Source code for nni.retiarii.evaluator.pytorch.lightning

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

import os
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Union, Optional, List, Type

import pytorch_lightning as pl
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim
import torchmetrics
import as torch_data

import nni
from nni.common.serializer import is_traceable
    from .cgo import trainer as cgo_trainer
    cgo_import_failed = False
except ImportError:
    cgo_import_failed = True

from nni.retiarii.graph import Evaluator

__all__ = ['LightningModule', 'Trainer', 'DataLoader', 'Lightning', 'Classification', 'Regression']

[docs]class LightningModule(pl.LightningModule): """ Basic wrapper of generated model. Lightning modules used in NNI should inherit this class. """ def set_model(self, model: Union[Type[nn.Module], nn.Module]) -> None: if isinstance(model, nn.Module): self.model = model else: self.model = model()
Trainer = nni.trace(pl.Trainer) DataLoader = nni.trace(torch_data.DataLoader) @nni.trace class Lightning(Evaluator): """ Delegate the whole training to PyTorch Lightning. Since the arguments passed to the initialization needs to be serialized, ``LightningModule``, ``Trainer`` or ``DataLoader`` in this file should be used. Another option is to hide dataloader in the Lightning module, in which case, dataloaders are not required for this class to work. Following the programming style of Lightning, metrics sent to NNI should be obtained from ``callback_metrics`` in trainer. Two hooks are added at the end of validation epoch and the end of ``fit``, respectively. The metric name and type depend on the specific task. Parameters ---------- lightning_module : LightningModule Lightning module that defines the training logic. trainer : Trainer Lightning trainer that handles the training. train_dataloders : DataLoader Used in ````. A PyTorch DataLoader with training samples. If the ``lightning_module`` has a predefined train_dataloader method this will be skipped. val_dataloaders : DataLoader or List of DataLoader Used in ````. Either a single PyTorch Dataloader or a list of them, specifying validation samples. If the ``lightning_module`` has a predefined val_dataloaders method this will be skipped. """ def __init__(self, lightning_module: LightningModule, trainer: Trainer, train_dataloader: Optional[DataLoader] = None, val_dataloaders: Union[DataLoader, List[DataLoader], None] = None): assert isinstance(lightning_module, LightningModule), f'Lightning module must be an instance of {__name__}.LightningModule.' if cgo_import_failed: assert isinstance(trainer, pl.Trainer) and is_traceable(trainer), f'Trainer must be imported from {__name__}' else: # this is not isinstance(trainer, Trainer) because with a different trace call, it can be different assert (isinstance(trainer, pl.Trainer) and is_traceable(trainer)) or isinstance(trainer, cgo_trainer.Trainer), \ f'Trainer must be imported from {__name__} or nni.retiarii.evaluator.pytorch.cgo.trainer' assert _check_dataloader(train_dataloader), f'Wrong dataloader type. Try import DataLoader from {__name__}.' assert _check_dataloader(val_dataloaders), f'Wrong dataloader type. Try import DataLoader from {__name__}.' self.module = lightning_module self.trainer = trainer self.train_dataloader = train_dataloader self.val_dataloaders = val_dataloaders @staticmethod def _load(ir): return Lightning(ir['module'], ir['trainer'], ir['train_dataloader'], ir['val_dataloaders']) def _dump(self): return { 'type': self.__class__, 'module': self.module, 'trainer': self.trainer, 'train_dataloader': self.train_dataloader, 'val_dataloaders': self.val_dataloaders } def _execute(self, model_cls): return def __eq__(self, other): eq_func = False eq_args = False if other is None: return False if hasattr(self, "function") and hasattr(other, "function"): eq_func = (self.function == other.function) elif not (hasattr(self, "function") or hasattr(other, "function")): eq_func = True if hasattr(self, "arguments") and hasattr(other, "arguments"): eq_args = (self.arguments == other.arguments) elif not (hasattr(self, "arguments") or hasattr(other, "arguments")): eq_args = True return eq_func and eq_args def fit(self, model): """ Fit the model with provided dataloader, with Lightning trainer. Parameters ---------- model : nn.Module The model to fit. """ self.module.set_model(model) return, self.train_dataloader, self.val_dataloaders) def _check_dataloader(dataloader): if dataloader is None: return True if isinstance(dataloader, list): return all([_check_dataloader(d) for d in dataloader]) return isinstance(dataloader, torch_data.DataLoader) and is_traceable(dataloader) ### The following are some commonly used Lightning modules ### class _SupervisedLearningModule(LightningModule): def __init__(self, criterion: nn.Module, metrics: Dict[str, torchmetrics.Metric], learning_rate: float = 0.001, weight_decay: float = 0., optimizer: optim.Optimizer = optim.Adam, export_onnx: Union[Path, str, bool, None] = None): super().__init__() self.save_hyperparameters('criterion', 'optimizer', 'learning_rate', 'weight_decay') self.criterion = criterion() self.optimizer = optimizer self.metrics = nn.ModuleDict({name: cls() for name, cls in metrics.items()}) if export_onnx is None or export_onnx is True: self.export_onnx = Path(os.environ.get('NNI_OUTPUT_DIR', '.')) / 'model.onnx' self.export_onnx.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True) elif export_onnx: self.export_onnx = Path(export_onnx) else: self.export_onnx = None self._already_exported = False def forward(self, x): y_hat = self.model(x) return y_hat def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): x, y = batch y_hat = self(x) loss = self.criterion(y_hat, y) self.log('train_loss', loss, prog_bar=True) for name, metric in self.metrics.items(): self.log('train_' + name, metric(y_hat, y), prog_bar=True) return loss def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx): x, y = batch y_hat = self(x) if not self._already_exported: try: self.to_onnx(self.export_onnx, x, export_params=True) except RuntimeError as e: warnings.warn(f'ONNX conversion failed. As a result, you might not be able to use visualization. Error message: {e}') self._already_exported = True self.log('val_loss', self.criterion(y_hat, y), prog_bar=True) for name, metric in self.metrics.items(): self.log('val_' + name, metric(y_hat, y), prog_bar=True) def test_step(self, batch, batch_idx): x, y = batch y_hat = self(x) self.log('test_loss', self.criterion(y_hat, y), prog_bar=True) for name, metric in self.metrics.items(): self.log('test_' + name, metric(y_hat, y), prog_bar=True) def configure_optimizers(self): return self.optimizer(self.parameters(), lr=self.hparams.learning_rate, weight_decay=self.hparams.weight_decay) def on_validation_epoch_end(self): nni.report_intermediate_result(self._get_validation_metrics()) def on_fit_end(self): nni.report_final_result(self._get_validation_metrics()) def _get_validation_metrics(self): if len(self.metrics) == 1: metric_name = next(iter(self.metrics)) return self.trainer.callback_metrics['val_' + metric_name].item() else: warnings.warn('Multiple metrics without "default" is not supported by current framework.') return {name: self.trainer.callback_metrics['val_' + name].item() for name in self.metrics} class _AccuracyWithLogits(torchmetrics.Accuracy): def update(self, pred, target): return super().update(nn.functional.softmax(pred), target) @nni.trace class _ClassificationModule(_SupervisedLearningModule): def __init__(self, criterion: nn.Module = nn.CrossEntropyLoss, learning_rate: float = 0.001, weight_decay: float = 0., optimizer: optim.Optimizer = optim.Adam, export_onnx: bool = True): super().__init__(criterion, {'acc': _AccuracyWithLogits}, learning_rate=learning_rate, weight_decay=weight_decay, optimizer=optimizer, export_onnx=export_onnx)
[docs]class Classification(Lightning): """ Trainer that is used for classification. Parameters ---------- criterion : nn.Module Class for criterion module (not an instance). default: ``nn.CrossEntropyLoss`` learning_rate : float Learning rate. default: 0.001 weight_decay : float L2 weight decay. default: 0 optimizer : Optimizer Class for optimizer (not an instance). default: ``Adam`` train_dataloders : DataLoader Used in ````. A PyTorch DataLoader with training samples. If the ``lightning_module`` has a predefined train_dataloader method this will be skipped. val_dataloaders : DataLoader or List of DataLoader Used in ````. Either a single PyTorch Dataloader or a list of them, specifying validation samples. If the ``lightning_module`` has a predefined val_dataloaders method this will be skipped. export_onnx : bool If true, model will be exported to ``model.onnx`` before training starts. default true trainer_kwargs : dict Optional keyword arguments passed to trainer. See `Lightning documentation <>`__ for details. """ def __init__(self, criterion: nn.Module = nn.CrossEntropyLoss, learning_rate: float = 0.001, weight_decay: float = 0., optimizer: optim.Optimizer = optim.Adam, train_dataloader: Optional[DataLoader] = None, val_dataloaders: Union[DataLoader, List[DataLoader], None] = None, export_onnx: bool = True, **trainer_kwargs): module = _ClassificationModule(criterion=criterion, learning_rate=learning_rate, weight_decay=weight_decay, optimizer=optimizer, export_onnx=export_onnx) super().__init__(module, Trainer(**trainer_kwargs), train_dataloader=train_dataloader, val_dataloaders=val_dataloaders)
@nni.trace class _RegressionModule(_SupervisedLearningModule): def __init__(self, criterion: nn.Module = nn.MSELoss, learning_rate: float = 0.001, weight_decay: float = 0., optimizer: optim.Optimizer = optim.Adam, export_onnx: bool = True): super().__init__(criterion, {'mse': torchmetrics.MeanSquaredError}, learning_rate=learning_rate, weight_decay=weight_decay, optimizer=optimizer, export_onnx=export_onnx)
[docs]class Regression(Lightning): """ Trainer that is used for regression. Parameters ---------- criterion : nn.Module Class for criterion module (not an instance). default: ``nn.MSELoss`` learning_rate : float Learning rate. default: 0.001 weight_decay : float L2 weight decay. default: 0 optimizer : Optimizer Class for optimizer (not an instance). default: ``Adam`` train_dataloders : DataLoader Used in ````. A PyTorch DataLoader with training samples. If the ``lightning_module`` has a predefined train_dataloader method this will be skipped. val_dataloaders : DataLoader or List of DataLoader Used in ````. Either a single PyTorch Dataloader or a list of them, specifying validation samples. If the ``lightning_module`` has a predefined val_dataloaders method this will be skipped. export_onnx : bool If true, model will be exported to ``model.onnx`` before training starts. default: true trainer_kwargs : dict Optional keyword arguments passed to trainer. See `Lightning documentation <>`__ for details. """ def __init__(self, criterion: nn.Module = nn.MSELoss, learning_rate: float = 0.001, weight_decay: float = 0., optimizer: optim.Optimizer = optim.Adam, train_dataloader: Optional[DataLoader] = None, val_dataloaders: Union[DataLoader, List[DataLoader], None] = None, export_onnx: bool = True, **trainer_kwargs): module = _RegressionModule(criterion=criterion, learning_rate=learning_rate, weight_decay=weight_decay, optimizer=optimizer, export_onnx=export_onnx) super().__init__(module, Trainer(**trainer_kwargs), train_dataloader=train_dataloader, val_dataloaders=val_dataloaders)