Source code for nni.algorithms.compression.v2.pytorch.pruning.movement_pruner

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

from copy import deepcopy
import logging
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Callable

import torch
from torch import autograd, Tensor
from torch.nn import Module, Parameter
from torch.optim import Optimizer, Adam

from nni.algorithms.compression.v2.pytorch.base.compressor import Compressor, _setattr, LayerInfo
from nni.algorithms.compression.v2.pytorch.pruning.basic_pruner import BasicPruner, NORMAL_SCHEMA, EXCLUDE_SCHEMA, INTERNAL_SCHEMA
from nni.algorithms.compression.v2.pytorch.utils import CompressorSchema, OptimizerConstructHelper
from nni.common.serializer import Traceable

from .tools.base import TrainerBasedDataCollector

from .tools import (

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class PrunerScoredModuleWrapper(Module):
    Wrap a module to enable data parallel, forward method customization and buffer registeration.
    Different from `PrunerModuleWrapper`, `PrunerScoredModuleWrapper` will record the gradient.

        The module user wants to compress.
        The configurations that users specify for compression.
        The name of the module to compress, wrapper module shares same name.
        The pruner used to calculate mask.
    def __init__(self, module: Module, module_name: str, config: Dict, pruner: Compressor):
        # origin layer information
        self.module = module = module_name
        # config and pruner
        self.config = config
        self.pruner = pruner

        self.weight = Parameter(torch.empty(self.module.weight.size()))
        self.weight_score = Parameter(torch.empty(self.weight.size()))
        torch.nn.init.constant_(self.weight_score, val=0.0)

        # register buffer for mask
        self.register_buffer("weight_mask", torch.ones(self.module.weight.shape))
        if hasattr(self.module, 'bias') and self.module.bias is not None:
            self.register_buffer("bias_mask", torch.ones(self.module.bias.shape))
            self.bias = Parameter(torch.empty(self.module.bias.size()))
            self.register_buffer("bias_mask", None)

    def _weight2buffer(self):
        When using this wrapper to inference, call `_weight2buffer()` to make original weight untrainable.
        The best place to call this function is in `Pruner._wrap_model()`.
        """ =
        delattr(self.module, 'weight')
        if hasattr(self.module, 'bias') and self.module.bias is not None:
            delattr(self.module, 'bias')

    def _weight2parameter(self):
        When don't need to record score or need to export the model, call `_weight2parameter()` to make the original weight trainable.
        The best place to call this function is in `Pruner._unwrap_model()`.
        delattr(self.module, 'weight')
        self.module.weight = Parameter(torch.empty(self.weight.size())) = torch.mul(self.weight, self.weight_mask)
        if hasattr(self.module, 'bias') and self.module.bias is not None:
            delattr(self.module, 'bias')
            self.module.bias = Parameter(torch.empty(self.bias.size()))
   = torch.mul(self.bias, self.bias_mask)

    def forward(self, *inputs):
        # apply mask to weight, bias
        self.module.weight = torch.mul(self.weight, _StraightThrough.apply(self.weight_score, self.weight_mask))
        if hasattr(self.module, 'bias') and self.module.bias is not None:
            self.module.bias = torch.mul(self.bias, self.bias_mask)
        return self.module(*inputs)

class _StraightThrough(autograd.Function):
    Straight through the gradient to the score, then the score = initial_score + sum(-lr * grad(weight) * weight).
    def forward(self, score, masks):
        return masks

    def backward(ctx, gradOutput):
        return gradOutput, None

class WeightScoreTrainerBasedDataCollector(TrainerBasedDataCollector):
    Collect all weight_score in wrappers as data used to calculate metrics.
    def collect(self) -> Dict[str, Tensor]:
        for _ in range(self.training_epochs):
            self.trainer(self.compressor.bound_model, self.optimizer, self.criterion)

        data = {}
        for _, wrapper in self.compressor.get_modules_wrapper().items():
            data[] =
        return data

[docs]class MovementPruner(BasicPruner): """ Parameters ---------- model : torch.nn.Module Model to be pruned. config_list : List[Dict] Supported keys: - sparsity : This is to specify the sparsity for each layer in this config to be compressed. - sparsity_per_layer : Equals to sparsity. - op_types : Operation types to be pruned. - op_names : Operation names to be pruned. - op_partial_names: Operation partial names to be pruned, will be autocompleted by NNI. - exclude : Set True then the layers setting by op_types and op_names will be excluded from pruning. trainer : Callable[[Module, Optimizer, Callable] A callable function used to train model or just inference. Take model, optimizer, criterion as input. The model will be trained or inferenced `training_epochs` epochs. Example:: def trainer(model: Module, optimizer: Optimizer, criterion: Callable[[Tensor, Tensor], Tensor]): training = model.train(mode=True) device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") for batch_idx, (data, target) in enumerate(train_loader): data, target =, optimizer.zero_grad() output = model(data) loss = criterion(output, target) loss.backward() # If you don't want to update the model, you can skip `optimizer.step()`, and set train mode False. optimizer.step() model.train(mode=training) traced_optimizer : nni.common.serializer.Traceable(torch.optim.Optimizer) The traced optimizer instance which the optimizer class is wrapped by nni.trace. E.g. traced_optimizer = nni.trace(torch.nn.Adam)(model.parameters()). criterion : Callable[[Tensor, Tensor], Tensor] The criterion function used in trainer. Take model output and target value as input, and return the loss. training_epochs : int The total epoch number for training the model. Make sure the total `optimizer.step()` in `training_epochs` is bigger than `cool_down_beginning_step`. warm_up_step : int The total `optimizer.step()` number before start pruning for warm up. Make sure `warm_up_step` is smaller than `cool_down_beginning_step`. cool_down_beginning_step: int The number of steps at which sparsity stops growing, note that the sparsity stop growing doesn't mean masks not changed. The sparsity after each `optimizer.step()` is: total_sparsity * (1 - (1 - (current_step - warm_up_step) / (cool_down_beginning_step - warm_up_step)) ** 3). """ def __init__(self, model: Module, config_list: List[Dict], trainer: Callable[[Module, Optimizer, Callable], None], traced_optimizer: Traceable, criterion: Callable[[Tensor, Tensor], Tensor], training_epochs: int, warm_up_step: int, cool_down_beginning_step: int): self.trainer = trainer if isinstance(traced_optimizer, OptimizerConstructHelper): self.optimizer_helper = traced_optimizer else: self.optimizer_helper = OptimizerConstructHelper.from_trace(model, traced_optimizer) self.criterion = criterion self.training_epochs = training_epochs self.warm_up_step = warm_up_step self.cool_down_beginning_step = cool_down_beginning_step assert self.warm_up_step < self.cool_down_beginning_step, '`warm_up_step` should smaller than `cool_down_beginning_step`' super().__init__(model, config_list) def _validate_config_before_canonical(self, model: Module, config_list: List[Dict]): schema_list = [deepcopy(NORMAL_SCHEMA), deepcopy(EXCLUDE_SCHEMA), deepcopy(INTERNAL_SCHEMA)] schema = CompressorSchema(schema_list, model, _logger) schema.validate(config_list) def cubic_schedule(self, current_step: int): if self.warm_up_step < current_step <= self.cool_down_beginning_step: wrapper_dict = self.get_modules_wrapper() for config in self.config_list: current_sparsity = config['total_sparsity'] * (1 - (1 - (current_step - self.warm_up_step) / (self.cool_down_beginning_step - self.warm_up_step)) ** 3) for op_name in config['op_names']: wrapper_dict[op_name].config['total_sparsity'] = current_sparsity def reset_tools(self): if self.metrics_calculator is None: self.metrics_calculator = StraightMetricsCalculator() if self.sparsity_allocator is None: self.sparsity_allocator = NormalSparsityAllocator(self, continuous_mask=False) # use Adam to update the weight_score params = [{"params": [p for n, p in self.bound_model.named_parameters() if "weight_score" in n and p.requires_grad]}] optimizer = Adam(params, 1e-2) self.step_counter = 0 # update the masks after each optimzier step def _optimizer_patch(): optimizer.step() optimizer.zero_grad() self.step_counter += 1 if self.step_counter > self.warm_up_step: self.cubic_schedule(self.step_counter) data = {} for _, wrapper in self.get_modules_wrapper().items(): data[] = metrics = self.metrics_calculator.calculate_metrics(data) masks = self.sparsity_allocator.generate_sparsity(metrics) self.load_masks(masks) if self.data_collector is None: self.data_collector = WeightScoreTrainerBasedDataCollector(self, self.trainer, self.optimizer_helper, self.criterion, self.training_epochs, opt_after_tasks=[_optimizer_patch]) else: self.data_collector.reset() def _wrap_model(self): """ Wrap all modules that needed to be compressed. Different from the parent function, call `wrapper._weight2buffer()` after replace the origin module to wrapper. """ if not self.is_wrapped: for _, wrapper in reversed(self.get_modules_wrapper().items()): _setattr(self.bound_model,, wrapper) wrapper._weight2buffer() self.is_wrapped = True def _unwrap_model(self): """ Unwrap all modules that needed to be compressed. Different from the parent function, call `wrapper._weight2parameter()` after replace the wrapper to origin module. """ if self.is_wrapped: for _, wrapper in self.get_modules_wrapper().items(): _setattr(self.bound_model,, wrapper.module) wrapper._weight2parameter() self.is_wrapped = False def _wrap_modules(self, layer: LayerInfo, config: Dict): """ Create a wrapper module to replace the original one. Different from the parent function, use `PrunerScoredModuleWrapper` instead of `PrunerModuleWrapper`. Parameters ---------- layer The layer to instrument the mask. config The configuration for generating the mask. """ _logger.debug("Module detected to compress : %s.", wrapper = PrunerScoredModuleWrapper(layer.module,, config, self) assert hasattr(layer.module, 'weight'), "module %s does not have 'weight' attribute" % # move newly registered buffers to the same device of weight return wrapper def get_origin2wrapped_parameter_name_map(self) -> Dict[str, str]: if self.is_wrapped: self._unwrap_model() parameter_name_map = {name: name for name, _ in self.bound_model.named_parameters()} self._wrap_model() return parameter_name_map else: raise Exception('When only the model is wrapped can get the parameter_name_map.') def compress(self) -> Tuple[Module, Dict]: # sparsity grow from 0 for _, wrapper in self.get_modules_wrapper().items(): wrapper.config['total_sparsity'] = 0 result = super().compress() # del weight_score for _, wrapper in self.get_modules_wrapper().items(): wrapper.weight_score = None return result