Source code for nni.retiarii.mutator

from typing import (Any, Iterable, List, Optional)

from .graph import Model

__all__ = ['Sampler', 'Mutator']

Choice = Any

class Sampler:
    Handles `Mutator.choice()` calls.

    def choice(self, candidates: List[Choice], mutator: 'Mutator', model: Model, index: int) -> Choice:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def mutation_start(self, mutator: 'Mutator', model: Model) -> None:

    def mutation_end(self, mutator: 'Mutator', model: Model) -> None:

[docs]class Mutator: """ Mutates graphs in model to generate new model. `Mutator` class will be used in two places: 1. Inherit `Mutator` to implement graph mutation logic. 2. Use `Mutator` subclass to implement NAS strategy. In scenario 1, the subclass should implement `Mutator.mutate()` interface with `Mutator.choice()`. In scenario 2, strategy should use constructor or `Mutator.bind_sampler()` to initialize subclass, and then use `Mutator.apply()` to mutate model. For certain mutator subclasses, strategy or sampler can use `Mutator.dry_run()` to predict choice candidates. # Method names are open for discussion. """ def __init__(self, sampler: Optional[Sampler] = None): self.sampler: Optional[Sampler] = sampler self._cur_model: Optional[Model] = None self._cur_choice_idx: Optional[int] = None
[docs] def bind_sampler(self, sampler: Sampler) -> 'Mutator': """ Set the sampler which will handle `Mutator.choice` calls. """ self.sampler = sampler return self
[docs] def apply(self, model: Model) -> Model: """ Apply this mutator on a model. Returns mutated model. The model will be copied before mutation and the original model will not be modified. """ assert self.sampler is not None copy = model.fork() self._cur_model = copy self._cur_choice_idx = 0 self.sampler.mutation_start(self, copy) self.mutate(copy) self.sampler.mutation_end(self, copy) self._cur_model = None self._cur_choice_idx = None return copy
[docs] def dry_run(self, model: Model) -> List[List[Choice]]: """ Dry run mutator on a model to collect choice candidates. If you invoke this method multiple times on same or different models, it may or may not return identical results, depending on how the subclass implements `Mutator.mutate()`. """ sampler_backup = self.sampler recorder = _RecorderSampler() self.sampler = recorder new_model = self.apply(model) self.sampler = sampler_backup return recorder.recorded_candidates, new_model
[docs] def mutate(self, model: Model) -> None: """ Abstract method to be implemented by subclass. Mutate a model in place. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def choice(self, candidates: Iterable[Choice]) -> Choice: """ Ask sampler to make a choice. """ assert self.sampler is not None and self._cur_model is not None and self._cur_choice_idx is not None ret = self.sampler.choice(list(candidates), self, self._cur_model, self._cur_choice_idx) self._cur_choice_idx += 1 return ret
class _RecorderSampler(Sampler): def __init__(self): self.recorded_candidates: List[List[Choice]] = [] def choice(self, candidates: List[Choice], *args) -> Choice: self.recorded_candidates.append(candidates) return candidates[0] # the following is for inline mutation class LayerChoiceMutator(Mutator): def __init__(self, node_name: str, candidates: List): super().__init__() self.node_name = node_name self.candidates = candidates def mutate(self, model): target = model.get_node_by_name(self.node_name) indexes = [i for i in range(len(self.candidates))] chosen_index = self.choice(indexes) chosen_cand = self.candidates[chosen_index] target.update_operation(chosen_cand['type'], chosen_cand['parameters']) class InputChoiceMutator(Mutator): def __init__(self, node_name: str, n_candidates: int, n_chosen: int, reduction: str): super().__init__() self.node_name = node_name self.n_candidates = n_candidates self.n_chosen = n_chosen self.reduction = reduction def mutate(self, model): target = model.get_node_by_name(self.node_name) candidates = [i for i in range(self.n_candidates)] chosen = [self.choice(candidates) for _ in range(self.n_chosen)] target.update_operation('__torch__.nni.retiarii.nn.pytorch.nn.ChosenInputs', {'chosen': chosen, 'reduction': self.reduction})