Source code for nni.nas.profiler.pytorch.flops

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

from __future__ import annotations

__all__ = [
    'FlopsParamsCounterConfig', 'FlopsParamsProfiler', 'FlopsProfiler', 'NumParamsProfiler',
    'count_flops_params', 'register_flops_formula'

import logging
from dataclasses import dataclass, fields
from functools import partial, reduce
from typing import Any, NamedTuple, Callable, cast

from torch import nn

import nni.nas.nn.pytorch as nas_nn
from nni.mutable import Sample, Mutable, MutableExpression
from nni.nas.nn.pytorch import ModelSpace
from nni.nas.profiler import Profiler, ExpressionProfiler

from .utils import MutableShape, ShapeTensor, submodule_input_output_shapes, standardize_arguments, argument_in_spec, concat_name
from .utils._attrs import tuple_n_t, _getattr

_unlisted_types = set()

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@dataclass class FlopsParamsCounterConfig: """ Configuration for counting FLOPs. Attributes ---------- count_bias Whether to count bias into FLOPs. count_normalization Whether to count normalization (e.g., Batch normalization) into FLOPs **and parameters**. count_activation Whether to count activation (e.g., ReLU) into FLOPs. """ count_bias: bool = True count_normalization: bool = True count_activation: bool = True
[docs]def count_flops_params(name: str, module: nn.Module, shapes: dict[str, tuple[MutableShape, MutableShape]], config: FlopsParamsCounterConfig) -> FlopsResult: """ Count FLOPs of a module. Firstly check whether the type of module is in FLOPs formula registry. If not, traverse its children and sum up the FLOPs of each child. Parameters ---------- name Name of the module. module The module to count FLOPs. shapes Input and output shapes of all the modules. Should at least contain ``name``. Returns ------- flops The FLOPs of the module. """ formula = find_flops_formula(module) if formula is not None: if name not in shapes: raise KeyError(f'Cannot find shape of {name} in shapes. This could be caused by a shape inference that is too coarse-grained, ' f'or the module did not appear in the forward at all. Existing modules are:\n {list(shapes.keys())}') # We provide arguments to the formula when they need them. formula_kwargs = {} if argument_in_spec(formula, 'name'): formula_kwargs['name'] = name if argument_in_spec(formula, 'shapes'): formula_kwargs['shapes'] = shapes if argument_in_spec(formula, 'config'): formula_kwargs['config'] = config for field in fields(config): if argument_in_spec(formula, formula_kwargs[] = getattr(config, rv = formula(module, *shapes[name], **formula_kwargs) _logger.debug('FLOPs of %s counts to: %s', name, rv) return rv else: children_flops = [ count_flops_params(concat_name(name, n), child, shapes, config) for n, child in module.named_children() ] if children_flops: rv = sum(children_flops) _logger.debug('FLOPs of %s sums up to be: %r', name, rv) return cast(FlopsResult, rv) else: # Leaf module. No children. if type(module) not in _unlisted_types: _logger.warning('Parameters and FLOPs of %s is not counted because it has no children (name: %s).', type(module).__name__, name) _unlisted_types.add(type(module)) return FlopsResult(0., 0.)
[docs]class FlopsParamsProfiler(Profiler): _parameters_doc = """ Parameters ---------- model_space The model space to profile. args Dummy inputs to the model to count flops. Similar to `torch.onnx.export <>`__, the input can be a tensor or a tuple of tensors, or a tuple of arguments ends with a dictionary of keyword arguments. **kwargs Additional configurations. See :class:`FlopsParamsCounterConfig` for supported arguments. """ __doc__ = """ The profiler to count flops and parameters of a model. It first runs shape inference on the model to get the input/output shapes of all the submodules. Then it traverse the submodules and use registered formulas to count the FLOPs and parameters as an expression. The results are stored in a :class:`FlopsResult` object. When a sample is provided, the expressions are frozen and the results are computed. Notes ----- Customized FLOPs formula can be registered by using :func:`register_flops_formula`. It takes three mandatory arguments: the module itself, input shapes as a tuple of :class:`MutableShape` objects, and output shapes as a tuple of :class:`MutableShape` objects. It also takes some additional keyword arguments: - ``name``: the name of the module in the PyTorch module hierarchy. - ``shapes``: a dictionary of all the input and output shapes of all the modules. - ``config``: the configuration object of :class:`FlopsParamsProfiler`. If fields in :class:`FlopsParamsCounterConfig` are used in the formula, they will also be passed as keyword arguments. It then returns a :class:`FlopsResult` object that contains the FLOPs and parameters of the module. For example, to count the FLOPs of a unbiased linear layer, we can register the following formula:: def linear_flops(module, input_shape, output_shape, *, name, shapes, config): x, y = input_shape[0], output_shape[0] # unpack the tuple return FlopsResult( flops=x[1:].numel() * module.out_features, # forget the batch size params=module.in_features * module.out_features ) register_flops_formula(nn.Linear, linear_flops) """ + _parameters_doc def __init__(self, model_space: ModelSpace, args: Any, **kwargs): self.config = FlopsParamsCounterConfig(**kwargs) args, kwargs = standardize_arguments(args, lambda t: ShapeTensor(t, True)) shapes = submodule_input_output_shapes(model_space, *args, **kwargs) self.flops_result = count_flops_params('', model_space, shapes, self.config) def profile(self, sample: Sample) -> FlopsResult: return self.flops_result.freeze(sample)
[docs]class FlopsProfiler(ExpressionProfiler): __doc__ = """ The FLOPs part of :class:`FlopsParamsProfiler`. Batch size is not considered (actually ignored on purpose) in flops profiling. """ + FlopsParamsProfiler._parameters_doc def __init__(self, model_space: ModelSpace, args: Any, **kwargs: Any): self.profiler = FlopsParamsProfiler(model_space, args, **kwargs) self.expression = self.profiler.flops_result.flops
[docs]class NumParamsProfiler(ExpressionProfiler): __doc__ = """ The parameters part of :class:`FlopsParamsProfiler`. """ + FlopsParamsProfiler._parameters_doc def __init__(self, model_space: ModelSpace, args: Any, **kwargs: Any): self.profiler = FlopsParamsProfiler(model_space, args, **kwargs) self.expression = self.profiler.flops_result.params
class FlopsResult(NamedTuple): """The result of flops profiling. Tuple of (flops, params). It has a :meth:`freeze` that mimics the behavior of :class:`MutableExpression`, and returns a frozen :class:`FlopsResult` object when a sample is provided. """ flops: float | MutableExpression[float] params: float | MutableExpression[float] def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, FlopsResult): return FlopsResult(self.flops + other.flops, self.params + other.params) elif isinstance(other, (int, float)): return FlopsResult(self.flops + other, self.params) else: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported operand type(s) for +: '{type(self)}' and '{type(other)}'") def __radd__(self, other): if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return FlopsResult(other + self.flops, self.params) else: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported operand type(s) for +: '{type(other)}' and '{type(self)}'") def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, FlopsResult): return self.flops == other.flops and self.params == other.params else: return False def freeze(self, sample: Sample) -> FlopsResult: flops = self.flops.freeze(sample) if isinstance(self.flops, Mutable) else self.flops params = self.params.freeze(sample) if isinstance(self.params, Mutable) else self.params return FlopsResult(flops, params) def _count_element_size(module: Any, input: tuple[MutableShape, ], output: tuple[MutableShape, ]) -> FlopsResult: x = input[0] total_ops = x[1:].numel() return FlopsResult(total_ops, 0) def _count_activation(module: Any, input: tuple[MutableShape, ], output: tuple[MutableShape, ], count_activation: bool = True) -> FlopsResult: if not count_activation: return FlopsResult(0., 0.) return _count_element_size(module, input, output) def _count_convNd( module: nn.Conv1d | nn.Conv2d | nn.Conv3d | nas_nn.MutableConv1d | nas_nn.MutableConv2d | nas_nn.MutableConv3d, input: tuple[MutableShape, ], output: MutableShape, N: int, count_bias: bool = True ) -> FlopsResult: cin = _getattr(module, 'in_channels') cout = _getattr(module, 'out_channels') kernel_ops = reduce(lambda a, b: a * b, _getattr(module, 'kernel_size', expected_type=tuple_n_t[N])) bias = _getattr(module, 'bias', expected_type=bool) groups = _getattr(module, 'groups') resolution_out = output[-N:].numel() total_ops = cout * resolution_out * (kernel_ops * cin // groups + (bias and count_bias)) # cout x oW x oH total_params = cout * (cin // groups * kernel_ops + bias) # always count bias return FlopsResult(total_ops, total_params) def _count_linear( module: nn.Linear | nas_nn.Linear, input: tuple[MutableShape, ], output: MutableShape, count_bias: bool = True ) -> FlopsResult: in_features = _getattr(module, 'in_features') out_features = _getattr(module, 'out_features') bias = _getattr(module, 'bias', expected_type=bool) total_ops = out_features * (in_features + (bias and count_bias)) if len(input[0]) > 2: # more than batch and hidden_dim total_ops = total_ops * input[0][1:-1].numel() total_params = out_features * (in_features + bias) return FlopsResult(total_ops, total_params) def _count_bn(module: nn.BatchNorm1d | nn.BatchNorm2d | nn.BatchNorm3d | nas_nn.MutableBatchNorm1d | nas_nn.MutableBatchNorm2d | nas_nn.MutableBatchNorm3d, input: tuple[MutableShape, ], output: MutableShape, count_normalization: bool = True) -> FlopsResult: if not count_normalization: return FlopsResult(0., 0.) affine = _getattr(module, 'affine', expected_type=bool) num_features = _getattr(module, 'num_features') x = input[0] total_ops = 2 * (1 + affine) * x[1:].numel() total_params = affine * 2 * num_features return FlopsResult(total_ops, total_params) def _count_mhattn(module: nn.MultiheadAttention | nas_nn.MultiheadAttention, input: tuple[MutableShape, MutableShape, MutableShape], output: MutableShape, count_bias: bool = True) -> FlopsResult: # q, k, v = input[:3] # there could be more than 3 arguments. qdim, kdim, vdim = q[-1], k[-1], v[-1] if not module.batch_first or len(q) == 2: # No batch dimension or batch dimension is the second dimension L, S = q[0], v[0] else: L, S = q[1], v[1] num_heads = _getattr(module, 'num_heads') embed_dim = _getattr(module, 'embed_dim') try: bias = _getattr(module, 'bias', expected_type=bool) # Mutable version except AttributeError: bias = _getattr(module, 'in_proj_bias', expected_type=bool) # nn version head_dim = embed_dim // num_heads params = ( # always count bias (qdim + kdim + vdim) * (embed_dim + bias) + # in_proj embed_dim * (embed_dim + bias) # out_proj ) flops = ( L * qdim + # Q scaling L * embed_dim * (qdim + (bias and count_bias)) + # in_proj Q S * embed_dim * (kdim + (bias and count_bias)) + # in_proj K S * embed_dim * (vdim + (bias and count_bias)) + # in_proj V num_heads * ( # attention heads: heads * (L * S * dim * 2 + 1) L * S * head_dim + # QK^T L * S + # softmax L * S * head_dim # AV ) + L * embed_dim * (embed_dim + (bias and count_bias)) # out_proj ) return FlopsResult(flops, params) def _count_layerchoice(module: nas_nn.LayerChoice, input: tuple[MutableShape, ], output: MutableShape, name: str, shapes: dict[str, tuple[MutableShape, MutableShape]], config: FlopsParamsCounterConfig) -> FlopsResult: sub_results: dict[int | str, FlopsResult] = {} for chosen_val in module.choice.values: sub_results[chosen_val] = count_flops_params( concat_name(name, str(chosen_val)), module[chosen_val], shapes, config ) return FlopsResult( MutableExpression.switch_case(module.choice, {chosen_val: res.flops for chosen_val, res in sub_results.items()}), MutableExpression.switch_case(module.choice, {chosen_val: res.params for chosen_val, res in sub_results.items()}) ) def _count_repeat(module: nas_nn.Repeat, input: tuple[MutableShape, ], output: MutableShape, name: str, shapes: dict[str, tuple[MutableShape, MutableShape]], config: FlopsParamsCounterConfig) -> FlopsResult: if isinstance(module.depth_choice, int): assert module.depth_choice > 0 return cast(FlopsResult, sum( count_flops_params( concat_name(name, f'blocks.{i}'), module.blocks[i], shapes, config ) for i in range(module.depth_choice) )) else: flops_results: list[MutableExpression] = [] params_results: list[MutableExpression] = [] for depth, sub in enumerate(module.blocks, start=1): sub_result = count_flops_params( concat_name(name, f'blocks.{depth - 1}'), sub, shapes, config ) # Only activated when the chosen depth is greater than "depth". flops_results.append((module.depth_choice >= depth) * sub_result.flops) params_results.append((module.depth_choice >= depth) * sub_result.params) return FlopsResult(sum(flops_results), sum(params_results))
[docs]def register_flops_formula( module_type: Any, formula: Callable[..., FlopsResult] ) -> None: """ Register a FLOPs counting formula for a module. Parameters ---------- module_type The module type to register the formula for. The class here needs to be a class, not an instantiated module. formula A function that takes in a module and its inputs, and returns :class:`FlopsResult`. Check :class:`FlopsParamsProfiler` for more details. """ if module_type in _flops_formula: _logger.warning('Formula for %s is already registered. It will be overwritten.', module_type) _flops_formula[module_type] = formula
def find_flops_formula(module: nn.Module) -> Callable[..., FlopsResult] | None: """ Find the FLOPs counting formula for a module. In the following order: 1. If the module has a ``_count_flops`` method, use it. 2. If the module type is in the registry, use the registered formula. Parameters ---------- module The module to find the formula for. Returns ------- formula The FLOPs counting formula. """ if hasattr(module.__class__, '_count_flops'): return module.__class__._count_flops # type: ignore elif type(module) in _flops_formula: return _flops_formula[type(module)] # type: ignore return None _flops_formula = { nn.ReLU: _count_activation, nn.ReLU6: _count_activation, nn.ELU: _count_activation, nn.Sigmoid: _count_activation, nn.Tanh: _count_activation, nn.Hardtanh: _count_activation, nn.LeakyReLU: _count_activation, nn.Conv1d: partial(_count_convNd, N=1), nn.Conv2d: partial(_count_convNd, N=2), nn.Conv3d: partial(_count_convNd, N=3), nn.Linear: _count_linear, nn.BatchNorm1d: _count_bn, nn.BatchNorm2d: _count_bn, nn.BatchNorm3d: _count_bn, nn.MultiheadAttention: _count_mhattn, nas_nn.MutableConv1d: partial(_count_convNd, N=1), nas_nn.MutableConv2d: partial(_count_convNd, N=2), nas_nn.MutableConv3d: partial(_count_convNd, N=3), nas_nn.MutableLinear: _count_linear, nas_nn.MutableBatchNorm1d: _count_bn, nas_nn.MutableBatchNorm2d: _count_bn, nas_nn.MutableBatchNorm3d: _count_bn, nas_nn.MutableMultiheadAttention: _count_mhattn, nas_nn.LayerChoice: _count_layerchoice, nas_nn.Repeat: _count_repeat, }