Compression Config Specification

Common Keys in Config


A list of fully-qualified name of modules (e.g., ['backbone.layers.0.ffn', ...]) that will be compressed. If the name referenced module is not existed in the model, it will be ignored.


A list of regular expressions for matching module names by python standard library re. The matched modules will be selected to be compressed.


A list of type names of classes that inherit from torch.nn.Module. Only module types in this list can be selected to be compressed. If this key is not set, all module types can be selected. If neither op_names or op_names_re are set, all modules satisfied the op_types are selected.


A list of fully-qualified name of modules that are excluded.


A list of regular expressions for matching module names. The matched modules will be removed from the modules that need to be compressed.


A list of type names of classes that inherit from torch.nn.Module. The module types in this list are excluded from compression.


A list of legal compression target name, i.e., usually _input_, weight, bias, _output_ are support to be compressed.

Two kinds of target are supported by design, module inputs/outputs(should be a tensor), module parameters:

  • Inputs/Outputs: If the module inputs or outputs is a singal tensor, directly set _input_ for input and _output_ for output. _input_{position_index} or _input_{arg_name} can be used to specify the input target, i.e., for a forward function def forward(self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor, z: Any): ..., _input_0 or _input_x can be used to specify x to be compressed, note that self will be ignored when counting the position index. Similarly, _output_{position_index} can be used to specify the output target if the output is a list/tuple, _output_{dict_key} can be used to specify the output target if the output is a dict.

  • Parameters/Buffers: Directly using the attribute name to specify the target, i.e., weight, bias.


A dict of target settings, the format is {target_name: setting}. Target setting usually configure how to compress the target.

All other keys(except these eight common keys) in a config will seems as a shortcut of target setting key, and will apply to all targets selected in this config. For example, consider a model has two Linear module (linear module names are 'fc1' and 'fc2'), the following configs have same effect for pruning.

shorthand_config = {
    'op_types': ['Linear'],
    'sparse_ratio': 0.8

standard_config = {
    'op_names': ['fc1', 'fc2'],
    'target_names': ['weight', 'bias'],
    'target_settings': {
        'weight': {
            'sparse_ratio': 0.8,
            'max_sparse_ratio': None,
            'min_sparse_ratio': None,
            'sparse_threshold': None,
            'global_group_id': None,
            'dependency_group_id': None,
            'granularity': 'default',
            'internal_metric_block': None,
            'apply_method': 'mul',
        'bias': {
            'align': {
                'target_name': 'weight',
                'dims': [0],
            'apply_method': 'mul',


Each compression target can only be configure once, re-configuration will not take effect.

Pruning Specific Configuration Keys


A float number between 0. ~ 1., the sparse ratio of the pruning target or the total sparse ratio of a group of pruning targets. For example, if the sparse ratio is 0.8, and the pruning target is a Linear module weight, 80% weight value will be masked after pruning.


This key is usually used in combination with sparse_threshold and global_group_id, limit the maximum sparse ratio of each target.

A float number between 0. ~ 1., for each single pruning target, the sparse ratio after pruning will not be larger than this number, that means at most masked max_sparse_ratio pruning target value.


This key is usually used in combination with sparse_threshold and global_group_id, limit the minimum sparse ratio of each target.

A float number between 0. ~ 1., for each single pruning target, the sparse ratio after pruning will not be lower than this number, that means at least masked min_sparse_ratio pruning target value.


A float number, different from the sparse_ratio which configures a specific sparsity, sparse_threshold usually used in some adaptive sparse cases. sparse_threshold is directly compared to pruning metrics (different in different algorithms) and the positions smaller than the threshold are masked.

The value range is different for different pruning algorithms, please reference the pruner document to see how to configure it. In general, the higher the threshold, the higher the final sparsity.


global_group_id should jointly used with sparse_ratio. All pruning targets that have same global_group_id will be treat as a whole, and the sparse_ratio will be distributed across pruning targets. That means each pruning target might have different sparse ratio after pruning, but the group sparse ratio will be the configured sparse_ratio.

Note that the sparse_ratio in the same global group should be the same.

For example, a model has three Linear modules ('fc1', 'fc2', 'fc3'), and the expected total sparse ratio of these three modules is 0.5, then the config can be:

config_list = [{
    'op_names': ['fc1', 'fc2'],
    'sparse_ratio': 0.5,
    'global_group_id': 'linear_group_1'
}, {
    'op_names': ['fc3'],
    'sparse_ratio': 0.5,
    'global_group_id': 'linear_group_1'


All pruning targets that have same dependency_group_id will be treat as a whole, and the positions the targets' pruned will be the same. For example, layer A and layer B have same dependency_group_id, and they want to be pruned output channels, then A and B will be pruned the same channel indexes.

Note that the sparse_ratio in the same dependency group should be the same, and the prunable positions (after reduction by granularity) should be same, for example, pruning targets should have same output channel number when pruning output channel.

This key usually be used on modules with add or mul operation, i.e., skip connection.

If you don't know your model structure well, you could use auto_set_denpendency_group_ids to auto detect the dependency operations and auto set their dependency_group_id.


Control the granularity of the generated masked.

default, in_channel, out_channel, per_channel and list of integer are supported:

  • default: The pruner will auto determine using which kind of granularity, usually consistent with the paper.

  • in_channel: The pruner will do pruning on the weight parameters 1 dimension.

  • out_channel: The pruner will do pruning on the weight parameters 0 dimension.

  • per_channel: The pruner will do pruning on the input/output -1 dimension.

  • list of integer: Block sparse will be applied. For example, [4, 4] will apply 4x4 block sparse on the last two dimensions of the weight parameters.

Note that in_channel or out_channel is not supported for input/output targets, please using per_channel instead. torch.nn.Embedding is special, it's output dimension on weight is 1, so if want to pruning Embedding output channel, please set in_channel for its granularity for workaround.

The following is an example for output channel pruning:

config = {
    'op_types': ['Conv2d'],
    'sparse_ratio': 0.5,
    'granularity': 'out_channel' # same as [1, -1, -1, -1]


align refers to the process where the target mask will not be generated by the pruning algorithm but is created in accordance with another pruning target mask.

A typical scenario occurs in most PyTorch native modules with weight and bias attributes. In this case, the generation of the bias mask is aligned with the weight mask generation, meaning that a bias value is masked or not depending on whether the related weight values are all masked or not. For example, in all pruners, a bias in a Linear layer masks the i position when the i row values in weight are all masked.

This can also prove useful for generating activation masks (output of activation modules). For instance, consider the common pattern in transformers: conv-bn-relu. Here, the bn weight or output can be masked in alignment with the convolution weight for a more effective pruning simulation.

config = {
    'op_types': ['BatchNorm2d'],
    'target_names': ['weight'],
    'target_settings': {
        'weight': {
            'align': {
                'module_name': 'conv',
                'target_name': 'weight',
                'dims': [0],

The mentioned configuration implies that the batch normalization layer should align with the weight of the conv layer along dimension 0.


By default, the current configured module. The name of the module that align with.


Align with which tagret mask of the specified module.


Align the mask on which dim of the specified target.


By default, mul. mul and add is supported to apply mask on pruning target.

mul means the pruning target will be masked by multiply a mask metrix contains 0 and 1, 0 represents masked position, 1 represents unmasked position.

add means the pruning target will be masked by add a mask metrix contains -1000 and 0, -1000 represents masked position, 0 represents unmasked position. Note that -1000 can be configured in the future. add usually be used to mask activation module such as Softmax.

Quantization Specific Configuration Keys


By default, int8. Support int and uint plus quant bits.


affine or symmetric. If this key is not set, the quantization scheme will be choosen by quantizer, most quantizer will apply symmetric quantization.


List[(str,)]. Optional parameter, each tuple defines the module and modules that need to be fused in the first module. Each element in the tuple is the module name in the model. Note that the first module name in each tuple should be in the op_name or op_name_re.


Used to control the granularity of the target quantization, by default the whole tensor will use the same scale and zero point.

per_channel and list of integer are supported:

  • per_channel: Each (ouput) channel will have their independent scales and zero points.

  • list of integer: The integer list is the block size. Each block will have their independent scales and zero points.

Each sub-config in the config list is a dict, and the scope of each setting (key) is only internal to each sub-config. If multiple sub-configs are configured for the same layer, the later ones will overwrite the previous ones.

Distillation Specific Configuration Keys


A float number. The scale factor of the distillation loss. The final distil loss for the specific target is lambda * distil_loss_func(student_target, teacher_target).


mse or kl.

mse means the MSE loss, usually used to distill hidden states. Please reference mse_loss.

kl means the KL loss, usually used to distill logits. The implementation is kl_div((stu_hs / 2).log_softmax(dim=-1), (tea_hs / 2).softmax(dim=-1), reduction='batchmean') * (2 ** 2), please reference kl_div.