Source code for nni.nas.oneshot.pytorch.supermodule.operation

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

Operations that support weight sharing at a fine-grained level,
which is commonly known as super-kernel (as in channel search), or weight entanglement.

from __future__ import annotations

import inspect
import itertools
import warnings
from typing import Any, Type, TypeVar, cast, Union, Tuple, List

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import Tensor

import nni.nas.nn.pytorch as nas_nn
from nni.common.hpo_utils import ParameterSpec
from nni.common.serializer import is_traceable
from nni.nas.nn.pytorch.choice import ValueChoiceX

from .base import BaseSuperNetModule, sub_state_dict
from ._valuechoice_utils import traverse_all_options, dedup_inner_choices, evaluate_constant
from ._operation_utils import Slicable as _S, MaybeWeighted as _W, int_or_int_dict, scalar_or_scalar_dict

T = TypeVar('T')

__all__ = [

_diff_not_compatible_error = 'To be compatible with differentiable one-shot strategy, {} in {} must not be ValueChoice.'

[docs]class MixedOperationSamplingPolicy: """ Algo-related part for mixed Operation. :class:`MixedOperation` delegates its resample and export to this policy (or its subclass), so that one Operation can be easily combined with different kinds of sampling. One SamplingStrategy corresponds to one mixed operation. """ def __init__(self, operation: 'MixedOperation', memo: dict[str, Any], mutate_kwargs: dict[str, Any]) -> None: """At init, the sampling policy can prepare basic parameters, and store them in operation if they need back propagation. This init is called in :meth:`BaseSuperNetModule.mutate`, after the mixed operation is created. So similar to :meth:`BaseSuperNetModule.mutate`, memo should also be managed (read and written) by the policy itself. """ pass
[docs] def resample(self, operation: 'MixedOperation', memo: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: """The handler of :meth:`MixedOperation.resample`.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def export(self, operation: 'MixedOperation', memo: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: """The handler of :meth:`MixedOperation.export`.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def export_probs(self, operation: 'MixedOperation', memo: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: """The handler of :meth:`MixedOperation.export_probs`.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def forward_argument(self, operation: 'MixedOperation', name: str) -> Any: """Computing the argument with ``name`` used in operation's forward. Usually a value, or a distribution of value. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class MixedOperation(BaseSuperNetModule): """This is the base class for all mixed operations. It's what you should inherit to support a new operation with ValueChoice. It contains commonly used utilities that will ease the effort to write customized mixed oeprations, i.e., operations with ValueChoice in its arguments. To customize, please write your own mixed operation, and add the hook into ``mutation_hooks`` parameter when using the strategy. By design, for a mixed operation to work in a specific algorithm, at least two classes are needed. 1. One class needs to inherit this class, to control operation-related behavior, such as how to initialize the operation such that the sampled operation can be its sub-operation. 2. The other one needs to inherit :class:`MixedOperationSamplingPolicy`, which controls algo-related behavior, such as sampling. The two classes are linked with ``sampling_policy`` attribute in :class:`MixedOperation`, whose type is set via ``mixed_op_sampling`` in ``mutate_kwargs`` when :meth:`MixedOperation.mutate` is called. With this design, one mixed-operation (e.g., MixedConv2d) can work in multiple algorithms (e.g., both DARTS and ENAS), saving the engineering effort to rewrite all operations for each specific algo. This class should also define a ``bound_type``, to control the matching type in mutate, an ``argument_list``, to control which arguments can be dynamically used in ``forward``. This list will also be used in mutate for sanity check. """ bound_type: Type[nn.Module] # defined in subclass argument_list: list[str] # defined in subclass sampling_policy: MixedOperationSamplingPolicy
[docs] def super_init_argument(self, name: str, value_choice: ValueChoiceX) -> Any: """Get the initialization argument when constructing super-kernel, i.e., calling ``super().__init__()``. This is often related to specific operator, rather than algo. For example:: def super_init_argument(self, name, value_choice): return max(value_choice.candidates) """ raise NotImplementedError()
def __post_init__(self) -> None: """Can be used to validate, or to do extra processing after calling ``__init__``.""" pass
[docs] def forward_with_args(self, *args, **kwargs): """To control real fprop. The accepted arguments are ``argument_list``, appended by forward arguments in the ``bound_type``.""" raise NotImplementedError()
def __init__(self, module_kwargs: dict[str, Any]) -> None: # Concerned arguments self.mutable_arguments: dict[str, ValueChoiceX] = {} # Useful when retrieving arguments without ValueChoice self.init_arguments: dict[str, Any] = {**module_kwargs} self._fill_missing_init_arguments() # get init default super_init_kwargs = {} for key, value in module_kwargs.items(): if isinstance(value, ValueChoiceX): if key not in self.argument_list: raise TypeError(f'Unsupported value choice on argument of {self.bound_type}: {key}') super_init_kwargs[key] = self.super_init_argument(key, value) self.mutable_arguments[key] = value else: super_init_kwargs[key] = value # get all inner leaf value choices self._space_spec: dict[str, ParameterSpec] = dedup_inner_choices(list(self.mutable_arguments.values())) super().__init__(**super_init_kwargs) self.__post_init__()
[docs] def resample(self, memo): """Delegates to :meth:`MixedOperationSamplingPolicy.resample`.""" return self.sampling_policy.resample(self, memo)
[docs] def export_probs(self, memo): """Delegates to :meth:`MixedOperationSamplingPolicy.export_probs`.""" return self.sampling_policy.export_probs(self, memo)
[docs] def export(self, memo): """Delegates to :meth:`MixedOperationSamplingPolicy.export`.""" return self.sampling_policy.export(self, memo)
def search_space_spec(self): return self._space_spec
[docs] @classmethod def mutate(cls, module, name, memo, mutate_kwargs): """Find value choice in module's arguments and replace the whole module""" has_valuechoice = False if isinstance(module, cls.bound_type) and is_traceable(module): for arg in itertools.chain(cast(list, module.trace_args), cast(dict, module.trace_kwargs).values()): if isinstance(arg, ValueChoiceX): has_valuechoice = True if has_valuechoice: if module.trace_args: raise ValueError('ValueChoice on class arguments cannot appear together with ``trace_args``. ' 'Please enable ``kw_only`` on nni.trace.') # save type and kwargs mixed_op = cls(cast(dict, module.trace_kwargs)) if 'mixed_op_sampling' not in mutate_kwargs: raise ValueError("Need a sampling policy for mixed op, but it's not found in `mutate_kwargs`.") policy_cls: Type[MixedOperationSamplingPolicy] = mutate_kwargs['mixed_op_sampling'] # initialize policy class # this is put in mutate because we need to access memo mixed_op.sampling_policy = policy_cls(mixed_op, memo, mutate_kwargs) return mixed_op
[docs] def forward_argument(self, name: str) -> Any: """Get the argument used in forward. This if often related to algo. We redirect this to sampling policy. """ return self.sampling_policy.forward_argument(self, name)
[docs] def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): """First get sampled arguments, then forward with the sampled arguments (by calling ``forward_with_args``).""" sampled_args = [self.forward_argument(name) for name in self.argument_list] return self.forward_with_args(*sampled_args, *args, **kwargs)
def _fill_missing_init_arguments(self) -> None: """Set the unspecified init arguments in ``self.init_arguments``. For example, in the case of Conv2d, when user didn't specify argument ``stride``, this method adds ``stride = 1`` in ``self.init_arguments``. This is implemented by inspecting the init signature of ``bound_type``. Arguments in complex cases like ``__new__`` or in super-class is not supported. """ def unwrap(cls): if not hasattr(cls, '__wrapped__'): return cls return unwrap(cls.__wrapped__) for param in inspect.signature(unwrap(self.bound_type).__init__).parameters.values(): if param.default is not param.empty and not in self.init_arguments: self.init_arguments[] = param.default
[docs] def slice_param(self, **kwargs): """Slice the params and buffers for subnet forward and state dict. When there is a `mapping=True` in kwargs, the return result will be wrapped in dict. """ raise NotImplementedError()
def _save_param_buff_to_state_dict(self, destination, prefix, keep_vars): kwargs = {name: self.forward_argument(name) for name in self.argument_list} params_mapping: dict[str, Any] = self.slice_param(**kwargs) for name, value in itertools.chain(self._parameters.items(), self._buffers.items()): # direct children if value is None or name in self._non_persistent_buffers_set: # it won't appear in state dict continue value = params_mapping.get(name, value) destination[prefix + name] = value if keep_vars else value.detach()
[docs]class MixedLinear(MixedOperation, nn.Linear): """Mixed linear operation. Supported arguments are: - ``in_features`` - ``out_features`` Prefix of weight and bias will be sliced. """ bound_type = nas_nn.Linear argument_list = ['in_features', 'out_features'] def super_init_argument(self, name: str, value_choice: ValueChoiceX): return max(traverse_all_options(value_choice)) def slice_param(self, in_features: int_or_int_dict, out_features: int_or_int_dict, **kwargs) -> Any: in_features_ = _W(in_features) out_features_ = _W(out_features) weight = _S(self.weight)[:out_features_] weight = _S(weight)[:, :in_features_] bias = self.bias if self.bias is None else _S(self.bias)[:out_features_] return {'weight': weight, 'bias': bias} def forward_with_args(self, in_features: int_or_int_dict, out_features: int_or_int_dict, inputs: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: params_mapping = self.slice_param(in_features, out_features) weight, bias = [params_mapping.get(name) for name in ['weight', 'bias']] return F.linear(inputs, weight, bias)
_int_or_tuple = Union[int, Tuple[int, int]]
[docs]class MixedConv2d(MixedOperation, nn.Conv2d): """Mixed conv2d op. Supported arguments are: - ``in_channels`` - ``out_channels`` - ``groups`` - ``stride`` (only supported in path sampling) - ``kernel_size`` - ``padding`` - ``dilation`` (only supported in path sampling) ``padding`` will be the "max" padding in differentiable mode. Mutable ``groups`` is NOT supported in most cases of differentiable mode. However, we do support one special case when the group number is proportional to ``in_channels`` and ``out_channels``. This is often the case of depth-wise convolutions. For channels, prefix will be sliced. For kernels, we take the small kernel from the center and round it to floor (left top). For example :: max_kernel = 5*5, sampled_kernel = 3*3, then we take [1: 4] max_kernel = 5*5, sampled_kernel = 2*2, then we take [1: 3] â–¡ â–¡ â–¡ â–¡ â–¡ â–¡ â–¡ â–¡ â–¡ â–¡ â–¡ â–  â–  â–  â–¡ â–¡ â–  â–  â–¡ â–¡ â–¡ â–  â–  â–  â–¡ â–¡ â–  â–  â–¡ â–¡ â–¡ â–  â–  â–  â–¡ â–¡ â–¡ â–¡ â–¡ â–¡ â–¡ â–¡ â–¡ â–¡ â–¡ â–¡ â–¡ â–¡ â–¡ â–¡ """ bound_type = nas_nn.Conv2d argument_list = [ 'in_channels', 'out_channels', 'kernel_size', 'stride', 'padding', 'dilation', 'groups' ] @staticmethod def _to_tuple(value: scalar_or_scalar_dict[Any]) -> tuple[Any, Any]: if not isinstance(value, tuple): return (value, value) return value def super_init_argument(self, name: str, value_choice: ValueChoiceX): if name not in ['in_channels', 'out_channels', 'groups', 'stride', 'kernel_size', 'padding', 'dilation']: raise NotImplementedError(f'Unsupported value choice on argument: {name}') if name == ['kernel_size', 'padding']: all_sizes = set(traverse_all_options(value_choice)) if any(isinstance(sz, tuple) for sz in all_sizes): # maximum kernel should be calculated on every dimension return ( max(self._to_tuple(sz)[0] for sz in all_sizes), max(self._to_tuple(sz)[1] for sz in all_sizes) ) else: return max(all_sizes) elif name == 'groups': if 'in_channels' in self.mutable_arguments: # If the ratio is constant, we don't need to try the maximum groups. try: constant = evaluate_constant(self.mutable_arguments['in_channels'] / value_choice) return max(cast(List[float], traverse_all_options(value_choice))) // int(constant) except ValueError: warnings.warn( 'Both input channels and groups are ValueChoice in a convolution, and their relative ratio is not a constant. ' 'This can be problematic for most one-shot algorithms. Please check whether this is your intention.', RuntimeWarning ) # minimum groups, maximum kernel return min(traverse_all_options(value_choice)) else: return max(traverse_all_options(value_choice)) def slice_param(self, in_channels: int_or_int_dict, out_channels: int_or_int_dict, kernel_size: scalar_or_scalar_dict[_int_or_tuple], groups: int_or_int_dict, **kwargs ) -> Any: in_channels_ = _W(in_channels) out_channels_ = _W(out_channels) # slice prefix # For groups > 1, we use groups to slice input weights weight = _S(self.weight)[:out_channels_] if not isinstance(groups, dict): weight = _S(weight)[:, :in_channels_ // groups] # palce holder in_channels_per_group = None else: assert 'groups' in self.mutable_arguments err_message = 'For differentiable one-shot strategy, when groups is a ValueChoice, ' \ 'in_channels and out_channels should also be a ValueChoice. ' \ 'Also, the ratios of in_channels divided by groups, and out_channels divided by groups ' \ 'should be constants.' if 'in_channels' not in self.mutable_arguments or 'out_channels' not in self.mutable_arguments: raise ValueError(err_message) try: in_channels_per_group = evaluate_constant(self.mutable_arguments['in_channels'] / self.mutable_arguments['groups']) except ValueError: raise ValueError(err_message) if in_channels_per_group != int(in_channels_per_group): raise ValueError(f'Input channels per group is found to be a non-integer: {in_channels_per_group}') # Compute sliced weights and groups (as an integer) weight = _S(weight)[:, :int(in_channels_per_group)] kernel_a, kernel_b = self._to_tuple(kernel_size) kernel_a_, kernel_b_ = _W(kernel_a), _W(kernel_b) max_kernel_a, max_kernel_b = self.kernel_size # self.kernel_size must be a tuple kernel_a_left, kernel_b_top = (max_kernel_a - kernel_a_) // 2, (max_kernel_b - kernel_b_) // 2 weight = _S(weight)[:, :, kernel_a_left:kernel_a_left + kernel_a_, kernel_b_top:kernel_b_top + kernel_b_] bias = _S(self.bias)[:out_channels_] if self.bias is not None else None return {'weight': weight, 'bias': bias, 'in_channels_per_group': in_channels_per_group} def forward_with_args(self, in_channels: int_or_int_dict, out_channels: int_or_int_dict, kernel_size: scalar_or_scalar_dict[_int_or_tuple], stride: _int_or_tuple, padding: scalar_or_scalar_dict[_int_or_tuple], dilation: int, groups: int_or_int_dict, inputs: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: if any(isinstance(arg, dict) for arg in [stride, dilation]): raise ValueError(_diff_not_compatible_error.format('stride, dilation', 'Conv2d')) params_mapping = self.slice_param(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, groups) weight, bias, in_channels_per_group = [ params_mapping.get(name) for name in ['weight', 'bias', 'in_channels_per_group'] ] if isinstance(groups, dict): if not isinstance(in_channels_per_group, (int, float)): raise ValueError(f'Input channels per group is found to be a non-numberic: {in_channels_per_group}') if inputs.size(1) % in_channels_per_group != 0: raise RuntimeError( f'Input channels must be divisible by in_channels_per_group, but the input shape is {inputs.size()}, ' f'while in_channels_per_group = {in_channels_per_group}' ) else: groups = inputs.size(1) // int(in_channels_per_group) # slice center if isinstance(kernel_size, dict): # If kernel size is a dict, ignore choices in padding. if isinstance(self.padding, str): raise ValueError(f'Use "{self.padding}" in padding is not supported.') padding = self.padding # max padding, must be a tuple # The rest parameters only need to be converted to tuple stride_ = self._to_tuple(stride) dilation_ = self._to_tuple(dilation) if self.padding_mode != 'zeros': return F.conv2d(F.pad(inputs, self._reversed_padding_repeated_twice, mode=self.padding_mode), weight, bias, stride_, (0, 0), dilation_, groups) return F.conv2d(inputs, weight, bias, stride_, cast('int | tuple', padding), dilation_, groups)
[docs]class MixedBatchNorm2d(MixedOperation, nn.BatchNorm2d): """ Mixed BatchNorm2d operation. Supported arguments are: - ``num_features`` - ``eps`` (only supported in path sampling) - ``momentum`` (only supported in path sampling) For path-sampling, prefix of ``weight``, ``bias``, ``running_mean`` and ``running_var`` are sliced. For weighted cases, the maximum ``num_features`` is used directly. Momentum is required to be float. PyTorch BatchNorm supports a case where momentum can be none, which is not supported here. """ bound_type = nas_nn.BatchNorm2d argument_list = ['num_features', 'eps', 'momentum'] def super_init_argument(self, name: str, value_choice: ValueChoiceX): return max(traverse_all_options(value_choice)) def slice_param(self, num_features: int_or_int_dict, **kwargs) -> Any: if isinstance(num_features, dict): num_features = self.num_features weight, bias = self.weight, self.bias running_mean, running_var = self.running_mean, self.running_var if num_features < self.num_features: weight = weight[:num_features] bias = bias[:num_features] running_mean = None if running_mean is None else running_mean[:num_features] running_var = None if running_var is None else running_var[:num_features] return {'weight': weight, 'bias': bias, 'running_mean': running_mean, 'running_var': running_var} def forward_with_args(self, num_features: int_or_int_dict, eps: float, momentum: float, inputs: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: if any(isinstance(arg, dict) for arg in [eps, momentum]): raise ValueError(_diff_not_compatible_error.format('eps and momentum', 'BatchNorm2d')) params_mapping = self.slice_param(num_features) weight, bias, running_mean, running_var = [ params_mapping.get(name) for name in ['weight', 'bias', 'running_mean', 'running_var'] ] if bn_training = True else: bn_training = (running_mean is None) and (running_var is None) return F.batch_norm( inputs, # If buffers are not to be tracked, ensure that they won't be updated running_mean if not or self.track_running_stats else None, running_var if not or self.track_running_stats else None, weight, bias, bn_training, momentum, # originally exponential_average_factor in pytorch code eps, )
[docs]class MixedLayerNorm(MixedOperation, nn.LayerNorm): """ Mixed LayerNorm operation. Supported arguments are: - ``normalized_shape`` - ``eps`` (only supported in path sampling) For path-sampling, prefix of ``weight`` and ``bias`` are sliced. For weighted cases, the maximum ``normalized_shape`` is used directly. eps is required to be float. """ bound_type = nas_nn.LayerNorm argument_list = ['normalized_shape', 'eps'] @staticmethod def _to_tuple(value: scalar_or_scalar_dict[Any]) -> tuple[Any, Any]: if not isinstance(value, tuple): return (value, value) return value def super_init_argument(self, name: str, value_choice: ValueChoiceX): if name not in ['normalized_shape']: raise NotImplementedError(f'Unsupported value choice on argument: {name}') all_sizes = set(traverse_all_options(value_choice)) if any(isinstance(sz, (tuple, list)) for sz in all_sizes): # transpose all_sizes = list(zip(*all_sizes)) # maximum dim should be calculated on every dimension return (max(self._to_tuple(sz)) for sz in all_sizes) else: return max(all_sizes) def slice_param(self, normalized_shape, **kwargs) -> Any: if isinstance(normalized_shape, dict): normalized_shape = self.normalized_shape # make it as tuple if isinstance(normalized_shape, int): normalized_shape = (normalized_shape, ) if isinstance(self.normalized_shape, int): normalized_shape = (self.normalized_shape, ) # slice all the normalized shape indices = [slice(0, min(i, j)) for i, j in zip(normalized_shape, self.normalized_shape)] # remove _S(*) weight = self.weight[indices] if self.weight is not None else None bias = self.bias[indices] if self.bias is not None else None return {'weight': weight, 'bias': bias, 'normalized_shape': normalized_shape} def forward_with_args(self, normalized_shape, eps: float, inputs: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: if any(isinstance(arg, dict) for arg in [eps]): raise ValueError(_diff_not_compatible_error.format('eps', 'LayerNorm')) params_mapping = self.slice_param(normalized_shape) weight, bias, normalized_shape = [ params_mapping.get(name) for name in ['weight', 'bias', 'normalized_shape'] ] return F.layer_norm( inputs, normalized_shape, weight, bias, eps )
[docs]class MixedMultiHeadAttention(MixedOperation, nn.MultiheadAttention): """ Mixed multi-head attention. Supported arguments are: - ``embed_dim`` - ``num_heads`` (only supported in path sampling) - ``kdim`` - ``vdim`` - ``dropout`` (only supported in path sampling) At init, it constructs the largest possible Q, K, V dimension. At forward, it slices the prefix to weight matrices according to the sampled value. For ``in_proj_bias`` and ``in_proj_weight``, three parts will be sliced and concatenated together: ``[0, embed_dim)``, ``[max_embed_dim, max_embed_dim + embed_dim)``, ``[max_embed_dim * 2, max_embed_dim * 2 + embed_dim)``. Warnings ---------- All candidates of ``embed_dim`` should be divisible by all candidates of ``num_heads``. """ bound_type = nas_nn.MultiheadAttention argument_list = ['embed_dim', 'num_heads', 'kdim', 'vdim', 'dropout'] def __post_init__(self): # sometimes super-class believes qkv have the same embed_dim. # but actually they do not, because we can have dynamic (mutable) kdim/vdim. _qkv_same_embed_dim = True for dimension in ['kdim', 'vdim']: if self.init_arguments[dimension] is None: # must follow embed_dim is this case continue if getattr(self, dimension) == self.embed_dim and \ (dimension in self.mutable_arguments or 'embed_dim' in self.mutable_arguments): _qkv_same_embed_dim = False if self._qkv_same_embed_dim and not _qkv_same_embed_dim: self._qkv_same_embed_dim = _qkv_same_embed_dim # adding back missing parameters # factory_kwargs could be empty for legacy pytorch versions factory_kwargs = {} if 'device' in self.init_arguments: factory_kwargs['device'] = self.init_arguments['device'] if 'dtype' in self.init_arguments: factory_kwargs['dtype'] = self.init_arguments['dtype'] self.q_proj_weight = nn.Parameter(torch.empty((self.embed_dim, self.embed_dim), **factory_kwargs)) self.k_proj_weight = nn.Parameter(torch.empty((self.embed_dim, self.kdim), **factory_kwargs)) self.v_proj_weight = nn.Parameter(torch.empty((self.embed_dim, self.vdim), **factory_kwargs)) self.register_parameter('in_proj_weight', None) # reset parameters nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.q_proj_weight) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.k_proj_weight) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.v_proj_weight) def super_init_argument(self, name: str, value_choice: ValueChoiceX): return max(traverse_all_options(value_choice)) def _to_proj_slice(self, embed_dim: _W) -> list[slice]: # slice three parts, corresponding to q, k, v respectively return [ slice(embed_dim), slice(self.embed_dim, self.embed_dim + embed_dim), slice(self.embed_dim * 2, self.embed_dim * 2 + embed_dim) ] def slice_param(self, embed_dim, kdim, vdim, **kwargs): # by default, kdim, vdim can be none if kdim is None: kdim = embed_dim if vdim is None: vdim = embed_dim qkv_same_embed_dim = kdim == embed_dim and vdim == embed_dim embed_dim_ = _W(embed_dim) # in projection weights & biases has q, k, v weights concatenated together in_proj_bias: Tensor | None = None in_proj_weight: Tensor | None = None if self.in_proj_bias is not None: in_proj_bias = _S(cast(Tensor, self.in_proj_bias))[self._to_proj_slice(embed_dim_)] if self.in_proj_weight is not None: in_proj_weight = _S(cast(Tensor, self.in_proj_weight))[self._to_proj_slice(embed_dim_), :embed_dim_] bias_k = _S(cast(Tensor, self.bias_k))[:, :, :embed_dim_] if self.bias_k is not None else None bias_v = _S(cast(Tensor, self.bias_v))[:, :, :embed_dim_] if self.bias_v is not None else None out_proj_weight = _S(cast(Tensor, self.out_proj.weight))[:embed_dim_, :embed_dim_] out_proj_bias = _S(cast(Tensor, self.out_proj.bias))[:embed_dim_] if self.out_proj.bias is not None else None if not qkv_same_embed_dim: q_proj = _S(cast(Tensor, self.q_proj_weight))[:embed_dim_, :embed_dim_] k_proj = _S(cast(Tensor, self.k_proj_weight))[:embed_dim_] k_proj = _S(k_proj)[:, :_W(kdim)] v_proj = _S(cast(Tensor, self.v_proj_weight))[:embed_dim_] v_proj = _S(v_proj)[:, :_W(vdim)] else: q_proj = k_proj = v_proj = None return { 'in_proj_bias': in_proj_bias, 'in_proj_weight': in_proj_weight, 'bias_k': bias_k, 'bias_v': bias_v, 'out_proj.weight': out_proj_weight, 'out_proj.bias': out_proj_bias, 'q_proj_weight': q_proj, 'k_proj_weight': k_proj, 'v_proj_weight': v_proj, 'qkv_same_embed_dim': qkv_same_embed_dim } def _save_param_buff_to_state_dict(self, destination, prefix, keep_vars): kwargs = {name: self.forward_argument(name) for name in self.argument_list} params_mapping = self.slice_param(**kwargs, mapping=True) for name, value in itertools.chain(self._parameters.items(), self._buffers.items()): if value is None or name in self._non_persistent_buffers_set: continue value = params_mapping.get(name, value) destination[prefix + name] = value if keep_vars else value.detach() # params of out_proj is handled in ``MixedMultiHeadAttention`` rather than # ``NonDynamicallyQuantizableLinear`` sub-module. We also convert it to state dict here. for name in ["out_proj.weight", "out_proj.bias"]: value = params_mapping.get(name, None) if value is None: continue destination[prefix + name] = value if keep_vars else value.detach() def _save_module_to_state_dict(self, destination, prefix, keep_vars): for name, module in self._modules.items(): # the weights of ``NonDynamicallyQuantizableLinear`` has been handled in `_save_param_buff_to_state_dict`. if isinstance(module, nn.modules.linear.NonDynamicallyQuantizableLinear): continue if module is not None: sub_state_dict(module, destination=destination, prefix=prefix + name + '.', keep_vars=keep_vars) def forward_with_args( self, embed_dim: int_or_int_dict, num_heads: int, kdim: int_or_int_dict | None, vdim: int_or_int_dict | None, dropout: float, query: torch.Tensor, key: torch.Tensor, value: torch.Tensor, key_padding_mask: torch.Tensor | None = None, need_weights: bool = True, attn_mask: torch.Tensor | None = None ) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor | None]: if any(isinstance(arg, dict) for arg in [num_heads, dropout]): raise ValueError(_diff_not_compatible_error.format('num_heads and dropout', 'MultiHeadAttention')) if getattr(self, 'batch_first', False): # for backward compatibility: v1.7 doesn't have batch_first query, key, value = [x.transpose(1, 0) for x in (query, key, value)] if isinstance(embed_dim, dict): used_embed_dim = self.embed_dim else: used_embed_dim = embed_dim params_mapping = self.slice_param(embed_dim, kdim, vdim) in_proj_bias, in_proj_weight, bias_k, bias_v, \ out_proj_weight, out_proj_bias, q_proj, k_proj, v_proj, qkv_same_embed_dim = [ params_mapping.get(name) for name in ['in_proj_bias', 'in_proj_weight', 'bias_k', 'bias_v', 'out_proj.weight', 'out_proj.bias', 'q_proj_weight', 'k_proj_weight', 'v_proj_weight', 'qkv_same_embed_dim'] ] # The rest part is basically same as pytorch attn_output, attn_output_weights = F.multi_head_attention_forward( query, key, value, used_embed_dim, num_heads, cast(Tensor, in_proj_weight), cast(Tensor, in_proj_bias), bias_k, bias_v, self.add_zero_attn, dropout, out_proj_weight, cast(Tensor, out_proj_bias),, key_padding_mask=key_padding_mask, need_weights=need_weights, attn_mask=attn_mask, use_separate_proj_weight=not qkv_same_embed_dim, q_proj_weight=q_proj, k_proj_weight=k_proj, v_proj_weight=v_proj) if getattr(self, 'batch_first', False): # backward compatibility return attn_output.transpose(1, 0), attn_output_weights else: return attn_output, attn_output_weights
NATIVE_MIXED_OPERATIONS: list[Type[MixedOperation]] = [ MixedLinear, MixedConv2d, MixedBatchNorm2d, MixedLayerNorm, MixedMultiHeadAttention, ] # For the supported operations to be properly rendered in documentation NATIVE_SUPPORTED_OP_NAMES: list[str] = [op.bound_type.__name__ for op in NATIVE_MIXED_OPERATIONS]