Source code for nnicli.nni_client

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

""" A python wrapper for nni rest api


from nnicli import Experiment

exp = Experiment()





import sys
import os
import subprocess
import re
import json
import requests

__all__ = [

EXPERIMENT_PATH = 'experiment'
STATUS_PATH = 'check-status'
JOB_STATISTICS_PATH = 'job-statistics'
TRIAL_JOBS_PATH = 'trial-jobs'
METRICS_PATH = 'metric-data'
EXPORT_DATA_PATH = 'export-data'
API_ROOT_PATH = 'api/v1/nni'

def _nni_rest_get(endpoint, api_path, response_type='json'):
    uri = '{}/{}/{}'.format(endpoint.strip('/'), API_ROOT_PATH, api_path)
    res = requests.get(uri)
    if _http_succeed(res.status_code):
        if response_type == 'json':
            return res.json()
        elif response_type == 'text':
            return res.text
            raise RuntimeError('Incorrect response_type')
        return None

def _http_succeed(status_code):
    return status_code // 100 == 2

def _create_process(cmd):
    if sys.platform == 'win32':
        process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, creationflags=subprocess.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP)
        process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

    while process.poll() is None:
        output = process.stdout.readline()
        if output:
    return process.returncode

def _check_endpoint(endpoint):
    if endpoint is None:
        raise RuntimeError("This instance hasn't been connect to an experiment.")

[docs]class TrialResult: """ TrialResult stores the result information of a trial job. Parameters ---------- json_obj: dict Json object that stores the result information. Attributes ---------- parameter: dict Hyper parameters for this trial. value: serializable object, usually a number, or a dict with key "default" and other extra keys Final result. trialJobId: str Trial job id. """ def __init__(self, json_obj): self.parameter = None self.value = None self.trialJobId = None for key in json_obj.keys(): if key == 'id': setattr(self, 'trialJobId', json_obj[key]) elif hasattr(self, key): setattr(self, key, json_obj[key]) self.value = json.loads(self.value) def __repr__(self): return "TrialResult(parameter: {} value: {} trialJobId: {})".format(self.parameter, self.value, self.trialJobId)
[docs]class TrialMetricData: """ TrialMetricData stores the metric data of a trial job. A trial job may have both intermediate metric and final metric. Parameters ---------- json_obj: dict Json object that stores the metric data. Attributes ---------- timestamp: int Time stamp. trialJobId: str Trial job id. parameterId: int Parameter id. type: str Metric type, `PERIODICAL` for intermediate result and `FINAL` for final result. sequence: int Sequence number in this trial. data: serializable object, usually a number, or a dict with key "default" and other extra keys Metric data. """ def __init__(self, json_obj): self.timestamp = None self.trialJobId = None self.parameterId = None self.type = None self.sequence = None = None for key in json_obj.keys(): setattr(self, key, json_obj[key]) = json.loads(json.loads( def __repr__(self): return "TrialMetricData(timestamp: {} trialJobId: {} parameterId: {} type: {} sequence: {} data: {})" \ .format(self.timestamp, self.trialJobId, self.parameterId, self.type, self.sequence,
[docs]class TrialHyperParameters: """ TrialHyperParameters stores the hyper parameters of a trial job. Parameters ---------- json_obj: dict Json object that stores the hyper parameters. Attributes ---------- parameter_id: int Parameter id. parameter_source: str Parameter source. parameters: dict Hyper parameters. parameter_index: int Parameter index. """ def __init__(self, json_obj): self.parameter_id = None self.parameter_source = None self.parameters = None self.parameter_index = None for key in json_obj.keys(): if hasattr(self, key): setattr(self, key, json_obj[key]) def __repr__(self): return "TrialHyperParameters(parameter_id: {} parameter_source: {} parameters: {} parameter_index: {})" \ .format(self.parameter_id, self.parameter_source, self.parameters, self.parameter_index)
[docs]class TrialJob: """ TrialJob stores the information of a trial job. Parameters ---------- json_obj: dict json object that stores the hyper parameters Attributes ---------- trialJobId: str Trial job id. status: str Job status. hyperParameters: list of `nnicli.TrialHyperParameters` See `nnicli.TrialHyperParameters`. logPath: str Log path. startTime: int Job start time (timestamp). endTime: int Job end time (timestamp). finalMetricData: list of `nnicli.TrialMetricData` See `nnicli.TrialMetricData`. parameter_index: int Parameter index. """ def __init__(self, json_obj): self.trialJobId = None self.status = None self.hyperParameters = None self.logPath = None self.startTime = None self.endTime = None self.finalMetricData = None self.stderrPath = None for key in json_obj.keys(): if key == 'id': setattr(self, 'trialJobId', json_obj[key]) elif hasattr(self, key): setattr(self, key, json_obj[key]) if self.hyperParameters: self.hyperParameters = [TrialHyperParameters(json.loads(e)) for e in self.hyperParameters] if self.finalMetricData: self.finalMetricData = [TrialMetricData(e) for e in self.finalMetricData] def __repr__(self): return ("TrialJob(trialJobId: {} status: {} hyperParameters: {} logPath: {} startTime: {} " "endTime: {} finalMetricData: {} stderrPath: {})") \ .format(self.trialJobId, self.status, self.hyperParameters, self.logPath, self.startTime, self.endTime, self.finalMetricData, self.stderrPath)
[docs]class Experiment: def __init__(self): self._endpoint = None self._exp_id = None self._port = None @property def endpoint(self): return self._endpoint @property def exp_id(self): return self._exp_id @property def port(self): return self._port def _exec_command(self, cmd, port=None): if self._endpoint is not None: raise RuntimeError('This instance has been connected to an experiment.') if _create_process(cmd) != 0: raise RuntimeError('Failed to establish experiment, please check your config.') else: if port: self._port = port else: self._port = 8080 self._endpoint = 'http://localhost:{}'.format(self._port) self._exp_id = self.get_experiment_profile()['id']
[docs] def start_experiment(self, config_file, port=None, debug=False): """ Start an experiment with specified configuration file and connect to it. Parameters ---------- config_file: str Path to the config file. port: int The port of restful server, bigger than 1024. debug: boolean Set debug mode. """ cmd = 'nnictl create --config {}'.format(config_file).split(' ') if port: cmd += '--port {}'.format(port).split(' ') if debug: cmd += ['--debug'] self._exec_command(cmd, port)
[docs] def resume_experiment(self, exp_id, port=None, debug=False): """ Resume a stopped experiment with specified experiment id Parameters ---------- exp_id: str Experiment id. port: int The port of restful server, bigger than 1024. debug: boolean Set debug mode. """ cmd = 'nnictl resume {}'.format(exp_id).split(' ') if port: cmd += '--port {}'.format(port).split(' ') if debug: cmd += ['--debug'] self._exec_command(cmd, port)
[docs] def view_experiment(self, exp_id, port=None): """ View a stopped experiment with specified experiment id. Parameters ---------- exp_id: str Experiment id. port: int The port of restful server, bigger than 1024. """ cmd = 'nnictl view {}'.format(exp_id).split(' ') if port: cmd += '--port {}'.format(port).split(' ') self._exec_command(cmd, port)
[docs] def connect_experiment(self, endpoint): """ Connect to an existing experiment. Parameters ---------- endpoint: str The endpoint of nni rest server, i.e, the url of Web UI. Should be a format like `http://ip:port`. """ if self._endpoint is not None: raise RuntimeError('This instance has been connected to an experiment.') self._endpoint = endpoint try: self._exp_id = self.get_experiment_profile()['id'] except TypeError: raise RuntimeError('Invalid experiment endpoint.') self._port = int(':[0-9]+', self._endpoint).group().replace(':', ''))
[docs] def stop_experiment(self): """Stop the experiment. """ _check_endpoint(self._endpoint) cmd = 'nnictl stop {}'.format(self._exp_id).split(' ') if _create_process(cmd) != 0: raise RuntimeError('Failed to stop experiment.') self._endpoint = None self._exp_id = None self._port = None
[docs] def update_searchspace(self, filename): """ Update the experiment's search space. Parameters ---------- filename: str Path to the searchspace file. """ _check_endpoint(self._endpoint) cmd = 'nnictl update searchspace {} --filename {}'.format(self._exp_id, filename).split(' ') if _create_process(cmd) != 0: raise RuntimeError('Failed to update searchspace.')
[docs] def update_concurrency(self, value): """ Update an experiment's concurrency Parameters ---------- value: int New concurrency value. """ _check_endpoint(self._endpoint) cmd = 'nnictl update concurrency {} --value {}'.format(self._exp_id, value).split(' ') if _create_process(cmd) != 0: raise RuntimeError('Failed to update concurrency.')
[docs] def update_duration(self, value): """ Update an experiment's duration Parameters ---------- value: str Strings like '1m' for one minute or '2h' for two hours. SUFFIX may be 's' for seconds, 'm' for minutes, 'h' for hours or 'd' for days. """ _check_endpoint(self._endpoint) cmd = 'nnictl update duration {} --value {}'.format(self._exp_id, value).split(' ') if _create_process(cmd) != 0: raise RuntimeError('Failed to update duration.')
[docs] def update_trailnum(self, value): """ Update an experiment's maxtrialnum Parameters ---------- value: int New trailnum value. """ _check_endpoint(self._endpoint) cmd = 'nnictl update trialnum {} --value {}'.format(self._exp_id, value).split(' ') if _create_process(cmd) != 0: raise RuntimeError('Failed to update trailnum.')
[docs] def get_experiment_status(self): """ Return experiment status as a dict. Returns ---------- dict Experiment status. """ _check_endpoint(self._endpoint) return _nni_rest_get(self._endpoint, STATUS_PATH)
[docs] def get_trial_job(self, trial_job_id): """ Return a trial job. Parameters ---------- trial_job_id: str Trial job id. Returns ---------- nnicli.TrialJob A `nnicli.TrialJob` instance corresponding to `trial_job_id`. """ _check_endpoint(self._endpoint) assert trial_job_id is not None trial_job = _nni_rest_get(self._endpoint, os.path.join(TRIAL_JOBS_PATH, trial_job_id)) return TrialJob(trial_job)
[docs] def list_trial_jobs(self): """ Return information for all trial jobs as a list. Returns ---------- list List of `nnicli.TrialJob`. """ _check_endpoint(self._endpoint) trial_jobs = _nni_rest_get(self._endpoint, TRIAL_JOBS_PATH) return [TrialJob(e) for e in trial_jobs]
[docs] def get_job_statistics(self): """ Return trial job statistics information as a dict. Returns ---------- list Job statistics information. """ _check_endpoint(self._endpoint) return _nni_rest_get(self._endpoint, JOB_STATISTICS_PATH)
[docs] def get_job_metrics(self, trial_job_id=None): """ Return trial job metrics. Parameters ---------- trial_job_id: str trial job id. if this parameter is None, all trail jobs' metrics will be returned. Returns ---------- dict Each key is a trialJobId, the corresponding value is a list of `nnicli.TrialMetricData`. """ _check_endpoint(self._endpoint) api_path = METRICS_PATH if trial_job_id is None else os.path.join(METRICS_PATH, trial_job_id) output = {} trail_metrics = _nni_rest_get(self._endpoint, api_path) for metric in trail_metrics: trial_id = metric["trialJobId"] if trial_id not in output: output[trial_id] = [TrialMetricData(metric)] else: output[trial_id].append(TrialMetricData(metric)) return output
[docs] def export_data(self): """ Return exported information for all trial jobs. Returns ---------- list List of `nnicli.TrialResult`. """ _check_endpoint(self._endpoint) trial_results = _nni_rest_get(self._endpoint, EXPORT_DATA_PATH) return [TrialResult(e) for e in trial_results]
[docs] def get_experiment_profile(self): """ Return experiment profile as a dict. Returns ---------- dict The profile of the experiment. """ _check_endpoint(self._endpoint) return _nni_rest_get(self._endpoint, EXPERIMENT_PATH)