Source code for nni.compression.pytorch.utils.mask_conflict

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
import os
import logging
import torch
import numpy as np
from .shape_dependency import ChannelDependency, GroupDependency, CatPaddingDependency, InputChannelDependency
from .utils import get_module_by_name
# logging.basicConfig(level = logging.DEBUG)
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def fix_mask_conflict(masks, model=None, dummy_input=None, traced=None):
    MaskConflict fix the mask conflict for the channel dependencies
    and group dependency.

    masks : dict/str
        A dict object that stores the masks or the path of the mask file
    model : torch.nn.Module
        model to fix the mask conflict
    dummy_input : torch.Tensor
        input example to trace the model
    traced : torch._C.torch.jit.TopLevelTracedModule
        the traced model of the target model, is this parameter is not None,
        we donnot use the model and dummpy_input to get the trace graph.
    if isinstance(masks, str):
        # if the input is the path of the mask_file
        assert os.path.exists(masks)
        masks = torch.load(masks)
    assert len(masks) > 0, 'Mask tensor cannot be empty'
    # if the user uses the model and dummy_input to trace the model, we
    # should get the traced model handly, so that, we only trace the
    # model once, GroupMaskConflict and ChannelMaskConflict will reuse
    # this traced model.
    if traced is None:
        assert model is not None and dummy_input is not None
        training =
        # We need to trace the model in eval mode
        traced = torch.jit.trace(model, dummy_input)

    fix_group_mask = GroupMaskConflict(masks, model, dummy_input, traced)
    masks = fix_group_mask.fix_mask()
    fix_channel_mask = ChannelMaskConflict(masks, model, dummy_input, traced)
    masks = fix_channel_mask.fix_mask()
    padding_cat_mask = CatMaskPadding(masks, model, dummy_input, traced)
    masks = padding_cat_mask.fix_mask()
    return masks, fix_channel_mask.conv_prune_dim

class MaskFix:
    def __init__(self, masks, model=None, dummy_input=None, traced=None):
        # check if the parameters are valid
        parameter_valid = False
        if traced is not None:
            parameter_valid = True
        elif (model is not None) and (dummy_input is not None):
            parameter_valid = True
        if not parameter_valid:
            raise Exception('The input parameters is invalid!')
        self.model = model
        self.dummy_input = dummy_input
        self.traced = traced
        self.masks = masks

    def fix_mask(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def export(self, path):
        Export the masks after fixing the conflict to file.
        """, path)

[docs]class CatMaskPadding(MaskFix): def __init__(self, masks, model, dummy_input=None, traced=None): """ CatMaskPadding find the layers whose output tensor is passed to the same cat operation. The cat operation concatnates the masks of the input tensors as the output mask, so when some of the input layers of the cat operation are not pruned, we still need to pass the masks of these non-pruned layers(the mask are all ones) to the cat operation to ensure the shape of the output mask is right. Parameters ---------- masks : dict a dict object that stores the masks model : torch.nn.Module model to fix the mask conflict dummy_input : torch.Tensor input example to trace the model traced : torch._C.torch.jit.TopLevelTracedModule the traced model of the target model, is this parameter is not None, we donnot use the model and dummpy_input to get the trace graph. """ super(CatMaskPadding, self).__init__(masks, model, dummy_input, traced) def fix_mask(self): cat_padding_depen = CatPaddingDependency( self.model, self.dummy_input, self.traced) name_to_module = {} for name, module in self.model.named_modules(): name_to_module[name] = module depen = cat_padding_depen.dependency_sets for layers in depen: device = None count = 0 for layer in layers: if layer in self.masks: count += 1 if device is None: device = self.masks[layer]['weight'].device if count == 0: # no layer is pruned continue elif count == len(layers): # all the layers have been pruned continue # pad the mask for the non-pruned layers for layer in layers: if layer in self.masks: continue module = name_to_module[layer] w_shape = w_mask = torch.ones(w_shape).to(device) b_mask = None if hasattr(module, 'bias') and module.bias is not None: # module.bias may be None b_shape = b_mask = torch.ones(b_shape).to(device) self.masks[layer] = {'weight': w_mask, 'bias': b_mask} return self.masks
[docs]class GroupMaskConflict(MaskFix): def __init__(self, masks, model=None, dummy_input=None, traced=None): """ GroupMaskConflict fix the mask conflict between the layers that has group dependecy with each other. Parameters ---------- masks : dict a dict object that stores the masks model : torch.nn.Module model to fix the mask conflict dummy_input : torch.Tensor input example to trace the model traced : torch._C.torch.jit.TopLevelTracedModule the traced model of the target model, is this parameter is not None, we donnot use the model and dummpy_input to get the trace graph. """ super(GroupMaskConflict, self).__init__( masks, model, dummy_input, traced)
[docs] def fix_mask(self): """ Fix the mask conflict before the mask inference for the layers that has group dependencies. This function should be called before the mask inference of the 'speedup' module. """ group_depen = GroupDependency( self.model, self.dummy_input, self.traced) depens = group_depen.dependency for layername in depens: group = depens[layername] if layername not in self.masks: # this layer not pruned continue w_mask = self.masks[layername]['weight'] shape = w_mask.size() count =[1:]) all_ones = (w_mask.flatten(1).sum(-1) == count).nonzero().squeeze(1).tolist() all_zeros = (w_mask.flatten(1).sum(-1) == 0).nonzero().squeeze(1).tolist() if len(all_ones) + len(all_zeros) < w_mask.size(0): # In fine-grained pruning, skip this layer'Layers %s using fine-grained pruning', layername) continue assert shape[0] % group == 0 # Find the number of masked filter for each group (mini_masked). # Because we have to keep the pruned filter can still # be divided into the same number of groups, so we only can # prune mini_masked filters for each group. step = shape[0] / group group_masked = [] for i in range(group): _start = step * i _end = step * (i + 1) _tmp_list = list( filter(lambda x: _start <= x and x < _end, all_zeros)) group_masked.append(_tmp_list) mini_masked = min([len(x) for x in group_masked]) for gm in group_masked: for i in range(mini_masked, len(gm)): # To keep the output channel number still being divisible to # groups, we set the masks of following filters to be zero. pos = gm[i] self.masks[layername]['weight'][pos] = torch.ones( shape[1:]) if 'bias' in self.masks[layername] and self.masks[layername]['bias'] is not None: self.masks[layername]['bias'][pos] = 1 return self.masks
[docs]class ChannelMaskConflict(MaskFix): def __init__(self, masks, model=None, dummy_input=None, traced=None): """ ChannelMaskConflict fix the mask conflict between the layers that has channel dependecy with each other. Parameters ---------- masks : dict a dict object that stores the masks model : torch.nn.Module model to fix the mask conflict dummy_input : torch.Tensor input example to trace the model graph : torch._C.torch.jit.TopLevelTracedModule the traced graph of the target model, is this parameter is not None, we donnot use the model and dummpy_input to get the trace graph. """ super(ChannelMaskConflict, self).__init__( masks, model, dummy_input, traced) self.conv_prune_dim = detect_mask_prune_dim(masks, model)'detected conv prune dim: %s', self.conv_prune_dim)
[docs] def fix_mask(self): """ Fix the mask conflict before the mask inference for the layers that has shape dependencies. This function should be called before the mask inference of the 'speedup' module. Only structured pruning masks are supported. """ if self.conv_prune_dim == 0: channel_depen = ChannelDependency( self.model, self.dummy_input, self.traced) else: channel_depen = InputChannelDependency( self.model, self.dummy_input, self.traced) depen_sets = channel_depen.dependency_sets sum_idx = (1, 2, 3) if self.conv_prune_dim == 0 else (0, 2, 3) (_tmp_name, _tmp_tensor) = list(self.masks.items())[0] device = _tmp_tensor['weight'].device for dset in depen_sets: if len(dset) <= 1: continue # channel_masks is a list, each element is None or a vector, for example: # [[0, 1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1, 0], None], None means no channel # is pruned. channel_masks = [] fine_grained = False for name in dset: if name in self.masks: _, m = get_module_by_name(self.model, name) assert m is not None mask = self.masks[name]['weight'] if type(m).__name__ == 'Conv2d': channel_mask = (mask.abs().sum(sum_idx) != 0).int() channel_masks.append(channel_mask) if (channel_mask.sum() * (mask.numel() / mask.shape[self.conv_prune_dim])).item() != (mask > 0).sum().item(): fine_grained = True elif type(m).__name__ == 'Linear': channel_masks.append((mask.abs().sum(0) != 0).int()) elif type(m).__name__ == 'BatchNorm2d': channel_masks.append( elif type(m).__name__ == 'ConvTranspose2d': # convtranspose have difference memory layout, so that we need create # a tmp_sum_idx for conv_transpose tmp_sum_idx = ( 0, 2, 3) if self.conv_prune_dim == 0 else (1, 2, 3) channel_mask = (mask.abs().sum(tmp_sum_idx) != 0).int() channel_masks.append(channel_mask) if (channel_mask.sum() * (mask.numel() / mask.shape[1 - self.conv_prune_dim])).item() != (mask > 0).sum().item(): fine_grained = True else: raise RuntimeError( f'unsupported module type: {type(m).__name__}') else: # no mask means not pruned, equivlent to full masks channel_masks.append(None) if fine_grained: 'fine-grained mask detected, skip solving conflict for this set: %s', dset) continue if all(x is None for x in channel_masks): continue num_channels_list = [len(x) for x in channel_masks if x is not None] # number of channels in same set should be identical assert len(set(num_channels_list)) == 1 num_channels = num_channels_list[0] for i, dim_mask in enumerate(channel_masks): if dim_mask is None: channel_masks[i] = torch.ones(num_channels).int().to(device) # merge masks with 'or' merged_channel_mask = channel_masks[0].clone() for i in range(1, len(channel_masks)): merged_channel_mask = ( (merged_channel_mask + channel_masks[i]) != 0).int() merged_index = torch.nonzero(merged_channel_mask, as_tuple=True)[0] for name in dset: if name not in self.masks: assert all(merged_channel_mask) continue orig_mask = self.masks[name]['weight'] _, m = get_module_by_name(self.model, name) new_mask = torch.zeros_like(orig_mask) if type(m).__name__ == 'Conv2d': if self.conv_prune_dim == 0: new_mask[merged_index, :, :, :] = 1. else: new_mask[:, merged_index, :, :] = 1. elif type(m).__name__ == 'Linear': new_mask[:, merged_index] = 1. elif type(m).__name__ == 'BatchNorm2d': new_mask = merged_channel_mask.type_as(orig_mask) else: raise RuntimeError( f'unsupported module type: {type(m).__name__}') self.masks[name]['weight'] = new_mask if 'bias' in self.masks[name] and self.masks[name]['bias'] is not None: if type(m).__name__ == 'Conv2d': assert self.conv_prune_dim == 0 self.masks[name]['bias'] = merged_channel_mask.type_as( self.masks[name]['bias']) return self.masks
def detect_mask_prune_dim(masks, model): """ Detect how the masks of convolutional layers are pruned. Parameters ---------- masks: dict A dict object that stores the masks. model: nn.Module Model object which the mask can be applied on. Returns: ------- How the masks of convolutional layers are pruned, this depends on pruning algorithms, it should return 1 for masks generated by AMCPruner, and returns 0 for masks generated by the rest NNI builtin pruners. 0: filter pruning, prune filters of weights which causes channels of output feature maps are pruned. 1: channel pruning, prune kernels corresponding to each input channels which causes channels of input feature maps are pruned. """ dim0_preserved, dim1_preserved = 0., 0. dim0_num, dim1_num = 0., 0. for module_name in masks: _, m = get_module_by_name(model, module_name) if m is None or type(m).__name__ != 'Conv2d': continue mask = masks[module_name]['weight'].clone() assert (mask >= 0).sum() == mask.numel(), \ "mask values should be greater than or equal to 0." mask = (mask > 0).int() mask = mask.view(mask.shape[0], mask.shape[1], -1) dim0_mask = (mask.sum((1, 2)) > 0).int() dim1_mask = (mask.sum((0, 2)) > 0).int() dim0_preserved += dim0_mask.sum().item() dim1_preserved += dim1_mask.sum().item() dim0_num += len(dim0_mask) dim1_num += len(dim1_mask) if dim0_num == 0 or dim1_num == 0: _logger.warning('no multi-dimension masks found.') return 0 dim0_sparsity, dim1_sparsity = 1. - dim0_preserved / \ dim0_num, 1. - dim1_preserved / dim1_num'dim0 sparsity: %f', dim0_sparsity)'dim1 sparsity: %f', dim1_sparsity) if dim0_sparsity == dim1_sparsity == 0.: _logger.warning('nothing masked.') if dim0_sparsity > 0 and dim1_sparsity > 0: _logger.warning('both dim0 and dim1 masks found.') return 0 if dim0_sparsity >= dim1_sparsity else 1