Source code for nni.nas.execution.cgo.middleware

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

from __future__ import annotations

__all__ = ['CrossGraphOptimization']

import logging
import time
import threading
from import Iterable
from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, cast

from nni.common.device import GPUDevice, Device
from nni.experiment.config.training_services import RemoteConfig
from import GraphModelSpace, Node, ModelStatus
from nni.nas.execution.engine import Middleware, ExecutionEngine
from nni.nas.execution.event import ModelEventType, IntermediateMetricEvent, FinalMetricEvent, TrainingEndEvent
from nni.typehint import TrialMetric

from .logical_optimizer.logical_plan import LogicalPlan, AbstractLogicalNode
from .logical_optimizer.opt_dedup_input import DedupInputOptimizer

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class CrossGraphOptimization(Middleware): """ The execution engine middleware of Cross-Graph Optimization (CGO). It's a technique that merges multiple models into one model for training speedup. See `Retiarii paper <>`__ for details. Currently, :class:`CrossGraphOptimization` is only a prototype. It's not fully tested, and also, comes with a bunch of constraints on the model space and evaluator: - The models must be in the format of :class:``. - The evaluator has to be a :class:`~nni.nas.evaluator.pytorch.Lightning` evaluator. - The ``lightning_module`` argument of the evaluator must be an instance of :class:`~nni.nas.execution.cgo.evaluator.MultiModelSupervisedLearningModule`. - The ``trainer`` argument of the evaluator must be an instance of :class:`~nni.nas.execution.cgo.evaluator.MultiModelTrainer`. There are also a number of limitations: - CGO doesn't support stop and resume a checkpoint. - Only remote training service is supported. - All model history are stored in memory. The experiment might not scale well. Parameters ---------- remote_config The remote training service config. max_concurrency The maximum number of trials to run concurrently. batch_waiting_time Seconds to wait for each batch of trial submission. The trials within one batch could apply cross-graph optimization. """ def __init__(self, remote_config: RemoteConfig, max_concurrency: int | None = None, batch_waiting_time: int = 60) -> None: super().__init__() _logger.warning('Cross graph optimization is an experimental feature. Usages are subject to change.') self._history: List[GraphModelSpace] = [] self._running_models: Dict[int, GraphModelSpace] = {} self.logical_plan_counter = 0 self.available_devices: List[Device] = [] self.max_concurrency: int | None = max_concurrency devices = self._construct_devices(remote_config) for device in devices: self.available_devices.append(device) self.all_devices = self.available_devices.copy() self._batch_waiting_time = batch_waiting_time # seconds to wait for all models in a batch to do cross-graph optimization self._optimizers = [DedupInputOptimizer()] self._original_models: Dict[int, GraphModelSpace] = {} self._original_model_to_multi_model: Dict[int, GraphModelSpace] = {} self._trial_to_original_models: Dict[int, List[int]] = {} self._trial_used_devices: Dict[int, List[Device]] = {} self._queuing_models: List[Tuple[float, GraphModelSpace]] = [] self._models_to_retry: List[GraphModelSpace] = [] self._queue_lock = threading.Lock() self._stopped = False self._consumer_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._consume_models) self._consumer_thread.start() def _construct_devices(self, training_service): devices = [] if hasattr(training_service, 'machine_list'): for machine in cast(RemoteConfig, training_service).machine_list: assert machine.gpu_indices is not None, \ 'gpu_indices must be set in RemoteMachineConfig for CGO execution engine' assert isinstance(machine.gpu_indices, list), 'gpu_indices must be a list' for gpu_idx in machine.gpu_indices: devices.append(GPUDevice(, gpu_idx)) return devices def shutdown(self): self._stopped = True self._consumer_thread.join() if self._engine is None: _logger.warning('Underlying engine is not set. Skip shutdown.') else: self.engine.unregister_model_event_callback(ModelEventType.TrainingEnd, self._training_end_callback) self.engine.unregister_model_event_callback(ModelEventType.FinalMetric, self._final_metric_callback) self.engine.unregister_model_event_callback(ModelEventType.IntermediateMetric, self._intermediate_metric_callback) self.engine.shutdown() def load_state_dict(self, state_dict: dict) -> None:'Cross graph optimization does not preserve any states by itself. Loading the state of inner engine: %s', self.engine) return self.engine.load_state_dict(state_dict) def state_dict(self) -> dict: return self.engine.state_dict() def set_engine(self, engine: ExecutionEngine) -> None: super().set_engine(engine) self.engine.register_model_event_callback(ModelEventType.TrainingEnd, self._training_end_callback) self.engine.register_model_event_callback(ModelEventType.FinalMetric, self._final_metric_callback) self.engine.register_model_event_callback(ModelEventType.IntermediateMetric, self._intermediate_metric_callback) def add_optimizer(self, opt): self._optimizers.append(opt) def submit_models(self, *models: GraphModelSpace) -> None: if any(not isinstance(model, GraphModelSpace) for model in models): raise TypeError('Cross graph optimization only supports GraphModelSpace.') curr_time = time.time()'%d models are submitted.', len(models)) with self._queue_lock: self._queuing_models.extend([(curr_time, _) for _ in models]) self._history.extend(models) def _submit_retry_models(self, models: List[GraphModelSpace]) -> None:'%d models are retried.', len(models)) with self._queue_lock: self._models_to_retry.extend(models) def _consume_models(self): # a thread to monitor self._models_to_retry and self._queuing_models to consume them in batch while not self._stopped: # retrying jobs should be first scheduled. while self._models_to_retry: with self._queue_lock: # Get next model and lock the resource. if len(self.available_devices) > 0: m = self._models_to_retry[0] self._models_to_retry = self._models_to_retry[1:] m = self._schedule_models_in_batch(m) else: break # submit the single model to avoid cross-graph optimization. self.engine.submit_models(*m) time.sleep(1) # Submit merged models merged_models = [] with self._queue_lock: curr_time = time.time() num_models_to_submit = len(self.available_devices) if self.max_concurrency is not None: num_models_to_submit = min(num_models_to_submit, self.max_concurrency) if self._queuing_models and curr_time - self._queuing_models[0][0] >= self._batch_waiting_time: num_models_to_submit = min(num_models_to_submit, len(self._queuing_models)) if num_models_to_submit > 0: merged_models = list(self._schedule_models_in_batch(*[_[1] for _ in self._queuing_models[:num_models_to_submit]])) self._queuing_models = self._queuing_models[num_models_to_submit:] _logger.debug('Scheduled %d models in batch.', num_models_to_submit) # Outside lock to avoid deadlock. if merged_models: self.engine.submit_models(*merged_models) time.sleep(1) def _schedule_models_in_batch(self, *models: GraphModelSpace) -> Iterable[GraphModelSpace]:'%d models are scheduled in batch.', len(models)) _logger.debug('Scheduled model ids: %s', [m.model_id for m in models]) for model in models: model.status = ModelStatus.Training logical = self._build_logical(list(models)) for opt in self._optimizers: opt.convert(logical) for model, grouped_models in self._assemble(logical): assert model.placement is not None _logger.debug('Created grouped model %d. Original model ids: %s', model.model_id, [m.model_id for m in grouped_models]) # unique non-cpu devices used by the trial self._trial_used_devices[model.model_id] = list(set([_ for _ in model.placement.values() if isinstance(_, GPUDevice)])) _logger.debug('Model %d uses devices: %s', model.model_id, self._trial_used_devices[model.model_id]) # currently, it is impossible for search strategy to submit models more than the number of available devices for used_device in self._trial_used_devices[model.model_id]: self.available_devices.remove(used_device) # used_device must be in self.available_devices self._running_models[model.model_id] = model self._trial_to_original_models[model.model_id] = [] for m in grouped_models: self._original_models[m.model_id] = m self._original_model_to_multi_model[m.model_id] = model self._trial_to_original_models[model.model_id].append(m.model_id) yield model def list_models(self) -> Iterable[GraphModelSpace]: return self._history def idle_worker_available(self) -> bool: # the _queuing_models need to use available_devices first with self._queue_lock: available_for_more_models = len(self.available_devices) - len(self._queuing_models) - len(self._models_to_retry) return bool(available_for_more_models) def budget_available(self) -> bool: return self.engine.budget_available() def _assemble(self, logical_plan: LogicalPlan) -> Iterable[Tuple[GraphModelSpace, List[GraphModelSpace]]]: """ Return the assembled models as a list of tuple. Each tuple contains the assembled model, the device placement of graph nodes, and the original models. """ grouped_models: List[Dict[GraphModelSpace, Device]] = [] # try to use the available_devices first so that it can be launched as early as possible # if free devices are not enough to assemble all models in one trial, try all devices if len(self.available_devices) > 0: grouped_models = AssemblePolicy().group(logical_plan, self.available_devices) if len(self.available_devices) == 0 or len(grouped_models) > 1: grouped_models: List[Dict[GraphModelSpace, Device]] = AssemblePolicy().group(logical_plan, self.all_devices) for multi_model in grouped_models: model, model_placement = logical_plan.assemble(multi_model) assert isinstance(model, GraphModelSpace), 'Assembled model must be a GraphModelSpace.' from nni.nas.evaluator.pytorch import Lightning from .evaluator import MultiModelLightningModule, MultiModelTrainer if not isinstance(model.evaluator, Lightning): raise TypeError('Cross-graph optimization only supports pytorch lighting as evaluator.') if not isinstance(model.evaluator.module, MultiModelLightningModule): raise TypeError('Cross-graph optimization only support MultiModelLightningModule') if not isinstance(model.evaluator.trainer, MultiModelTrainer): raise TypeError('Cross-graph optimization only support MultiModelTrainer') # Set n_models of the lightning module. model.evaluator.module.n_models = len(multi_model) model.status = ModelStatus.Frozen model.placement = model_placement model.metrics.strict = False yield model, list(multi_model.keys()) def _build_logical(self, models: List[GraphModelSpace]) -> LogicalPlan: assert len(models) > 0 logical_plan = LogicalPlan(model_cls=models[0].__class__, plan_id=self.logical_plan_counter) for model in models: logical_plan.add_model(model) self.logical_plan_counter += 1 return logical_plan def _training_end_callback(self, event: TrainingEndEvent) -> None: model = cast(GraphModelSpace, event.model) _logger.debug(f'Training end for merged model {model.model_id}.') model = self._running_models[model.model_id] models_to_retry = [] for model_id in self._original_model_to_multi_model: if self._original_model_to_multi_model[model_id] == model: original_model = self._original_models[model_id] if model.status == ModelStatus.Trained: self.dispatch_model_event(TrainingEndEvent(original_model, ModelStatus.Trained)) else: # the failed models in a multi-model will be retried one by one w/o CGO if len(self._trial_to_original_models[model.model_id]) > 1: # TODO: should the listeners be notified? original_model.status = ModelStatus.Frozen original_model.metrics.clear() models_to_retry.append(original_model) else: self.dispatch_model_event(TrainingEndEvent(original_model, ModelStatus.Failed)) if len(models_to_retry) > 0: self._submit_retry_models(models_to_retry) self.available_devices.extend(self._trial_used_devices[model.model_id]) self.available_devices = sorted(list(set(self.available_devices))) del self._running_models[model.model_id] def _intermediate_metric_callback(self, event: IntermediateMetricEvent) -> None: model = cast(GraphModelSpace, event.model) metrics = cast(List[TrialMetric], event.metric) _logger.debug(f'Received intermediate metrics for merged model {model.model_id}: {metrics}') if not isinstance(metrics, Iterable): raise TypeError('Intermediate metrics must be a list of TrialMetric.') if len(metrics) != len(self._trial_to_original_models[model.model_id]): raise ValueError('Number of intermediate metrics must be equal to number of original models.') merged_metrics: Dict[int, TrialMetric] = {} for idx, _ in enumerate(metrics): merged_metrics[self._trial_to_original_models[model.model_id][idx]] = metrics[idx] for model_id in merged_metrics: self.dispatch_model_event(IntermediateMetricEvent(self._original_models[model_id], merged_metrics[model_id])) def _final_metric_callback(self, event: FinalMetricEvent) -> None: model = cast(GraphModelSpace, event.model) metrics = cast(List[TrialMetric], event.metric) _logger.debug(f'Received final metrics for merged model {model.model_id}: {metrics}') if not isinstance(metrics, Iterable): raise TypeError('Final metrics must be a list of TrialMetric.') if len(metrics) != len(self._trial_to_original_models[model.model_id]): raise ValueError('Number of final metrics must be equal to number of original models.') merged_metrics: Dict[int, TrialMetric] = {} for idx, _ in enumerate(metrics): merged_metrics[self._trial_to_original_models[model.model_id][idx]] = metrics[idx] _logger.debug(f'Mapped to metrics of original models: {merged_metrics}') for model_id in merged_metrics: self.dispatch_model_event(FinalMetricEvent(self._original_models[model_id], merged_metrics[model_id]))
class AssemblePolicy: @staticmethod def _is_related_node(model: GraphModelSpace, node: Node): if isinstance(node, AbstractLogicalNode): if model in node.related_models: return True else: if model == node.graph.model: return True return False @staticmethod def _check_graph_connectivity(model: GraphModelSpace, group_model: Dict[GraphModelSpace, Device], logical_plan: LogicalPlan) -> bool: for edge in logical_plan.logical_graph.edges: if AssemblePolicy._is_related_node(model, edge.head) or \ AssemblePolicy._is_related_node(model, edge.tail): for grouped_model in group_model: if AssemblePolicy._is_related_node(grouped_model, edge.head) or \ AssemblePolicy._is_related_node(grouped_model, edge.tail): return True return False @staticmethod def _check_evaluator(new_model: GraphModelSpace, group_model: Dict[GraphModelSpace, Device]) -> bool: from nni.nas.evaluator.pytorch import Lightning from .evaluator import MultiModelLightningModule, MultiModelTrainer if not (isinstance(new_model.evaluator, Lightning) and isinstance(new_model.evaluator.module, MultiModelLightningModule) and isinstance(new_model.evaluator.trainer, MultiModelTrainer)): return False for m in group_model: if not m.evaluator == new_model.evaluator: return False return True @staticmethod def group(logical_plan, available_devices): # TODO: Packing multiple model in one GPU # Currently, we only support one model per GPU all_grouped_models = [] group_model = {} assert(len(available_devices) > 0) # There should be at least 1 device, set in CGO_DEVICES for idx, m in enumerate(logical_plan.models): # models in one group should # (1) not use more GPUs than available_devices # (2) be connected in the logical plan (independent models should be assembled in multiple groups) # (3) use same MultiModelSupervisedLearningModule if len(group_model) > 0 and \ (AssemblePolicy._check_graph_connectivity(m, group_model, logical_plan) == False or AssemblePolicy._check_evaluator(m, group_model) == False): all_grouped_models.append(group_model) group_model = {} group_model[m] = available_devices[idx % len(available_devices)] if len(group_model) == len(available_devices) or \ idx == len(logical_plan.models) - 1: all_grouped_models.append(group_model) group_model = {} return all_grouped_models