Source code for nni.algorithms.compression.pytorch.quantization.dorefa_quantizer

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

import logging
import torch
from schema import Schema, And, Or, Optional
from nni.compression.pytorch.utils.config_validation import QuantizerSchema
from nni.compression.pytorch.compressor import Quantizer
from nni.compression.pytorch.quantization.utils import get_bits_length

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class DoReFaQuantizer(Quantizer): """Quantizer using the DoReFa scheme, as defined in: Zhou et al., DoReFa-Net: Training Low Bitwidth Convolutional Neural Networks with Low Bitwidth Gradients ( """ def __init__(self, model, config_list, optimizer): assert isinstance(optimizer, torch.optim.Optimizer), "unrecognized optimizer type" super().__init__(model, config_list, optimizer) device = next(model.parameters()).device modules_to_compress = self.get_modules_to_compress() for layer, config in modules_to_compress: if "weight" in config.get("quant_types", []): weight_bits = get_bits_length(config, 'weight') layer.module.register_buffer('weight_bits', torch.Tensor([int(weight_bits)])) def _del_simulated_attr(self, module): """ delete redundant parameters in quantize module """ del_attr_list = ['old_weight', 'weight_bits'] for attr in del_attr_list: if hasattr(module, attr): delattr(module, attr)
[docs] def validate_config(self, model, config_list): """ Parameters ---------- model : torch.nn.Module Model to be pruned config_list : list of dict List of configurations """ schema = QuantizerSchema([{ Optional('quant_types'): Schema([lambda x: x in ['weight']]), Optional('quant_bits'): Or(And(int, lambda n: 0 < n < 32), Schema({ Optional('weight'): And(int, lambda n: 0 < n < 32) })), Optional('op_types'): [str], Optional('op_names'): [str], Optional('exclude'): bool }], model, logger) schema.validate(config_list)
[docs] def quantize_weight(self, wrapper, **kwargs): weight = wrapper.module.weight weight_bits = int(wrapper.module.weight_bits) weight = weight.tanh() weight = weight / (2 * weight.abs().max()) + 0.5 weight = self.quantize(weight, weight_bits) weight = 2 * weight - 1 wrapper.module.weight = weight # = weight return weight
def quantize(self, input_ri, q_bits): scale = pow(2, q_bits) - 1 output = torch.round(input_ri * scale) / scale return output
[docs] def export_model(self, model_path, calibration_path=None, onnx_path=None, input_shape=None, device=None): """ Export quantized model weights and calibration parameters(optional) Parameters ---------- model_path : str path to save quantized model weight calibration_path : str (optional) path to save quantize parameters after calibration onnx_path : str (optional) path to save onnx model input_shape : list or tuple input shape to onnx model device : torch.device device of the model, used to place the dummy input tensor for exporting onnx file. the tensor is placed on cpu if ```device``` is None Returns ------- Dict """ assert model_path is not None, 'model_path must be specified' self._unwrap_model() calibration_config = {} for name, module in self.bound_model.named_modules(): if hasattr(module, 'weight_bits'): calibration_config[name] = {} calibration_config[name]['weight_bits'] = int(module.weight_bits) self._del_simulated_attr(module) self.export_model_save(self.bound_model, model_path, calibration_config, calibration_path, onnx_path, input_shape, device) return calibration_config