nni.compression.quantization.qat_quantizer 源代码

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Dict, List, overload

import torch
from torch import Tensor

from ..base.compressor import Compressor, Quantizer
from ..base.wrapper import ModuleWrapper
from ..utils import Evaluator, _EVALUATOR_DOCSTRING

[文档] class QATQuantizer(Quantizer): __doc__ = r""" Quantizer defined in: `Quantization and Training of Neural Networks for Efficient Integer-Arithmetic-Only Inference <http://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_cvpr_2018/papers/Jacob_Quantization_and_Training_CVPR_2018_paper.pdf>`__ Authors Benoit Jacob and Skirmantas Kligys provide an algorithm to quantize the model with training. .. We propose an approach that simulates quantization effects in the forward pass of training. Backpropagation still happens as usual, and all weights and biases are stored in floating point so that they can be easily nudged by small amounts. The forward propagation pass however simulates quantized inference as it will happen in the inference engine, by implementing in floating-point arithmetic the rounding behavior of the quantization scheme: * Weights are quantized before they are convolved with the input. If batch normalization (see [17]) is used for the layer, the batch normalization parameters are “folded into” the weights before quantization. * Activations are quantized at points where they would be during inference, e.g. after the activation function is applied to a convolutional or fully connected layer's output, or after a bypass connection adds or concatenates the outputs of several layers together such as in ResNets. Parameters ---------- model Model to be quantized. config_list A list of dict, each dict configure which module need to be quantized, and how to quantize. Please refer :doc:`Compression Config Specification </compression/config_list>` for more information. evaluator {evaluator_docstring} quant_start_step The steps for warmup training before QAT begin. Examples -------- >>> from nni.compression.quantization import QATQuantizer >>> from nni.compression.utils import TorchEvaluator >>> model = ... >>> optimizer = ... >>> max_steps, max_epochs = ..., ... >>> evaluator = TorchEvaluator(train, optimizer, training_step) >>> quantizer = QATQuantizer(model, configure_list, evaluator) >>> _, calibration_config = quantizer.compress(max_steps, max_epochs) """.format(evaluator_docstring=_EVALUATOR_DOCSTRING) @overload def __init__(self, model: torch.nn.Module, config_list: List[Dict], evaluator: Evaluator, quant_start_step: int = 0): ... @overload def __init__(self, model: torch.nn.Module, config_list: List[Dict], evaluator: Evaluator, quant_start_step: int = 0, existed_wrappers: Dict[str, ModuleWrapper] | None = None): ... def __init__(self, model: torch.nn.Module, config_list: List[Dict], evaluator: Evaluator, quant_start_step: int = 0, existed_wrappers: Dict[str, ModuleWrapper] | None = None): super().__init__(model, config_list, evaluator, existed_wrappers) self.evaluator: Evaluator self.quant_start_step = max(quant_start_step, 0) # scale and zero point will be computed during training when self.current_step >= self.quant_start_step self.current_step = 0 self.register_qat_apply_method() self.register_track_func() @classmethod def from_compressor(cls, compressor: Compressor, new_config_list: List[Dict], quant_start_step: int = 0, evaluator: Evaluator | None = None): return super().from_compressor(compressor, new_config_list, quant_start_step=quant_start_step, evaluator=evaluator) def register_qat_apply_method(self): if self.current_step < self.quant_start_step: for _, ts in self._target_spaces.items(): for _, target_space in ts.items(): target_space.apply_method = 'bypass' elif self.current_step == self.quant_start_step: for _, ts in self._target_spaces.items(): for _, target_space in ts.items(): target_space.apply_method = 'qat_clamp_round' else: pass def register_track_func(self): # NOTE: tracked min max value will be registered as buffer after the first forward during training, # scale and zero point will be registered as buffer after self.current_step >= self.quant_start_step. for module_name, _ in self._target_spaces.items(): wrapper = self._module_wrappers[module_name] wrapper.register_track_func(self.track_min_max_val) wrapper.register_track_func(self.update_scale_zp) def track_min_max_val(self, wrapper: ModuleWrapper, target_name: str, target: Tensor): # in a fused compression pipeline, the target name may be another compressor's target name if not wrapper.training or not self.check_target(wrapper, target_name): return return track_min_max_val(wrapper, target_name, target) def update_scale_zp(self, wrapper: ModuleWrapper, target_name: str, target: Tensor): if not wrapper.training or self.current_step < self.quant_start_step \ or not self.check_target(wrapper, target_name): return if target_name in wrapper.quantization_target_spaces: target_space = wrapper.quantization_target_spaces[target_name] if target_space.tracked_max is None or target_space.tracked_min is None: return # Comments copied from the old version: # Extend the [min, max] interval to ensure that it contains 0. # Otherwise, we would not meet the requirement that 0 be an exactly representable value. # I think this is for activations that need to be pad in the training. # However this is a default behavior in PyTorch quantization observer. # So we also make it a default behavior. tracked_min = torch.min(target_space.tracked_min, torch.zeros_like(target_space.tracked_min)) tracked_max = torch.max(target_space.tracked_max, torch.zeros_like(target_space.tracked_max)) zero_point = torch.zeros_like(tracked_min) qmin, qmax = target_space.qmin, target_space.qmax assert isinstance(qmin, int) and isinstance(qmax, int) if target_space.quant_scheme in ['symmetric', None]: abs_max = torch.max(torch.abs(tracked_min), torch.abs(tracked_max)) scale = abs_max / (float(qmax - qmin) / 2) scale = torch.max(scale, torch.full_like(scale, torch.finfo(torch.float32).eps)) # NOTE: here need to check, +1 because in pytorch, symmetric qint8 zp is 0, quint8 zp is 128. zero_point_val = (qmax + qmin + 1) // 2 zero_point = torch.full_like(zero_point, zero_point_val) elif target_space.quant_scheme == 'affine': scale = (tracked_max - tracked_min) / float(qmax - qmin) scale = torch.max(scale, torch.full_like(scale, torch.finfo(torch.float32).eps)) zero_point = qmin - torch.round(tracked_min / scale) else: raise RuntimeError(f'Unknown quant_scheme {target_space.quant_scheme}') zero_point = torch.clamp(zero_point, qmin, qmax) target_space.scale, target_space.zero_point = scale, zero_point def track_forward(self, *args, **kwargs): super().track_forward(*args, **kwargs) for _, ts in self._target_spaces.items(): for _, target_space in ts.items(): if target_space.scale is None: assert target_space.tracked_max is not None target_space.scale = torch.empty_like(target_space.tracked_max) if target_space.zero_point is None: assert target_space.tracked_max is not None target_space.zero_point = torch.empty_like(target_space.tracked_max) def register_trigger(self, evaluator: Evaluator): def optimizer_task(): self.current_step += 1 if self.current_step == self.quant_start_step: self.register_qat_apply_method() evaluator.patch_optimizer_step(before_step_tasks=[], after_step_tasks=[optimizer_task]) def _single_compress(self, max_steps: int | None, max_epochs: int | None): self._fusion_compress(max_steps, max_epochs) def _fuse_preprocess(self, evaluator: Evaluator) -> None: module_name_param_dict = self.patch_optimizer_param_group() if len(module_name_param_dict) > 0: evaluator.patch_optim_param_group(module_name_param_dict) self.register_trigger(evaluator) def _fuse_postprocess(self, evaluator: Evaluator) -> None: pass
def track_min_max_val(wrapper: ModuleWrapper, target_name: str, target: Tensor): def amin_reduce_func(converted_target: Tensor): return converted_target.detach().amin(dim=-1) def amax_reduce_func(converted_target: Tensor): return converted_target.detach().amax(dim=-1) if target_name in wrapper.quantization_target_spaces: target_space = wrapper.quantization_target_spaces[target_name] if target_space._scaler: current_amin = target_space._scaler.shrink(target, amin_reduce_func, keepdim=True) current_amax = target_space._scaler.shrink(target, amax_reduce_func, keepdim=True) else: current_amin = target.detach().reshape(-1).amin(-1) current_amax = target.detach().reshape(-1).amax(-1) target_space.tracked_max = current_amax if target_space.tracked_max is None \ else update_ema(target_space.tracked_max, current_amax, 0.99) target_space.tracked_min = current_amin if target_space.tracked_min is None \ else update_ema(target_space.tracked_min, current_amin, 0.99) def update_ema(biased_ema: Tensor, current_val: Tensor, decay: float): """ Exponential moving average method. """ return biased_ema * decay + (1 - decay) * current_val