Source code for nni.algorithms.compression.pytorch.pruning.iterative_pruner

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

import logging
import copy
import torch
from schema import And, Optional
from nni.compression.pytorch.utils.config_validation import PrunerSchema
from .constants import MASKER_DICT
from .dependency_aware_pruner import DependencyAwarePruner

__all__ = ['AGPPruner', 'ADMMPruner', 'SlimPruner', 'TaylorFOWeightFilterPruner', 'ActivationAPoZRankFilterPruner',

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class IterativePruner(DependencyAwarePruner): """ Prune model during the training process. """ def __init__(self, model, config_list, optimizer=None, pruning_algorithm='slim', trainer=None, criterion=None, num_iterations=20, epochs_per_iteration=5, dependency_aware=False, dummy_input=None, **algo_kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- model: torch.nn.Module Model to be pruned config_list: list List on pruning configs optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer Optimizer used to train model pruning_algorithm: str algorithms being used to prune model trainer: function Function used to train the model. Users should write this function as a normal function to train the Pytorch model and include `model, optimizer, criterion, epoch` as function arguments. criterion: function Function used to calculate the loss between the target and the output. For example, you can use ``torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()`` as input. num_iterations: int Total number of iterations in pruning process. We will calculate mask at the end of an iteration. epochs_per_iteration: Union[int, list] The number of training epochs for each iteration. `int` represents the same value for each iteration. `list` represents the specific value for each iteration. dependency_aware: bool If prune the model in a dependency-aware way. dummy_input: torch.Tensor The dummy input to analyze the topology constraints. Note that, the dummy_input should on the same device with the model. algo_kwargs: dict Additional parameters passed to pruning algorithm masker class """ super().__init__(model, config_list, optimizer, pruning_algorithm, dependency_aware, dummy_input, **algo_kwargs) if isinstance(epochs_per_iteration, list): assert len(epochs_per_iteration) == num_iterations, 'num_iterations should equal to the length of epochs_per_iteration' self.epochs_per_iteration = epochs_per_iteration else: assert num_iterations > 0, 'num_iterations should >= 1' self.epochs_per_iteration = [epochs_per_iteration] * num_iterations self._validate_iteration_params() self._trainer = trainer self._criterion = criterion def _fresh_calculated(self): for wrapper in self.get_modules_wrapper(): wrapper.if_calculated = False def _validate_iteration_params(self): assert all(num >= 0 for num in self.epochs_per_iteration), 'all epoch number need >= 0'
[docs] def compress(self): training = self.bound_model.train() for _, epochs_num in enumerate(self.epochs_per_iteration): self._fresh_calculated() for epoch in range(epochs_num): self._trainer(self.bound_model, optimizer=self.optimizer, criterion=self._criterion, epoch=epoch) # NOTE: workaround for statistics_batch_num bigger than max batch number in one epoch, need refactor if hasattr(self.masker, 'statistics_batch_num') and hasattr(self, 'iterations'): if self.iterations < self.masker.statistics_batch_num: # pylint: disable=access-member-before-definition self.iterations = self.masker.statistics_batch_num self.update_mask() self.bound_model.train(training) return self.bound_model
[docs]class AGPPruner(IterativePruner): """ Parameters ---------- model : torch.nn.Module Model to be pruned. config_list : listlist Supported keys: - sparsity : This is to specify the sparsity operations to be compressed to. - op_types : See supported type in your specific pruning algorithm. optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer Optimizer used to train model. trainer: function Function to train the model criterion: function Function used to calculate the loss between the target and the output. For example, you can use ``torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()`` as input. num_iterations: int Total number of iterations in pruning process. We will calculate mask at the end of an iteration. epochs_per_iteration: int The number of training epochs for each iteration. pruning_algorithm: str Algorithms being used to prune model, choose from `['level', 'slim', 'l1', 'l2', 'fpgm', 'taylorfo', 'apoz', 'mean_activation']`, by default `level` """ def __init__(self, model, config_list, optimizer, trainer, criterion, num_iterations=10, epochs_per_iteration=1, pruning_algorithm='level'): super().__init__(model, config_list, optimizer=optimizer, trainer=trainer, criterion=criterion, num_iterations=num_iterations, epochs_per_iteration=epochs_per_iteration) assert isinstance(optimizer, torch.optim.Optimizer), "AGP pruner is an iterative pruner, please pass optimizer of the model to it" self.masker = MASKER_DICT[pruning_algorithm](model, self) self.now_epoch = 0 self.freq = epochs_per_iteration self.end_epoch = epochs_per_iteration * num_iterations self.set_wrappers_attribute("if_calculated", False)
[docs] def validate_config(self, model, config_list): """ Parameters ---------- model : torch.nn.Module Model to be pruned config_list : list List on pruning configs """ schema = PrunerSchema([{ Optional('sparsity'): And(float, lambda n: 0 <= n <= 1), Optional('op_types'): [str], Optional('op_names'): [str], Optional('exclude'): bool }], model, logger) schema.validate(config_list)
def _supported_dependency_aware(self): return False
[docs] def calc_mask(self, wrapper, wrapper_idx=None): """ Calculate the mask of given layer. Scale factors with the smallest absolute value in the BN layer are masked. Parameters ---------- wrapper : Module the layer to instrument the compression operation wrapper_idx: int index of this wrapper in pruner's all wrappers Returns ------- dict | None Dictionary for storing masks, keys of the dict: 'weight_mask': weight mask tensor 'bias_mask': bias mask tensor (optional) """ config = wrapper.config if wrapper.if_calculated: return None if not self.now_epoch % self.freq == 0: return None target_sparsity = self.compute_target_sparsity(config) new_mask = self.masker.calc_mask(sparsity=target_sparsity, wrapper=wrapper, wrapper_idx=wrapper_idx) if new_mask is not None: wrapper.if_calculated = True return new_mask
[docs] def compute_target_sparsity(self, config): """ Calculate the sparsity for pruning Parameters ---------- config : dict Layer's pruning config Returns ------- float Target sparsity to be pruned """ initial_sparsity = 0 self.target_sparsity = final_sparsity = config.get('sparsity', 0) if initial_sparsity >= final_sparsity: logger.warning('your initial_sparsity >= final_sparsity') return final_sparsity if self.end_epoch == 1 or self.end_epoch <= self.now_epoch: return final_sparsity span = ((self.end_epoch - 1) // self.freq) * self.freq assert span > 0 self.target_sparsity = (final_sparsity + (initial_sparsity - final_sparsity) * (1.0 - (self.now_epoch / span)) ** 3) return self.target_sparsity
[docs] def update_epoch(self, epoch): """ Update epoch Parameters ---------- epoch : int current training epoch """ if epoch > 0: self.now_epoch = epoch for wrapper in self.get_modules_wrapper(): wrapper.if_calculated = False
# TODO: need refactor
[docs] def compress(self): training = self.bound_model.train() for epoch in range(self.end_epoch): self.update_epoch(epoch) self._trainer(self.bound_model, optimizer=self.optimizer, criterion=self._criterion, epoch=epoch) self.update_mask()'sparsity is {self.target_sparsity:.2f} at epoch {epoch}') self.get_pruned_weights() self.bound_model.train(training) return self.bound_model
[docs]class ADMMPruner(IterativePruner): """ A Pytorch implementation of ADMM Pruner algorithm. Parameters ---------- model : torch.nn.Module Model to be pruned. config_list : list List on pruning configs. trainer : function Function used for the first subproblem. Users should write this function as a normal function to train the Pytorch model and include `model, optimizer, criterion, epoch` as function arguments. criterion: function Function used to calculate the loss between the target and the output. By default, we use CrossEntropyLoss in ADMMPruner. For example, you can use ``torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()`` as input. num_iterations: int Total number of iterations in pruning process. We will calculate mask after we finish all iterations in ADMMPruner. epochs_per_iteration: int Training epochs of the first subproblem. row : float Penalty parameters for ADMM training. base_algo : str Base pruning algorithm. `level`, `l1`, `l2` or `fpgm`, by default `l1`. Given the sparsity distribution among the ops, the assigned `base_algo` is used to decide which filters/channels/weights to prune. """ def __init__(self, model, config_list, trainer, criterion=torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(), num_iterations=30, epochs_per_iteration=5, row=1e-4, base_algo='l1'): self._base_algo = base_algo super().__init__(model, config_list) self._trainer = trainer self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam( self.bound_model.parameters(), lr=1e-3, weight_decay=5e-5) self._criterion = criterion self._num_iterations = num_iterations self._training_epochs = epochs_per_iteration self._row = row self.set_wrappers_attribute("if_calculated", False) self.masker = MASKER_DICT[self._base_algo](self.bound_model, self) self.patch_optimizer_before(self._callback)
[docs] def validate_config(self, model, config_list): """ Parameters ---------- model : torch.nn.Module Model to be pruned config_list : list List on pruning configs """ if self._base_algo == 'level': schema = PrunerSchema([{ Optional('sparsity'): And(float, lambda n: 0 < n < 1), Optional('op_types'): [str], Optional('op_names'): [str], Optional('exclude'): bool }], model, logger) elif self._base_algo in ['l1', 'l2', 'fpgm']: schema = PrunerSchema([{ Optional('sparsity'): And(float, lambda n: 0 < n < 1), 'op_types': ['Conv2d'], Optional('op_names'): [str], Optional('exclude'): bool }], model, logger) schema.validate(config_list)
def _supported_dependency_aware(self): return False def _projection(self, weight, sparsity, wrapper): ''' Return the Euclidean projection of the weight matrix according to the pruning mode. Parameters ---------- weight : tensor original matrix sparsity : float the ratio of parameters which need to be set to zero wrapper: PrunerModuleWrapper layer wrapper of this layer Returns ------- tensor the projected matrix ''' wrapper_copy = copy.deepcopy(wrapper) = weight return, wrapper_copy)['weight_mask']) def _callback(self): # callback function to do additonal optimization, refer to the deriatives of Formula (7) for i, wrapper in enumerate(self.get_modules_wrapper()): -= self._row * \ ( - self.Z[i] + self.U[i])
[docs] def compress(self): """ Compress the model with ADMM. Returns ------- torch.nn.Module model with specified modules compressed. """'Starting ADMM Compression...') # initiaze Z, U # Z_i^0 = W_i^0 # U_i^0 = 0 self.Z = [] self.U = [] for wrapper in self.get_modules_wrapper(): z = self.Z.append(z) self.U.append(torch.zeros_like(z)) # Loss = cross_entropy + l2 regulization + \Sum_{i=1}^N \row_i ||W_i - Z_i^k + U_i^k||^2 # optimization iteration for k in range(self._num_iterations):'ADMM iteration : %d', k) # step 1: optimize W with AdamOptimizer for epoch in range(self._training_epochs): self._trainer(self.bound_model, optimizer=self.optimizer, criterion=self._criterion, epoch=epoch) # step 2: update Z, U # Z_i^{k+1} = projection(W_i^{k+1} + U_i^k) # U_i^{k+1} = U^k + W_i^{k+1} - Z_i^{k+1} for i, wrapper in enumerate(self.get_modules_wrapper()): z = + self.U[i] self.Z[i] = self._projection(z, wrapper.config['sparsity'], wrapper) self.U[i] = self.U[i] + - self.Z[i] # apply prune self.update_mask()'Compression finished.') return self.bound_model
[docs]class SlimPruner(IterativePruner): """ Parameters ---------- model : torch.nn.Module Model to be pruned config_list : list Supported keys: - sparsity : This is to specify the sparsity operations to be compressed to. - op_types : Only BatchNorm2d is supported in Slim Pruner. optimizer : torch.optim.Optimizer Optimizer used to train model trainer : function Function used to sparsify BatchNorm2d scaling factors. Users should write this function as a normal function to train the Pytorch model and include `model, optimizer, criterion, epoch` as function arguments. criterion : function Function used to calculate the loss between the target and the output. For example, you can use ``torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()`` as input. sparsifying_training_epochs: int The number of channel sparsity regularization training epochs before pruning. scale : float Penalty parameters for sparsification. dependency_aware: bool If prune the model in a dependency-aware way. If it is `True`, this pruner will prune the model according to the l2-norm of weights and the channel-dependency or group-dependency of the model. In this way, the pruner will force the conv layers that have dependencies to prune the same channels, so the speedup module can better harvest the speed benefit from the pruned model. Note that, if this flag is set True , the dummy_input cannot be None, because the pruner needs a dummy input to trace the dependency between the conv layers. dummy_input : torch.Tensor The dummy input to analyze the topology constraints. Note that, the dummy_input should on the same device with the model. """ def __init__(self, model, config_list, optimizer, trainer, criterion, sparsifying_training_epochs=10, scale=0.0001, dependency_aware=False, dummy_input=None): super().__init__(model, config_list, optimizer=optimizer, pruning_algorithm='slim', trainer=trainer, criterion=criterion, num_iterations=1, epochs_per_iteration=sparsifying_training_epochs, dependency_aware=dependency_aware, dummy_input=dummy_input) self.scale = scale self.patch_optimizer_before(self._callback)
[docs] def validate_config(self, model, config_list): schema = PrunerSchema([{ Optional('sparsity'): And(float, lambda n: 0 < n < 1), 'op_types': ['BatchNorm2d'], Optional('op_names'): [str], Optional('exclude'): bool }], model, logger) schema.validate(config_list) if len(config_list) > 1: logger.warning('Slim pruner only supports 1 configuration')
def _supported_dependency_aware(self): return True def _callback(self): for _, wrapper in enumerate(self.get_modules_wrapper()): * torch.sign(
[docs]class TaylorFOWeightFilterPruner(IterativePruner): """ Parameters ---------- model : torch.nn.Module Model to be pruned config_list : list Supported keys: - sparsity : How much percentage of convolutional filters are to be pruned. - op_types : Currently only Conv2d is supported in TaylorFOWeightFilterPruner. optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer Optimizer used to train model trainer : function Function used to sparsify BatchNorm2d scaling factors. Users should write this function as a normal function to train the Pytorch model and include `model, optimizer, criterion, epoch` as function arguments. criterion : function Function used to calculate the loss between the target and the output. For example, you can use ``torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()`` as input. sparsifying_training_batches: int The number of batches to collect the contributions. Note that the number need to be less than the maximum batch number in one epoch. dependency_aware: bool If prune the model in a dependency-aware way. If it is `True`, this pruner will prune the model according to the l2-norm of weights and the channel-dependency or group-dependency of the model. In this way, the pruner will force the conv layers that have dependencies to prune the same channels, so the speedup module can better harvest the speed benefit from the pruned model. Note that, if this flag is set True , the dummy_input cannot be None, because the pruner needs a dummy input to trace the dependency between the conv layers. dummy_input : torch.Tensor The dummy input to analyze the topology constraints. Note that, the dummy_input should on the same device with the model. global_sort: bool Only support TaylorFOWeightFilterPruner currently. If prune the model in a global-sort way. If it is `True`, this pruner will prune the model according to the global contributions information which means channel contributions will be sorted globally and whether specific channel will be pruned depends on global information. """ def __init__(self, model, config_list, optimizer, trainer, criterion, sparsifying_training_batches=1, dependency_aware=False, dummy_input=None, global_sort=False): super().__init__(model, config_list, optimizer=optimizer, pruning_algorithm='taylorfo', trainer=trainer, criterion=criterion, statistics_batch_num=sparsifying_training_batches, num_iterations=1, epochs_per_iteration=1, dependency_aware=dependency_aware, dummy_input=dummy_input) self.masker.global_sort = global_sort def _supported_dependency_aware(self): return True
[docs]class ActivationAPoZRankFilterPruner(IterativePruner): """ Parameters ---------- model : torch.nn.Module Model to be pruned config_list : list Supported keys: - sparsity : How much percentage of convolutional filters are to be pruned. - op_types : Only Conv2d is supported in ActivationAPoZRankFilterPruner. optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer Optimizer used to train model trainer: function Function used to train the model. Users should write this function as a normal function to train the Pytorch model and include `model, optimizer, criterion, epoch` as function arguments. criterion : function Function used to calculate the loss between the target and the output. For example, you can use ``torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()`` as input. activation: str The activation type. sparsifying_training_batches: int The number of batches to collect the contributions. Note that the number need to be less than the maximum batch number in one epoch. dependency_aware: bool If prune the model in a dependency-aware way. If it is `True`, this pruner will prune the model according to the l2-norm of weights and the channel-dependency or group-dependency of the model. In this way, the pruner will force the conv layers that have dependencies to prune the same channels, so the speedup module can better harvest the speed benefit from the pruned model. Note that, if this flag is set True , the dummy_input cannot be None, because the pruner needs a dummy input to trace the dependency between the conv layers. dummy_input : torch.Tensor The dummy input to analyze the topology constraints. Note that, the dummy_input should on the same device with the model. """ def __init__(self, model, config_list, optimizer, trainer, criterion, activation='relu', sparsifying_training_batches=1, dependency_aware=False, dummy_input=None): super().__init__(model, config_list, pruning_algorithm='apoz', optimizer=optimizer, trainer=trainer, criterion=criterion, dependency_aware=dependency_aware, dummy_input=dummy_input, activation=activation, statistics_batch_num=sparsifying_training_batches, num_iterations=1, epochs_per_iteration=1) self.patch_optimizer(self.update_mask) def _supported_dependency_aware(self): return True
[docs]class ActivationMeanRankFilterPruner(IterativePruner): """ Parameters ---------- model : torch.nn.Module Model to be pruned config_list : list Supported keys: - sparsity : How much percentage of convolutional filters are to be pruned. - op_types : Only Conv2d is supported in ActivationMeanRankFilterPruner. optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer Optimizer used to train model. trainer: function Function used to train the model. Users should write this function as a normal function to train the Pytorch model and include `model, optimizer, criterion, epoch` as function arguments. criterion : function Function used to calculate the loss between the target and the output. For example, you can use ``torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()`` as input. activation: str The activation type. sparsifying_training_batches: int The number of batches to collect the contributions. Note that the number need to be less than the maximum batch number in one epoch. dependency_aware: bool If prune the model in a dependency-aware way. If it is `True`, this pruner will prune the model according to the l2-norm of weights and the channel-dependency or group-dependency of the model. In this way, the pruner will force the conv layers that have dependencies to prune the same channels, so the speedup module can better harvest the speed benefit from the pruned model. Note that, if this flag is set True , the dummy_input cannot be None, because the pruner needs a dummy input to trace the dependency between the conv layers. dummy_input : torch.Tensor The dummy input to analyze the topology constraints. Note that, the dummy_input should on the same device with the model. """ def __init__(self, model, config_list, optimizer, trainer, criterion, activation='relu', sparsifying_training_batches=1, dependency_aware=False, dummy_input=None): super().__init__(model, config_list, pruning_algorithm='mean_activation', optimizer=optimizer, trainer=trainer, criterion=criterion, dependency_aware=dependency_aware, dummy_input=dummy_input, activation=activation, statistics_batch_num=sparsifying_training_batches, num_iterations=1, epochs_per_iteration=1) self.patch_optimizer(self.update_mask) def _supported_dependency_aware(self): return True