Source code for nni.nas.utils.misc

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

import inspect
import itertools
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Any, List, Dict, cast
from pathlib import Path

from nni.common.hpo_utils import ParameterSpec

__all__ = [
    'NoContextError', 'ContextStack', 'ModelNamespace', 'original_state_dict_hooks',
    'uid', 'import_', 'reset_uid', 'get_module_name', 'get_importable_name', 'get_current_context',

def import_(target: str, allow_none: bool = False) -> Any:
    if target is None:
        return None
    path, identifier = target.rsplit('.', 1)
    module = __import__(path, globals(), locals(), [identifier])
    return getattr(module, identifier)

_last_uid = defaultdict(int)


def uid(namespace: str = 'default') -> int:
    _last_uid[namespace] += 1
    return _last_uid[namespace]

def reset_uid(namespace: str = 'default') -> None:
    _last_uid[namespace] = 0

def get_module_name(cls_or_func):
    module_name = cls_or_func.__module__
    if module_name == '__main__':
        # infer the module name with inspect
        for frm in inspect.stack():
            module = inspect.getmodule(frm[0])
            if module is not None and module.__name__ == '__main__':
                # main module found
                main_file_path = Path(cast(str, inspect.getsourcefile(frm[0])))
                if not Path().samefile(main_file_path.parent):
                    raise RuntimeError(f'You are using "{main_file_path}" to launch your experiment, '
                                       f'please launch the experiment under the directory where "{}" is located.')
                module_name = main_file_path.stem
    if module_name == '__main__':
        warnings.warn('Callstack exhausted but main module still not found. This will probably cause issues that the '
                      'function/class cannot be imported.')

    # NOTE: this is hacky. As torchscript retrieves LSTM's source code to do something.
    # to make LSTM's source code can be found, we should assign original LSTM's __module__ to
    # the wrapped LSTM's __module__
    # TODO: find out all the modules that have the same requirement as LSTM
    if f'{cls_or_func.__module__}.{cls_or_func.__name__}' == 'torch.nn.modules.rnn.LSTM':
        module_name = cls_or_func.__module__

    return module_name

def get_importable_name(cls, relocate_module=False):
    module_name = get_module_name(cls) if relocate_module else cls.__module__
    return module_name + '.' + cls.__name__

[docs]class NoContextError(Exception): """Exception raised when context is missing.""" pass
[docs]class ContextStack: """ This is to maintain a globally-accessible context environment that is visible to everywhere. Use ``with ContextStack(namespace, value):`` to initiate, and use ``get_current_context(namespace)`` to get the corresponding value in the namespace. Note that this is not multi-processing safe. Also, the values will get cleared for a new process. """ _stack: Dict[str, List[Any]] = defaultdict(list) def __init__(self, key: str, value: Any): self.key = key self.value = value def __enter__(self): self.push(self.key, self.value) return self def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.pop(self.key) @classmethod def push(cls, key: str, value: Any): cls._stack[key].append(value) @classmethod def pop(cls, key: str) -> Any: return cls._stack[key].pop() @classmethod def top(cls, key: str) -> Any: if not cls._stack[key]: raise NoContextError('Context is empty.') return cls._stack[key][-1]
[docs]class ModelNamespace: """ To create an individual namespace for models: 1. to enable automatic numbering; 2. to trace general information (like creation of hyper-parameters) of model. A namespace is bounded to a key. Namespace bounded to different keys are completed isolated. Namespace can have sub-namespaces (with the same key). The numbering will be chained (e.g., ``model_1_4_2``). """ def __init__(self, key: str = _DEFAULT_MODEL_NAMESPACE): # for example, key: "model_wrapper" self.key = key # the "path" of current name # By default, it's ``[]`` # If a ``@model_wrapper`` is nested inside a model_wrapper, it will become something like ``[1, 3, 2]``. # See ``__enter__``. self.name_path: List[int] = [] # parameter specs. # Currently only used trace calls of ModelParameterChoice. self.parameter_specs: List[ParameterSpec] = [] def __enter__(self): # For example, currently the top of stack is [1, 2, 2], and [1, 2, 2, 3] is used, # the next thing up is [1, 2, 2, 4]. # `reset_uid` to count from zero for "model_wrapper_1_2_2_4" try: parent_context: 'ModelNamespace' = ModelNamespace.current_context(self.key) next_uid = uid(parent_context._simple_name()) self.name_path = parent_context.name_path + [next_uid] ContextStack.push(self.key, self) reset_uid(self._simple_name()) except NoContextError: # not found, no existing namespace self.name_path = [] ContextStack.push(self.key, self) reset_uid(self._simple_name()) def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): ContextStack.pop(self.key) def _simple_name(self) -> str: return self.key + ''.join(['_' + str(k) for k in self.name_path]) def __repr__(self): return f'ModelNamespace(name={self._simple_name()}, num_specs={len(self.parameter_specs)})' # Access the current context in the model #
[docs] @staticmethod def current_context(key: str = _DEFAULT_MODEL_NAMESPACE) -> 'ModelNamespace': """Get the current context in key.""" try: return except NoContextError: raise NoContextError('ModelNamespace context is missing. You might have forgotten to use `@model_wrapper`.')
[docs] @staticmethod def next_label(key: str = _DEFAULT_MODEL_NAMESPACE) -> str: """Get the next label for API calls, with automatic numbering.""" try: current_context = except NoContextError: # fallback to use "default" namespace # it won't be registered warnings.warn('ModelNamespace is missing. You might have forgotten to use `@model_wrapper`. ' 'Some features might not work. This will be an error in future releases.', RuntimeWarning) current_context = ModelNamespace('default') next_uid = uid(current_context._simple_name()) return current_context._simple_name() + '_' + str(next_uid)
def get_current_context(key: str) -> Any: return # map variables to prefix in the state dict # e.g., {'upsample': 'mynet.module.deconv2.upsample_layer'} STATE_DICT_PY_MAPPING = '_mapping_' # map variables to `prefix`.`value` in the state dict # e.g., {'upsample': 'choice3.upsample_layer'}, # which actually means {'upsample': 'mynet.module.choice3.upsample_layer'}, # and 'upsample' is also in `mynet.module`. STATE_DICT_PY_MAPPING_PARTIAL = '_mapping_partial_'
[docs]@contextmanager def original_state_dict_hooks(model: Any): """ Use this patch if you want to save/load state dict in the original state dict hierarchy. For example, when you already have a state dict for the base model / search space (which often happens when you have trained a supernet with one-shot strategies), the state dict isn't organized in the same way as when a sub-model is sampled from the search space. This patch will help the modules in the sub-model find the corresponding module in the base model. The code looks like, .. code-block:: python with original_state_dict_hooks(model): model.load_state_dict(state_dict_from_supernet, strict=False) # supernet has extra keys Or vice-versa, .. code-block:: python with original_state_dict_hooks(model): supernet_style_state_dict = model.state_dict() """ import torch.utils.hooks import torch.nn as nn assert isinstance(model, nn.Module), 'PyTorch is the only supported framework for now.' # the following are written for pytorch only # first get the full mapping full_mapping = {} def full_mapping_in_module(src_prefix, tar_prefix, module): if hasattr(module, STATE_DICT_PY_MAPPING): # only values are complete local_map = getattr(module, STATE_DICT_PY_MAPPING) elif hasattr(module, STATE_DICT_PY_MAPPING_PARTIAL): # keys and values are both incomplete local_map = getattr(module, STATE_DICT_PY_MAPPING_PARTIAL) local_map = {k: tar_prefix + v for k, v in local_map.items()} else: # no mapping local_map = {} if '__self__' in local_map: # special case, overwrite prefix tar_prefix = local_map['__self__'] + '.' for key, value in local_map.items(): if key != '' and key not in module._modules: # not a sub-module, probably a parameter full_mapping[src_prefix + key] = value if src_prefix != tar_prefix: # To deal with leaf nodes. for name, value in itertools.chain(module._parameters.items(), module._buffers.items()): # direct children if value is None or name in module._non_persistent_buffers_set: # it won't appear in state dict continue if (src_prefix + name) not in full_mapping: full_mapping[src_prefix + name] = tar_prefix + name for name, child in module.named_children(): # sub-modules full_mapping_in_module( src_prefix + name + '.', local_map.get(name, tar_prefix + name) + '.', # if mapping doesn't exist, respect the prefix child ) full_mapping_in_module('', '', model) def load_state_dict_hook(state_dict, prefix, local_metadata, strict, missing_keys, unexpected_keys, error_msgs): reverse_mapping = defaultdict(list) for src, tar in full_mapping.items(): reverse_mapping[tar].append(src) transf_state_dict = {} for src, tar_keys in reverse_mapping.items(): if src in state_dict: value = state_dict.pop(src) for tar in tar_keys: transf_state_dict[tar] = value else: missing_keys.append(src) state_dict.update(transf_state_dict) def state_dict_hook(module, destination, prefix, local_metadata): result = {} for src, tar in full_mapping.items(): if src in destination: result[tar] = destination.pop(src) else: raise KeyError(f'"{src}" not in state dict, but found in mapping.') destination.update(result) hooks: List[torch.utils.hooks.RemovableHandle] = [] try: hooks.append(model._register_load_state_dict_pre_hook(load_state_dict_hook)) hooks.append(model._register_state_dict_hook(state_dict_hook)) yield finally: for hook in hooks: hook.remove()