How to Launch an Experiment from Python


Since v2.0, NNI provides a new way to launch the experiments. Before that, you need to configure the experiment in the YAML configuration file and then use the nnictl command to launch the experiment. Now, you can also configure and run experiments directly in the Python file. If you are familiar with Python programming, this will undoubtedly bring you more convenience.

Run a New Experiment

After successfully installing nni and prepare the trial code, you can start the experiment with a Python script in the following 2 steps.

Step 1 - Initialize an experiment instance and configure it

from nni.experiment import Experiment
experiment = Experiment('local')

Now, you have a Experiment instance, and this experiment will launch trials on your local machine due to training_service='local'.

See all training services supported in NNI.

experiment.config.experiment_name = 'MNIST example'
experiment.config.trial_concurrency = 2
experiment.config.max_trial_number = 10
experiment.config.search_space = search_space
experiment.config.trial_command = 'python3'
experiment.config.trial_code_directory = Path(__file__).parent = 'TPE'
experiment.config.tuner.class_args['optimize_mode'] = 'maximize'
experiment.config.training_service.use_active_gpu = True

Use the form like = 'bar' to configure your experiment.

See all real builtin tuners supported in NNI.

See configuration reference for more detailed usage of these fields.

Step 2 - Just run

Now, you have successfully launched an NNI experiment. And you can type localhost:8080 in your browser to observe your experiment in real time.

In this way, experiment will run in the foreground and will automatically exit when the experiment finished.


If you want to run an experiment in an interactive way, use start() in Step 2. If you launch the experiment in Python script, please use run(), as start() is designed for the interactive scenarios.


Below is an example for this new launching approach. You can find this code in mnist-tfv2/

from pathlib import Path

from nni.experiment import Experiment

search_space = {
    "dropout_rate": { "_type": "uniform", "_value": [0.5, 0.9] },
    "conv_size": { "_type": "choice", "_value": [2, 3, 5, 7] },
    "hidden_size": { "_type": "choice", "_value": [124, 512, 1024] },
    "batch_size": { "_type": "choice", "_value": [16, 32] },
    "learning_rate": { "_type": "choice", "_value": [0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1] }

experiment = Experiment('local')
experiment.config.experiment_name = 'MNIST example'
experiment.config.trial_concurrency = 2
experiment.config.max_trial_number = 10
experiment.config.search_space = search_space
experiment.config.trial_command = 'python3'
experiment.config.trial_code_directory = Path(__file__).parent = 'TPE'
experiment.config.tuner.class_args['optimize_mode'] = 'maximize'
experiment.config.training_service.use_active_gpu = True

Start and Manage a New Experiment

NNI migrates the API in NNI Client to this new launching approach. Launch the experiment by start() instead of run(), then you can use these APIs in interactive mode.

Please refer to example usage and code file python_api_start.ipynb.


run() polls the experiment status and will automatically call stop() when the experiment finished. start() just launched a new experiment, so you need to manually stop the experiment by calling stop().

Connect and Manage an Exist Experiment

If you launch an experiment by nnictl and also want to use these APIs, you can use Experiment.connect() to connect to an existing experiment.

Please refer to example usage and code file python_api_connect.ipynb.


You can use stop() to stop the experiment when connecting to an existing experiment.

Resume/View and Manage a Stopped Experiment

You can use Experiment.resume() and Experiment.view() to resume and view a stopped experiment, these functions behave like nnictl resume and nnictl view.

If you want to manage the experiment, set wait_completion as False and the functions will return an Experiment instance. For more parameters, please refer to API reference.

API Reference

Detailed usage could be found here.


Experiment Config

ExperimentConfig.experiment_name: Optional[str] = None
ExperimentConfig.search_space_file: Optional[Union[pathlib.Path, str]] = None
ExperimentConfig.search_space: Any = None
ExperimentConfig.trial_command: str
ExperimentConfig.trial_code_directory: Union[pathlib.Path, str] = '.'
ExperimentConfig.trial_concurrency: int
ExperimentConfig.trial_gpu_number: Optional[int] = None
ExperimentConfig.max_experiment_duration: Optional[str] = None
ExperimentConfig.max_trial_number: Optional[int] = None
ExperimentConfig.nni_manager_ip: Optional[str] = None
ExperimentConfig.use_annotation: bool = False
ExperimentConfig.debug: bool = False
ExperimentConfig.log_level: Optional[str] = None
ExperimentConfig.experiment_working_directory: Union[pathlib.Path, str] = '~/nni-experiments'
ExperimentConfig.tuner_gpu_indices: Optional[Union[List[int], str, int]] = None
ExperimentConfig.tuner: Optional[nni.experiment.config.common._AlgorithmConfig] = None
ExperimentConfig.assessor: Optional[nni.experiment.config.common._AlgorithmConfig] = None
ExperimentConfig.advisor: Optional[nni.experiment.config.common._AlgorithmConfig] = None
ExperimentConfig.training_service: Union[nni.experiment.config.common.TrainingServiceConfig, List[nni.experiment.config.common.TrainingServiceConfig]]
ExperimentConfig.shared_storage: Optional[nni.experiment.config.common.SharedStorageConfig] = None

Algorithm Config str = None
AlgorithmConfig.class_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
CustomAlgorithmConfig.class_name: str = None
CustomAlgorithmConfig.code_directory: Optional[Union[pathlib.Path, str]] = '.'
CustomAlgorithmConfig.class_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None

Training Service Config

Local Config

LocalConfig.platform: str = 'local'
LocalConfig.use_active_gpu: Optional[bool] = None
LocalConfig.max_trial_number_per_gpu: int = 1
LocalConfig.gpu_indices: Optional[Union[List[int], str, int]] = None

Remote Config

RemoteConfig.platform: str = 'remote'
RemoteConfig.reuse_mode: bool = True
RemoteConfig.machine_list: List[nni.experiment.config.remote.RemoteMachineConfig] str
RemoteMachineConfig.port: int = 22
RemoteMachineConfig.user: str
RemoteMachineConfig.password: Optional[str] = None
RemoteMachineConfig.ssh_key_file: Union[pathlib.Path, str] = None
RemoteMachineConfig.ssh_passphrase: Optional[str] = None
RemoteMachineConfig.use_active_gpu: bool = False
RemoteMachineConfig.max_trial_number_per_gpu: int = 1
RemoteMachineConfig.gpu_indices: Optional[Union[List[int], str, int]] = None
RemoteMachineConfig.python_path: Optional[str] = None

Openpai Config

OpenpaiConfig.platform: str = 'openpai' str
OpenpaiConfig.username: str
OpenpaiConfig.token: str
OpenpaiConfig.trial_cpu_number: int
OpenpaiConfig.trial_memory_size: str
OpenpaiConfig.storage_config_name: str
OpenpaiConfig.docker_image: str = 'msranni/nni:latest'
OpenpaiConfig.local_storage_mount_point: Union[pathlib.Path, str]
OpenpaiConfig.container_storage_mount_point: str
OpenpaiConfig.reuse_mode: bool = True
OpenpaiConfig.openpai_config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
OpenpaiConfig.openpai_config_file: Optional[Union[pathlib.Path, str]] = None

AML Config

AmlConfig.platform: str = 'aml'
AmlConfig.subscription_id: str
AmlConfig.resource_group: str
AmlConfig.workspace_name: str
AmlConfig.compute_target: str
AmlConfig.docker_image: str = 'msranni/nni:latest'
AmlConfig.max_trial_number_per_gpu: int = 1

Shared Storage Config

Nfs Config

NfsConfig.storage_type: str = 'NFS'
NfsConfig.nfs_server: str = None
NfsConfig.exported_directory: str = None

Azure Blob Config

AzureBlobConfig.storage_type: str = 'AzureBlob'
AzureBlobConfig.storage_account_name: str = None
AzureBlobConfig.storage_account_key: Optional[str] = None
AzureBlobConfig.resource_group_name: Optional[str] = None
AzureBlobConfig.container_name: str = None