Source code for nni.algorithms.hpo.gridsearch_tuner

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

""" including:
    class GridSearchTuner

import copy
import logging
import numpy as np

import nni
from nni.tuner import Tuner
from nni.utils import convert_dict2tuple

TYPE = '_type'
CHOICE = 'choice'
VALUE = '_value'

logger = logging.getLogger('grid_search_AutoML')

[docs]class GridSearchTuner(Tuner): """ GridSearchTuner will search all the possible configures that the user define in the searchSpace. The only acceptable types of search space are ``choice``, ``quniform``, ``randint`` Type ``choice`` will select one of the options. Note that it can also be nested. Type ``quniform`` will receive three values [``low``, ``high``, ``q``], where [``low``, ``high``] specifies a range and ``q`` specifies the interval. It will be sampled in a way that the first sampled value is ``low``, and each of the following values is 'interval' larger than the value in front of it. Type ``randint`` gives all possible intergers in range[``low``, ``high``). Note that ``high`` is not included. """ def __init__(self): self.count = -1 self.expanded_search_space = [] self.supplement_data = dict() def _json2parameter(self, ss_spec): """ Generate all possible configs for hyperparameters from hyperparameter space. Parameters ---------- ss_spec : dict or list Hyperparameter space or the ``_value`` of a hyperparameter Returns ------- list or dict All the candidate choices of hyperparameters. for a hyperparameter, chosen_params is a list. for multiple hyperparameters (e.g., search space), chosen_params is a dict. """ if isinstance(ss_spec, dict): if '_type' in ss_spec.keys(): _type = ss_spec['_type'] _value = ss_spec['_value'] chosen_params = list() if _type == 'choice': for value in _value: choice = self._json2parameter(value) if isinstance(choice, list): chosen_params.extend(choice) else: chosen_params.append(choice) elif _type == 'quniform': chosen_params = self._parse_quniform(_value) elif _type == 'randint': chosen_params = self._parse_randint(_value) else: raise RuntimeError("Not supported type: %s" % _type) else: chosen_params = dict() for key in ss_spec.keys(): chosen_params[key] = self._json2parameter(ss_spec[key]) return self._expand_parameters(chosen_params) elif isinstance(ss_spec, list): chosen_params = list() for subspec in ss_spec[1:]: choice = self._json2parameter(subspec) if isinstance(choice, list): chosen_params.extend(choice) else: chosen_params.append(choice) chosen_params = list(map(lambda v: {ss_spec[0]: v}, chosen_params)) else: chosen_params = copy.deepcopy(ss_spec) return chosen_params def _parse_quniform(self, param_value): """ Parse type of quniform parameter and return a list """ low, high, q = param_value[0], param_value[1], param_value[2] return np.clip(np.arange(np.round(low/q), np.round(high/q)+1) * q, low, high) def _parse_randint(self, param_value): """ Parse type of randint parameter and return a list """ if param_value[0] >= param_value[1]: raise ValueError("Randint should contain at least 1 candidate, but [%s, %s) contains none.", param_value[0], param_value[1]) return np.arange(param_value[0], param_value[1]).tolist() def _expand_parameters(self, para): """ Enumerate all possible combinations of all parameters Parameters ---------- para : dict {key1: [v11, v12, ...], key2: [v21, v22, ...], ...} Returns ------- dict {{key1: v11, key2: v21, ...}, {key1: v11, key2: v22, ...}, ...} """ if len(para) == 1: for key, values in para.items(): return list(map(lambda v: {key: v}, values)) key = list(para)[0] values = para.pop(key) rest_para = self._expand_parameters(para) ret_para = list() for val in values: for config in rest_para: config[key] = val ret_para.append(copy.deepcopy(config)) return ret_para
[docs] def update_search_space(self, search_space): """ Check if the search space is valid and expand it: support only ``choice``, ``quniform``, ``randint``. Parameters ---------- search_space : dict The format could be referred to search space spec ( """ self.expanded_search_space = self._json2parameter(search_space)
[docs] def generate_parameters(self, parameter_id, **kwargs): """ Generate parameters for one trial. Parameters ---------- parameter_id : int The id for the generated hyperparameter **kwargs Not used Returns ------- dict One configuration from the expanded search space. Raises ------ NoMoreTrialError If all the configurations has been sent, raise :class:`~nni.NoMoreTrialError`. """ self.count += 1 while self.count <= len(self.expanded_search_space) - 1: _params_tuple = convert_dict2tuple(copy.deepcopy(self.expanded_search_space[self.count])) if _params_tuple in self.supplement_data: self.count += 1 else: return self.expanded_search_space[self.count] raise nni.NoMoreTrialError('no more parameters now.')
[docs] def receive_trial_result(self, parameter_id, parameters, value, **kwargs): """ Receive a trial's final performance result reported through :func:`~nni.report_final_result` by the trial. GridSearchTuner does not need trial's results. """ pass
[docs] def import_data(self, data): """ Import additional data for tuning Parameters ---------- list A list of dictionarys, each of which has at least two keys, ``parameter`` and ``value`` """ _completed_num = 0 for trial_info in data:"Importing data, current processing progress %s / %s", _completed_num, len(data)) _completed_num += 1 assert "parameter" in trial_info _params = trial_info["parameter"] assert "value" in trial_info _value = trial_info['value'] if not _value:"Useless trial data, value is %s, skip this trial data.", _value) continue _params_tuple = convert_dict2tuple(copy.deepcopy(_params)) self.supplement_data[_params_tuple] = True"Successfully import data to grid search tuner.")