Source code for nni.nas.oneshot.pytorch.supermodule.differentiable

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

from __future__ import annotations

import functools
import logging
import warnings

from typing import Any, Dict, Sequence, List, Tuple, cast

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

from nni.common.hpo_utils import ParameterSpec
from nni.nas.nn.pytorch import LayerChoice, InputChoice, ChoiceOf, Repeat
from nni.nas.nn.pytorch.choice import ValueChoiceX
from nni.nas.nn.pytorch.cell import preprocess_cell_inputs

from .base import BaseSuperNetModule
from .operation import MixedOperation, MixedOperationSamplingPolicy
from .sampling import PathSamplingCell
from ._valuechoice_utils import traverse_all_options, dedup_inner_choices, weighted_sum

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = [
    'DifferentiableMixedLayer', 'DifferentiableMixedInput',
    'DifferentiableMixedRepeat', 'DifferentiableMixedCell',
    'MixedOpDifferentiablePolicy', 'GumbelSoftmax',

[docs]class GumbelSoftmax(nn.Softmax): """Wrapper of ``F.gumbel_softmax``. dim = -1 by default.""" dim: int def __init__(self, dim: int = -1) -> None: super().__init__(dim) self.tau = 1 self.hard = False def forward(self, inputs: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return F.gumbel_softmax(inputs, tau=self.tau, hard=self.hard, dim=self.dim)
[docs]class DifferentiableMixedLayer(BaseSuperNetModule): """ Mixed layer, in which fprop is decided by a weighted sum of several layers. Proposed in `DARTS: Differentiable Architecture Search <>`__. The weight ``alpha`` is usually learnable, and optimized on validation dataset. Differentiable sampling layer requires all operators returning the same shape for one input, as all outputs will be weighted summed to get the final output. Parameters ---------- paths : list[tuple[str, nn.Module]] Layers to choose from. Each is a tuple of name, and its module. alpha : Tensor Tensor that stores the "learnable" weights. softmax : nn.Module Customizable softmax function. Usually ``nn.Softmax(-1)``. label : str Name of the choice. Attributes ---------- op_names : str Operator names. label : str Name of the choice. """ _arch_parameter_names: list[str] = ['_arch_alpha'] def __init__(self, paths: list[tuple[str, nn.Module]], alpha: torch.Tensor, softmax: nn.Module, label: str): super().__init__() self.op_names = [] if len(alpha) != len(paths): raise ValueError(f'The size of alpha ({len(alpha)}) must match number of candidates ({len(paths)}).') for name, module in paths: self.add_module(name, module) self.op_names.append(name) assert self.op_names, 'There has to be at least one op to choose from.' self.label = label self._arch_alpha = alpha self._softmax = softmax
[docs] def resample(self, memo): """Do nothing. Differentiable layer doesn't need resample.""" return {}
[docs] def export(self, memo): """Choose the operator with the maximum logit.""" if self.label in memo: return {} # nothing new to export return {self.label: self.op_names[int(torch.argmax(self._arch_alpha).item())]}
def export_probs(self, memo): if any(k.startswith(self.label + '/') for k in memo): return {} # nothing new weights = self._softmax(self._arch_alpha).cpu().tolist() ret = {f'{self.label}/{name}': value for name, value in zip(self.op_names, weights)} return ret def search_space_spec(self): return {self.label: ParameterSpec(self.label, 'choice', self.op_names, (self.label, ), True, size=len(self.op_names))} @classmethod def mutate(cls, module, name, memo, mutate_kwargs): if isinstance(module, LayerChoice): size = len(module) if module.label in memo: alpha = memo[module.label] if len(alpha) != size: raise ValueError(f'Architecture parameter size of same label {module.label} conflict: {len(alpha)} vs. {size}') else: alpha = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(size) * 1E-3) # the numbers in the parameter can be reinitialized later memo[module.label] = alpha softmax = mutate_kwargs.get('softmax', nn.Softmax(-1)) return cls(list(module.named_children()), alpha, softmax, module.label)
[docs] def reduction(self, items: list[Any], weights: list[float]) -> Any: """Override this for customized reduction.""" # Use weighted_sum to handle complex cases where sequential output is not a single tensor return weighted_sum(items, weights)
[docs] def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): """The forward of mixed layer accepts same arguments as its sub-layer.""" all_op_results = [getattr(self, op)(*args, **kwargs) for op in self.op_names] return self.reduction(all_op_results, self._softmax(self._arch_alpha))
[docs] def parameters(self, *args, **kwargs): """Parameters excluding architecture parameters.""" for _, p in self.named_parameters(*args, **kwargs): yield p
[docs] def named_parameters(self, *args, **kwargs): """Named parameters excluding architecture parameters.""" arch = kwargs.pop('arch', False) for name, p in super().named_parameters(*args, **kwargs): if any(name == par_name for par_name in self._arch_parameter_names): if arch: yield name, p else: if not arch: yield name, p
[docs]class DifferentiableMixedInput(BaseSuperNetModule): """ Mixed input. Forward returns a weighted sum of candidates. Implementation is very similar to :class:`DifferentiableMixedLayer`. Parameters ---------- n_candidates : int Expect number of input candidates. n_chosen : int Expect numebr of inputs finally chosen. alpha : Tensor Tensor that stores the "learnable" weights. softmax : nn.Module Customizable softmax function. Usually ``nn.Softmax(-1)``. label : str Name of the choice. Attributes ---------- label : str Name of the choice. """ _arch_parameter_names: list[str] = ['_arch_alpha'] def __init__(self, n_candidates: int, n_chosen: int | None, alpha: torch.Tensor, softmax: nn.Module, label: str): super().__init__() self.n_candidates = n_candidates if len(alpha) != n_candidates: raise ValueError(f'The size of alpha ({len(alpha)}) must match number of candidates ({n_candidates}).') if n_chosen is None: warnings.warn('Differentiable architecture search does not support choosing multiple inputs. Assuming one.', RuntimeWarning) self.n_chosen = 1 self.n_chosen = n_chosen self.label = label self._softmax = softmax self._arch_alpha = alpha
[docs] def resample(self, memo): """Do nothing. Differentiable layer doesn't need resample.""" return {}
[docs] def export(self, memo): """Choose the operator with the top ``n_chosen`` logits.""" if self.label in memo: return {} # nothing new to export chosen = sorted(torch.argsort(-self._arch_alpha).cpu().numpy().tolist()[:self.n_chosen]) if len(chosen) == 1: chosen = chosen[0] return {self.label: chosen}
def export_probs(self, memo): if any(k.startswith(self.label + '/') for k in memo): return {} # nothing new weights = self._softmax(self._arch_alpha).cpu().tolist() ret = {f'{self.label}/{index}': value for index, value in enumerate(weights)} return ret def search_space_spec(self): return { self.label: ParameterSpec(self.label, 'choice', list(range(self.n_candidates)), (self.label, ), True, size=self.n_candidates, chosen_size=self.n_chosen) } @classmethod def mutate(cls, module, name, memo, mutate_kwargs): if isinstance(module, InputChoice): if module.reduction not in ['sum', 'mean']: raise ValueError('Only input choice of sum/mean reduction is supported.') size = module.n_candidates if module.label in memo: alpha = memo[module.label] if len(alpha) != size: raise ValueError(f'Architecture parameter size of same label {module.label} conflict: {len(alpha)} vs. {size}') else: alpha = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(size) * 1E-3) # the numbers in the parameter can be reinitialized later memo[module.label] = alpha softmax = mutate_kwargs.get('softmax', nn.Softmax(-1)) return cls(module.n_candidates, module.n_chosen, alpha, softmax, module.label)
[docs] def reduction(self, items: list[Any], weights: list[float]) -> Any: """Override this for customized reduction.""" # Use weighted_sum to handle complex cases where sequential output is not a single tensor return weighted_sum(items, weights)
[docs] def forward(self, inputs): """Forward takes a list of input candidates.""" return self.reduction(inputs, self._softmax(self._arch_alpha))
[docs] def parameters(self, *args, **kwargs): """Parameters excluding architecture parameters.""" for _, p in self.named_parameters(*args, **kwargs): yield p
[docs] def named_parameters(self, *args, **kwargs): """Named parameters excluding architecture parameters.""" arch = kwargs.pop('arch', False) for name, p in super().named_parameters(*args, **kwargs): if any(name == par_name for par_name in self._arch_parameter_names): if arch: yield name, p else: if not arch: yield name, p
[docs]class MixedOpDifferentiablePolicy(MixedOperationSamplingPolicy): """Implementes the differentiable sampling in mixed operation. One mixed operation can have multiple value choices in its arguments. Thus the ``_arch_alpha`` here is a parameter dict, and ``named_parameters`` filters out multiple parameters with ``_arch_alpha`` as its prefix. When this class is asked for ``forward_argument``, it returns a distribution, i.e., a dict from int to float based on its weights. All the parameters (``_arch_alpha``, ``parameters()``, ``_softmax``) are saved as attributes of ``operation``, rather than ``self``, because this class itself is not a ``nn.Module``, and saved parameters here won't be optimized. """ _arch_parameter_names: list[str] = ['_arch_alpha'] def __init__(self, operation: MixedOperation, memo: dict[str, Any], mutate_kwargs: dict[str, Any]) -> None: # Sampling arguments. This should have the same keys with `operation.mutable_arguments` operation._arch_alpha = nn.ParameterDict() for name, spec in operation.search_space_spec().items(): if name in memo: alpha = memo[name] if len(alpha) != spec.size: raise ValueError(f'Architecture parameter size of same label {name} conflict: {len(alpha)} vs. {spec.size}') else: alpha = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(spec.size) * 1E-3) memo[name] = alpha operation._arch_alpha[name] = alpha operation.parameters = functools.partial(self.parameters, module=operation) # bind self operation.named_parameters = functools.partial(self.named_parameters, module=operation) operation._softmax = mutate_kwargs.get('softmax', nn.Softmax(-1)) @staticmethod def parameters(module, *args, **kwargs): for _, p in module.named_parameters(*args, **kwargs): yield p @staticmethod def named_parameters(module, *args, **kwargs): arch = kwargs.pop('arch', False) for name, p in super(module.__class__, module).named_parameters(*args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=bad-super-call if any(name.startswith(par_name) for par_name in MixedOpDifferentiablePolicy._arch_parameter_names): if arch: yield name, p else: if not arch: yield name, p
[docs] def resample(self, operation: MixedOperation, memo: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: """Differentiable. Do nothing in resample.""" return {}
[docs] def export(self, operation: MixedOperation, memo: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: """Export is argmax for each leaf value choice.""" result = {} for name, spec in operation.search_space_spec().items(): if name in memo: continue chosen_index = int(torch.argmax(cast(dict, operation._arch_alpha)[name]).item()) result[name] = spec.values[chosen_index] return result
[docs] def export_probs(self, operation: MixedOperation, memo: dict[str, Any]): """Export the weight for every leaf value choice.""" ret = {} for name, spec in operation.search_space_spec().items(): if any(k.startswith(name + '/') for k in memo): continue weights = operation._softmax(operation._arch_alpha[name]).cpu().tolist() # type: ignore ret.update({f'{name}/{value}': weight for value, weight in zip(spec.values, weights)}) return ret
def forward_argument(self, operation: MixedOperation, name: str) -> dict[Any, float] | Any: if name in operation.mutable_arguments: weights: dict[str, torch.Tensor] = { label: cast(nn.Module, operation._softmax)(alpha) for label, alpha in cast(dict, operation._arch_alpha).items() } return dict(traverse_all_options(operation.mutable_arguments[name], weights=weights)) return operation.init_arguments[name]
[docs]class DifferentiableMixedRepeat(BaseSuperNetModule): """ Implementaion of Repeat in a differentiable supernet. Result is a weighted sum of possible prefixes, sliced by possible depths. If the output is not a single tensor, it will be summed at every independant dimension. See :func:`weighted_sum` for details. """ _arch_parameter_names: list[str] = ['_arch_alpha'] def __init__(self, blocks: list[nn.Module], depth: ChoiceOf[int], softmax: nn.Module, memo: dict[str, Any]): super().__init__() self.blocks = blocks self.depth = depth self._softmax = softmax self._space_spec: dict[str, ParameterSpec] = dedup_inner_choices([depth]) self._arch_alpha = nn.ParameterDict() for name, spec in self._space_spec.items(): if name in memo: alpha = memo[name] if len(alpha) != spec.size: raise ValueError(f'Architecture parameter size of same label {name} conflict: {len(alpha)} vs. {spec.size}') else: alpha = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(spec.size) * 1E-3) memo[name] = alpha self._arch_alpha[name] = alpha
[docs] def resample(self, memo): """Do nothing.""" return {}
[docs] def export(self, memo): """Choose argmax for each leaf value choice.""" result = {} for name, spec in self._space_spec.items(): if name in memo: continue chosen_index = int(torch.argmax(self._arch_alpha[name]).item()) result[name] = spec.values[chosen_index] return result
[docs] def export_probs(self, memo): """Export the weight for every leaf value choice.""" ret = {} for name, spec in self.search_space_spec().items(): if any(k.startswith(name + '/') for k in memo): continue weights = self._softmax(self._arch_alpha[name]).cpu().tolist() ret.update({f'{name}/{value}': weight for value, weight in zip(spec.values, weights)}) return ret
def search_space_spec(self): return self._space_spec @classmethod def mutate(cls, module, name, memo, mutate_kwargs): if isinstance(module, Repeat) and isinstance(module.depth_choice, ValueChoiceX): # Only interesting when depth is mutable softmax = mutate_kwargs.get('softmax', nn.Softmax(-1)) return cls(cast(List[nn.Module], module.blocks), module.depth_choice, softmax, memo) def parameters(self, *args, **kwargs): for _, p in self.named_parameters(*args, **kwargs): yield p def named_parameters(self, *args, **kwargs): arch = kwargs.pop('arch', False) for name, p in super().named_parameters(*args, **kwargs): if any(name.startswith(par_name) for par_name in MixedOpDifferentiablePolicy._arch_parameter_names): if arch: yield name, p else: if not arch: yield name, p
[docs] def reduction(self, items: list[Any], weights: list[float], depths: list[int]) -> Any: """Override this for customized reduction.""" # Use weighted_sum to handle complex cases where sequential output is not a single tensor return weighted_sum(items, weights)
def forward(self, x): weights: dict[str, torch.Tensor] = { label: self._softmax(alpha) for label, alpha in self._arch_alpha.items() } depth_weights = dict(cast(List[Tuple[int, float]], traverse_all_options(self.depth, weights=weights))) res: list[torch.Tensor] = [] weight_list: list[float] = [] depths: list[int] = [] for i, block in enumerate(self.blocks, start=1): # start=1 because depths are 1, 2, 3, 4... x = block(x) if i in depth_weights: weight_list.append(depth_weights[i]) res.append(x) depths.append(i) return self.reduction(res, weight_list, depths)
[docs]class DifferentiableMixedCell(PathSamplingCell): """Implementation of Cell under differentiable context. Similar to PathSamplingCell, this cell only handles cells of specific kinds (e.g., with loose end). An architecture parameter is created on each edge of the full-connected graph. """ # TODO: It inherits :class:`PathSamplingCell` to reduce some duplicated code. # Possibly need another refactor here. def __init__( self, op_factory, num_nodes, num_ops_per_node, num_predecessors, preprocessor, postprocessor, concat_dim, memo, mutate_kwargs, label ): super().__init__( op_factory, num_nodes, num_ops_per_node, num_predecessors, preprocessor, postprocessor, concat_dim, memo, mutate_kwargs, label ) self._arch_alpha = nn.ParameterDict() for i in range(self.num_predecessors, self.num_nodes + self.num_predecessors): for j in range(i): edge_label = f'{label}/{i}_{j}' op = cast(List[Dict[str, nn.Module]], self.ops[i - self.num_predecessors])[j] if edge_label in memo: alpha = memo[edge_label] if len(alpha) != len(op) + 1: if len(alpha) != len(op): raise ValueError( f'Architecture parameter size of same label {edge_label} conflict: ' f'{len(alpha)} vs. {len(op)}' ) warnings.warn( f'Architecture parameter size {len(alpha)} is not same as expected: {len(op) + 1}. ' 'This is likely due to the label being shared by a LayerChoice inside the cell and outside.', UserWarning ) else: # +1 to emulate the input choice. alpha = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(len(op) + 1) * 1E-3) memo[edge_label] = alpha self._arch_alpha[edge_label] = alpha self._softmax = mutate_kwargs.get('softmax', nn.Softmax(-1))
[docs] def resample(self, memo): """Differentiable doesn't need to resample.""" return {}
[docs] def export_probs(self, memo): """When export probability, we follow the structure in arch alpha.""" ret = {} for name, parameter in self._arch_alpha.items(): if any(k.startswith(name + '/') for k in memo): continue weights = self._softmax(parameter).cpu().tolist() ret.update({f'{name}/{value}': weight for value, weight in zip(self.op_names, weights)}) return ret
[docs] def export(self, memo): """Tricky export. Reference: """ exported = {} for i in range(self.num_predecessors, self.num_nodes + self.num_predecessors): # If label already exists, no need to re-export. if all(f'{self.label}/op_{i}_{k}' in memo and f'{self.label}/input_{i}_{k}' in memo for k in range(self.num_ops_per_node)): continue # Tuple of (weight, input_index, op_name) all_weights: list[tuple[float, int, str]] = [] for j in range(i): for k, name in enumerate(self.op_names): # The last appended weight is automatically skipped in export. all_weights.append(( float(self._arch_alpha[f'{self.label}/{i}_{j}'][k].item()), j, name, )) all_weights.sort(reverse=True) # We first prefer inputs from different input_index. # If we have got no other choices, we start to accept duplicates. # Therefore we gather first occurrences of distinct input_index to the front. first_occurrence_index: list[int] = [ all_weights.index( # The index of next(filter(lambda t: t[1] == j, all_weights)) # First occurence of j ) for j in range(i) # For j < i ] first_occurrence_index.sort() # Keep them ordered too. all_weights = [all_weights[k] for k in first_occurrence_index] + \ [w for j, w in enumerate(all_weights) if j not in first_occurrence_index]'Sorted weights in differentiable cell export (%s cell, node %d): %s', self.label, i, all_weights) for k in range(self.num_ops_per_node): # all_weights could be too short in case ``num_ops_per_node`` is too large. _, j, op_name = all_weights[k % len(all_weights)] exported[f'{self.label}/op_{i}_{k}'] = op_name exported[f'{self.label}/input_{i}_{k}'] = j return exported
def forward(self, *inputs: list[torch.Tensor] | torch.Tensor) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, ...] | torch.Tensor: processed_inputs: list[torch.Tensor] = preprocess_cell_inputs(self.num_predecessors, *inputs) states: list[torch.Tensor] = self.preprocessor(processed_inputs) for i, ops in enumerate(cast(Sequence[Sequence[Dict[str, nn.Module]]], self.ops), start=self.num_predecessors): current_state = [] for j in range(i): # for every previous tensors op_results = torch.stack([op(states[j]) for op in ops[j].values()]) alpha_shape = [-1] + [1] * (len(op_results.size()) - 1) # (-1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ...) op_weights = self._softmax(self._arch_alpha[f'{self.label}/{i}_{j}']) if len(op_weights) == len(op_results) + 1: # concatenate with a zero operation, indicating this path is not chosen at all. op_results =, torch.zeros_like(op_results[:1])), 0) edge_sum = torch.sum(op_results * self._softmax(self._arch_alpha[f'{self.label}/{i}_{j}']).view(*alpha_shape), 0) current_state.append(edge_sum) states.append(sum(current_state)) # type: ignore # Always merge all this_cell =[self.num_predecessors:], self.concat_dim) return self.postprocessor(this_cell, processed_inputs) def parameters(self, *args, **kwargs): for _, p in self.named_parameters(*args, **kwargs): yield p def named_parameters(self, *args, **kwargs): arch = kwargs.pop('arch', False) for name, p in super().named_parameters(*args, **kwargs): if any(name.startswith(par_name) for par_name in MixedOpDifferentiablePolicy._arch_parameter_names): if arch: yield name, p else: if not arch: yield name, p