Hardware-aware NAS

End-to-end Multi-trial SPOS Demo

To empower affordable DNN on the edge and mobile devices, hardware-aware NAS searches both high accuracy and low latency models. In particular, the search algorithm only considers the models within the target latency constraints during the search process.

To run this demo, first install nn-Meter by running:

pip install nn-meter

Then run multi-trail SPOS demo:

python ${NNI_ROOT}/examples/nas/oneshot/spos/multi_trial.py

How the demo works

To support hardware-aware NAS, you first need a Strategy that supports filtering the models by latency. We provide such a filter named LatencyFilter in NNI and initialize a Random strategy with the filter:

simple_strategy = strategy.Random(model_filter=LatencyFilter(threshold=100, predictor=base_predictor))

LatencyFilter will predict the models' latency by using nn-Meter and filter out the models whose latency are larger than the threshold (i.e., 100 in this example). You can also build your own strategies and filters to support more flexible NAS such as sorting the models according to latency.

Then, pass this strategy to RetiariiExperiment:

exp = RetiariiExperiment(base_model, trainer, strategy=simple_strategy)

exp_config = RetiariiExeConfig('local')
exp_config.dummy_input = [1, 3, 32, 32]

exp.run(exp_config, port)

In exp_config, dummy_input is required for tracing shape info.

End-to-end ProxylessNAS with Latency Constraints

ProxylessNAS is a hardware-aware one-shot NAS algorithm. ProxylessNAS applies the expected latency of the model to build a differentiable metric and design efficient neural network architectures for hardware. The latency loss is added as a regularization term for architecture parameter optimization. In this example, nn-Meter provides a latency estimator to predict expected latency for the mixed operation on other types of mobile and edge hardware.

To run the one-shot ProxylessNAS demo, first install nn-Meter by running:

pip install nn-meter

Then run one-shot ProxylessNAS demo:

`bash python ${NNI_ROOT}/examples/nas/oneshot/proxylessnas/main.py --applied_hardware <hardware> --reference_latency <reference latency (ms)> `

How the demo works

In the implementation of ProxylessNAS trainer, we provide a HardwareLatencyEstimator which currently builds a lookup table, that stores the measured latency of each candidate building block in the search space. The latency sum of all building blocks in a candidate model will be treated as the model inference latency. The latency prediction is obtained by nn-Meter. HardwareLatencyEstimator predicts expected latency for the mixed operation based on the path weight of ProxylessLayerChoice. With leveraging nn-Meter in NNI, users can apply ProxylessNAS to search efficient DNN models on more types of edge devices.

Despite of applied_hardware and reference_latency, There are some other parameters related to hardware-aware ProxylessNAS training in this example:

  • grad_reg_loss_type: Regularization type to add hardware related loss. Allowed types include "mul#log" and "add#linear". Type of mul#log is calculate by (torch.log(expected_latency) / math.log(reference_latency)) ** beta. Type of "add#linear" is calculate by reg_lambda * (expected_latency - reference_latency) / reference_latency.

  • grad_reg_loss_lambda: Regularization params, is set to 0.1 by default.

  • grad_reg_loss_alpha: Regularization params, is set to 0.2 by default.

  • grad_reg_loss_beta: Regularization params, is set to 0.3 by default.

  • dummy_input: The dummy input shape when applied to the target hardware. This parameter is set as (1, 3, 224, 224) by default.