Source code for nni.nas.hub.pytorch.proxylessnas

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

import math
from typing import Optional, Callable, List, Tuple, Iterator, Union, cast, overload

import torch
import nni.nas.nn.pytorch as nn
from nni.nas import model_wrapper

from .utils.fixed import FixedFactory
from .utils.pretrained import load_pretrained_weight

def make_divisible(v: Union[int, float], divisor, min_val=None) -> int:

def make_divisible(v: Union[nn.ChoiceOf[int], nn.ChoiceOf[float]], divisor, min_val=None) -> nn.ChoiceOf[int]:

def make_divisible(v: Union[nn.ChoiceOf[int], nn.ChoiceOf[float], int, float], divisor, min_val=None) -> nn.MaybeChoice[int]:
    This function is taken from the original tf repo.
    It ensures that all layers have a channel number that is divisible by 8
    It can be seen here:
    if min_val is None:
        min_val = divisor
    # This should work for both value choices and constants.
    new_v = nn.ValueChoice.max(min_val, round(v + divisor // 2) // divisor * divisor)
    # Make sure that round down does not go down by more than 10%.
    return nn.ValueChoice.condition(new_v < 0.9 * v, new_v + divisor, new_v)

def simplify_sequential(sequentials: List[nn.Module]) -> Iterator[nn.Module]:
    Flatten the sequential blocks so that the hierarchy looks better.
    Eliminate identity modules automatically.
    for module in sequentials:
        if isinstance(module, nn.Sequential):
            for submodule in module.children():
                # no recursive expansion
                if not isinstance(submodule, nn.Identity):
                    yield submodule
            if not isinstance(module, nn.Identity):
                yield module

class ConvBNReLU(nn.Sequential):
    The template for a conv-bn-relu block.

    def __init__(
        in_channels: nn.MaybeChoice[int],
        out_channels: nn.MaybeChoice[int],
        kernel_size: nn.MaybeChoice[int] = 3,
        stride: int = 1,
        groups: nn.MaybeChoice[int] = 1,
        norm_layer: Optional[Callable[[int], nn.Module]] = None,
        activation_layer: Optional[Callable[..., nn.Module]] = None,
        dilation: int = 1,
    ) -> None:
        padding = (kernel_size - 1) // 2 * dilation
        if norm_layer is None:
            norm_layer = nn.BatchNorm2d
        if activation_layer is None:
            activation_layer = nn.ReLU6
        # If no normalization is used, set bias to True
        norm = norm_layer(cast(int, out_channels))
        no_normalization = isinstance(norm, nn.Identity)
        blocks: List[nn.Module] = [
                cast(int, in_channels),
                cast(int, out_channels),
                cast(int, kernel_size),
                cast(int, padding),
                groups=cast(int, groups),
            # Normalization, regardless of batchnorm or identity
            # One pytorch implementation as an SE here, to faithfully reproduce paper
            # We follow a more accepted approach to put SE outside
            # Reference:


class DepthwiseSeparableConv(nn.Sequential):
    In the original MobileNetV2 implementation, this is InvertedResidual when expand ratio = 1.
    Residual connection is added if input and output shape are the same.



    def __init__(
        in_channels: nn.MaybeChoice[int],
        out_channels: nn.MaybeChoice[int],
        kernel_size: nn.MaybeChoice[int] = 3,
        stride: int = 1,
        squeeze_excite: Optional[Callable[[nn.MaybeChoice[int], nn.MaybeChoice[int]], nn.Module]] = None,
        norm_layer: Optional[Callable[[int], nn.Module]] = None,
        activation_layer: Optional[Callable[..., nn.Module]] = None,
    ) -> None:
        blocks = [
            # dw
            ConvBNReLU(in_channels, in_channels, stride=stride, kernel_size=kernel_size, groups=in_channels,
                       norm_layer=norm_layer, activation_layer=activation_layer),
            # optional se
            squeeze_excite(in_channels, in_channels) if squeeze_excite else nn.Identity(),
            # pw-linear
            ConvBNReLU(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1, norm_layer=norm_layer, activation_layer=nn.Identity)
        # NOTE: "is" is used here instead of "==" to avoid creating a new value choice.
        self.has_skip = stride == 1 and in_channels is out_channels

    def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        if self.has_skip:
            return x + super().forward(x)
            return super().forward(x)

[docs]class InvertedResidual(nn.Sequential): """ An Inverted Residual Block, sometimes called an MBConv Block, is a type of residual block used for image models that uses an inverted structure for efficiency reasons. It was originally proposed for the `MobileNetV2 <>`__ CNN architecture. It has since been reused for several mobile-optimized CNNs. It follows a narrow -> wide -> narrow approach, hence the inversion. It first widens with a 1x1 convolution, then uses a 3x3 depthwise convolution (which greatly reduces the number of parameters), then a 1x1 convolution is used to reduce the number of channels so input and output can be added. This implementation is sort of a mixture between: - - Parameters ---------- in_channels The number of input channels. Can be a value choice. out_channels The number of output channels. Can be a value choice. expand_ratio The ratio of intermediate channels with respect to input channels. Can be a value choice. kernel_size The kernel size of the depthwise convolution. Can be a value choice. stride The stride of the depthwise convolution. squeeze_excite Callable to create squeeze and excitation layer. Take hidden channels and input channels as arguments. norm_layer Callable to create normalization layer. Take input channels as argument. activation_layer Callable to create activation layer. No input arguments. """ def __init__( self, in_channels: nn.MaybeChoice[int], out_channels: nn.MaybeChoice[int], expand_ratio: nn.MaybeChoice[float], kernel_size: nn.MaybeChoice[int] = 3, stride: int = 1, squeeze_excite: Optional[Callable[[nn.MaybeChoice[int], nn.MaybeChoice[int]], nn.Module]] = None, norm_layer: Optional[Callable[[int], nn.Module]] = None, activation_layer: Optional[Callable[..., nn.Module]] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__() self.stride = stride self.out_channels = out_channels assert stride in [1, 2] hidden_ch = cast(int, make_divisible(in_channels * expand_ratio, 8)) # NOTE: this equivalence check (==) does NOT work for ValueChoice, need to use "is" self.has_skip = stride == 1 and in_channels is out_channels layers: List[nn.Module] = [ # point-wise convolution # NOTE: some paper omit this point-wise convolution when stride = 1. # In our implementation, if this pw convolution is intended to be omitted, # please use SepConv instead. ConvBNReLU(in_channels, hidden_ch, kernel_size=1, norm_layer=norm_layer, activation_layer=activation_layer), # depth-wise ConvBNReLU(hidden_ch, hidden_ch, stride=stride, kernel_size=kernel_size, groups=hidden_ch, norm_layer=norm_layer, activation_layer=activation_layer), # SE squeeze_excite( cast(int, hidden_ch), cast(int, in_channels) ) if squeeze_excite is not None else nn.Identity(), # pw-linear ConvBNReLU(hidden_ch, out_channels, kernel_size=1, norm_layer=norm_layer, activation_layer=nn.Identity), ] super().__init__(*simplify_sequential(layers)) def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: if self.has_skip: return x + super().forward(x) else: return super().forward(x)
def inverted_residual_choice_builder( expand_ratios: List[int], kernel_sizes: List[int], downsample: bool, stage_input_width: int, stage_output_width: int, label: str ): def builder(index): stride = 1 inp = stage_output_width if index == 0: # first layer in stage # do downsample and width reshape inp = stage_input_width if downsample: stride = 2 oup = stage_output_width op_choices = {} for exp_ratio in expand_ratios: for kernel_size in kernel_sizes: op_choices[f'k{kernel_size}e{exp_ratio}'] = InvertedResidual(inp, oup, exp_ratio, kernel_size, stride) # It can be implemented with ValueChoice, but we use LayerChoice here # to be aligned with the intention of the original ProxylessNAS. return nn.LayerChoice(op_choices, label=f'{label}_i{index}') return builder
[docs]@model_wrapper class ProxylessNAS(nn.Module): """ The search space proposed by `ProxylessNAS <>`__. Following the official implementation, the inverted residual with kernel size / expand ratio variations in each layer is implemented with a :class:`~nni.retiarii.nn.pytorch.LayerChoice` with all-combination candidates. That means, when used in weight sharing, these candidates will be treated as separate layers, and won't be fine-grained shared. We note that :class:`MobileNetV3Space` is different in this perspective. This space can be implemented as part of :class:`MobileNetV3Space`, but we separate those following conventions. Parameters ---------- num_labels The number of labels for classification. base_widths Widths of each stage, from stem, to body, to head. Length should be 9. dropout_rate Dropout rate for the final classification layer. width_mult Width multiplier for the model. bn_eps Epsilon for batch normalization. bn_momentum Momentum for batch normalization. """ def __init__(self, num_labels: int = 1000, base_widths: Tuple[int, ...] = (32, 16, 32, 40, 80, 96, 192, 320, 1280), dropout_rate: float = 0., width_mult: float = 1.0, bn_eps: float = 1e-3, bn_momentum: float = 0.1): super().__init__() assert len(base_widths) == 9 # include the last stage info widths here widths = [make_divisible(width * width_mult, 8) for width in base_widths] downsamples = [True, False, True, True, True, False, True, False] self.num_labels = num_labels self.dropout_rate = dropout_rate self.bn_eps = bn_eps self.bn_momentum = bn_momentum self.stem = ConvBNReLU(3, widths[0], stride=2, norm_layer=nn.BatchNorm2d) blocks: List[nn.Module] = [ # first stage is fixed DepthwiseSeparableConv(widths[0], widths[1], kernel_size=3, stride=1) ] # for stage in range(2, 8): # Rather than returning a fixed module here, # we return a builder that dynamically creates module for different `repeat_idx`. builder = inverted_residual_choice_builder( [3, 6], [3, 5, 7], downsamples[stage], widths[stage - 1], widths[stage], f's{stage}') if stage < 7: blocks.append(nn.Repeat(builder, (1, 4), label=f's{stage}_depth')) else: # No mutation for depth in the last stage. # Directly call builder to initiate one block blocks.append(builder(0)) self.blocks = nn.Sequential(*blocks) # final layers self.feature_mix_layer = ConvBNReLU(widths[7], widths[8], kernel_size=1, norm_layer=nn.BatchNorm2d) self.global_avg_pooling = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(1) self.dropout_layer = nn.Dropout(dropout_rate) self.classifier = nn.Linear(widths[-1], num_labels) reset_parameters(self, bn_momentum=bn_momentum, bn_eps=bn_eps) def forward(self, x): x = self.stem(x) x = self.blocks(x) x = self.feature_mix_layer(x) x = self.global_avg_pooling(x) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) # flatten x = self.dropout_layer(x) x = self.classifier(x) return x def no_weight_decay(self): # this is useful for timm optimizer # no regularizer to linear layer if hasattr(self, 'classifier'): return {'classifier.weight', 'classifier.bias'} return set() @classmethod def fixed_arch(cls, arch: dict) -> FixedFactory: return FixedFactory(cls, arch) @classmethod def load_searched_model( cls, name: str, pretrained: bool = False, download: bool = False, progress: bool = True ) -> nn.Module: init_kwargs = {} # all default if name == 'acenas-m1': arch = { 's2_depth': 2, 's2_i0': 'k3e6', 's2_i1': 'k3e3', 's3_depth': 3, 's3_i0': 'k5e3', 's3_i1': 'k3e3', 's3_i2': 'k5e3', 's4_depth': 2, 's4_i0': 'k3e6', 's4_i1': 'k5e3', 's5_depth': 4, 's5_i0': 'k7e6', 's5_i1': 'k3e6', 's5_i2': 'k3e6', 's5_i3': 'k7e3', 's6_depth': 4, 's6_i0': 'k7e6', 's6_i1': 'k7e6', 's6_i2': 'k7e3', 's6_i3': 'k7e3', 's7_depth': 1, 's7_i0': 'k7e6' } elif name == 'acenas-m2': arch = { 's2_depth': 1, 's2_i0': 'k5e3', 's3_depth': 3, 's3_i0': 'k3e6', 's3_i1': 'k3e3', 's3_i2': 'k5e3', 's4_depth': 2, 's4_i0': 'k7e6', 's4_i1': 'k5e6', 's5_depth': 4, 's5_i0': 'k5e6', 's5_i1': 'k5e3', 's5_i2': 'k5e6', 's5_i3': 'k3e6', 's6_depth': 4, 's6_i0': 'k7e6', 's6_i1': 'k5e6', 's6_i2': 'k5e3', 's6_i3': 'k5e6', 's7_depth': 1, 's7_i0': 'k7e6' } elif name == 'acenas-m3': arch = { 's2_depth': 2, 's2_i0': 'k3e3', 's2_i1': 'k3e6', 's3_depth': 2, 's3_i0': 'k5e3', 's3_i1': 'k3e3', 's4_depth': 3, 's4_i0': 'k5e6', 's4_i1': 'k7e6', 's4_i2': 'k3e6', 's5_depth': 4, 's5_i0': 'k7e6', 's5_i1': 'k7e3', 's5_i2': 'k7e3', 's5_i3': 'k5e3', 's6_depth': 4, 's6_i0': 'k7e6', 's6_i1': 'k7e3', 's6_i2': 'k7e6', 's6_i3': 'k3e3', 's7_depth': 1, 's7_i0': 'k5e6' } elif name == 'proxyless-cpu': arch = { 's2_depth': 4, 's2_i0': 'k3e6', 's2_i1': 'k3e3', 's2_i2': 'k3e3', 's2_i3': 'k3e3', 's3_depth': 4, 's3_i0': 'k3e6', 's3_i1': 'k3e3', 's3_i2': 'k3e3', 's3_i3': 'k5e3', 's4_depth': 2, 's4_i0': 'k3e6', 's4_i1': 'k3e3', 's5_depth': 4, 's5_i0': 'k5e6', 's5_i1': 'k3e3', 's5_i2': 'k3e3', 's5_i3': 'k3e3', 's6_depth': 4, 's6_i0': 'k5e6', 's6_i1': 'k5e3', 's6_i2': 'k5e3', 's6_i3': 'k3e3', 's7_depth': 1, 's7_i0': 'k5e6' } init_kwargs['base_widths'] = [40, 24, 32, 48, 88, 104, 216, 360, 1432] elif name == 'proxyless-gpu': arch = { 's2_depth': 1, 's2_i0': 'k5e3', 's3_depth': 2, 's3_i0': 'k7e3', 's3_i1': 'k3e3', 's4_depth': 2, 's4_i0': 'k7e6', 's4_i1': 'k5e3', 's5_depth': 3, 's5_i0': 'k5e6', 's5_i1': 'k3e3', 's5_i2': 'k5e3', 's6_depth': 4, 's6_i0': 'k7e6', 's6_i1': 'k7e6', 's6_i2': 'k7e6', 's6_i3': 'k5e6', 's7_depth': 1, 's7_i0': 'k7e6' } init_kwargs['base_widths'] = [40, 24, 32, 56, 112, 128, 256, 432, 1728] elif name == 'proxyless-mobile': arch = { 's2_depth': 2, 's2_i0': 'k5e3', 's2_i1': 'k3e3', 's3_depth': 4, 's3_i0': 'k7e3', 's3_i1': 'k3e3', 's3_i2': 'k5e3', 's3_i3': 'k5e3', 's4_depth': 4, 's4_i0': 'k7e6', 's4_i1': 'k5e3', 's4_i2': 'k5e3', 's4_i3': 'k5e3', 's5_depth': 4, 's5_i0': 'k5e6', 's5_i1': 'k5e3', 's5_i2': 'k5e3', 's5_i3': 'k5e3', 's6_depth': 4, 's6_i0': 'k7e6', 's6_i1': 'k7e6', 's6_i2': 'k7e3', 's6_i3': 'k7e3', 's7_depth': 1, 's7_i0': 'k7e6' } else: raise ValueError(f'Unsupported architecture with name: {name}') model_factory = cls.fixed_arch(arch) model = model_factory(**init_kwargs) if pretrained: weight_file = load_pretrained_weight(name, download=download, progress=progress) pretrained_weights = torch.load(weight_file) model.load_state_dict(pretrained_weights) return model
def reset_parameters(model, model_init='he_fout', init_div_groups=False, bn_momentum=0.1, bn_eps=1e-5): for m in model.modules(): if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d): if model_init == 'he_fout': n = m.kernel_size[0] * m.kernel_size[1] * m.out_channels if init_div_groups: n /= m.groups, math.sqrt(2. / n)) elif model_init == 'he_fin': n = m.kernel_size[0] * m.kernel_size[1] * m.in_channels if init_div_groups: n /= m.groups, math.sqrt(2. / n)) else: raise NotImplementedError elif isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d): m.momentum = bn_momentum m.eps = bn_eps elif isinstance(m, nn.Linear):, 0.01) if m.bias is not None: elif isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm1d):