Source code for nni.medianstop_assessor.medianstop_assessor

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

import logging
from schema import Schema, Optional

from nni import ClassArgsValidator
from nni.assessor import Assessor, AssessResult
from nni.utils import extract_scalar_history

logger = logging.getLogger('medianstop_Assessor')

class MedianstopClassArgsValidator(ClassArgsValidator):
    def validate_class_args(self, **kwargs):
            Optional('optimize_mode'): self.choices('optimize_mode', 'maximize', 'minimize'),
            Optional('start_step'): self.range('start_step', int, 0, 9999),

[docs]class MedianstopAssessor(Assessor): """MedianstopAssessor is The median stopping rule stops a pending trial X at step S if the trial’s best objective value by step S is strictly worse than the median value of the running averages of all completed trials’ objectives reported up to step S Parameters ---------- optimize_mode : str optimize mode, 'maximize' or 'minimize' start_step : int only after receiving start_step number of reported intermediate results """ def __init__(self, optimize_mode='maximize', start_step=0): self._start_step = start_step self._running_history = dict() self._completed_avg_history = dict() if optimize_mode == 'maximize': self._high_better = True elif optimize_mode == 'minimize': self._high_better = False else: self._high_better = True logger.warning('unrecognized optimize_mode %s', optimize_mode) def _update_data(self, trial_job_id, trial_history): """update data Parameters ---------- trial_job_id : int trial job id trial_history : list The history performance matrix of each trial """ if trial_job_id not in self._running_history: self._running_history[trial_job_id] = [] self._running_history[trial_job_id].extend(trial_history[len(self._running_history[trial_job_id]):])
[docs] def trial_end(self, trial_job_id, success): """trial_end Parameters ---------- trial_job_id : int trial job id success : bool True if succssfully finish the experiment, False otherwise """ if trial_job_id in self._running_history: if success: cnt = 0 history_sum = 0 self._completed_avg_history[trial_job_id] = [] for each in self._running_history[trial_job_id]: cnt += 1 history_sum += each self._completed_avg_history[trial_job_id].append(history_sum / cnt) self._running_history.pop(trial_job_id) else: logger.warning('trial_end: trial_job_id does not exist in running_history')
[docs] def assess_trial(self, trial_job_id, trial_history): """assess_trial Parameters ---------- trial_job_id : int trial job id trial_history : list The history performance matrix of each trial Returns ------- bool AssessResult.Good or AssessResult.Bad Raises ------ Exception unrecognize exception in medianstop_assessor """ curr_step = len(trial_history) if curr_step < self._start_step: return AssessResult.Good scalar_trial_history = extract_scalar_history(trial_history) self._update_data(trial_job_id, scalar_trial_history) if self._high_better: best_history = max(scalar_trial_history) else: best_history = min(scalar_trial_history) avg_array = [] for id_ in self._completed_avg_history: if len(self._completed_avg_history[id_]) >= curr_step: avg_array.append(self._completed_avg_history[id_][curr_step - 1]) if avg_array: avg_array.sort() if self._high_better: median = avg_array[(len(avg_array)-1) // 2] return AssessResult.Bad if best_history < median else AssessResult.Good else: median = avg_array[len(avg_array) // 2] return AssessResult.Bad if best_history > median else AssessResult.Good else: return AssessResult.Good