Source code for

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

from __future__ import annotations

"""Space definitions that are friendly to NAS executions.

All model spaces should inherit :class:`BaseModelSpace`, which then divides into two categories.

1. :class:`ExecutableModelSpace`, which will be the (converted) model space that is used in NAS executions.
2. Model space coupled with deep learning framework (e.g., :class:`nni.nas.nn.pytorch.ModelSpace`).

Type 2 will be converted to type 1 upon the launch of a NAS experiment.

__all__ = ['ModelStatus', 'BaseModelSpace', 'ExecutableModelSpace', 'RawFormatModelSpace', 'SimplifiedModelSpace']

import weakref
from copy import deepcopy
from enum import Enum
from typing import NoReturn, Any, Callable, Iterable

from nni.common.serializer import is_traceable, SerializableObject
from nni.nas.evaluator import Evaluator
from nni.mutable import Mutable, Sample, MutableDict, LabeledMutable, SampleValidationError, frozen_factory
from nni.typehint import TrialMetric
from .frozen import model_context

from .metrics import Metrics

[docs]class BaseModelSpace(Mutable): """A model space is a collection of mutables, organized in a meaningful way (i.e., in a model way). :class:`BaseModelSpace` is almost only used for isinstance check. A few utility functions might be provided inside this class for convenience. """
[docs] @classmethod def frozen_factory(cls, sample: Sample) -> frozen_factory: """Get a factory that creates a frozen model from this model space.""" return frozen_factory(cls, model_context(sample))
[docs]class ModelStatus(str, Enum): """ The status of model space. A model space is created in `Initialized` status. When the model space starts to mutate and is becoming a single model, the status will be set to `Mutating`. As the model space will share the same class with the mutated single model, the status flag is a useful indication for the difference between the two. When the mutation is done and the model get ready to train, its status becomes `Frozen`. Only `Frozen` models can be submitted to execution engine for training. When training started, the model's status becomes `Training`. If training is successfully ended, model's `metric` attribute get set and its status becomes `Trained`. If training failed, the status becomes `Failed`. """ Initialized = "initialized" Mutating = "mutating" Frozen = "frozen" Training = "training" Trained = "trained" Failed = "failed" Interrupted = "interrupted" Invalid = "invalid" Retrying = "retrying" def __repr__(self): return f'{self.__class__.__name__}.{}'
[docs] def frozen(self): """Frozen model cannot be mutated any more.""" return self not in [ModelStatus.Initialized, ModelStatus.Mutating]
[docs] def completed(self): """Completed model status won't change any more.""" return self in [ModelStatus.Trained, ModelStatus.Failed, ModelStatus.Interrupted, ModelStatus.Invalid]
[docs]class ExecutableModelSpace(BaseModelSpace): """Model space with an extra execute method that defines how the models should be evaluated. It should be ``ModelSpaceWithExecution`` but that's too long. Both model space, as well as single models mutated from the space, will be instances of :class:`ExecutableModelSpace`. They only differ in the status flag (see :class:`ModelStatus`). Since the single models that are directly evaluated are also of this type, this class has an :meth:`execute` method which defines how the training pipeline works, i.e., how to assemble the evaluator and the model, and how to execute the training and evaluation. By convention, only frozen models (status is :attr:`ModelStatus.Frozen`) and instances of :class:`ExecutableModelSpace` can be sent to execution engine for training. In most cases, :class:`ExecutableModelSpace` only contains the necessary information that is required for NAS mutations and reconstruction of the original model. This makes the model space light-weighted, and easy to be serialized for sending to clusters. It also reforms the space to be more friendly to NAS algorithms (e.g., in the format of graphs). """ status: ModelStatus """The status of the model space / model.""" metrics: Metrics """The evaluation metrics of the model.""" evaluator: Evaluator | None """Evaluator that assesses the quality of the model.""" sample: Sample | None """The sample that is used to freeze this model. It's useful for debug and visualization. It could be left unset if sample is not used when freezing the model. It's supposed to be a dict which is previously known as **architecture dict** (however it can sometimes contain information about evaluator as well). Subclasses should set this attribute in :meth:`freeze` if they want to use it. They may also set a sample different from what they received in :meth:`freeze` if it's intended. """ def __init__(self, status: ModelStatus = ModelStatus.Initialized) -> None: self.status = status self.metrics = Metrics()
[docs] def execute(self) -> Any: """Execute the training (and/or evaluation).""" if self.evaluator is None: raise ValueError('Evaluator is not set, but default execute requires an evaluator.') return self.evaluator._execute(self)
[docs] @classmethod def from_model(cls, model_space: BaseModelSpace, evaluator: Evaluator | None = None, **configs: Any) -> ExecutableModelSpace: """Convert any model space to a specific type of executable model space. Parameters ---------- model_space Model space written in deep learning framework in most cases. evaluator A model usually requires an evaluator to be *executable*. But evaluator can sometimes be optional for debug purposes or to support fancy algorithms. configs Additional configurations for the executable model space. Returns ------- The converted model space. """ raise NotImplementedError('`from_model` is not implemented for {}'.format(cls.__name__))
[docs] def executable_model(self) -> Any: """Fully instantiate the deep learning model (e.g., PyTorch Module) so that it's ready to be executed. :meth:`executable_model` is usually symmetrical to :meth:`from_model`. While :meth:`from_model` converts deep learning model to :class:`ExecutableModelSpace`, :meth:`executable_model` converts :class:`ExecutableModelSpace` back to deep learning model. Returns ------- Typical this method should return a PyTorch / Tensorflow model (or model factory), depending on the input format of evaluator. """ raise NotImplementedError('`executable_model` is not implemented for {}'.format(self.__class__.__name__))
@property def metric(self) -> TrialMetric | None: """Training result of the model, or ``None`` if it's not yet trained or has failed to train.""" return
[docs]class RawFormatModelSpace(ExecutableModelSpace): """Model space that keeps the original model and does no conversion of model format (in contrast to :class:`SimplifiedModelSpace` or :class:``). It's possible that strategies directly operate on this format of model space, but it will be very slow (since dealing with deep learning models directly) and inflexible. Therefore, this is almost only useful when strategies need to fuse the model space and evaluator, which requires source-code-level access to those two components. One typical use case is one-shot strategy. In the current version, :class:`RawFormatModelSpace` can't be serialized and sent to remote machines. Examples -------- A simple example of using :class:`RawFormatModelSpace` is as follows:: from nni.nas.nn.pytorch import ModelSpace class MyModelSpace(ModelSpace): ... evaluator = FunctionEvaluator(evaluate_fn, learning_rate=nni.choice('lr', [0.1, 1.0])) model_space = RawFormatModelSpace(MyModelSpace(), evaluator) The space can then be simplified and freezed:: frozen_model = model_space.freeze({'layer1': 0, 'lr': 0.1}) The frozen model can be instantiated and executed:: model = frozen_model.executable_model() evaluator.evaluate(model) """ def __init__(self, model_space: BaseModelSpace, evaluator: Evaluator | None) -> None: super().__init__() # `model_space` attribute will always be the original space regardless of whether the object is frozen. self.model_space = model_space self.evaluator = evaluator self.sample = None # The frozen model can be very memory-consuming since it has deepcopied the model space. # Use a weak reference to avoid storing unused model data. self._frozen_model: weakref.ReferenceType[ExecutableModelSpace] | None = None # Sometimes, the frozen model is not created with "sample". # We should only use the sample, when the "official freeze" is used. self._should_freeze_with_sample: bool = False def extra_repr(self) -> str: model_space_repr = repr(self.model_space) if len(model_space_repr) > 100: model_space_repr = model_space_repr[:100] + '...' return f'model_space={model_space_repr}, ' + \ f'evaluator={self.evaluator!r}, ' + \ (f'sample={self.sample!r}, ' if self.sample else '') + \ (f'metrics={self.metrics!r}, ' if self.metrics else '') + \ f'status={self.status!r}' def __str__(self) -> str: if self.sample is None: return repr(self) else: # Short-ver of repr. return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self.sample}' + \ (f', {self.metrics!r}' if self.metrics else '') + \ f', {self.status.value!r})' @classmethod def from_model(cls, model_space: BaseModelSpace, evaluator: Evaluator | None = None, **configs) -> ExecutableModelSpace: return cls(model_space, evaluator) def freeze(self, sample: Sample) -> RawFormatModelSpace: if self.status != ModelStatus.Initialized: raise RuntimeError('Cannot freeze a model space that is not initialized.') self.validate(sample) new_model = self.__class__( self.model_space, # Should be self.model_space.freeze(sample) but it's deferred. self.evaluator.freeze(sample) if isinstance(self.evaluator, Mutable) else self.evaluator ) new_model.sample = sample new_model.status = ModelStatus.Frozen new_model._should_freeze_with_sample = True return new_model def check_contains(self, sample: Sample) -> SampleValidationError | None: exception = self.model_space.check_contains(sample) if exception is not None: exception.paths.append('model') return exception if isinstance(self.evaluator, Mutable): exception = self.evaluator.check_contains(sample) if exception is not None: exception.paths.append('evaluator') return exception return None
[docs] def executable_model(self) -> Any: """Return a trainable deep learning model. Calling this method twice do not guarantee returning the same model instance. It might be two models with different weights. Memorizing the returning result if needed. See Also -------- ExecutableModelSpace.executable_model """ if not self.status.frozen(): raise RuntimeError('Model space is not frozen yet.') if self._should_freeze_with_sample: assert self.sample is not None if self._frozen_model is None or self._frozen_model() is None: # Use a weak reference, so that next time it's called it can directly return, # without re-freeze. frozen_model = self.model_space.freeze(self.sample) self._frozen_model = weakref.ref(frozen_model) else: frozen_model = self._frozen_model() else: # Model-space is custom frozen. Typical one-shot case. frozen_model = self.model_space return frozen_model
def leaf_mutables(self, is_leaf: Callable[[Mutable], bool]) -> Iterable[LabeledMutable]: yield from self.model_space.leaf_mutables(is_leaf) if isinstance(self.evaluator, Mutable): yield from self.evaluator.leaf_mutables(is_leaf) def _dump(self) -> NoReturn: """Serialization of a :class:`RawFormatModelSpace` is not supported. Notes ----- The potential issues with serialization are in two folds: 1. The model space could be a deep learning model, and have been arbitrarily mutated by the strategy (e.g., one-shot). For example, one submodule is replaced by another, or a layer is removed. In this case, we surely cannot use the init arguments to recover the model. 2. The model space could contain parameters (weights), that are meant to be part of the model space. (That's why we have :class:`RawFormatModelSpace` other than :class:`SimplifiedModelSpace`). In this case, we need to dump all the parameters, which could be potentially large and slow. One potential solution to this problem might be introducing an advanced version of ``nni.trace``, that allows users / strategies to define a function that recreates the current instance from scratch. This function must be runnable in a completely new isolated process. Another potential solution might be introducing several flags to evaluator to specific needs like one-shot. But I don't think it's a good idea, because I want to make the evaluator semantically simple. """ raise NotImplementedError('`_dump` is not implemented for {}'.format(self.__class__.__name__)) @classmethod def _load(cls, **kwargs) -> NoReturn: raise NotImplementedError('`_load` is not implemented for {}'.format(RawFormatModelSpace.__name__))
[docs]class SimplifiedModelSpace(ExecutableModelSpace): """Model space that is simplified (see :meth:`~nni.mutable.Mutable.simplify`), and only keeps the key information. With :class:`SimplifiedModelSpace`, all details inside the model will be removed, which means, the weights, attributes, inplace modifications of the model will all be lost. Only the simplified mutables and necessary init arguments to recover the model for execution will be kept. The :meth:`freeze` method does nothing but remembers the sample. When the model is actually executed for real (i.e., when :meth;`executable_model` is called), the model will be recreated from scratch, and the sample will be applied to the model. To be specific, it will create the model with traced symbols and arguments, but under a :meth:``. The context can be detected via :meth:``. It's the responsibility of the model space to check whether the context is available, and create a frozen model directly if it is (note that ``freeze`` and ``contains`` method of model space is never used). :class:`~nni.nas.nn.pytorch.MutableModule` is an example which has already implemented this logic. """ def __init__(self, model: Any, mutables: dict[str, Any] | MutableDict, evaluator: Evaluator | None) -> None: super().__init__() assert is_traceable(model), 'Model must be traceable.' self.model = model.trace_copy() # Make a trace copy for recovery. if isinstance(mutables, MutableDict): self.mutables = mutables else: self.mutables = MutableDict(mutables) self.evaluator = evaluator self.sample: Sample | None = None # only available when status is not mutating or fixed @classmethod def from_model(cls, model_space: BaseModelSpace, evaluator: Evaluator | None = None, **configs) -> ExecutableModelSpace: return cls(model_space, model_space.simplify(), evaluator) def freeze(self, sample: Sample) -> SimplifiedModelSpace: if self.status != ModelStatus.Initialized: raise RuntimeError('Cannot freeze a model space that is not initialized.') self.validate(sample) # Copy the current instance model = self.__class__(self.model, self.mutables, self.evaluator) # Set status and sample model.status = ModelStatus.Frozen model.sample = deepcopy(sample) # If evaluator is a mutable, freeze it here. if isinstance(self.evaluator, Mutable): model.evaluator = self.evaluator.freeze(sample) return model def check_contains(self, sample: Sample) -> SampleValidationError | None: exception = self.mutables.check_contains(sample) if exception is not None: exception.paths.append('model') return exception if isinstance(self.evaluator, Mutable): exception = self.evaluator.check_contains(sample) if exception is not None: exception.paths.append('evaluator') return exception return None def leaf_mutables(self, is_leaf: Callable[[Mutable], bool]) -> Iterable[LabeledMutable]: yield from self.mutables.leaf_mutables(is_leaf) if isinstance(self.evaluator, Mutable): yield from self.evaluator.leaf_mutables(is_leaf) def extra_repr(self) -> str: return f'model={self.model}, mutables={self.mutables}, evaluator={self.evaluator}, ' + \ (f'sample={self.sample!r}, ' if self.sample else '') + \ (f'metrics={self.metrics!r}, ' if self.metrics else '') + \ f'status={self.status!r}' def __str__(self) -> str: if self.sample is None: return repr(self) else: # Short-ver of repr. return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self.sample}' + \ (f', {self.metrics!r}' if self.metrics else '') + \ f', {self.status.value!r})' def executable_model(self) -> Any: if self.sample is None: raise RuntimeError('Cannot get executable model from a model space that is not frozen.') with model_context(self.sample): # If it's in the same process, we need to re-initialize it. Therefore, `trace_copy()`. # If it's in another process, we only have a symbol and arguments. Therefore `get()`. # Note that `get()` might not be available for every traceable, but should work for `trace_copy()` results in this case. # We don't insist traceable to be true. Otherwise it will create another subclass of ModelSpace, # which ruins the label namespaces' numbering. return self.model.trace_copy().get(traceable=False) def _dump(self) -> dict: rv = { 'status': self.status, # Have to break apart the model here. # Otherwise it will be instantiated immediately when loading, which is not what we want. 'model_symbol': self.model.trace_symbol, 'model_args': self.model.trace_args, 'model_kwargs': self.model.trace_kwargs, 'evaluator': self.evaluator, } if self.status != ModelStatus.Initialized: rv['sample'] = self.sample rv['metrics'] = self.metrics else: rv['mutables'] = self.mutables return rv @classmethod def _load(cls, **attrs) -> SimplifiedModelSpace: rv = cls( SerializableObject(attrs['model_symbol'], attrs['model_args'], attrs['model_kwargs']), attrs['mutables'] if attrs['status'] == ModelStatus.Initialized else {}, attrs['evaluator'], ) rv.status = attrs['status'] if 'sample' in attrs: rv.sample = attrs['sample'] if 'metrics' in attrs: rv.metrics = attrs['metrics'] return rv