Source code for nni.algorithms.compression.pytorch.pruning.transformer_pruner

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

import logging
from schema import And, Optional

from nni.common.graph_utils import TorchModuleGraph
from nni.compression.pytorch.utils.shape_dependency import AttentionWeightDependency
from nni.compression.pytorch.utils.config_validation import CompressorSchema
from nni.compression.pytorch.compressor import Pruner
from . import L1WeightHeadMasker, L2WeightHeadMasker, L1ActivationHeadMasker, L2ActivationHeadMasker, TaylorFOHeadMasker

__all__ = ['TransformerHeadPruner']

    'l1_weight': L1WeightHeadMasker,
    'l2_weight': L2WeightHeadMasker,
    'l1_activation': L1ActivationHeadMasker,
    'l2_activation': L2ActivationHeadMasker,
    'taylorfo': TaylorFOHeadMasker

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TransformerHeadPruner(Pruner): """ A pruner specialized for pruning attention heads in models belong to the transformer family. Parameters ---------- model : torch.nn.Module Model to be pruned. Expect a model from transformers library (e.g., BertModel). This pruner can work with other customized transformer models, but some ranking modes might fail. config_list : list Supported keys: - sparsity : This is to specify the sparsity operations to be compressed to. - op_types : Optional. Operation types to prune. (Should be 'Linear' for this pruner.) - op_names : Optional. Operation names to prune. head_hidden_dim : int Dimension of the hidden dimension of each attention head. (e.g., 64 for BERT) We assume that this head_hidden_dim is constant across the entire model. attention_name_groups : list (Optional) List of groups of names for weights of each attention layer. Each element should be a four-element list, with the first three corresponding to Q_proj, K_proj, V_proj (in any order) and the last one being output_proj. dummy_input : torch.Tensor (Optional) Input to model's forward method, used to infer module grouping if attention_name_groups is not specified. This tensor is used by the underlying torch.jit.trace to infer the module graph. ranking_criterion : str The criterion for ranking attention heads. Currently we support: - l1_weight: l1 norm of Q_proj, K_proj, and V_proj - l2_weight: l2 norm of Q_proj, K_proj, and V_proj - l1_activation: l1 norm of the output of attention computation - l2_activation: l2 norm of the output of attention computation - taylorfo: l1 norm of the output of attention computation * gradient for this output (check more details in the masker documentation) global_sort : bool Whether rank the heads globally or locally before deciding heads to prune. num_iterations : int Number of pruning iterations. Defaults to 1 (ont-shot pruning). If num_iterations > 1, the pruner will split the sparsity specified in config_list uniformly and assign a fraction to each pruning iteration. epochs_per_iteration : int Number of finetuning epochs before the next pruning iteration. Only used when num_iterations > 1. If num_iterations is 1, then no finetuning is performed by the pruner after pruning. optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer Optimizer used to train model trainer: function Function used to finetune the model between pruning iterations. Only used when num_iterations > 1 or ranking_criterion is 'taylorfo'. Users should write this function as a normal function to train the PyTorch model and include `model, optimizer, criterion, epoch` as function arguments. Note that the trainer is also used for collecting gradients for pruning if ranking_criterion is 'taylorfo'. In that case, ``epoch=None`` will be passed. criterion: function Function used to calculate the loss between the target and the output. Only used when num_iterations > 1 or ranking_criterion is 'taylorfo'. For example, you can use ``torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()`` as input. forward_runner: function Function used to perform a "dry run" on the model on the entire train/validation dataset in order to collect data for pruning required by the criteria 'l1_activation' or 'l2_activation'. Only used when ranking_criterion is 'l1_activation' or 'l2_activation'. Users should write this function as a normal function that accepts a PyTorch model and runs forward on the model using the entire train/validation dataset. This function is not expected to perform any backpropagation or parameter updates. """ def __init__(self, model, config_list,head_hidden_dim, attention_name_groups=None, dummy_input=None, ranking_criterion='l1_weight', global_sort=False, num_iterations=1, epochs_per_iteration=1, optimizer=None, trainer=None, criterion=None, forward_runner=None, **algo_kwargs): super().__init__(model, config_list) self.head_hidden_dim = int(head_hidden_dim) self.attention_name_groups = attention_name_groups self.dummy_input = dummy_input self.ranking_criterion = ranking_criterion assert self.ranking_criterion in ['l1_weight', 'l2_weight', 'l1_activation', 'l2_activation', 'taylorfo'], \ "Unsupported ranking criteria." self.global_sort = global_sort self.num_iterations = int(num_iterations) assert self.num_iterations >= 1, "num_iterations must be greater than or equal to 1" self.epochs_per_iteration = int(epochs_per_iteration) self._optimizer = optimizer self._trainer = trainer self._criterion = criterion self._forward_runner = forward_runner if self.ranking_criterion in ['taylorfo'] or num_iterations > 1: assert self._trainer is not None assert self._optimizer is not None if self.ranking_criterion in ['l1_activation', 'l2_activation']: assert self._forward_runner is not None # Group generation: one group per attention layer, four weights per group self.masking_groups = [] if self.attention_name_groups is not None:"Note: weights for the same attention layer are grouped using the given attention_name_groups.") self.group_weights_by_name() else: assert self.dummy_input is not None"Note: weights for the same attention layer are grouped using model graph.") self._unwrap_model() self.group_weight_names_by_graph() self._wrap_model() # Group sanity check self.validate_weight_groups() # Remove any mistakenly captured ungrouped modules self._unwrap_model() self.remove_ungrouped_modules() self._wrap_model() self.masker = MASKER_DICT[ranking_criterion](model, self, self.head_hidden_dim, **algo_kwargs) self.pruned_heads = {i: set() for i in range(len(self.masking_groups))}
[docs] def group_weights_by_name(self): """ Populate self.masking_groups using the groups specified by user in attention_name_groups. """ assert len(self.masking_groups) == 0 # build up masking groups name2group = {} for layer_idx, layer in enumerate(self.attention_name_groups): errmsg = 'Each name group must contain 4 weights, with the first three corresponding to Q_proj, K_proj, ' \ 'V_proj (in any order) and the last one being output_proj.' assert len(layer) == 4, errmsg self.masking_groups.append([]) for weight in layer: name2group[weight] = layer_idx # group wrappers for wrapper in self.get_modules_wrapper(): if in name2group: wrapper.group_idx = name2group[] self.masking_groups[name2group[]].append(wrapper)'Grouping updated:')[[ for x in group] for group in self.masking_groups])
[docs] def group_weight_names_by_graph(self): """ Populate self.attention_name_groups by running inference on the module graph. Currently, the group inferred AttentionWeightDependency is limited to a set of four weights, with the first three corresponding to Q_proj, K_proj, V_proj (in any order) and the last one being output_proj. """ try: module_graph = TorchModuleGraph(self.bound_model, self.dummy_input) dependency_tracer = AttentionWeightDependency(traced_model=module_graph.trace) self.attention_name_groups = dependency_tracer.dependency_sets self.group_weights_by_name() except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError('Graph trace failed: please check dummy_input, or specify attention_name_groups.\n' 'Exception message: ' + str(e))
[docs] def validate_weight_groups(self): """ Sanity checks: - Q, K, V projection weights in each groups must have the same shape - output projection weight shape must match total hidden dimension (inferred from Q, K, V projection) - Four weights in a group must have the same sparsity in their config - If global_sort is specified, all weights must have the same sparsity - head_hidden_dim must be a divisor of the output dimension of the projection weights (i.e., the resulting head number must be an integer) """ errmsg = 'Attention weight group sanity check not passed' sparsity = None for group in self.masking_groups: # allow empty groups - may be caused by config list filtering if len(group) == 0: continue assert len(group) == 4, errmsg + ': each group must have four weights' assert group[0].module.weight.size() == group[1].module.weight.size() and \ group[1].module.weight.size() == group[2].module.weight.size(), \ errmsg + ': the dimensions of Q, K, V projection matrices must be the same ' assert group[0].module.weight.size()[0] == group[3].module.weight.size()[1], \ errmsg + ': the dimension of attention results must match with input for output projection' assert group[0].config['sparsity'] == group[1].config['sparsity'] == \ group[2].config['sparsity'] == group[3].config['sparsity'], \ errmsg + ': the sparsity of matrices in the same layer must be the same' if sparsity is None: sparsity = group[0].config['sparsity'] if self.global_sort: assert sparsity == group[0].config['sparsity'], \ errmsg + ': for global_sort=True, the sparsity for all modules must be the same' assert group[0].module.weight.size(0) % self.head_hidden_dim == 0, \ errmsg + ': head_hidden_dim must be a divisor of the output dimension of the projection weights'
[docs] def remove_ungrouped_modules(self): """ Remove non-attention weights that might be mistakenly captured by a simplified config_list. Also update the corresponding list of layer information (self.modules_to_compress) """ care_of_modules = set([x for layer in self.masking_groups for x in layer]) modules_wrapper_new, modules_to_compress_new = [], [] for wrapper, layer_info in zip(self.modules_wrapper, self.modules_to_compress): if wrapper in care_of_modules: modules_wrapper_new.append(wrapper) modules_to_compress_new.append(layer_info) self.modules_wrapper = modules_wrapper_new self.modules_to_compress = modules_to_compress_new
[docs] def validate_config(self, model, config_list): """ Parameters ---------- model : torch.nn.Module Model to be pruned config_list : list List on pruning configs """ schema = CompressorSchema([{ 'sparsity': And(float, lambda n: 0 < n < 1), Optional('op_types'): [str], Optional('op_names'): [str] }], model, logger) schema.validate(config_list)
[docs] def compress(self): for pruning_iter in range(self.num_iterations): if self.ranking_criterion in ['l1_activation', 'l2_activation']: training = self.bound_model.eval() self._forward_runner(self.bound_model) # dry run, forward only self.update_mask() self.bound_model.train(training) elif self.ranking_criterion in ['taylorfo']: self._trainer(self.bound_model, optimizer=self._optimizer, criterion=self._criterion, epoch=None) self.update_mask() else: self.update_mask() # for iterative pruning, if not the last iteration, finetune before next iteration # Then, reset the maskers (may create additional hooks) if self.num_iterations > 1 and pruning_iter != self.num_iterations - 1: for e in range(self.epochs_per_iteration): self._trainer(self.bound_model, optimizer=self._optimizer, criterion=self._criterion, epoch=e+1) self.masker.reset()'Pruned heads after iteration %i', pruning_iter)
[docs] def update_mask(self): """ Calculate and update masks for each masking group. If global_sort is set, the masks for all groups are calculated altogether, and then the groups are updated individually. """ masks_for_all_groups = None if self.global_sort: masks_for_all_groups = self._calc_mask_global() assert len(masks_for_all_groups) == len(self.masking_groups) for group_idx, layer_weight_group in enumerate(self.masking_groups): if self.global_sort: masks = masks_for_all_groups[group_idx] else: masks = self._calc_mask(layer_weight_group) if masks is not None: for i, mask in enumerate(masks): for mask_type in mask: assert hasattr(layer_weight_group[i], mask_type), \ "there is no attribute '%s' in wrapper on %s" % (mask_type, layer_weight_group[i]) setattr(layer_weight_group[i], mask_type, mask[mask_type]) logger.debug(f'mask updated: {layer_weight_group[i].name} {mask_type}')
def _calc_mask(self, weight_group): """ Calculate mask for each group using only layer-local information. When global_sort is set for the pruner, _calc_mask_global should be called instead of this function. Parameters ---------- weight_group : list A list of four wrappers generated by self.group_weights_by_name(). Returns ------- masks : list A four element list corresponding to the masks for each element in the four-element weight group. Each element in masks is a dict with keys "weight_mask" and "bias_mask" (optional). masks can be None if the underlying masker returns None. This means that the mask calculation fails. The calling function can try recalculate the mask at a later time. Note that the calling function might need to call masker.reset() before attempting to recalculate the mask. """ iter_sparsity = weight_group[0].config['sparsity'] / self.num_iterations masks = self.masker.calc_mask(sparsity=iter_sparsity, weight_group=weight_group) return masks def _calc_mask_global(self): """ Calculate mask for all groups using global information. Returns ------- masks_list : list A list corresponding to the masks for each weight group in self.masking_groups. Each element in the returned mask_list is a four-element list corresponding to the masks for each element in a four-element weight group. """ if len(self.get_modules_wrapper()) == 0: return [] overall_sparsity = self.get_modules_wrapper()[0].config['sparsity'] / self.num_iterations n_heads_total = 0 for group in self.masking_groups: if len(group) != 0: q_proj, _, _, _ = group n_heads_total += int(q_proj.module.weight.size()[0] / self.head_hidden_dim) n_heads_to_prune = int(n_heads_total * overall_sparsity) return self.masker.calc_mask_global(n_heads_to_prune)
[docs] def calc_mask(self, wrapper, **kwargs): raise RuntimeError("Applications should directly call TransformerHeadPruner's update_mask() method.")