Source code for nni.nas.nn.pytorch.choice

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

# Can't have annotations on because PyTorch JIT doesn't support it.
# from __future__ import annotations

import functools
import warnings
from typing import (Any, Iterator, List, Optional, Dict, Union, Tuple, cast)
from typing_extensions import Literal

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from nni.mutable import Categorical, CategoricalMultiple, Sample, SampleValidationError, ensure_frozen

from .base import MutableModule, recursive_freeze

__all__ = [
    # APIs

    # Fixed module

    # Type utils

class ValueChoice(Categorical):
    """For backward compatibility only. Please use :class:`nni.mutable.Categorical` instead."""

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        warnings.warn('ValueChoice is deprecated, please use `nni.choice` instead', DeprecationWarning)
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def candidates(self) -> list:
        return self.values

[docs]class LayerChoice(MutableModule): """ Layer choice selects one of the ``candidates``, then apply it on inputs and return results. It allows users to put several candidate operations (e.g., PyTorch modules), one of them is chosen in each explored model. *New in v2.2:* Layer choice can be nested. Parameters ---------- candidates : list of nn.Module or OrderedDict A module list to be selected from. weights : list of float Prior distribution used in random sampling. label : str Identifier of the layer choice. Attributes ---------- length : int Deprecated. Number of ops to choose from. ``len(layer_choice)`` is recommended. names : list of str Names of candidates. choices : list of Module Deprecated. A list of all candidate modules in the layer choice module. ``list(layer_choice)`` is recommended, which will serve the same purpose. Examples -------- :: # import nni.nas.nn.pytorch as nn # declared in `__init__` method self.layer = nn.LayerChoice([ ops.PoolBN('max', channels, 3, stride, 1), ops.SepConv(channels, channels, 3, stride, 1), nn.Identity() ]) # invoked in `forward` method out = self.layer(x) Notes ----- ``candidates`` can be a list of modules or a ordered dict of named modules, for example, .. code-block:: python self.op_choice = LayerChoice(OrderedDict([ ("conv3x3", nn.Conv2d(3, 16, 128)), ("conv5x5", nn.Conv2d(5, 16, 128)), ("conv7x7", nn.Conv2d(7, 16, 128)) ])) Elements in layer choice can be modified or deleted. Use ``del self.op_choice["conv5x5"]`` or ``self.op_choice[1] = nn.Conv3d(...)``. Adding more choices is not supported yet. """ def __init__(self, candidates: Union[Dict[str, nn.Module], List[nn.Module]], *, weights: Optional[List[float]] = None, label: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__() _names, _modules = self._init_names(candidates) for name, module in zip(_names, _modules): self.add_module(str(name), module) self.choice = self._inner_choice(_names, weights=weights, label=label) self.add_mutable(self.choice) self._dry_run_choice = ensure_frozen(self.choice) # Names are kept as original types. They need to be converted to str for getattr. self.names: Union[List[str], List[int]] = _names @torch.jit.unused @property def label(self) -> str: return self.choice.label @torch.jit.unused @property def candidates(self) -> Union[Dict[str, nn.Module], List[nn.Module]]: """Restore the ``candidates`` parameters passed to the constructor. Useful when creating a new layer choices based on this one. """ if all(isinstance(name, int) for name in self.names) and self.names == list(range(len(self))): return list(self) else: return {cast(str, name): self[name] for name in self.names} @staticmethod def _inner_choice(names: List[str], weights: Optional[List[float]], label: Optional[str]) -> Categorical: return Categorical(names, weights=weights, label=label) @staticmethod def _init_names(candidates: Union[Dict[str, nn.Module], List[nn.Module]]) -> Tuple[List[str], List[nn.Module]]: names, modules = [], [] if isinstance(candidates, dict): for name, module in candidates.items(): assert name not in ["length", "reduction", "return_mask", "_key", "key", "names"], \ "Please don't use a reserved name '{}' for your module.".format(name) if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError(f'Key of candidates must be str, got {type(name)}.') names.append(name) modules.append(module) elif isinstance(candidates, list): for i, module in enumerate(candidates): names.append(i) modules.append(module) else: raise TypeError("Unsupported candidates type: {}".format(type(candidates))) return names, modules def check_contains(self, sample: Sample) -> Optional[SampleValidationError]: exception = self.choice.check_contains(sample) if exception is not None: return exception sample_val = self.choice.freeze(sample) module = self[sample_val] if isinstance(module, MutableModule): exception = module.check_contains(sample) if exception is not None: exception.paths.append(sample_val) return exception else: for name, submodule in MutableModule.named_mutable_descendants(module): # type: ignore exception = submodule.check_contains(sample) if exception is not None: exception.paths.append(name) exception.paths.append(sample_val) return exception return None def freeze(self, sample: Sample) -> nn.Module: self.validate(sample) sample_val = self.choice.freeze(sample) return recursive_freeze(self[sample_val], sample)[0] @classmethod def create_fixed_module(cls, sample: dict, candidates: Union[Dict[str, nn.Module], List[nn.Module]], *, weights: Optional[List[float]] = None, label: Optional[str] = None): names, _ = cls._init_names(candidates) chosen = cls._inner_choice(names, weights, label).freeze(sample) if isinstance(candidates, list): result = candidates[int(chosen)] else: result = candidates[chosen] return result def __getitem__(self, idx: Union[int, str]) -> nn.Module: if idx not in self.names: raise KeyError(f'{idx!r} is not found in {self.names!r}.') return cast(nn.Module, self._modules[str(idx)]) def __setitem__(self, idx, module): if idx not in self.names: raise KeyError(f'{idx!r} is not found in {self.names!r}. Note we disallow adding new choices to LayerChoice.') return setattr(self, str(idx), module) def __delitem__(self, idx): raise RuntimeError('Deleting choices from LayerChoice is not supported yet.') def __len__(self): return len(self.names) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[nn.Module]: return map(lambda name: cast(nn.Module, self._modules[str(name)]), self.names) def forward(self, x): # The input argument can be arbitrary positional / keyword arguments, # but JIT is unhappy with the unrestricted cases. # The forward of layer choice is simply running the first candidate module. # It shouldn't be called directly by users in most cases. for name, child_module in self.named_children(): # Explicitly cast str here to make JIT happy if str(name) == str(self._dry_run_choice): return child_module(x) raise RuntimeError('dry_run_choice is not available. This should not happen.') def extra_repr(self): return f'label={self.label!r}'
ReductionType = Literal['mean', 'concat', 'sum', 'none']
[docs]class InputChoice(MutableModule): """ Input choice selects ``n_chosen`` inputs from ``choose_from`` (contains ``n_candidates`` keys). It is mainly for choosing (or trying) different connections. It takes several tensors and chooses ``n_chosen`` tensors from them. When specific inputs are chosen, ``InputChoice`` will become :class:`ChosenInputs`. Use ``reduction`` to specify how chosen inputs are reduced into one output. A few options are: * ``none``: do nothing and return the list directly. * ``sum``: summing all the chosen inputs. * ``mean``: taking the average of all chosen inputs. * ``concat``: concatenate all chosen inputs at dimension 1. We don't support customizing reduction yet. Parameters ---------- n_candidates : int Number of inputs to choose from. It is required. n_chosen : int Recommended inputs to choose. If None, mutator is instructed to select any. reduction : str ``mean``, ``concat``, ``sum`` or ``none``. weights : list of float Prior distribution used in random sampling. label : str Identifier of the input choice. Examples -------- :: # import nni.nas.nn.pytorch as nn # declared in `__init__` method self.input_switch = nn.InputChoice(n_chosen=1) # invoked in `forward` method, choose one from the three out = self.input_switch([tensor1, tensor2, tensor3]) """ @classmethod def create_fixed_module(cls, sample: dict, n_candidates: int, n_chosen: Optional[int] = 1, reduction: ReductionType = 'sum', *, weights: Optional[List[float]] = None, label: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs): sample_val = cls._inner_choice(n_candidates, n_chosen, weights, label).freeze(sample) return ChosenInputs(sample_val, reduction=reduction) @staticmethod def _inner_choice(n_candidates: int, n_chosen: Optional[int], weights: Optional[List[float]], label: Optional[str]) -> CategoricalMultiple: return CategoricalMultiple(range(n_candidates), n_chosen=n_chosen, weights=weights, label=label) def __init__(self, n_candidates: int, n_chosen: Optional[int] = 1, reduction: ReductionType = 'sum', *, weights: Optional[List[float]] = None, label: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__() if reduction not in ['mean', 'concat', 'sum', 'none']: raise ValueError('reduction must be one of mean, concat, sum, none') self.n_candidates = n_candidates self.n_chosen = n_chosen self.reduction: ReductionType = reduction self.weights = weights or [1 / n_candidates for _ in range(n_candidates)] self.choice = self._inner_choice(n_candidates, n_chosen, weights, label) self.add_mutable(self.choice) self._dry_run_choice: Union[int, List[int]] = ensure_frozen(self.choice) @torch.jit.unused @property def label(self) -> str: return self.choice.label def freeze(self, sample: Dict[str, Any]) -> nn.Module: self.validate(sample) sample_val: Union[int, List[int]] = self.choice.freeze(sample) return ChosenInputs(sample_val, reduction=self.reduction)
[docs] def forward(self, candidate_inputs: List[torch.Tensor]) -> Optional[torch.Tensor]: """ The forward of input choice is simply the first item of ``candidate_inputs``. It shouldn't be called directly by users in most cases. """ if isinstance(self._dry_run_choice, int): return candidate_inputs[self._dry_run_choice] else: return self._tensor_reduction(candidate_inputs)
def extra_repr(self): return f'n_candidates={self.n_candidates}, n_chosen={self.n_chosen}, reduction={repr(self.reduction)}, label={repr(self.label)})' @torch.jit.ignore # type: ignore def _tensor_reduction(self, candidate_inputs: List[torch.Tensor]) -> Optional[torch.Tensor]: return ChosenInputs._tensor_reduction(self.reduction, [candidate_inputs[idx] for idx in self._dry_run_choice]) # type: ignore
class ChosenInputs(nn.Module): """ A module that chooses from a tensor list and outputs a reduced tensor. The already-chosen version of InputChoice. When forward, ``chosen`` will be used to select inputs from ``candidate_inputs``, and ``reduction`` will be used to choose from those inputs to form a tensor. Attributes ---------- chosen : list of int Indices of chosen inputs. reduction : ``mean`` | ``concat`` | ``sum`` | ``none`` How to reduce the inputs when multiple are selected. """ def __init__(self, chosen: Union[List[int], int], reduction: ReductionType): super().__init__() self.chosen = chosen if isinstance(chosen, list) else [chosen] self.reduction = reduction def forward(self, candidate_inputs: List[torch.Tensor]) -> Optional[torch.Tensor]: """ Compute the reduced input based on ``chosen`` and ``reduction``. """ return self._tensor_reduction(self.reduction, [candidate_inputs[i] for i in self.chosen]) # type: ignore @staticmethod def _tensor_reduction(reduction_type: str, tensor_list: List[torch.Tensor]) -> Union[List[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor, None]: if reduction_type == 'none': return tensor_list if not tensor_list: return None # empty. return None for now if len(tensor_list) == 1: return tensor_list[0] if reduction_type == 'sum': return cast(torch.Tensor, sum(tensor_list)) if reduction_type == 'mean': return cast(torch.Tensor, sum(tensor_list) / len(tensor_list)) if reduction_type == 'concat': return, dim=1) raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized reduction policy: "{reduction_type}"') class MutationAnchor(MutableModule): """ The API that creates an empty module for later mutations. For advanced usages only. """ def __init__(self, *, label: str, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.label = label self.kwargs = kwargs def forward(self, x): """ Forward of placeholder is not meaningful. It returns input directly. """ return x