameters, "config_params": config, "optimizer": optimizer, "lr_scheduler": lr_scheduler, } deepspeed_engine, optimizer, _, lr_scheduler = deepspeed.initialize(**kwargs) # load deepspeed checkpoint if self.resume_from_checkpoint_args is not None: # it's possible that the user is trying to resume from model_path, which doesn't necessarily # contain a deepspeed checkpoint. e.g. examples just check if the dir exists and assume it's # a resume from a checkpoint and not just a local pretrained weight. So we check here if the # path contains what looks like a deepspeed checkpoint resume_from_checkpoint = self.resume_from_checkpoint_args.get("load_dir", None) assert resume_from_checkpoint is not None tag = self.resume_from_checkpoint_args.get('tag', "global_step") load_module_strict = self.resume_from_checkpoint_args.get('load_module_strict', True) load_optimizer_states = self.resume_from_checkpoint_args.get('load_optimizer_states', True) load_lr_scheduler_states = self.resume_from_checkpoint_args.get('load_lr_scheduler_states', True) load_module_only = self.resume_from_checkpoint_args.get('load_module_only', False) custom_load_fn = self.resume_from_checkpoint_args.get("custom_load_fn", None) # copyed from transformers import glob # TODO to add load model from tag deepspeed_checkpoint_dirs = sorted(glob.glob(f"{resume_from_checkpoint}/{tag}*")) if len(deepspeed_checkpoint_dirs) > 0: # logger.info(f"Attempting to resume from {self.resume_from_checkpoint}") # this magically updates self.optimizer and self.lr_scheduler # load_path, _ = deepspeed_engine.load_checkpoint( # self.resume_from_checkpoint, load_optimizer_states=True, load_lr_scheduler_states=True # ) load_path, _ = self.load_checkpoint(resume_from_checkpoint, tag, load_module_strict=load_module_strict, load_optimizer_states=load_optimizer_states, load_lr_scheduler_states=load_lr_scheduler_states, load_module_only=load_module_only, custom_load_fn=custom_load_fn) if load_path is None: raise ValueError(f"[deepspeed] failed to resume from checkpoint {resume_from_checkpoint}") else: raise ValueError(f"Can't find a valid checkpoint at {resume_from_checkpoint}") # record the original deepspeed step function self._ori_optimizer_step = deepspeed_engine.step return deepspeed_engine, optimizer, lr_scheduler def patch_optim_param_group(self, module_name_param_dict: Dict[str, List[Tensor]]): if not isinstance(self.optimizer, Optimizer): return # used for adding param_group without deepspeed config assert isinstance(self.model, Module) assert module_name_param_dict is not None self._optimizer_add_param_group(self.model, module_name_param_dict, [self.optimizer]) # type: ignore def unbind_model(self): if self.model: self.revert_loss() self.revert_optimizer_step() self.remove_all_hooks() self.lr_scheduler = None self.optimizer = None self._param_names_map = None self.model = None # TODO to check if unibind deepspeed params is needed self.deepspeed_engine = None self.deepspeed_config = None else: _logger.warning('Did not bind any model, no need to unbind model.') def patch_loss(self, patch: Callable[[Tensor, Any], Tensor]): old_training_step = self._training_step def patched_training_step(*args, **kwargs): out = old_training_step(*args, **kwargs) # we assume in training_step, ``batch`` is the first argument batch = args[0] if len(args) > 0 else kwargs['batch'] if isinstance(out, Tensor): out = patch(out, batch) elif isinstance(out, Sequence) and not isinstance(out, str): assert isinstance(out[0], Tensor) new_loss = patch(out[0], batch) out = (new_loss,) + tuple(out[1:]) elif isinstance(out, MutableMapping): assert 'loss' in out and isinstance(out['loss'], Tensor) out['loss'] = patch(out['loss'], batch) return out self._training_step: _TRAINING_STEP = patched_training_step def revert_loss(self): self._training_step = self._ori_training_step def patch_optimizer_step(self, before_step_tasks: List[Callable], after_step_tasks: List[Callable]): self.is_patch_optim_for_ds = True self.before_step_tasks = before_step_tasks self.after_step_tasks = after_step_tasks def revert_optimizer_step(self): assert self.deepspeed_engine is not None if self._ori_optimizer_step is not None: self.deepspeed_engine.step = self._ori_optimizer_step def patch_engine_step(self, before_step_tasks: List[Callable], after_step_tasks: List[Callable]): assert self.deepspeed_engine is not None old_step = self.deepspeed_engine.step def patched_step(_, *args, **kwargs): for task in before_step_tasks: task() # call origin optimizer step method output = old_step(*args, **kwargs) for task in after_step_tasks: task() return output self.deepspeed_engine.step = types.MethodType(patched_step, self.deepspeed_engine) def train(self, max_steps: int | None = None, max_epochs: int | None = None): # deepspeed init deepspeed_engine, optimizer, lr_scheduler = self.deepspeed_init(inference=False) self.deepspeed_engine = deepspeed_engine self.optimizer = optimizer self.lr_scheduler = lr_scheduler self.model = deepspeed_engine.module assert self.deepspeed_engine is not None assert self.optimizer is not None assert self._training_step is not None if hasattr(self, 'is_patch_optim_for_ds') and self.is_patch_optim_for_ds: self.patch_engine_step(self.before_step_tasks, self.after_step_tasks) self.training_func(self.deepspeed_engine, self.optimizer, self._training_step, self.lr_scheduler, max_steps, max_epochs) def finetune(self): self.train() def evaluate(self) -> float | None | Tuple[float, Dict[str, Any]] | Tuple[None, Dict[str, Any]]: # assert self.model is not None if self.evaluating_func is None: warn_msg = f'Did not pass evaluation_func to {self.__class__.__name__}, will return None for calling evaluate()' _logger.warning(warn_msg) return None if self.deepspeed_engine is None: deepspeed_engine, _, _ = self.deepspeed_init(inference=True) self.deepspeed_engine = deepspeed_engine self.model = self.deepspeed_engine.module assert self.deepspeed_engine is not None metric = self.evaluating_func(self.deepspeed_engine) if isinstance(metric, dict): nni_used_metric = metric.get('default', None) if nni_used_metric is None: warn_msg = f'Evaluation function returns a dict metric without key `default`,' + \ 'will return None as the model evaluation metric value.' _logger.warning(warn_msg) return nni_used_metric, metric else: return metric def get_dummy_input(self) -> Any: return self.dummy_input def save_checkpoint(self, save_dir, tag=None, client_state={}, save_latest=True): """ Save training checkpoint Parameters ---------- save_dir Required. Directory for saving the checkpoint tag Optional. Checkpoint tag used as a unique identifier for the checkpoint, global step is used if not provided. Tag name must be the same across all ranks. client_state Optional. State dictionary used for saving required training states in the client code. save_latest Optional. Save a file 'latest' pointing to the latest saved checkpoint. Notes ----- Important: all processes must call this method and not just the process with rank 0. It is because each process needs to save its master weights and scheduler+optimizer states. This method will hang waiting to synchronize with other processes if it's called just for the process with rank 0. """ # copyed from deepspeed assert self.deepspeed_engine is not None return self.deepspeed_engine.save_checkpoint(save_dir, tag, client_state=client_state, save_latest=save_latest) def load_checkpoint(self, load_dir, tag=None, load_module_strict=True, load_optimizer_states=True, load_lr_scheduler_states=True, load_module_only=False, custom_load_fn=None): """ Load training checkpoint Parameters ---------- load_dir Required. Directory to load the checkpoint from tag Checkpoint tag used as a unique identifier for checkpoint, if not provided will attempt to load tag in 'latest' file load_module_strict Optional. Boolean to strictly enforce that the keys in state_dict of module and checkpoint match. load_optimizer_states Optional. Boolean to load the training optimizer states from Checkpoint. Ex. ADAM's momentum and variance load_lr_scheduler_states Optional. Boolean to add the learning rate scheduler states from Checkpoint. load_module_only Optional. Boolean to load only the model weights from the checkpoint. Ex. warmstarting. custom_load_fn Optional. Custom model load function. Returns ------- load_path Path of the loaded checkpoint. None if loading the checkpoint failed. client_state State dictionary used for loading required training states in the client code. Notes ----- Important: under ZeRO3, one cannot load checkpoint with ``engine.load_checkpoint()`` right after ``engine.save_checkpoint()``. It is because ``engine.module`` is partitioned, and ``load_checkpoint()`` wants a pristine model. If insisting to do so, please reinitialize engine before ``load_checkpoint()``. """ # copyed from deepspeed assert self.deepspeed_engine is not None return self.deepspeed_engine.load_checkpoint(load_dir, tag=tag, load_module_strict=load_module_strict, load_optimizer_states=load_optimizer_states, load_lr_scheduler_states=load_lr_scheduler_states, load_module_only=load_module_only, custom_load_fn=custom_load_fn)