Source code for nni.gp_tuner.gp_tuner

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

GPTuner is a Bayesian Optimization method where Gaussian Process is used for modeling loss functions.

See :class:`GPTuner` for details.

import warnings
import logging
import numpy as np
from schema import Schema, Optional

from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import Matern
from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcessRegressor

from nni import ClassArgsValidator
from nni.tuner import Tuner
from nni.utils import OptimizeMode, extract_scalar_reward

from .target_space import TargetSpace
from .util import UtilityFunction, acq_max

logger = logging.getLogger("GP_Tuner_AutoML")

class GPClassArgsValidator(ClassArgsValidator):
    def validate_class_args(self, **kwargs):
            Optional('optimize_mode'): self.choices('optimize_mode', 'maximize', 'minimize'),
            Optional('utility'): self.choices('utility', 'ei', 'ucb', 'poi'),
            Optional('kappa'): float,
            Optional('xi'): float,
            Optional('nu'): float,
            Optional('alpha'): float,
            Optional('cold_start_num'): int,
            Optional('selection_num_warm_up'):  int,
            Optional('selection_num_starting_points'):  int,

[docs]class GPTuner(Tuner): """ GPTuner is a Bayesian Optimization method where Gaussian Process is used for modeling loss functions. Parameters ---------- optimize_mode : str optimize mode, 'maximize' or 'minimize', by default 'maximize' utility : str utility function (also called 'acquisition funcition') to use, which can be 'ei', 'ucb' or 'poi'. By default 'ei'. kappa : float value used by utility function 'ucb'. The bigger kappa is, the more the tuner will be exploratory. By default 5. xi : float used by utility function 'ei' and 'poi'. The bigger xi is, the more the tuner will be exploratory. By default 0. nu : float used to specify Matern kernel. The smaller nu, the less smooth the approximated function is. By default 2.5. alpha : float Used to specify Gaussian Process Regressor. Larger values correspond to increased noise level in the observations. By default 1e-6. cold_start_num : int Number of random exploration to perform before Gaussian Process. By default 10. selection_num_warm_up : int Number of random points to evaluate for getting the point which maximizes the acquisition function. By default 100000 selection_num_starting_points : int Number of times to run L-BFGS-B from a random starting point after the warmup. By default 250. """ def __init__(self, optimize_mode="maximize", utility='ei', kappa=5, xi=0, nu=2.5, alpha=1e-6, cold_start_num=10, selection_num_warm_up=100000, selection_num_starting_points=250): self._optimize_mode = OptimizeMode(optimize_mode) # utility function related self._utility = utility self._kappa = kappa self._xi = xi # target space self._space = None self._random_state = np.random.RandomState() # nu, alpha are GPR related params self._gp = GaussianProcessRegressor( kernel=Matern(nu=nu), alpha=alpha, normalize_y=True, n_restarts_optimizer=25, random_state=self._random_state ) # num of random evaluations before GPR self._cold_start_num = cold_start_num # params for acq_max self._selection_num_warm_up = selection_num_warm_up self._selection_num_starting_points = selection_num_starting_points # num of imported data self._supplement_data_num = 0
[docs] def update_search_space(self, search_space): """ Update the self.bounds and self.types by the search_space.json file. Override of the abstract method in :class:`~nni.tuner.Tuner`. """ self._space = TargetSpace(search_space, self._random_state)
[docs] def generate_parameters(self, parameter_id, **kwargs): """ Method which provides one set of hyper-parameters. If the number of trial result is lower than cold_start_number, GPTuner will first randomly generate some parameters. Otherwise, choose the parameters by the Gussian Process Model. Override of the abstract method in :class:`~nni.tuner.Tuner`. """ if self._space.len() < self._cold_start_num: results = self._space.random_sample() else: # Sklearn's GP throws a large number of warnings at times, but # we don't really need to see them here. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore"), util = UtilityFunction( kind=self._utility, kappa=self._kappa, xi=self._xi) results = acq_max( f_acq=util.utility, gp=self._gp,, bounds=self._space.bounds, space=self._space, num_warmup=self._selection_num_warm_up, num_starting_points=self._selection_num_starting_points ) results = self._space.array_to_params(results)"Generate paramageters:\n %s", results) return results
[docs] def receive_trial_result(self, parameter_id, parameters, value, **kwargs): """ Method invoked when a trial reports its final result. Override of the abstract method in :class:`~nni.tuner.Tuner`. """ value = extract_scalar_reward(value) if self._optimize_mode == OptimizeMode.Minimize: value = -value"Received trial result.")"value :%s", value)"parameter : %s", parameters) self._space.register(parameters, value)
[docs] def import_data(self, data): """ Import additional data for tuning. Override of the abstract method in :class:`~nni.tuner.Tuner`. """ _completed_num = 0 for trial_info in data: "Importing data, current processing progress %s / %s", _completed_num, len(data)) _completed_num += 1 assert "parameter" in trial_info _params = trial_info["parameter"] assert "value" in trial_info _value = trial_info['value'] if not _value: "Useless trial data, value is %s, skip this trial data.", _value) continue self._supplement_data_num += 1 _parameter_id = '_'.join( ["ImportData", str(self._supplement_data_num)]) self.receive_trial_result( parameter_id=_parameter_id, parameters=_params, value=_value)"Successfully import data to GP tuner.")